CA, Compton couple filling potholes on their own gets cease and desist from the city


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021

People from a shitty area try to improve their shitty area... government stops them.....Another fine example of proof the government hates you. As if you really needed anymore proof.

They are making all the 100+ city union hacks in their 50 trucks parked in the shade for 8 hours a day look bad.

Imagine if people start fixing the roads by themselves. What other stuff might they start doing themselves? Maybe a volunteer community library with no leftist porn in it?

Think of all those cushy public union jobs that might be eliminated.

People from a shitty area try to improve their shitty area... government stops them.....Another fine example of proof the government hates you. As if you really needed anymore proof.

They are making all the 100+ city union hacks in their 50 trucks parked in the shade for 8 hours a day look bad.

Imagine if people start fixing the roads by themselves. What other stuff might they start doing themselves? Maybe a volunteer community library with no leftist porn in it?

Think of all those cushy public union jobs that might be eliminated.

The governments in places like this don't WANT anyone to be happy, comfortable, or successful. They want you poor, desperate, and dependent on them for everything.

People from a shitty area try to improve their shitty area... government stops them.....Another fine example of proof the government hates you. As if you really needed anymore proof.

They are making all the 100+ city union hacks in their 50 trucks parked in the shade for 8 hours a day look bad.

Imagine if people start fixing the roads by themselves. What other stuff might they start doing themselves? Maybe a volunteer community library with no leftist porn in it?

Think of all those cushy public union jobs that might be eliminated.

The trash pickup people here so damaged the lid on our 80 gallon rolling trash container that it eventually fell off. Before the lid fell off, we called the city to report the problem and they advised us the earliest they could pick it up and deliver an undamaged one was May 2! This was a couple of weeks ago. It is still March. So now with a detached lid, we asked if we could just bring in the damaged container and pick up a new one? Oh no. There was no way to do that. It had to be done the way everybody else does it. Sometimes you just want to bang your head against the wall.

Note to people who decide to fill potholes on their own: If you're on a bridge and you hear a big thud you only have a few seconds to get out of there.
Public unions are the blight on balanced budgets. I have no problem with debating minimum work standards and/or hours to work a week. The raises and benefits go overboard in Canada without question. It becomes harmful and counter productive.

People from a shitty area try to improve their shitty area... government stops them.....Another fine example of proof the government hates you. As if you really needed any more proof.

Imagine if people start fixing the roads by themselves. What other stuff might they start doing themselves? Maybe a volunteer community library with no leftist porn in it?

Filling Potholes Is Democracy; Being Ordered to Stop That Is a Republic

Constitution-bangers are always complaining about the government, even though it was enabled by the same supremacy document they worship. But they have no problem with Wall Street statist tyranny.
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Back in my convict road gang days it was expected for a crew of seven convicts to fix around 500 potholes a day.

We usually went through two loads of asphalt a day.....We did use a powered tamper though.
Whatever Happened to Chain Gangs "Paying Their Debt to Society"?

It was Hollywood's glorification of a lazy and immature drifter in Cool Hand Luke (1967) that got the HUG-A-THUG feralphile festival started.

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