By far easiest way to make economy grow:

Then show they increased the rate of expansion. I don't see it.

why be stupid and liberal ?? Do you really think that the less money venture capitalists have the more Googles Apples Amazons and Teslas they can fund??

Show they increased the rate of expansion.
why be stupid and liberal ?? Do you really think that the less money venture capitalists have the more Googles Apples Amazons and Teslas they can fund??
Then show they increased the rate of expansion. I don't see it.

why be stupid and liberal ?? Do you really think that the less money venture capitalists have the more Googles Apples Amazons and Teslas they can fund??

Show they increased the rate of expansion.
why be stupid and liberal ?? Do you really think that the less money venture capitalists have the more Googles Apples Amazons and Teslas they can fund??

Why be stupid and Conservative??
Most of the money for investment goes OVERSEAS.
Then show they increased the rate of expansion. I don't see it.

why be stupid and liberal ?? Do you really think that the less money venture capitalists have the more Googles Apples Amazons and Teslas they can fund??

Show they increased the rate of expansion.
why be stupid and liberal ?? Do you really think that the less money venture capitalists have the more Googles Apples Amazons and Teslas they can fund??

Why be stupid and Conservative??
Most of the money for investment goes OVERSEAS.

dear you are too stupid to be here. What subject are you on????
Then show they increased the rate of expansion. I don't see it.

why be stupid and liberal ?? Do you really think that the less money venture capitalists have the more Googles Apples Amazons and Teslas they can fund??

Show they increased the rate of expansion.
why be stupid and liberal ?? Do you really think that the less money venture capitalists have the more Googles Apples Amazons and Teslas they can fund??

Can't show it? Didn't think so. Lies will get you nowhere.
Then show they increased the rate of expansion. I don't see it.

why be stupid and liberal ?? Do you really think that the less money venture capitalists have the more Googles Apples Amazons and Teslas they can fund??

Show they increased the rate of expansion.
why be stupid and liberal ?? Do you really think that the less money venture capitalists have the more Googles Apples Amazons and Teslas they can fund??

Why be stupid and Conservative??
Most of the money for investment goes OVERSEAS.

dear you are too stupid to be here. What subject are you on????
You...The Parrot that was trained to type by a stupid Neo-Con.
Wait...Stupid Neo-Con is redundant; all I had to type was Neo-Con!
Then show they increased the rate of expansion. I don't see it.

why be stupid and liberal ?? Do you really think that the less money venture capitalists have the more Googles Apples Amazons and Teslas they can fund??

Show they increased the rate of expansion.
why be stupid and liberal ?? Do you really think that the less money venture capitalists have the more Googles Apples Amazons and Teslas they can fund??

Why be stupid and Conservative??
Most of the money for investment goes OVERSEAS.

dear you are too stupid to be here. What subject are you on????

You have yet to come close to an intelligent thought. Yes you are too stupid to be here.
Wrong. Today's jobs pay better because of
1) Unions
2) Competition from high paying government jobs
3) Welfare

If you get rid of the government and unions and unleash the capitalists, you'll be working slave wages like the 19th century again.

The Middle Class was created by government and unions, not the Market God. The Market God Utopia has no place for a middle class. Only the exploiters and the exploited.

Well, except for the fact that all that is illegal ... but, let's not let that little fact get in the way.
Then show they increased the rate of expansion. I don't see it.

why be stupid and liberal ?? Do you really think that the less money venture capitalists have the more Googles Apples Amazons and Teslas they can fund??

Show they increased the rate of expansion.
why be stupid and liberal ?? Do you really think that the less money venture capitalists have the more Googles Apples Amazons and Teslas they can fund??

Can't show it? Didn't think so. Lies will get you nowhere.

too stupid why not show that taking money from venture capitalists causes them to fund more not less new ventures like Apple Google Tesla Intel! See how perfectly stupid liberalism. Even wonder how you got to accept something so totally stupid that a child could see through it??
Then show they increased the rate of expansion. I don't see it.

why be stupid and liberal ?? Do you really think that the less money venture capitalists have the more Googles Apples Amazons and Teslas they can fund??

