By Any Means Necessary

I doubt that the thread title requires explanation when applied to the efforts Hitler's Socialist Party.

"Any" means just that.....any....with no limits applied via logic, justice, morality or humanity.

Any means. All means.

And the same when the Soviet's use of concentration camps, gulags, mass starvation were part of the calculation.

But to see the same level applied in America, by Americans, by elected officials and our own citizens.....well, the handwriting for our culture is on the wall: "Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin"

1. How could it have happened that the major political party had a Marxist/Communist as their candidate for President.....had he not been cheated by his own party?

2. Lest any imagine that choosing Bernie was an aberration, here are his clones engineering to kick less Leftists out:


Justice Democrats Name 8-Term Incumbent As First Target In Bid To Primary Moderate Democrats

And, as Bolshevik as they are....they're elected:
"...running on a platform to bring about communal ownership of land, labor and resources “by any means necessary.”

CdeBaca, 32, who considers herself a democratic socialist,..."
Denver Elects Councilwoman Promising To Usher In Communal Ownership ‘By Any Means Necessary’

4. Ground zero for the fascism is, of course, the most anti-free speech institutions, the universities.

This week, the police were called to arrest a student for uttering something someone considered 'offensive.'
"GAME OVER: RAs call the COPS on students playing video game
  • Resident assistants called the police on a group of University of Maryland students playing the video game “Quiplash.”
  • The reported incident was categorized as “hate bias."
According to the police report summary, the UMD students responded to a prompt “I see…” with the statements “I see my GPA falling,” “Civil Rights,” “unstoppable tide of Islam,” “Jared.Too.Much.Jared,” “your mom,” “The Fitness Grand Pacer Test,” and “Too many Jews to kill.” The last response, mentioned in the first paragraph of the police report, appears to be the one with which the RAs took issue."
GAME OVER: RAs call the COPS on students playing video game

5. Neflix, the media arm of the fascists, produced a Burns' 'documentary' designed to support the narrative of a racist the destruction of law and order, their bete noire.....
They attack Linda Fairstein in support of the savages based on
"Linda Fairstein Speaks in her Own Defense After Netflix ‘Central Park Five’ Controversy
“a series so full of distortions and falsehoods as to be an outright fabrication”

Linda Fairstein, the New York City sex crimes prosecutor who handled the famous ‘Central Park Five’ case, has been subjected to a purge after the premiere of a new Netflix program on the subject."
Linda Fairstein Speaks in her Own Defense After Netflix 'Central Park Five' Controversy is one of the perpetrators confessing, who was awarded with $millions because Liberals need to win "by any means necessary."


"by any means necessary"

isn't that the same principle conservatives apply?


you never tire of accusing your enemies of your own crimes. ( any means necessary! ha ha)

Link or lie?'re not capable of anything but lies and parroting bumper stickers.

Carry on.
Fairstein "claims the program has distorted the truth and maligned her unfairly. Now she is speaking out in her own defense. She wrote at the Wall Street Journal:

Netflix’s False Story of the Central Park Five

At about 9 p.m. April 19, 1989, a large group of young men gathered on the corner of 110th Street and Fifth Avenue for the purpose of robbing and beating innocent people in Central Park. There were more than 30 rioters, and the woman known as the “Central Park jogger,” Trisha Meili, was not their only victim. Eight others were attacked, including two men who were beaten so savagely that they required hospitalization for head injuries.

Reporters and filmmakers have explored this story countless times from numerous perspectives, almost always focusing on five attackers and one female jogger. But each has missed the larger picture of that terrible night: a riot in the dark that resulted in the apprehension of more than 15 teenagers who set upon multiple victims.

... filmmaker Ava DuVernay in the Netflix miniseries “When They See Us,” a series so full of distortions and falsehoods as to be an outright fabrication.

It shouldn’t have been hard for Ms. DuVernay to discover the truth. The facts of the original case are documented in a 117-page decision by New York State Supreme Court Justice Thomas Galligan, in sworn testimony given in two trials and affirmed by two appellate courts, and in sworn depositions of more than 95 witnesses—including the five themselves. Instead she has written an utterly false narrative involving an evil mastermind (me) and the falsely accused (the five).

Fairstein points to specific examples of where the program gets it wrong:

Consider the film’s most egregious falsehoods. “When They See Us” repeatedly portrays the suspects as being held without food, deprived of their parents’ company and advice, and not even allowed to use the bathroom. If that had been true, surely they would have brought those issues up and prevailed in pretrial hearings on the voluntariness of their statements, as well as in their lawsuit against the city. They didn’t, because it never happened."
Linda Fairstein Speaks in her Own Defense After Netflix 'Central Park Five' Controversy

Destroy the former prosecutor and the NYC police department, in order to protect the Liberal narrative.

Once again....Rule #1 in effect:

Rule #1
Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.
If their story is a lie, then why did the State of NY exonerate them?

Why did the state then pay them millions in damages?

Think McFly, THINK!!!!

Read carefully.

I explained why they were 'exonerated' and paid.

They were used to perpetuate the lies that use believe.

Bill Ayers said it about himself.....but it applies to this miscarriage of justice:

"Guilty as Sin, Free as a Bird, It's a Great Country"

A nearly $45 million payoff to thugs and criminals.

Your America.

Perhaps the most perplexing "nuance" of this entire matter is how the so-called perpetually oppressed minorities have yet to open their eyes and see for themselves how the meta-narrative of their own repression is the fuel and political currency the Democratic Party depends on to keep it relevant and in the running for any political office. Without using minority voters as whipping boys to drum up false moral outrage over historical events as far in the past as African American slavery, the Democratic Party would cease to exist. But that particular box of tissues has to run out at some point, and no demographic can accept status as "permanent victim" forever, if it hopes to improve the lives of all the people it represents. At some point, African-American culture is going to have to admit to itself the Democratic Party has been keeping it down and out for its own political gain. Until that happens, those metaphorical chains worn by minority "victim" groups will only get heavier and heavier.

