By November 2020 Donald Trump will have increased US debt by $10+ Trillion during his tenure

Anybody who criticized Obama should get on their knees and beg forgiveness.

By the end of his term, $ 10+ trillion will have disappeared down the Dopey Donald Trump rabbit-hole.

Will that shut Dopey Donald Trump's cakehole? Shit no.

The MAGAnuts are addicted to Dopey Donald Trump's lies and he will find a way to blame others and spin it as a success to rouse his MAGAnut hordes.

The Approaching COVID-19 Debt Crisis: How Excessive Debt Reduces Economic Growth
Thanks to China.....and the Democraps who spent millions on never ending investigations into Russian Collusion, Stormy Daniels, Brett Kavanaugh, Ukraine, Cuomo's selling of PPE just before the Wuhan Virus was let out...oops...Demoncraps suck

No shit? Millions are trivial compared to trillions. MAGAnuts are not good with numbers.

Keep it under your hat with your shit collection.
Anybody who criticized Obama should get on their knees and beg forgiveness.

By the end of his term, $ 10+ trillion will have disappeared down the Dopey Donald Trump rabbit-hole.

Will that shut Dopey Donald Trump's cakehole? Shit no.

The MAGAnuts are addicted to Dopey Donald Trump's lies and he will find a way to blame others and spin it as a success to rouse his MAGAnut hordes.

The Approaching COVID-19 Debt Crisis: How Excessive Debt Reduces Economic Growth
Right, and what would you have said had he not bothered to spend anything on the virus response and not spend anything on helping small businesses?

Different thread, same bullshit.

What would you have said if Dopey Donald Trump had performed like Vietnam with zero deaths and less economic disruption?

Dopey Donald Trump is incompetent and his son-in-law Jerkoff Jared Kushner is a total failure.
WTF does Trump have to do with all the money the Fed and Congress is throwing at the COVID pandemic?
You mean aside from his failed leadership resulting in far more economic damage than was necessary?

Here's an interesting question. Why is the fiscal and monetary response to COVID on Congress and the Fed when Congress and the Fed's response to the Bush recession was on Obama?
psssssssssst..i know why.
Simple answer, Obama stifled the US economy with regulations and moving jobs and factories overseas. It was an "unforced error", i.e. "those jobs are not coming back".
Trump's Debt was due to external circumstances. The strongest economy the world had ever seen was shutdown for 3-months or so.
See the difference? One Debt addition was unforced, and one was externally forced.

Obama's debt was incurred due to an economic collapse that predated his administration, which is an external circumstance.

Trump's massive debt was accrued as a direct result of his policies for tax cuts and then exacerbated by his inability to control the spread of COVID 19.
Half right.
1. Obama's recovery was unnecessarily slow, the slowest in history.
2. Trump's tax cuts were bad, but his COVID response was better than the democrat's would have been, his travel ban was called racist & xenophobic by the dems.
Anybody who criticized Obama should get on their knees and beg forgiveness.

By the end of his term, $ 10+ trillion will have disappeared down the Dopey Donald Trump rabbit-hole.

Will that shut Dopey Donald Trump's cakehole? Shit no.

The MAGAnuts are addicted to Dopey Donald Trump's lies and he will find a way to blame others and spin it as a success to rouse his MAGAnut hordes.

The Approaching COVID-19 Debt Crisis: How Excessive Debt Reduces Economic Growth

The House passes the bills that are sent to the Senate that then get passed and Sent to the Oval Office and signed, so the Blame goes to Pelosi, McConnell and Trump but you think Trump is a dictator as usual and did all this on his own...

Just like when Obama was President it took Pelosi/Boehner/Ryan in the House, Reid/McConnell in the Senate and Obama to waste all that money...

Finally, if you dislike the waste so much then get your beloved China to pay for what we have to spend during this Kung Fu Pandemic seeing it was their failure to contain it!

Why should China pay for Dopey Donald Trump's incompetence?
Simple answer, Obama stifled the US economy with regulations and moving jobs and factories overseas.

You should give some consideration to the idea nothing you believe in is true. Cuz from what I can see from what you post nothing is.