Show they increased the rate of expansion.
why be stupid and liberal ?? Do you really think that the less money venture capitalists have the more Googles Apples Amazons and Teslas they can fund??

Can't show it? Didn't think so. Lies will get you nowhere.

too stupid why not show that taking money from venture capitalists causes them to fund more not less new ventures like Apple Google Tesla Intel! See how perfectly stupid liberalism. Even wonder how you got to accept something so totally stupid that a child could see through it??

Can't show it so you just keep babbling? You can't back up your claim. You are dismissed.
Three steps to job growth:

1) Lower corporate tax rate - make the US competitive globally
2) Lower tax to bring money back into country - increase investment capital in US
3) Lower individual taxes - more money in your pocket, the more money you spend
Three steps to job growth:

1) Lower corporate tax rate - make the US competitive globally
2) Lower tax to bring money back into country - increase investment capital in US
3) Lower individual taxes - more money in your pocket, the more money you spend

Didn't work so well for bush. Many corps pay 0 taxes now.
The way to make the economy grow is to reduce overhead by opening up energy drilling and ultimately drop the cost of everything. That frees up more spending money which creates demand which creates productivity which creates wealth which creates demand which creates productivity which creates wealth which...

Oil is already really cheap.
It needs to be cheaper and can be cheaper and needs to stay that way for a prolonged period. Just like it was during Reagan and Clinton. Gotta get obama policy out of the way first.

There is a bottom price where infrastructure must be maintained.
I don't claim to know that price.
Same old rationalization. None of those equilibrium arguments were made when Clinton presided over cheap energy. Obama ratcheted up the cost of oil with his green energy scam and dumped our economy in the process. Reverting back to cheap energy fixes everything. That's because the entire economy is energy dependent.

The bottom price may be $0.25/gallon for all I know.
I just don't know what it is.
< $1.50 is reachable and would make our economy robust. It was below that figure until obama took office.
And it's not just gasoline. Gasoline is an indicator but energy runs through every facet of our economy. Every energy blip in my lifetime has coincided with economic problems; 1973 Arab embargo, 1979 Iran criminal revolt, 1990-91 Iraq invading Kuwait and subsequent removal, post-2000 Indian and Chinese economic expansion and again in 2009 and beyond with obama energy scam.
In 2003, tax cuts were enacted and it INCREASED revenue. What do you not get about that stupid?

As part of the cuts you mentioned in 2001, the effect would not have been known until later years such as those which increased revenue by 44%.

Also, the 2001 act reduced ALL income tax brackets not just those on the upper end. Now, people like you only want to raise those on the upper end. So sad how jealousy for something you'll never be shows.

And in 2001 revenue was down as I have been saying. Without the big drop caused by the tax breaks you don't have your 44%. It took years just to get back to where it was. Give up already you don't even know what years the breaks were, your a joke.

If it was passed in 2001 and result implemented until later years, your claim that 2001 revenues were down on something that couldn't have shown any results until later, you're the joke.

By the way, I used the proper "you're", not the typical incorrect "your" like you retards. Tell me again how I'm wrong. You think immediate results were produced. It doesn't work like that son.

Again you show how little you know. Bush mailed checks to people. So yes that is the year that was effected. Now go read up before you embarass yourself more.

Those checks didn't involve lowering tax rates. It's two different things moron. The reduction in ALL tax brackets didn't show an effect until later years when taxes were filed. \

As I said earlier, ALL tax brackets were reduced and the only ones you want going back up are the highest ones. In addition, while almost half pay ZERO percent, you say nothing about that group not paying their fair share. I don't care how little someone makes, NOTHING isn't paying a fair share if you live in society. You lefties constantly talk about living in society means contributing to society yet you're willing to let so many continue to not contribute. It's high time the low income people pay their fair share in income taxes. Again, NOTHING isn't a fair share.

Would you be happy if a gross annual income of 13K required a $1.00 Federal Tax Payment?
Would you be happy if that $1.00 Tax Payment cost $80.00 because it would have to be filed by an Accountant?

Actually that could all be taken care of by a progressive consumption tax. We have a consumption tax in our county here in Cleveland. It's close to 8 cents for every dollar spent. We all pay it: the poor, the middle-class, the wealthy.

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