Bye, bye, Christie.

That he's willing to buck the party is a plus, as far as I'm concerned.

With America in love with Obama, all he has to do is flash those pictures of them both embracing after hurricane Sandy while the rest of the GOP will be demonized as hate filled bigots. That could help his presidential bid, assuming he wishes to run. However, in that part of the country this image is a must. After all, most in New Jersey lean left, so he does what he has to do in order to survive.
The Republicans actually get a decent politician who the majority of Americans would support with him common sense no-nonsense approach to politics and they're going to run him out the party because he doesn't kneel before the utter retardation that comes out of the GOP machine. Completely idiotic but in a way beautiful because this is exactly why the GOP is dying.

And I can't believe the dumb fucks in this thread are actually defending rape. Are you people fucking stupid? Jesus, Republicans are just pathetic.

I think the GOP needs to die. I mean, what has the GOP ever done to significantly tackle the ever increasing scope and power of the federal government?


I do see in Christie the possible ability to tackle some of this government power due to his ability to get in peoples faces and articulate that position to voters. In this regard he is special.
The Get Along to Git-Along Buoys of New Jersey
Judi McLeod
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Damn Chris Christie and his paling around with the prepsident. I mean are you kidding me how could you find middle ground just because of a little devastation! in all seriousness, I live in New Jersey and I was affected by Sandy and any person who dares to politicize this tradgedy is a shameful person. My governer did what he was supposed to do, show the President of the United States why we need aid. This isny politics you fool, its humanity. I mean we say Tod Akin is critisized too heavily because he said that women cant get pregnant as a result of rape, yet what Governor Christie did was traitorus.. What world are you people living in?

Get off your high horse kiddo. EVERYTHING is politicized in politics today. That is what makes them all so repulsive. Having said that, I think Christie was shrewed in his paling around with the president, especially with lefty voters in New Jersey and the rest of the nation seemingly in love with Barak.

The Republicans actually get a decent politician who the majority of Americans would support with him common sense no-nonsense approach to politics and they're going to run him out the party because he doesn't kneel before the utter retardation that comes out of the GOP machine.

To BallsBrunswick: The fact that liberals and the MSM love Christie is warning enough for every American who is sick of the federal government.

And next time you speak for a majority of Americans try to remember that every poll shows conservatives far outnumber liberals. The main problem liberals have when they speak for the majority is remembering that approximately 50 % of eligible voters do not vote. Give them a real choice and they will vote for true conservatism every time. For decades, the MSM, and the leaders of both major political parties, have devoted most of their time and resources preventing such a choice from getting on the ballot. Their choice is Republican, Democrat, or the highway.

Incidentally, liberalism and all of its offshoots make up approximately 20 percent of ALL Americans. Had it not been for stolen elections, illegal immigration, and the federal courts liberalism would be nearly extinct today.


And I can't believe the dumb fucks in this thread are actually defending rape. Are you people fucking stupid? Jesus, Republicans are just pathetic.

To BallsBrunswick: Akin did not defend rape, nor does anyone else defend rape except Democrats. Akin said this:

“I think there should be some punishment, but the punishment ought to be of the rapist, and not attacking the child.”

Had Juanita Broaddrick become pregnant when Bill Clinton raped her he would have been punished. That is why Democrats and RINO jumped all over Akin. Their presidents can do no wrong.

I think the GOP needs to die. I mean, what has the GOP ever done to significantly tackle the ever increasing scope and power of the federal government?

To Votto: I agree. Unfortunately, establishment Republicans controlling the Republican party will never die; they will combine with the Democrat party the minute a real SECOND PARTY opposed to totalitarian government forms.

Conservatism has been taking a beating at the hands of Republicans for decades. It’s time for conservatives to reject the false hope the Republican party offered through all of those downhill years.

There is no doubt that the minute a serious alternative party threatens “business as usual” Democrats and Republicans will combine forces and become one political party. That’s inevitable. It is also the major problem facing a third party.

Ross Perot started a third party and got 19 percent of the votes cast in 1992. Yet the two major parties did not join forces. Why? Answer: Because Perot did not draw equally from Democrats and Republicans. In short: Perot was never a threat to the two party myth.

In the past “Third Parties” meant electing the president. That is the wrong way to go. A third party must first win enough seats in Congress to back up a truly conservative president.

A Conservative party with a clearly stated commitment to basic principles will attract rank and file voters in large numbers from both parties more effectively than trying to attract them to one man à la Ross Perot, etc. It is important to note that electing a president with no clout in Congress won’t accomplish a thing.

Right now conservatism is piecemeal, catch-as-catch-can so to speak. Example: Liberals and Republicans both claim they are fiscal conservatives and social liberals. That’s crap. The size of the federal government, the welfare state, are proof that no such person ever existed. No individual can be both at the same time yet conservatives vote for individuals who make that claim.

No new party stands a chance of success in the current system of one party rule unless it can draw tens of millions of voters away from the Democrat/Republican party.

The Republicans actually get a decent politician who the majority of Americans would support with him common sense no-nonsense approach to politics and they're going to run him out the party because he doesn't kneel before the utter retardation that comes out of the GOP machine.