There are "globalist" Never-Trumpers that your post refers to in 2010.
Now there are "populist" Republicans dedicated to bring jobs back to the US.
Now there are "globalist" democrats like the Bidens selling us out to China

So it looks like we flipped positions from 2010??
Anybody who criticized Obama should get on their knees and beg forgiveness.

By the end of his term, $ 10+ trillion will have disappeared down the Dopey Donald Trump rabbit-hole.

Will that shut Dopey Donald Trump's cakehole? Shit no.

The MAGAnuts are addicted to Dopey Donald Trump's lies and he will find a way to blame others and spin it as a success to rouse his MAGAnut hordes.

The Approaching COVID-19 Debt Crisis: How Excessive Debt Reduces Economic Growth
Cram it up your ass Bozo....
You cannot blame it on Trump
If you want to blame it on someone blame it on China and the Dems.
The money had to be spent after China attacked the US economy and Trump did what he had to do to help working Americans. The dems took advantage by adding pork to the bill.
Anybody who criticized Obama should get on their knees and beg forgiveness.

By the end of his term, $ 10+ trillion will have disappeared down the Dopey Donald Trump rabbit-hole.

Will that shut Dopey Donald Trump's cakehole? Shit no.

The MAGAnuts are addicted to Dopey Donald Trump's lies and he will find a way to blame others and spin it as a success to rouse his MAGAnut hordes.

The Approaching COVID-19 Debt Crisis: How Excessive Debt Reduces Economic Growth
No. Ears deserved criticism for his massive deficit spending, just as Donnie does.

Of course the hypocrisy is clear to see. Lefties say O had too, because of the Great Recession. Now cons will say Don had too, because of the Covid.

All just propaganda.
Anybody who criticized Obama should get on their knees and beg forgiveness.

By the end of his term, $ 10+ trillion will have disappeared down the Dopey Donald Trump rabbit-hole.

Will that shut Dopey Donald Trump's cakehole? Shit no.

The MAGAnuts are addicted to Dopey Donald Trump's lies and he will find a way to blame others and spin it as a success to rouse his MAGAnut hordes.

The Approaching COVID-19 Debt Crisis: How Excessive Debt Reduces Economic Growth

The House passes the bills that are sent to the Senate that then get passed and Sent to the Oval Office and signed, so the Blame goes to Pelosi, McConnell and Trump but you think Trump is a dictator as usual and did all this on his own...

Just like when Obama was President it took Pelosi/Boehner/Ryan in the House, Reid/McConnell in the Senate and Obama to waste all that money...

Finally, if you dislike the waste so much then get your beloved China to pay for what we have to spend during this Kung Fu Pandemic seeing it was their failure to contain it!

Why should China pay for Dopey Donald Trump's incompetence?
Hey Asswipe why should China not pay for their fuckup, be it an "Accident" or a deliberate "Attack"
Anybody who criticized Obama should get on their knees and beg forgiveness.

By the end of his term, $ 10+ trillion will have disappeared down the Dopey Donald Trump rabbit-hole.

Will that shut Dopey Donald Trump's cakehole? Shit no.

The MAGAnuts are addicted to Dopey Donald Trump's lies and he will find a way to blame others and spin it as a success to rouse his MAGAnut hordes.

The Approaching COVID-19 Debt Crisis: How Excessive Debt Reduces Economic Growth
And the Dems endorsed every cent.
WTF does Trump have to do with all the money the Fed and Congress is throwing at the COVID pandemic?
You mean aside from his failed leadership resulting in far more economic damage than was necessary?

Here's an interesting question. Why is the fiscal and monetary response to COVID on Congress and the Fed when Congress and the Fed's response to the Bush recession was on Obama?
psssssssssst..i know why.
Simple answer, Obama stifled the US economy with regulations and moving jobs and factories overseas. It was an "unforced error", i.e. "those jobs are not coming back".
Trump's Debt was due to external circumstances. The strongest economy the world had ever seen was shutdown for 3-months or so.
See the difference? One Debt addition was unforced, and one was externally forced.

Obama's debt was incurred due to an economic collapse that predated his administration, which is an external circumstance.

