C Ya Piers

He was pretty good on the talent show, but he had no talent as a talk show host.

His talent or lack of it had NOTHING to do with why he was fired. Pretending it did means you are part of the problem.

Boycott CNN. Anyone ready to concede yet that the cult of LGBT has gotten out of control and is galloping without reins to complete unrestrained fascism?
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Is he leaving the country? That would be news. The fact that his dumb show isn't going to be on anymore isn't a surprise for anyone who could see it.
Is he leaving the country? That would be news. The fact that his dumb show isn't going to be on anymore isn't a surprise for anyone who could see it.

"his dumb show" is not the reason it was cancelled. It was cancelled because a transsexual got mad that Piers reminded him that he is male. Pure and simple. Long and the short of it. He was fired because he refused to remake reality to please the Gods of LGBT at the altar of sacrafice..
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfzu2ObrYzc]Jeremy Clarkson talks about punching Piers Morgan - YouTube[/ame]
I would have thought this would be a thing that both sides of the political spectrum could agree on, he's an odious little tit.
I bet you liberals will start blaming "conservative xenophobia" for his low ratings.

Naw, we weren't watching it, either.

You guys seemed to have an obsession with it because he pointed out that countries like his that banned private gun ownership didn't have mass murder on a daily basis.

Reality denial is a key component for conservatives.

But mostly, wasn't anything going on on his show that was that interesting. Most liberals were either watching fun dramas or maybe Rachel Maddow.
I recall him calling the Gun Owners of America executive director Larry Pratt an "incredibly stupid man" during an on-air interview. That was very unprofessional and childish of him to be engaging in name calling, especially against a respected individual such as Mr. Pratt.

Whatever happened to the petition to deport him? I recall it had over 100,000 signatures.

Larry Pratt isn't a stupid man.

He's just a douchebag with no conscience who doesn't care about murdered children as long as the gun industry keeps signing his paycheck.
Honestly...he was only slightly worse than Chris Matthews...not nearly as bad as Keith Oberman, and on par with Mika Brzezinski (Blond idiot co hosting Morning Joe)
I don't care what or who it is, if it's connected with liberalism, progressivism or especially the dimocrap party, it's scummy as scummy can be.

Top to bottom, dimocraps are scum


It's not surprising that he expects the worst of other people: his personal history is replete with examples of bad behavior. He probably knows that he shouldn't be trusted with a gun. While editor of the Daily Mirror, he used the stock tips in an investing column to advance his personal fortune through insider training (Morgan saved himself by flipping on his own columnists, who were fired and ultimately convicted; at least one did time in prison. Profile in courage, that). Also at the Mirror, his personal anti-military agenda led him to publish fabricated photographs of nonexistent "tortures" by soldiers of the Queen's Lancashire Regiment. When his crudely faked photos were exposed and the entire publishing firm was feeling the heat, Morgan refused to apologize for the fraud he committed. So they fired him.

The scandal that may take him down before CNN gets around to firing him and replacing him with something more popular, like hantavirus, is generally called the Phone Hacking scandal. Morgan was questioned by an inquiry into the systematic hacking of voicemails and mobile phones by reporters under his management. He certainly knew about it, including how to do it; other reporters testify that he taught methods to them while he was an editor.

Previously Unpublished Documents Show Piers Morgan Under Fire - The Daily Beast

BBC NEWS | UK | Politics | Editor sacked over 'hoax' photos

The 'torture' photos that hoaxed the Mirror | Gallery | guardian.co.uk
I'm sure it's a gigantic coincidence that he insulted a man by calling him a man [a dude who had his junk chopped off and is pretending to be a woman]...and that guy beat Piers up with his LGBT buddies on Twitter, then days later his show is cancelled.

All just one big coincidence.
another one bites the dust

the progressive/lib IDIOT taking heads in media is falling one by one


one way to get rid of them, DON'T watch them or the station

money talks bullshit walks
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That's what happens when you forget your place in the fairy tail world of political correctness vs honesty. Don't go telling a "woman" born a boy she was once a dude...tsk tsk tsk
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Piers Morgan said he quit so which is it?

He made a mistake. He thought, as many liberals do, that the vast majority of Americans was anti gun. Just like he thought that the reality of his guest being born male would not be denied. He was wrong on both.
Maybe he can find a spot over at the cable TV powerhouse MSNBC
Or Al Jezeera. :lol:
Got it in one!
That is precisely where the **** is going.
He's taking 'Metro' Chrissy Hayes with him.
Hayes's contract came up for renewal and the brass at MSNBC told him they'd have to 'think about it" for six months AKA if your fucking nightly viewers don't exceed four hundred minimum look for another company to work for.

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