To BallsBrunswick: The fact that liberals and the MSM love Christie is warning enough for every American who is sick of the federal government.

And next time you speak for a majority of Americans try to remember that every poll shows conservatives far outnumber liberals. The main problem liberals have when they speak for the majority is remembering that approximately 50 % of eligible voters do not vote. Give them a real choice and they will vote for true conservatism every time. For decades, the MSM, and the leaders of both major political parties, have devoted most of their time and resources preventing such a choice from getting on the ballot. Their choice is Republican, Democrat, or the highway.

Incidentally, liberalism and all of its offshoots make up approximately 20 percent of ALL Americans. Had it not been for stolen elections, illegal immigration, and the federal courts liberalism would be nearly extinct today.


And I can't believe the dumb fucks in this thread are actually defending rape. Are you people fucking stupid? Jesus, Republicans are just pathetic.

To BallsBrunswick: Akin did not defend rape, nor does anyone else defend rape except Democrats. Akin said this:

“I think there should be some punishment, but the punishment ought to be of the rapist, and not attacking the child.”

Had Juanita Broaddrick become pregnant when Bill Clinton raped her he would have been punished. That is why Democrats and RINO jumped all over Akin. Their presidents can do no wrong.

Wow, you are a sick fuck. I don't feel the need to disprove your bullshit claims as they're so ridiculous anyone with half a brain knows you're fucked in the head. I'm just going to post two things then I'm going to tell you to go fuck yourself.



Now go fuck yourself.
The Republicans actually get a decent politician who the majority of Americans would support with him common sense no-nonsense approach to politics and they're going to run him out the party because he doesn't kneel before the utter retardation that comes out of the GOP machine. Completely idiotic but in a way beautiful because this is exactly why the GOP is dying.

And I can't believe the dumb fucks in this thread are actually defending rape. Are you people fucking stupid? Jesus, Republicans are just pathetic.


Republicans, democrats, libertarians etc. there will always be an instince of disgusting acts and intollerable stupidity. The key is to respond without bias to these acts. If Todd Akin was a moderate or as Flanders refer to them as RINO's because he cant accept opposing opinions I would hope he would have responded the same. It was a stupid and unforgivable comment, no matter what party Akin belonged to and thats the moral high ground i choose to take my stand on.
And next time you speak for a majority of Americans try to remember that every poll shows conservatives far outnumber liberals.
No they don't.

Which is why conservatives are bending over backwards to suppress the popular vote.
Wow, you are a sick fuck. I don't feel the need to disprove your bullshit claims as they're so ridiculous anyone with half a brain knows you're fucked in the head. I'm just going to post two things then I'm going to tell you to go fuck yourself.

Now go fuck yourself.

To BallsBrunswick: Ah, the Profanity Denial. The favorite defense of people with nothing to say and a vocabulary to match.

Christie has something like a 70% approval rating.

To jillian: That’s a whole lot of approval from liberals. That should tell conservatives all they need to know about Christie.
Wow, you are a sick fuck. I don't feel the need to disprove your bullshit claims as they're so ridiculous anyone with half a brain knows you're fucked in the head. I'm just going to post two things then I'm going to tell you to go fuck yourself.

Now go fuck yourself.

To BallsBrunswick: Ah, the Profanity Denial. The favorite defense of people with nothing to say and a vocabulary to match.

Christie has something like a 70% approval rating.

To jillian: That’s a whole lot of approval from liberals. That should tell conservatives all they need to know about Christie.

no... it means, all things being equal, that he's going to be re-elected..... which means your thread is a fail.

but i'm sure you have a credible link to prove who supports him, right?

p.s. it's also a whole lot of approval from republicans... which is EXACTLY what it should be. This idea that you have to be a hack who is so extreme only one side of the aisle can possibly support you is going to be the death of the GOP if it isn't fixed.

they need to cut you loons loose.
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Nobody ever said that Christie was a die-hard Tea Party Conservative. The Republican party is a big tent. What democrat would dare to criticize his own party? Maybe Lieberman but we remember what happened to him.

Yea! Lieberman continued to caucus with the Democrats and even retained his chairmanship of the Senate Homeland Security Committee...mean old Democrats!
but i'm sure you have a credible link to prove who supports him, right?

p.s. it's also a whole lot of approval from republicans... which is EXACTLY what it should be. This idea that you have to be a hack who is so extreme only one side of the aisle can possibly support you is going to be the death of the GOP if it isn't fixed.

To jillian: Simply saying "New Jersey" is the best link possible.

And I’m volunteering for pallbearer when the Republican party dies.
but i'm sure you have a credible link to prove who supports him, right?

p.s. it's also a whole lot of approval from republicans... which is EXACTLY what it should be. This idea that you have to be a hack who is so extreme only one side of the aisle can possibly support you is going to be the death of the GOP if it isn't fixed.

To jillian: Simply saying "New Jersey" is the best link possible.

And I’m volunteering for pallbearer when the Republican party dies.