Trump's massive debt was accrued as a direct result of his policies for tax cuts and then exacerbated by his inability to control the spread of COVID 19.
Half right.
1. Obama's recovery was unnecessarily slow, the slowest in history.
2. Trump's tax cuts were bad, but his COVID response was better than the democrat's would have been, his travel ban was called racist & xenophobic by the dems.

Trump is racist and xenophobic. He inherited a growing economy from Obama and poisoned it with debt that grew at > 2 x GDP growth.

Dopey Donald Trump is not a visionary, he is a reactionary.
WTF does Trump have to do with all the money the Fed and Congress is throwing at the COVID pandemic?
You mean aside from his failed leadership resulting in far more economic damage than was necessary?

Here's an interesting question. Why is the fiscal and monetary response to COVID on Congress and the Fed when Congress and the Fed's response to the Bush recession was on Obama?
psssssssssst..i know why.
Simple answer, Obama stifled the US economy with regulations and moving jobs and factories overseas. It was an "unforced error", i.e. "those jobs are not coming back".
Trump's Debt was due to external circumstances. The strongest economy the world had ever seen was shutdown for 3-months or so.
See the difference? One Debt addition was unforced, and one was externally forced.

Obama's debt was incurred due to an economic collapse that predated his administration, which is an external circumstance.

Trump's massive debt was accrued as a direct result of his policies for tax cuts and then exacerbated by his inability to control the spread of COVID 19.
The brown turd's debt was accrued because Nancy Pelosi and the Demoncraps didnt stop the Fannie Freddie debacle from happening. Because of that, the smelly excrement Oblummer got to spend 1.5 trillion dollars a year, and still had the highest amount in poverty since the war on poverty started. Thanks Oblummer...
Anybody who criticized Obama should get on their knees and beg forgiveness.

By the end of his term, $ 10+ trillion will have disappeared down the Dopey Donald Trump rabbit-hole.

Will that shut Dopey Donald Trump's cakehole? Shit no.

The MAGAnuts are addicted to Dopey Donald Trump's lies and he will find a way to blame others and spin it as a success to rouse his MAGAnut hordes.

The Approaching COVID-19 Debt Crisis: How Excessive Debt Reduces Economic Growth
Cram it up your ass Bozo....
You cannot blame it on Trump
If you want to blame it on someone blame it on China and the Dems.
The money had to be spent after China attacked the US economy and Trump did what he had to do to help working Americans. The dems took advantage by adding pork to the bill.

Dopey Donald Trump poisoned the economy with a trade war and debt that grew at > 2 x GDP growth.
WTF does Trump have to do with all the money the Fed and Congress is throwing at the COVID pandemic?
You mean aside from his failed leadership resulting in far more economic damage than was necessary?

Here's an interesting question. Why is the fiscal and monetary response to COVID on Congress and the Fed when Congress and the Fed's response to the Bush recession was on Obama?
psssssssssst..i know why.
Simple answer, Obama stifled the US economy with regulations and moving jobs and factories overseas. It was an "unforced error", i.e. "those jobs are not coming back".
Trump's Debt was due to external circumstances. The strongest economy the world had ever seen was shutdown for 3-months or so.
See the difference? One Debt addition was unforced, and one was externally forced.

Obama's debt was incurred due to an economic collapse that predated his administration, which is an external circumstance.

Trump's massive debt was accrued as a direct result of his policies for tax cuts and then exacerbated by his inability to control the spread of COVID 19.
Half right.
1. Obama's recovery was unnecessarily slow, the slowest in history.
2. Trump's tax cuts were bad, but his COVID response was better than the democrat's would have been, his travel ban was called racist & xenophobic by the dems.

Trump is racist and xenophobic. He inherited a growing economy from Obama and poisoned it with debt that grew at > 2 x GDP growth.

Dopey Donald Trump is not a visionary, he is a reactionary.
It is always a matter of time, when the lowest IQ's resort to the liberal playbook.

WTF does Trump have to do with all the money the Fed and Congress is throwing at the COVID pandemic?
You mean aside from his failed leadership resulting in far more economic damage than was necessary?