This is worth $45 million to Liberals/Democrats

...the Dems can's take a chance on losing the black, here we are.

"...what would happen if a smaller percentage of blacks turned out:

- At 90 percent black turn-out, Wisconsin’s 10 electoral votes slide into the GOP column.

- At 75 percent black turn-out, Pennsylvania’s 21 electoral votes go Republican.

- At 70 percent Michigan’s 17 electoral votes turn from blue to red.

- At 50 percent the GOP collects Delawre’s three electoral votes.

I don’t know what a realistic number to project is for the effects of angry black apathy, but I’ll stop at 50 percent. It may be that going as low as 75 percent is unrealistic. Most likely it’s impossible to say. (And this doesn’t take into account things like congressional districts where black voters make the margin of difference.)"

Do Democrats need the black vote? | RobertEmmet

But what exactly would that mean? In how many states do black voters make the difference? I ran some rough numbers over at Robert Emmet -- check them out. Depending on how much of a drop-off you assume, it could cost the Democrats 10 to 76 electoral votes.

The Democrats and the Black Vote | HuffPost

Democrats are heavily dependent on the black vote. That’s an opportunity for the GOP.
The black vote has become important enough to the Democratic party that a small drop in support could make a big difference.

in the 1992 election, 13 percent of the Democratic vote came from black voters. In 2014, it was 23 percent.

That's the overall trend. On a state-by-state basis -- which is much more important in presidential politics -- it's more complex.

If there'd been a one-point swing from Obama to McCain in North Carolina in 2008, McCain would have won the state. And if the black vote in Florida and Ohio in 2012 had been as strong for the Republicans as it was in 2004 -- in the pre-Obama era -- Romney would have won both."

I hope the black constituency can see through the scam:

Obama's US Civil Rights Commission, 2010 Report:
"The United States Commission on Civil Rights (Commission) is pleased to transmit this report, The Impact of Illegal Immigration on the Wages and Employment Opportunities of Black Workers. A panel of experts briefed members of the Commission on April 4, 2008 regarding the evidence for economic loss and job opportunity costs to black workers attributable to illegal immigration. The panelists also described non-economic factors contributing to the depression of black wages and employment rates.

Illegal immigration to the United States in recent decades has tended to depress both wages and employment rates for low-skilled American citizens, a disproportionate number of whom are black men."
USCCR: Page Not Found
Here is the latest "Mississippi Burning" by the Left.

The documentary is filled with the lies meant to frame America as racist.

Of course it isn't.

Now Fairstein is 'burned' to advance the template.

The facts remain that Trump and many white people had knee-jerk racist reactions to the crime that they were not guilty of.
Why is it you want to defend the ugliness that occurred? Oh, you be racist that's right..

knee jerk reactions are not race limited.

your over-use of the RACE card is quite telling.
I doubt that the thread title requires explanation when applied to the efforts Hitler's Socialist Party.

"Any" means just that.....any....with no limits applied via logic, justice, morality or humanity.

Any means. All means.

And the same when the Soviet's use of concentration camps, gulags, mass starvation were part of the calculation.

But to see the same level applied in America, by Americans, by elected officials and our own citizens.....well, the handwriting for our culture is on the wall: "Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin"

1. How could it have happened that the major political party had a Marxist/Communist as their candidate for President.....had he not been cheated by his own party?

2. Lest any imagine that choosing Bernie was an aberration, here are his clones engineering to kick less Leftists out:


Justice Democrats Name 8-Term Incumbent As First Target In Bid To Primary Moderate Democrats

And, as Bolshevik as they are....they're elected:
"...running on a platform to bring about communal ownership of land, labor and resources “by any means necessary.”

CdeBaca, 32, who considers herself a democratic socialist,..."
Denver Elects Councilwoman Promising To Usher In Communal Ownership ‘By Any Means Necessary’

4. Ground zero for the fascism is, of course, the most anti-free speech institutions, the universities.

This week, the police were called to arrest a student for uttering something someone considered 'offensive.'
"GAME OVER: RAs call the COPS on students playing video game
  • Resident assistants called the police on a group of University of Maryland students playing the video game “Quiplash.”
  • The reported incident was categorized as “hate bias."
According to the police report summary, the UMD students responded to a prompt “I see…” with the statements “I see my GPA falling,” “Civil Rights,” “unstoppable tide of Islam,” “Jared.Too.Much.Jared,” “your mom,” “The Fitness Grand Pacer Test,” and “Too many Jews to kill.” The last response, mentioned in the first paragraph of the police report, appears to be the one with which the RAs took issue."
GAME OVER: RAs call the COPS on students playing video game

5. Neflix, the media arm of the fascists, produced a Burns' 'documentary' designed to support the narrative of a racist the destruction of law and order, their bete noire.....
They attack Linda Fairstein in support of the savages based on
"Linda Fairstein Speaks in her Own Defense After Netflix ‘Central Park Five’ Controversy
“a series so full of distortions and falsehoods as to be an outright fabrication”

Linda Fairstein, the New York City sex crimes prosecutor who handled the famous ‘Central Park Five’ case, has been subjected to a purge after the premiere of a new Netflix program on the subject."
Linda Fairstein Speaks in her Own Defense After Netflix 'Central Park Five' Controversy is one of the perpetrators confessing, who was awarded with $millions because Liberals need to win "by any means necessary."