I am from New Jersey and Christie has done more for this state than any gov. then I can think of. Parties change over the course of history. They adapt to the time we live in, if they dont they die. you can be the pallbearer. ill gladly be the guy who goes to jail for killing the guy who broke into my house.
Parties change over the course of history. They adapt to the time we live in, if they dont they die.

To YoungRepublican: My point exactly. The Rockefeller Republican party is just as responsible for today’s mess as is the Democrat party. Democrats will never change. Either the Republican party adopts a conservatism that truly opposes big government collectivism, open borders, global government, the welfare state and so on, or it gets washed away by the course of history.

Damn Flanders, do you always look for a guarantee when you pull the lever in November?

To whitehall: No. I’m just too experienced to pull the level for the same old crap.


You must get disappointed a lot.

To whitehall: Not any more. I used to be every time I voted for the Republican because he was the lesser of the two evils. Now, no matter which lying sneak gets in there I will take pleasure in knowing I did not vote for him.

That he's willing to buck the party is a plus, as far as a I'm concerned.

To Kevin_Kennedy: Thank you. But just to be clear, I am a conservative not an establishment Republican. As soon as viable conservative party forms I’m there.

and until you have the guts to stand alone you will tear the republican party down?

gee great thinking
but i'm sure you have a credible link to prove who supports him, right?

p.s. it's also a whole lot of approval from republicans... which is EXACTLY what it should be. This idea that you have to be a hack who is so extreme only one side of the aisle can possibly support you is going to be the death of the GOP if it isn't fixed.

To jillian: Simply saying "New Jersey" is the best link possible.

And I’m volunteering for pallbearer when the Republican party dies.

I am from New Jersey and Christie has done more for this state than any gov. then I can think of. Parties change over the course of history. They adapt to the time we live in, if they dont they die. you can be the pallbearer. ill gladly be the guy who goes to jail for killing the guy who broke into my house.

Explain what christie has done for New Jersey other than screw govt workers which the teaparty loves him for.
Fact: New Jerseys unemployment is higher than when Chrispy Chreme took office
Fact: After vilifying all state and municipal workers and blaming them for all of New Jerseys fiscal woes...Christie has one town hall meeting after another telling everyone If the democrat legistlature lets me screw all state and govt workers I can balance the budget and property taxs will go down.
Christies own budget is 500,000,000 in the hole and climbing and property taxs went up not down.
To jillian: Simply saying "New Jersey" is the best link possible.

And I’m volunteering for pallbearer when the Republican party dies.

I am from New Jersey and Christie has done more for this state than any gov. then I can think of. Parties change over the course of history. They adapt to the time we live in, if they dont they die. you can be the pallbearer. ill gladly be the guy who goes to jail for killing the guy who broke into my house.

Explain what christie has done for New Jersey other than screw govt workers which the teaparty loves him for.
Fact: New Jerseys unemployment is higher than when Chrispy Chreme took office
Fact: After vilifying all state and municipal workers and blaming them for all of New Jerseys fiscal woes...Christie has one town hall meeting after another telling everyone If the democrat legistlature lets me screw all state and govt workers I can balance the budget and property taxs will go down.
Christies own budget is 500,000,000 in the hole and climbing and property taxs went up not down.

If you knew anything about this state you would know that property taxes are the greatest concern for the majority of our citizens. The New Jersey teachers union has successfully hijacked this state and its tax payers by forcing their demands down our throats in the form of tenure, benefits, and the overpaying of teachers and principals. These freaking state workers think that they are impenetrable from this poor economy. Gov. Christie merely came in and said guess what, you aren’t. I don’t get why state workers feel that sense of self entitlement.
Parties change over the course of history. They adapt to the time we live in, if they dont they die.

To YoungRepublican: My point exactly. The Rockefeller Republican party is just as responsible for today’s mess as is the Democrat party. Democrats will never change. Either the Republican party adopts a conservatism that truly opposes big government collectivism, open borders, global government, the welfare state and so on, or it gets washed away by the course of history.

I think we just have different views of where the party should go. I believe that if we dont adapt the ideas of social liberity, effective governemt programs and conservative spending we will be washed away.
I think we just have different views of where the party should go. I believe that if we dont adapt the ideas of social liberity, effective governemt programs and conservative spending we will be washed away.

To YoungRepublican: Excerpt from #24 permalink:

Right now conservatism is piecemeal, catch-as-catch-can so to speak. Example: Liberals and Republicans both claim they are fiscal conservatives and social liberals. That’s crap. The size of the federal government, the welfare state, are proof that no such person ever existed. No individual can be both at the same time yet conservatives vote for individuals who make that claim.

You appear to be advocating the favorite lie of politicians looking to get votes from both sides: “I am a social liberal and a fiscal conservative.”

You must be a Democrat at heart because social liberalism cannot exist without oppressive taxation paying for everything. Hillarycare II is the most liberty-destroying, destructive, expensive, liberal program ever rammed down the country’s throat by Democrat perverts and parasites dictating behavior. You can easily discredit my view by explaining how Hillarycare II is fiscally conservative.

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