C,mon, fess up, are you regretting your vote?

Disapproval rate update ftw......................


Lets face it...........the 21%ers wouldnt change their votes if the unemployment rate hit 30% or higher!!!

Meanwhile, how awesome have the last 3 or 4 months been for conservatives in America watching Obama's poll #'s fall like a a stone in water!!! And who kneeeeeeeeeeewww??!!!!! Just 10 short months ago, things looked bleak but who could have forseen this epic collapse in such a short space of time.........I mean besides Rush Limbaugh who back in February predcited exactly what has happened!!!

They asked Mr Limbaugh the other day about his prediction from this past winer regarding Obama's dive bomb in the polls.......................

I had 8 people in my family, including my husband who voted for Obama. None of them will vote for him again.

My husband is anti-union and found out after the fact that Obama is pro-union. Then last night he see's Van Jones on television making his racist statements and that just sent him over the edge. I warned all of them and told them that no-one goes to a church and listens to anti-american rhetoric and anti-white rhetoric for TWENTY YEARS and doesn't hear that stuff unless he believes it himself. The evidence is in:

Reverent Wright
Bill Ayers
Van Jones
and many more to come to light in the very near future.

So tell me about your freinds and family that would change thier vote now, if they could.

Considering the other choices available, I would not change my vote in a million years. Who else could I vote for, the guy who, in the middle of an economic meltdown, said he didn't know anything about the economy and ran his campaign so poorly he likely couldn't head up a lemonade stand? The extremists and one-trick ponies offered by the third parties? Obama wasn't ideal, but he was clearly the lesser eveil.
I was wait and see on Obama when I voted for him, and I'm still wait and see on him. I knew he would take some big risks, and he is. If it pays off, he'll have my vote again. If not, he won't. So my vote in 2012 is still up for grabs. But 2008? Nope, I wouldn't change a thing.
I feel exactly the same
I had 8 people in my family, including my husband who voted for Obama. None of them will vote for him again.

My husband is anti-union and found out after the fact that Obama is pro-union. Then last night he see's Van Jones on television making his racist statements and that just sent him over the edge. I warned all of them and told them that no-one goes to a church and listens to anti-american rhetoric and anti-white rhetoric for TWENTY YEARS and doesn't hear that stuff unless he believes it himself. The evidence is in:

Reverent Wright
Bill Ayers
Van Jones
and many more to come to light in the very near future.

So tell me about your freinds and family that would change thier vote now, if they could.

Who would you vote for if you changed it, McCain?

I didn't vote for Obama, nor mccain....but there is no way we would have been better off with mccain, there is no evidence of such, nothing to support that at all....in fact, to me there is more to support it being worse if mccain and the republican agenda and policies that LEAD US IN TO THIS TERRIBLE CRISIS continued.

We might have been better off with HILLARY, who I supported! :D :lol::lol::lol:

C,mon, fess up, are you regretting your vote?

Best vote I ever made in my life. It sent the republicans into exile for their horrible performance.

I intend to do it again, so do most Americans
Thankfully Rassmussen polls are historically biased. They are a tool of the right wing to somehow convince conservatives that America still loves them

Do you have a legitimate poll??
Thankfully Rassmussen polls are historically biased. They are a tool of the right wing to somehow convince conservatives that America still loves them

Do you have a legitimate poll??

Im laughing...............

Last October, every single k00k who was blogging out there was falling all over themselves trying to post up the daily updates of the Rasmussen polls which were showing Obama stretching his lead over McCain. Ironically enough..........Rasmussen was spot on when the votes were coounted on election day.

Now, of course, the k00ks are falling all over themselves trying to malaign Rasmussen!!:clap2:


Don't you think it's a little ingenious to claim that's at all similar to Sarah Palin quitting her first term because it was too much for her to deal with?

The irony is--you have one person who quits to save the taxpayers of her state all the legal fees that was being expensed by all the left wing frivilous charges that were constantly filed against her.

Compared to a man who did a lot of quits himself for nothing more than personal political gain. In fact, BO did promise the constituents of Illinois that he had no intention of "quiting" his job until his term was over. He broke that promise & actually spent only 148 days in the Senate before his announcement that he was running for POTUS.