Resistance is Futile......The Borg didn't create that motto, they borrowed it from the democrat party.
Fairstein "claims the program has distorted the truth and maligned her unfairly. Now she is speaking out in her own defense. She wrote at the Wall Street Journal:

Netflix’s False Story of the Central Park Five

At about 9 p.m. April 19, 1989, a large group of young men gathered on the corner of 110th Street and Fifth Avenue for the purpose of robbing and beating innocent people in Central Park. There were more than 30 rioters, and the woman known as the “Central Park jogger,” Trisha Meili, was not their only victim. Eight others were attacked, including two men who were beaten so savagely that they required hospitalization for head injuries.

Reporters and filmmakers have explored this story countless times from numerous perspectives, almost always focusing on five attackers and one female jogger. But each has missed the larger picture of that terrible night: a riot in the dark that resulted in the apprehension of more than 15 teenagers who set upon multiple victims.

... filmmaker Ava DuVernay in the Netflix miniseries “When They See Us,” a series so full of distortions and falsehoods as to be an outright fabrication.

It shouldn’t have been hard for Ms. DuVernay to discover the truth. The facts of the original case are documented in a 117-page decision by New York State Supreme Court Justice Thomas Galligan, in sworn testimony given in two trials and affirmed by two appellate courts, and in sworn depositions of more than 95 witnesses—including the five themselves. Instead she has written an utterly false narrative involving an evil mastermind (me) and the falsely accused (the five).

Fairstein points to specific examples of where the program gets it wrong:

Consider the film’s most egregious falsehoods. “When They See Us” repeatedly portrays the suspects as being held without food, deprived of their parents’ company and advice, and not even allowed to use the bathroom. If that had been true, surely they would have brought those issues up and prevailed in pretrial hearings on the voluntariness of their statements, as well as in their lawsuit against the city. They didn’t, because it never happened."
Linda Fairstein Speaks in her Own Defense After Netflix 'Central Park Five' Controversy

Destroy the former prosecutor and the NYC police department, in order to protect the Liberal narrative.

Once again....Rule #1 in effect:

Rule #1
Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.
If their story is a lie, then why did the State of NY exonerate them?

Why did the state then pay them millions in damages?

Think McFly, THINK!!!!

Read carefully.

I explained why they were 'exonerated' and paid.

They were used to perpetuate the lies that use believe.

Bill Ayers said it about himself.....but it applies to this miscarriage of justice:

"Guilty as Sin, Free as a Bird, It's a Great Country"

A nearly $45 million payoff to thugs and criminals.

Your America.

Perhaps the most perplexing "nuance" of this entire matter is how the so-called perpetually oppressed minorities have yet to open their eyes and see for themselves how the meta-narrative of their own repression is the fuel and political currency the Democratic Party depends on to keep it relevant and in the running for any political office. Without using minority voters as whipping boys to drum up false moral outrage over historical events as far in the past as African American slavery, the Democratic Party would cease to exist. But that particular box of tissues has to run out at some point, and no demographic can accept status as "permanent victim" forever, if it hopes to improve the lives of all the people it represents. At some point, African-American culture is going to have to admit to itself the Democratic Party has been keeping it down and out for its own political gain. Until that happens, those metaphorical chains worn by minority "victim" groups will only get heavier and heavier.

This is worth $45 million to Liberals/Democrats

...the Dems can's take a chance on losing the black, here we are.

"...what would happen if a smaller percentage of blacks turned out:

- At 90 percent black turn-out, Wisconsin’s 10 electoral votes slide into the GOP column.

- At 75 percent black turn-out, Pennsylvania’s 21 electoral votes go Republican.

- At 70 percent Michigan’s 17 electoral votes turn from blue to red.

- At 50 percent the GOP collects Delawre’s three electoral votes.

I don’t know what a realistic number to project is for the effects of angry black apathy, but I’ll stop at 50 percent. It may be that going as low as 75 percent is unrealistic. Most likely it’s impossible to say. (And this doesn’t take into account things like congressional districts where black voters make the margin of difference.)"

Do Democrats need the black vote? | RobertEmmet

But what exactly would that mean? In how many states do black voters make the difference? I ran some rough numbers over at Robert Emmet -- check them out. Depending on how much of a drop-off you assume, it could cost the Democrats 10 to 76 electoral votes.

The Democrats and the Black Vote | HuffPost

Democrats are heavily dependent on the black vote. That’s an opportunity for the GOP.
The black vote has become important enough to the Democratic party that a small drop in support could make a big difference.

in the 1992 election, 13 percent of the Democratic vote came from black voters. In 2014, it was 23 percent.

That's the overall trend. On a state-by-state basis -- which is much more important in presidential politics -- it's more complex.

If there'd been a one-point swing from Obama to McCain in North Carolina in 2008, McCain would have won the state. And if the black vote in Florida and Ohio in 2012 had been as strong for the Republicans as it was in 2004 -- in the pre-Obama era -- Romney would have won both."

I hope the black constituency can see through the scam:

Obama's US Civil Rights Commission, 2010 Report:
"The United States Commission on Civil Rights (Commission) is pleased to transmit this report, The Impact of Illegal Immigration on the Wages and Employment Opportunities of Black Workers. A panel of experts briefed members of the Commission on April 4, 2008 regarding the evidence for economic loss and job opportunity costs to black workers attributable to illegal immigration. The panelists also described non-economic factors contributing to the depression of black wages and employment rates.

Illegal immigration to the United States in recent decades has tended to depress both wages and employment rates for low-skilled American citizens, a disproportionate number of whom are black men."
USCCR: Page Not Found

It was pointed out this week on a local radio show that one of the reasons the democrats are flooding the country with illegals? The Census....which is why they are fighting the citizenship question....they are back to the slave days of trying to get slaves to count for representation in they want the illegal population to give them more seats in the house and in local districts after the census.....
I doubt that the thread title requires explanation when applied to the efforts Hitler's Socialist Party.