Here's an interesting question. Why is the fiscal and monetary response to COVID on Congress and the Fed when Congress and the Fed's response to the Bush recession was on Obama?
psssssssssst..i know why.
Simple answer, Obama stifled the US economy with regulations and moving jobs and factories overseas. It was an "unforced error", i.e. "those jobs are not coming back".
Trump's Debt was due to external circumstances. The strongest economy the world had ever seen was shutdown for 3-months or so.
See the difference? One Debt addition was unforced, and one was externally forced.

Obama's debt was incurred due to an economic collapse that predated his administration, which is an external circumstance.

Trump's massive debt was accrued as a direct result of his policies for tax cuts and then exacerbated by his inability to control the spread of COVID 19.
Half right.
1. Obama's recovery was unnecessarily slow, the slowest in history.
2. Trump's tax cuts were bad, but his COVID response was better than the democrat's would have been, his travel ban was called racist & xenophobic by the dems.

Barely anyone noticed Trump’s travel ban because it was so insignificant and ineffective. Few if any prominent Democrats said anything of the sort.

Trump failed to heed warnings because he was too afraid of harming the economy, not realizing that his inaction and wishful thinking lead to worse economic outcomes. A Democrat who respects the government and its scientists would have done far better.

A Republican would have hampered the recovery worse by letting massive industries fail and further widespread unemployment. Without the policies put in place by Obama, the recovery would have been far slower and far worse for everyone except perhaps the top 1%
Anybody who criticized Obama should get on their knees and beg forgiveness.

By the end of his term, $ 10+ trillion will have disappeared down the Dopey Donald Trump rabbit-hole.

Will that shut Dopey Donald Trump's cakehole? Shit no.

The MAGAnuts are addicted to Dopey Donald Trump's lies and he will find a way to blame others and spin it as a success to rouse his MAGAnut hordes.

The Approaching COVID-19 Debt Crisis: How Excessive Debt Reduces Economic Growth

The House passes the bills that are sent to the Senate that then get passed and Sent to the Oval Office and signed, so the Blame goes to Pelosi, McConnell and Trump but you think Trump is a dictator as usual and did all this on his own...

Just like when Obama was President it took Pelosi/Boehner/Ryan in the House, Reid/McConnell in the Senate and Obama to waste all that money...

Finally, if you dislike the waste so much then get your beloved China to pay for what we have to spend during this Kung Fu Pandemic seeing it was their failure to contain it!

Why should China pay for Dopey Donald Trump's incompetence?
Hey Asswipe why should China not pay for their fuckup, be it an "Accident" or a deliberate "Attack"

If China pays for fuckup Dopey Donald Trump will it import him to China?
WTF does Trump have to do with all the money the Fed and Congress is throwing at the COVID pandemic?
You mean aside from his failed leadership resulting in far more economic damage than was necessary?

Here's an interesting question. Why is the fiscal and monetary response to COVID on Congress and the Fed when Congress and the Fed's response to the Bush recession was on Obama?
psssssssssst..i know why.
Simple answer, Obama stifled the US economy with regulations and moving jobs and factories overseas. It was an "unforced error", i.e. "those jobs are not coming back".
Trump's Debt was due to external circumstances. The strongest economy the world had ever seen was shutdown for 3-months or so.
See the difference? One Debt addition was unforced, and one was externally forced.

Obama's debt was incurred due to an economic collapse that predated his administration, which is an external circumstance.

Trump's massive debt was accrued as a direct result of his policies for tax cuts and then exacerbated by his inability to control the spread of COVID 19.
The brown turd's debt was accrued because Nancy Pelosi and the Demoncraps didnt stop the Fannie Freddie debacle from happening. Because of that, the smelly excrement Oblummer got to spend 1.5 trillion dollars a year, and still had the highest amount in poverty since the war on poverty started. Thanks Oblummer...
False and revisionist history.

The dramatic change in the mortgage industry leading into the subprime crisis was the involvement of private mortgage lenders who drove down the requirements for mortgages. Fannie and Freddie had little if anything to do with it.

It was primarily unregulated free market capitalism.

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