Palin also served two terms as mayor. Yet--you liberals keep bringing her name up. So--if you do--I am going to be right back at you.

Thank God he did.

Because he is doing a very good job.

Criss--Obama could bankrupt this country & you would say he did a good job. Obama could take every penny you earn--& you would say he did a good job--he could hire every single radical in this country & make them a Czar & you would say he is doing a great job.--:lol:

But the problem you have--is that his poll numbers are straight down--indicating that there are millions in this country that truly are regretting voting for him.
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Barack Obama is nothing more than an empty suit with a pre-programmed teleprompter--(programmed by someone else) that can give a well-pronounced speech.

Americans are starting to realise that--& this is exactly why is poll numbers are falling off of a cliff.

This man is NO President.
Barack Obama is nothing more than an empty suit with a pre-programmed teleprompter--(programmed by someone else) that can give a well-pronounced speech.

Americans are starting to realise that--& this is exactly why is poll numbers are falling off of a cliff.

This man is NO President.

You tell-em Oreo..
That Obama guy was just lucky to get elected. He has no ideas of his own and as black man is not capable of speaking on his own without some white guy telling him what to say. I heard the other day that this guy is a Muslim and was not even born in this country.
We republicans will have no problem beating this guy in the next election. He is a weak candidate and only beat us because he was lucky.
All we need to do is stop him from fixing the economy and passing healthcare. If we continue to remind people that he hates whites and hates America and is a SOCIALIST, nobody will vote for him.
We have it in the bag for the next election
I had 8 people in my family, including my husband who voted for Obama. None of them will vote for him again.

My husband is anti-union and found out after the fact that Obama is pro-union. Then last night he see's Van Jones on television making his racist statements and that just sent him over the edge. I warned all of them and told them that no-one goes to a church and listens to anti-american rhetoric and anti-white rhetoric for TWENTY YEARS and doesn't hear that stuff unless he believes it himself. The evidence is in:

Reverent Wright
Bill Ayers
Van Jones
and many more to come to light in the very near future.

So tell me about your freinds and family that would change thier vote now, if they could.

My boss voted for obama. Kind of a mixture of dislike of bush and also bought all the LIES obama told during his campiagn... well, IS STILL TELLING. I think if he saw obama now, he'd spit in his face.
I had 8 people in my family, including my husband who voted for Obama. None of them will vote for him again.

My husband is anti-union and found out after the fact that Obama is pro-union. Then last night he see's Van Jones on television making his racist statements and that just sent him over the edge. I warned all of them and told them that no-one goes to a church and listens to anti-american rhetoric and anti-white rhetoric for TWENTY YEARS and doesn't hear that stuff unless he believes it himself. The evidence is in:

Reverent Wright
Bill Ayers
Van Jones
and many more to come to light in the very near future.

So tell me about your freinds and family that would change thier vote now, if they could.

Your husband couldn't figure out before he voted that Barack Obama was not anti-union?

Your husband couldn't figure out before he voted that Barack Obama was not anti-union?

Maples whole post is a fabrication to try to make her point that people are somehow waking up and saying "How could I have voted for Obama?"
More right wing fantasy that Obama really didn't beat them
Barack Obama is merely George Bush on Steroids. Just replaced one Socialist with an even bigger Socialist. Barack Obama has merely taken all of George Bush's terrible ideas like "Stimulus Packages" and made them much much worse. So the only change I've seen so far from Hopey Changey is that things have gotten much much worse. The only option left for America is to Vote out all Socialists. It is what it is unfortunately.
Barack Obama is merely George Bush on Steroids. Just replaced one Socialist with an even bigger Socialist. Barack Obama has merely taken all of George Bush's terrible ideas like "Stimulus Packages" and made them much much worse. So the only change I've seen so far from Hopey Changey is that things have gotten much much worse. The only option left for America is to Vote out all Socialists. It is what it is unfortunately.

I don't think voting is going to get the job done LN. I think it's going to take more than that.

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