"Any" means just that.....any....with no limits applied via logic, justice, morality or humanity.

Any means. All means.

And the same when the Soviet's use of concentration camps, gulags, mass starvation were part of the calculation.

But to see the same level applied in America, by Americans, by elected officials and our own citizens.....well, the handwriting for our culture is on the wall: "Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin"

1. How could it have happened that the major political party had a Marxist/Communist as their candidate for President.....had he not been cheated by his own party?

2. Lest any imagine that choosing Bernie was an aberration, here are his clones engineering to kick less Leftists out:


Justice Democrats Name 8-Term Incumbent As First Target In Bid To Primary Moderate Democrats

And, as Bolshevik as they are....they're elected:
"...running on a platform to bring about communal ownership of land, labor and resources “by any means necessary.”

CdeBaca, 32, who considers herself a democratic socialist,..."
Denver Elects Councilwoman Promising To Usher In Communal Ownership ‘By Any Means Necessary’

4. Ground zero for the fascism is, of course, the most anti-free speech institutions, the universities.

This week, the police were called to arrest a student for uttering something someone considered 'offensive.'
"GAME OVER: RAs call the COPS on students playing video game
  • Resident assistants called the police on a group of University of Maryland students playing the video game “Quiplash.”
  • The reported incident was categorized as “hate bias."
According to the police report summary, the UMD students responded to a prompt “I see…” with the statements “I see my GPA falling,” “Civil Rights,” “unstoppable tide of Islam,” “Jared.Too.Much.Jared,” “your mom,” “The Fitness Grand Pacer Test,” and “Too many Jews to kill.” The last response, mentioned in the first paragraph of the police report, appears to be the one with which the RAs took issue."
GAME OVER: RAs call the COPS on students playing video game

5. Neflix, the media arm of the fascists, produced a Burns' 'documentary' designed to support the narrative of a racist the destruction of law and order, their bete noire.....
They attack Linda Fairstein in support of the savages based on
"Linda Fairstein Speaks in her Own Defense After Netflix ‘Central Park Five’ Controversy
“a series so full of distortions and falsehoods as to be an outright fabrication”

Linda Fairstein, the New York City sex crimes prosecutor who handled the famous ‘Central Park Five’ case, has been subjected to a purge after the premiere of a new Netflix program on the subject."
Linda Fairstein Speaks in her Own Defense After Netflix 'Central Park Five' Controversy is one of the perpetrators confessing, who was awarded with $millions because Liberals need to win "by any means necessary."


Resistance is Futile......The Borg didn't create that motto, they borrowed it from the democrat party.

Well.....Resistance is futile …..if < 1 ohm
Fairstein "claims the program has distorted the truth and maligned her unfairly. Now she is speaking out in her own defense. She wrote at the Wall Street Journal:

Netflix’s False Story of the Central Park Five

At about 9 p.m. April 19, 1989, a large group of young men gathered on the corner of 110th Street and Fifth Avenue for the purpose of robbing and beating innocent people in Central Park. There were more than 30 rioters, and the woman known as the “Central Park jogger,” Trisha Meili, was not their only victim. Eight others were attacked, including two men who were beaten so savagely that they required hospitalization for head injuries.

Reporters and filmmakers have explored this story countless times from numerous perspectives, almost always focusing on five attackers and one female jogger. But each has missed the larger picture of that terrible night: a riot in the dark that resulted in the apprehension of more than 15 teenagers who set upon multiple victims.

... filmmaker Ava DuVernay in the Netflix miniseries “When They See Us,” a series so full of distortions and falsehoods as to be an outright fabrication.

It shouldn’t have been hard for Ms. DuVernay to discover the truth. The facts of the original case are documented in a 117-page decision by New York State Supreme Court Justice Thomas Galligan, in sworn testimony given in two trials and affirmed by two appellate courts, and in sworn depositions of more than 95 witnesses—including the five themselves. Instead she has written an utterly false narrative involving an evil mastermind (me) and the falsely accused (the five).

Fairstein points to specific examples of where the program gets it wrong:

Consider the film’s most egregious falsehoods. “When They See Us” repeatedly portrays the suspects as being held without food, deprived of their parents’ company and advice, and not even allowed to use the bathroom. If that had been true, surely they would have brought those issues up and prevailed in pretrial hearings on the voluntariness of their statements, as well as in their lawsuit against the city. They didn’t, because it never happened."
Linda Fairstein Speaks in her Own Defense After Netflix 'Central Park Five' Controversy

Destroy the former prosecutor and the NYC police department, in order to protect the Liberal narrative.

Once again....Rule #1 in effect:

Rule #1
Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.
If their story is a lie, then why did the State of NY exonerate them?

Why did the state then pay them millions in damages?

Think McFly, THINK!!!!

Read carefully.

I explained why they were 'exonerated' and paid.

They were used to perpetuate the lies that use believe.

Bill Ayers said it about himself.....but it applies to this miscarriage of justice:

"Guilty as Sin, Free as a Bird, It's a Great Country"

A nearly $45 million payoff to thugs and criminals.

Your America.

Perhaps the most perplexing "nuance" of this entire matter is how the so-called perpetually oppressed minorities have yet to open their eyes and see for themselves how the meta-narrative of their own repression is the fuel and political currency the Democratic Party depends on to keep it relevant and in the running for any political office. Without using minority voters as whipping boys to drum up false moral outrage over historical events as far in the past as African American slavery, the Democratic Party would cease to exist. But that particular box of tissues has to run out at some point, and no demographic can accept status as "permanent victim" forever, if it hopes to improve the lives of all the people it represents. At some point, African-American culture is going to have to admit to itself the Democratic Party has been keeping it down and out for its own political gain. Until that happens, those metaphorical chains worn by minority "victim" groups will only get heavier and heavier.

