Bye, Bye Biden?

hahaha abusing his power? charges based on adam shifty parody? hahab
Trump made a practice during his presidency of taking Russia’s side in the dispute between the two nations. For several years, he lobbied fellow leaders of the G-7 group of major economic powers to readmit Russia, even though it had been thrown out because of the invasion and annexation of Ukraine’s Crimean Peninsula in 2014.

At the G-7 summit in 2018, Trump told his counterparts that Crimea should belong to Russia because the people there spoke Russian — repeating comments he’d made as a presidential candidate. “But you know, the people of Crimea, from what I’ve heard, would rather be with Russia than where they were,” he told ABC News in 2016.
In 2019, during a news conference following the G-7 meeting in Biarritz, France, Trump rationalized Russia’s insistence on retaining Crimea by saying it had built a military base there.

“That is where they do their submarine work and that is where they dock large and powerful submarines, but not as powerful as ours and not as large as ours, but they have their submarines,” he said, while also blaming his predecessor, Democratic President Barack Obama, for having been “outsmarted” by Putin’s decision to invade Ukraine and take the region by force.
This is a quote from Biden. Does he stutter, or is this a prophecy?

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Things Joe Biden has blamed for his failures, so far ...
- Trump
- Republicans
- Joe Manchin
- January 6
- Guns
- Election laws
- The unvaxed
- White supremacists
- Oil companies
- Putin
- Russia
- Climate Change
- and, you're just too dumb to see our success.
Why can't Biden keep his own country safe? Fuck the Ukraine.

Actually it is concept Trump voters cannot comprehend. Keeping the world safe for democracy keeps America safe in the long run.

Trump has converted conservatives, white evangelical Christians and anarchists and libertarians to be sympathetic to Putins’s cause.

Making the world safe for white people so fuck multicultural democracy in Ukraine, Europe, Canada and the United States. GOD MADE THOSE PLACES WHITE FOR A REASON.
Actually it is concept Trump voters cannot comprehend. Keeping the world safe for democracy keeps America safe in the long run.

Trump has converted conservatives, white evangelical Christians and anarchists and libertarians to be sympathetic to Putins’s cause.

Making the world safe for white people so fuck multicultural democracy in Ukraine, Europe, Canada and the United States. GOD MADE THOSE PLACES WHITE FOR A REASON.
They know the economy is collapsing.

how is 7% growth in annual GDP growth a collapsing economy? Trump’s best year of annual GDP growth was slightly less than Obama’s best years of annual GDP growth at 3%. And Trump calls that high mark the greatest economy in the history of the entire world.
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Actually it is concept Trump voters cannot comprehend. Keeping the world safe for democracy keeps America safe in the long run.

Trump has converted conservatives, white evangelical Christians and anarchists and libertarians to be sympathetic to Putins’s cause.

Making the world safe for white people so fuck multicultural democracy in Ukraine, Europe, Canada and the United States. GOD MADE THOSE PLACES WHITE FOR A REASON.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
how is 7% growth in annual GDP growth a collapsing economy? Trump’s best year of annual GDP growth was slightly less than Obama’s best years of annual GDP growth at 3%. And Trump calls that high mark the greatest economy in the history of the entire world.
GDP measured by dollars, inflation is outpacing “7%” easily.
GDP measured by dollars, inflation is outpacing “7%” easily.

The question was: how is 7% growth in annual GDP growth a collapsing economy?

Wages are increasing as well. Inflation was coming regardless of growth because of non wage supply chain and a labor shortage for low wage workers and now because Trump’s genius is committing genocide in Ukraine. A major energy exporter.

You lied when you said the economy is collapsing. The economy is expanding double the Trump best year: why are you lying?

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