This is worth $45 million to Liberals/Democrats

...the Dems can's take a chance on losing the black, here we are.

"...what would happen if a smaller percentage of blacks turned out:

- At 90 percent black turn-out, Wisconsin’s 10 electoral votes slide into the GOP column.

- At 75 percent black turn-out, Pennsylvania’s 21 electoral votes go Republican.

- At 70 percent Michigan’s 17 electoral votes turn from blue to red.

- At 50 percent the GOP collects Delawre’s three electoral votes.

I don’t know what a realistic number to project is for the effects of angry black apathy, but I’ll stop at 50 percent. It may be that going as low as 75 percent is unrealistic. Most likely it’s impossible to say. (And this doesn’t take into account things like congressional districts where black voters make the margin of difference.)"

Do Democrats need the black vote? | RobertEmmet

But what exactly would that mean? In how many states do black voters make the difference? I ran some rough numbers over at Robert Emmet -- check them out. Depending on how much of a drop-off you assume, it could cost the Democrats 10 to 76 electoral votes.

The Democrats and the Black Vote | HuffPost

Democrats are heavily dependent on the black vote. That’s an opportunity for the GOP.
The black vote has become important enough to the Democratic party that a small drop in support could make a big difference.

in the 1992 election, 13 percent of the Democratic vote came from black voters. In 2014, it was 23 percent.

That's the overall trend. On a state-by-state basis -- which is much more important in presidential politics -- it's more complex.

If there'd been a one-point swing from Obama to McCain in North Carolina in 2008, McCain would have won the state. And if the black vote in Florida and Ohio in 2012 had been as strong for the Republicans as it was in 2004 -- in the pre-Obama era -- Romney would have won both."

I hope the black constituency can see through the scam:

Obama's US Civil Rights Commission, 2010 Report:
"The United States Commission on Civil Rights (Commission) is pleased to transmit this report, The Impact of Illegal Immigration on the Wages and Employment Opportunities of Black Workers. A panel of experts briefed members of the Commission on April 4, 2008 regarding the evidence for economic loss and job opportunity costs to black workers attributable to illegal immigration. The panelists also described non-economic factors contributing to the depression of black wages and employment rates.

Illegal immigration to the United States in recent decades has tended to depress both wages and employment rates for low-skilled American citizens, a disproportionate number of whom are black men."
USCCR: Page Not Found

It was pointed out this week on a local radio show that one of the reasons the democrats are flooding the country with illegals? The Census....which is why they are fighting the citizenship question....they are back to the slave days of trying to get slaves to count for representation in they want the illegal population to give them more seats in the house and in local districts after the census.....

And more votes.....remember Obama told illegals "when you vote you're a citizen yourself."

1. “In 1989, five black and Latino teenagers from Harlem are arrested and convicted of raping a white woman jogging in New York City’s Central Park. They are incarcerated in prison ranging between 6 and 13 years before a serial rapist confesses to one of the erroneously convicted that he alone had committed the crime, leading to the convictions of those erroneously imprisoned being overturned. “ FILM CAPSULE: The Central Park Five (Ken Burns, Sarah Burns, 2012): USA

2.When the media proclaimed the savage wolf pack Innocent, bolstering the ‘rampant racism’ canard, and they found someone to cop to the rape, I never thought for a moment that they weren’t guilty.

It was simply the media/Democrats hating on innocent folks, sticking up for two-legged beasts, especially if the victim is white.

3. “New York City Agrees to Pay $40 Million to Central Park Five

Decades after five men were wrongfully convicted for the violent rape and assault of a woman jogging in Central Park, New York City has agreed to settle the case for $40 million. “ New York City Agrees to Pay $40 Million to Central Park Five

4. “These documents and videos will certainly challenge the prevailing narrative that completely omitted more than 50 percent of the evidence in this case,” said former prosecutor Linda Fairstein. “These young men were arrested as a result of a meticulous police investigation, and there’s no doubt that they were, as charged, rioting and attacking people in the park.” Documents Renew Debate Over NYC Central Park Five | The Crime Report

5. Is it possible that the Democrat/Liberal powers that be would protect rapists and would-be killers, and award them millions of dollars, to reinforce the myth that America is a racist nation, and those with the right amount of melanin must always be protected and honored????

And, if so, is this because, without the black vote, Democrats would never win a national election???

You betcha’!!!!!
All caps in header(in before the lock)

Yusef Salaam was 15 years old when Donald Trump demanded his execution for a crime he did not commit.
The miscarriage of justice is widely remembered as a definitive moment in New York’s fractured race relations. But Trump’s intervention – he signed full-page newspaper advertisements implicitly calling for the boys to die –

Donald Trump and the Central Park Five: the racially charged rise of a demagogue

Yet the boys were released when the DNA evidence cleared them....Of course the prosecutor is going to try to defend her actions in trying to put away and possibly kill the innocent black boys...She was a monster as was many in the white community that were ready to lynch these boys for a crime they never committed...
Thanks Polislick for showing us yet again your true nature of trying to twist the truth to fit your narrative...
Here is the latest "Mississippi Burning" by the Left.

The documentary is filled with the lies meant to frame America as racist.

Of course it isn't.

Now Fairstein is 'burned' to advance the template.

The facts remain that Trump and many white people had knee-jerk racist reactions to the crime that they were not guilty of.
Why is it you want to defend the ugliness that occurred? Oh, you be racist that's right..
You are full of shit. They were all tried and convicted by a jury of their peers because they were proven guilty.

They got off easy for the crimes they committed. They should have been lynched in Central Park.

You do realize Marx'sAsshole... that gun control became a hot topic in the 1960's when black activists started openly carrying long guns in public right?

When white cops started whining to the liberal media about being afraid now that Leroy was getting uppity, your beloved democrook party began embracing gun control again. Just like those Jim Crow laws.

I'm personally proud that they had the ability to carry weapons, and managed to call attention to their rights.

It's just too bad they allowed themselves to be influenced by marxists, rather than libertarian ideas.

"Guilty as Sin, Free as a Bird, It's a Great Country"

This review of the issue from Michael Armstrong, in the WSJ when NY mayor signed off on the $40 million to the culprits.....

“The defendants were convicted in 1990 for participating, with 30 or 35 other 14- to 16-year-olds, in a series of attacks in Central Park on the evening of April 19, 1989. The convictions were based largely on the defendants' own statements to the police. By far the most serious of the assaults was the horrific, bloody rape and near-murder of a 29-year-old female jogger, who survived, but without any memory of what had happened. The defendants served prison sentences from six to 13 years.

The defendants were convicted not only for attacking the jogger, but for assaulting others as well. The other victims included a man beaten into unconsciousness with a pipe. No evidence contradicts these convictions. For the most part they were confirmed by the defendants and have never been specifically denied.

There is no evidence that police or prosecutors coerced the defendants or fed them stories. Trial judge Thomas Galligan held an extensive, six-week pretrial hearing on the precise issue of whether the defendants' statements were improperly obtained. His 116-page opinion stated that with one minor exception, regarding a peripheral remark, they were not.

Four of the five defendants at the pretrial hearing made no allegation that they had been coerced or told what to say. The court rejected the fifth defendant's charges that he was coerced and fed a story. The claims by all of the defendants that confessions were extracted under police pressure came only after they consulted civil attorneys.

The 2002 court order vacating the defendants' convictions did not exonerate them. They were granted new trials, at which they could present "newly discovered evidence," consisting solely of the uncorroborated claim of a psychotic killer/rapist that he acted all by himself. This claim could then be subjected to cross examination. But the defendants had served their sentences, no trials were held, and the killer's claim was never tested.” Persistent Myths in the Central Park Jogger Case
1. “In 1989, five black and Latino teenagers from Harlem are arrested and convicted of raping a white woman jogging in New York City’s Central Park. They are incarcerated in prison ranging between 6 and 13 years before a serial rapist confesses to one of the erroneously convicted that he alone had committed the crime, leading to the convictions of those erroneously imprisoned being overturned. “ FILM CAPSULE: The Central Park Five (Ken Burns, Sarah Burns, 2012): USA

2.When the media proclaimed the savage wolf pack Innocent, bolstering the ‘rampant racism’ canard, and they found someone to cop to the rape, I never thought for a moment that they weren’t guilty.

It was simply the media/Democrats hating on innocent folks, sticking up for two-legged beasts, especially if the victim is white.

3. “New York City Agrees to Pay $40 Million to Central Park Five

Decades after five men were wrongfully convicted for the violent rape and assault of a woman jogging in Central Park, New York City has agreed to settle the case for $40 million. “ New York City Agrees to Pay $40 Million to Central Park Five

4. “These documents and videos will certainly challenge the prevailing narrative that completely omitted more than 50 percent of the evidence in this case,” said former prosecutor Linda Fairstein. “These young men were arrested as a result of a meticulous police investigation, and there’s no doubt that they were, as charged, rioting and attacking people in the park.” Documents Renew Debate Over NYC Central Park Five | The Crime Report

5. Is it possible that the Democrat/Liberal powers that be would protect rapists and would-be killers, and award them millions of dollars, to reinforce the myth that America is a racist nation, and those with the right amount of melanin must always be protected and honored????

And, if so, is this because, without the black vote, Democrats would never win a national election???

You betcha’!!!!!

Did you see the article I posted about the 5 goes into detail about why the guy who raped the woman, after the 5 thugs and the other monsters beat her into a coma, confessed......

The Central Park 5 Were Murderous Thugs

In 2002, a convicted serial rapist named Matias Reyes — who was already serving a 33-years-to-life sentence for other felonies but had never been investigated as a suspect in the Central Park jogger case — suddenly confessed to having perpetrated Trisha Meili's April 19, 1989 rape. Authorities quickly confirmed his claim by matching his DNA with the DNA from the semen which had been collected during the original investigation thirteen years earlier. Reyes's confession had no bearing on the prison time that he was already serving, as the statute of limitations regarding the Trisha Meili case had expired.

Reyes was a violent psychopath with a long history of forcing his way into women's apartments and attacking them. In one of those cases, he had raped a then-pregnant woman named Lourdes Gonzalez before stabbing her nine times while her young children were in the next room, listening to their mother suffer and die. And yet now, not only was Reyes confessing to a crime for which he had never even been charged, but he was claiming (falsely) to have acted alone in attacking Trisha Meili in Central Park. Why?

Reyes said he felt guilty that five innocent men had been punished for a crime that he committed. But those punishments were basically over by the time Reyes made his confession. Four members of the Central Park Five were already out of prison, and the fifth, Kharey Wise, was scheduled to be released very soon. It is simply not believable that a lifelong remorseless monster like Matias Reyes would suddenly have been motivated by a pang of guilt. A much more plausible explanation rests with the well-substantiated fact that Reyes, who had recentlybeen moved to Kharey Wise's prison cellblock, feared Wise's gang and desperately wanted to be transferred to a more secure and hospitable prison location. And sure enough, after he confessed to the rape of Miss Meili, he quickly received the transfer that he wanted.
1. “In 1989, five black and Latino teenagers from Harlem are arrested and convicted of raping a white woman jogging in New York City’s Central Park. They are incarcerated in prison ranging between 6 and 13 years before a serial rapist confesses to one of the erroneously convicted that he alone had committed the crime, leading to the convictions of those erroneously imprisoned being overturned. “ FILM CAPSULE: The Central Park Five (Ken Burns, Sarah Burns, 2012): USA

2.When the media proclaimed the savage wolf pack Innocent, bolstering the ‘rampant racism’ canard, and they found someone to cop to the rape, I never thought for a moment that they weren’t guilty.

It was simply the media/Democrats hating on innocent folks, sticking up for two-legged beasts, especially if the victim is white.

3. “New York City Agrees to Pay $40 Million to Central Park Five

Decades after five men were wrongfully convicted for the violent rape and assault of a woman jogging in Central Park, New York City has agreed to settle the case for $40 million. “ New York City Agrees to Pay $40 Million to Central Park Five

4. “These documents and videos will certainly challenge the prevailing narrative that completely omitted more than 50 percent of the evidence in this case,” said former prosecutor Linda Fairstein. “These young men were arrested as a result of a meticulous police investigation, and there’s no doubt that they were, as charged, rioting and attacking people in the park.” Documents Renew Debate Over NYC Central Park Five | The Crime Report

5. Is it possible that the Democrat/Liberal powers that be would protect rapists and would-be killers, and award them millions of dollars, to reinforce the myth that America is a racist nation, and those with the right amount of melanin must always be protected and honored????

And, if so, is this because, without the black vote, Democrats would never win a national election???

You betcha’!!!!!

Did you see the article I posted about the 5 goes into detail about why the guy who raped the woman, after the 5 thugs and the other monsters beat her into a coma, confessed......

The Central Park 5 Were Murderous Thugs

In 2002, a convicted serial rapist named Matias Reyes — who was already serving a 33-years-to-life sentence for other felonies but had never been investigated as a suspect in the Central Park jogger case — suddenly confessed to having perpetrated Trisha Meili's April 19, 1989 rape. Authorities quickly confirmed his claim by matching his DNA with the DNA from the semen which had been collected during the original investigation thirteen years earlier. Reyes's confession had no bearing on the prison time that he was already serving, as the statute of limitations regarding the Trisha Meili case had expired.

Reyes was a violent psychopath with a long history of forcing his way into women's apartments and attacking them. In one of those cases, he had raped a then-pregnant woman named Lourdes Gonzalez before stabbing her nine times while her young children were in the next room, listening to their mother suffer and die. And yet now, not only was Reyes confessing to a crime for which he had never even been charged, but he was claiming (falsely) to have acted alone in attacking Trisha Meili in Central Park. Why?

Reyes said he felt guilty that five innocent men had been punished for a crime that he committed. But those punishments were basically over by the time Reyes made his confession. Four members of the Central Park Five were already out of prison, and the fifth, Kharey Wise, was scheduled to be released very soon. It is simply not believable that a lifelong remorseless monster like Matias Reyes would suddenly have been motivated by a pang of guilt. A much more plausible explanation rests with the well-substantiated fact that Reyes, who had recentlybeen moved to Kharey Wise's prison cellblock, feared Wise's gang and desperately wanted to be transferred to a more secure and hospitable prison location. And sure enough, after he confessed to the rape of Miss Meili, he quickly received the transfer that he wanted.

No, I hadn't seen it. Thank you for re-posting.

Of course he confessed but this didn't 'exonerate' the gang that had also been involved in the attack.

"The victim, Trisha Meili, still remembers nothing of the attack after she was bound, gagged, raped and beaten nearly to death. When she was found, more than 75 percent of her blood had drained from her body and her skull had been smashed in.

Meili was in a coma for 12 days and suffered permanent brain damage."
Chilling crime scene photos released of Central Park jogger attack | Daily Mail Online

"Accomplice liability through “complicity” exists in every state and at the federal level. Accomplices that encourage, assist, command, and otherwise assist in the commission of a crime by a principal are equally culpable and subject to the same punishment. One that helps surveil, catch up with, entrap, and hold down a victim, or provide lookout during the foregoing without leaving DNA behind is an accomplice and can be charged with rape and sentenced just the same as the principal that penetrates a victim and leaves DNA behind."
Linda Fairstein Speaks in her Own Defense After Netflix 'Central Park Five' Controversy

"Complicity in criminal law refers to when someone is legally accountable, or liable for a criminal offense, based upon the behavior of another. Criminal complicity may arise in the following situations:

With the intent to promote or assist the commission of the offense:

1. a person procures, induces or causes such other person to commit the offense; or

2. a person aids or abets such other person in committing the offense; or

3. having a legal duty to prevent the commission of the offense, a person fails to make an effort he is legally required to make."
Complicity Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc.
Can the Democrats/Liberals be so power-mad that they’d, in real life, produce what should be a script for the über-Liberal show ‘Law and Order’???
Oh, yeah they would: take a look at the framing of Trump they attempted via the Mueller Farrago.

This episode would be called “Poor Little Black Boys Framed By The Horrid White Racists of New York City.”
Liberals would buy it like it was on sale.

“According to the media, the five convicted boys were INNOCENT — … But let's look at how "innocent" they were.

On April 19, 1989, investment banker Trisha Meili went for a run through Central Park around 9 p.m., whereupon she was attacked by a wolf pack looking for a "white girl," dragged 100 yards into the woods, stripped, beaten with a pipe and a brick, raped and left for dead.

By the time the police found Meili, she'd lost three-quarters of her blood.

Of the 37 youths brought in for questioning about the multiple violent attacks in the park that night, only 10 were charged with a crime and only five for the rape of the jogger….
All five confessed -- four on videotape with adult relatives present and one with a parent present, but not on videotape.
Two unanimous, multicultural juries convicted them
, despite aggressive defense lawyers putting on their best case.”
Central Park Rapists: Trump Was Right | Human Events

Sooo…..the horrifying details of the rape and attempted murder aside, and the confessions and guilty verdicts “…the media have a different method of judging guilt and innocence. They don't look at irrelevant factors, such as evidence, but at relevant factors such as the race of the accused and the victim.

Unfortunately for Meili, she was guilty of white privilege, while her attackers belonged to the "people of color" Brahmin caste.

“All five confessed -- four on videotape with adult relatives present and one with a parent present, but not on videotape.

Two unanimous, multicultural juries convicted them
, …”

And…..there was evidence.

“The city of New York released thousands of documents from the 1989 Central Park rape case last week,….

On the drive to the precinct, Raymond Santana blurted out, "I had nothing to do with the rape. All I did was feel the woman's t--s." The cops didn't even know about a rape yet.

Yusef Salaam announced to the detective interviewing him, "I was there, but I didn't rape her." Even if true, under the law, anyone who participated in the attack on Meili is guilty of her rape.

Two of Korey Wise's friends said that when they ran into him on the street the day after the attack, he told them the cops were after him. "You heard about that woman that was beat up and raped in the park last night? That was us!"

Taken to the scene of the crime by a detective and a prosecutor, he said, "Damn, damn, that's a lot of blood. ... I knew she was bleeding, but I didn't know how bad she was. It was dark. I couldn't see how much blood there was at night."
Astounding as it is, the liars…, Liberals, are still using the term ‘innocent for these animals.

Does this sound like ‘innocent’ to you?

One of the suspects “told a detective that someone he thought was named "Rudy" stole the jogger's Walkman and belt pouch. The jogger was still in a coma. The police did not know yet that a Walkman had been stolen from her.

Wise told a friend's sister, Melody Jackson, that he didn't rape the jogger; he "only held her legs down while Kevin (Richardson) f---ed her." Jackson volunteered this information to the police, thinking it would help Wise.

The night of the attack, Richardson told an acquaintance, "We just raped somebody." The crotch of his underwear was suspiciously stained with semen, grass stains, dirt and debris. Walking near the crime scene with a detective the next day, Richardson said, “This is where we got her … where the raping occurred.”

Santana and Richardson independently brought investigators to the precise location of the attack on the jogger.”
Central Park Rapists: Trump Was Right | Human Events

All made up by those racist cops who Obama says act ‘stupidly,’ huh?
Somehow, Liberals/Democrats are more than willing to overlook the most bestial behavior if they can imagine it translating into votes, and power.

"One of the youths arrested that night stated on videotape that he heard Santana and another boy laughing about “how they ‘made a woman bleed.'”

… the victim was a privileged white woman (BAD!) and the perpetrators were youths of color (GOOD!).So the media lied and claimed the DNA evidence "exonerated" them.

This allegation was based on Matias Reyes' confession to the attack. His DNA matched the unidentified DNA on the jogger -- proving nothing, other than that he was the one who "got away." He is also the "Rudy" who stole her Walkman, as Wise said at the time. Reyes admitted he took it. How did Wise know that?

A cellmate of Reyes claims he said that he heard a woman screaming in the park that night and ran to join in the rape.

The "exoneration" comes down to Reyes' unsubstantiated claim that he acted alone. Years of careful investigation, videotaped confessions, witness statements, assembling evidence, trial by jury and repeated appeals -- all that is nothing compared to the word of an upstanding citizen like Reyes, a violent psychopath who sexually assaulted his own mother and raped and murdered a pregnant woman while her children heard the attack through the bedroom door.

…Reyes faced absolutely no penalty for his confession -- the statute of limitations had run out years earlier.

All he had to do was confess -- with no penalty -- and announce that he acted alone. The Social Justice Warriors would take it from there.”
Central Park Rapists: Trump Was Right | Human Events
“The city of New York released thousands of documents from the 1989 Central Park rape case last week, provoking more weeping and gnashing of teeth over Donald Trump’s full-page ads in four New York newspapers taken out soon after that attack with the headline:



Of muggers and murderers, he said, “I no longer want to understand their anger. I want them to understand our anger. … They should be forced to suffer and, when they kill, they should be executed for their crimes.” Central Park Rapists: Trump Was Right

Donald J. Trump “paid a reported $85,000 to take out advertising space in four of the city’s newspapers, including the New York Times. Under the headline “Bring Back The Death Penalty. Bring Back Our Police!” and above his signature, Trump wrote: “I want to hate these muggers and murderers. They should be forced to suffer and, when they kill, they should be executed for their crimes. They must serve as examples so that others will think long and hard before committing a crime or an act of violence.” Donald Trump and the Central Park Five: the racially charged rise of a demagogue

“Trump’s idea: Punish them.

And you still can’t figure out how he became president.” Central Park Rapists: Trump Was Right
"...we’ll review the evidence of their guilt -- presented in courts of law and ruled on by actual judges and juries.

The five accused rapists -- Kevin Richardson, Antron McCray, Raymond Santana, Yusef Salaam and Kharey Wise -- were duly convicted of the 1989 Central Park rape, as well as other assaults in the park that night; “exonerated” 13 years later; and, more than a decade after that, paid $40 million by the city of New York to settle a malicious prosecution case within months of Bill de Blasio becoming mayor, despite city lawyers’ confidence that they would win at trial.

To his credit, Mayor Michael Bloomberg refused to give the "exonerated" convicts a dime.

Today, they are civil rights heroes to Hollywood airheads and others completely unfamiliar with the facts of the case."
Ann Coulter

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