Ca Gay Marriage Ban Unconstitutional

Using your Logic, then (2) 50 something Siblings Marrying who take care of a Child or Grandchild affects you none at all...

Marriage can't be Expanded in an Exclusionary way.



Well, actually if two 50 year old brothers want to get married. How does that affect me? it's sicker than hell, but my day to day life would remain unaffected.

Someone Fucking a Horse doesn't Affect you... Is that the Standard?...

We are Screwed as a Society if Standards and Observations of what IS can't even be Respected.

There is a Distinct Difference between Heterosexual and Homosexual Coupling...

It's called "our very Existence", as the Supreme Court put in Loving...

I am Pro-Civil Union for all other, but there is NO Reason to Act like Man and Wife is the same as Wife and Wife...

And Certainly NO Justification to Entertain it in Law as Equal.



Actually, that IS the standard, as long as I'm not hurting you then you have NO right to dictate what I can do. That is freedom.

Oh and I never suggested they should be equal in law. In fact I said quite the opposite, Law should but out of marriage period. Every single advantage of being married should disappear, all such things to be considered by private contract rather than some silly piece of paper from the state. Meaning if you want your wife to be able to collect survivor benefits should something happen to you, you better make sure you have a contract stating such on file, and likewise boe could have one to assure that her partner has the same protections. marriage or not not mattering.
I was married to a wonderful woman for over 30 years prior to her passing, and can tell you without her in my life as a partner to put up with my bull as a young man I don't know where I would be. She gave me the greatest gift am man could ever get and that is the love of a daughter and her own love. For this I consider myself a lucky man. So when I see the debate about marrige in California I tend to see it from the eye's of that daughter of mine I love so well. I would not deny my daughter the same in life I had regardlesss of where life led her and to deny that to others simply because I held a belief would be akin to holding others to my own beliefs. So in the end it matters not one wit to me if people wish to marry one another in California and have the chance at the same love I had. While I understand and would like to see marraige stay traditionally a man and a women is not up to me hold those beliefs on others as long as they obey the laws and live good healthy lives and contribute to society.
I don't know....I get thousands of testimonials from straight couples swearing that my getting married FORCED them to get divorced. :doubt:
You aren't married, you're in a civil union....Stop the lying.

I am married by the State of CA....and how do you like the recent ruling, Wicked? So much for the victory of the Segregationists, eh?
I fully predicted this outcome. It's not over by a long shot. It's now time to drag it out through the court system for many years.

Segregationists?...You sure are full of yourselves....You people are not a race after all, just a bunch of deviants who try to shove their disgusting lifestyle down our throats..You people want be married, fine...Just quit forcing your disgusting lifestyle on everybody else.

Nobody, particularly our children needs to see you freaks acting like a buch of classless morons as fully proven in the following:

46 seconds in you see the first child in the crowd.....You people are a bunch of lowclass morons.
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I don't know....I get thousands of testimonials from straight couples swearing that my getting married FORCED them to get divorced. :doubt:
You aren't married, you're in a civil union....Stop the lying.

I am married by the State of CA....and how do you like the recent ruling, Wicked? So much for the victory of the Segregationists, eh?

YOU are Fucking Segregationist... You are Demanding that Marriage be Expanded for YOUR Chosen Deviation and not other, including Bisexuals who would be Required to Choose one Gender over the other when Marrying...

The Can of Worms is ENDLESS...


Bod is gay?????

Bod, you poop, I thought you said you WEREN'T gay!

There's a conspiracy to make me think I'm losing my freaking mind.
You aren't married, you're in a civil union....Stop the lying.

I am married by the State of CA....and how do you like the recent ruling, Wicked? So much for the victory of the Segregationists, eh?
I fully predicted this outcome. It's not over by a long shot. It's now time to drag it out through the court system for many years.

Segregationists?...You sure are full of yourselves....You people are not a race after all, just a bunch of deviants who try to shove their disgusting lifestyle down our throats..You people want be married, fine...Just quit forcing your disgusting lifestyle on everybody else.

Nobody, particularly our children needs to see you freaks acting like a buch of classless morons as fully proven in the following:

46 seconds in you see the first child in the crowd.....You people are a bunch of lowclass morons.

Ah...why am I not surprised that you do not know what the words Segregation and Segregationist means....your kind are usually the most ignorant...thanks for proving it.

How's that Judge's ruling sitting with you, Wicked? Has he and I ruined your marriage yet? :eusa_eh:

Logic and CornHole is a paradox.

Much as Yukon and healthy sexual life is

Look fool, this is something you moron leftie jerkoffs don't understand, just because i disagree with Mal on this ONE subject doesn't mean I hate him, or think his is opinon is invalid. I've disagreed with Alllie before to, and Dive, And Harry, and........... The point is you lefto queers will agree with anything another leftie says no matter what so if a right leaning person says i disagree to another right leaning person you idiots get all excited and think "hahaha we have them beat now." What you fail to realize is that is called intellectual integrity, I disagree with Mal on THIS point and will say so even though he is a conservative person. Something I have yet to see a progressive queer do on this site yet, no matter the stance , no matter the lie, no matter the stupidity.....

Oh and PS stop calling people queers and then running to the mods and whining when your own sexual choices are exposed.
I am married by the State of CA....and how do you like the recent ruling, Wicked? So much for the victory of the Segregationists, eh?
I fully predicted this outcome. It's not over by a long shot. It's now time to drag it out through the court system for many years.

Segregationists?...You sure are full of yourselves....You people are not a race after all, just a bunch of deviants who try to shove their disgusting lifestyle down our throats..You people want be married, fine...Just quit forcing your disgusting lifestyle on everybody else.

Nobody, particularly our children needs to see you freaks acting like a buch of classless morons as fully proven in the following:

46 seconds in you see the first child in the crowd.....You people are a bunch of lowclass morons.

Ah...why am I not surprised that you do not know what the words Segregation and Segregationist means....your kind are usually the most ignorant...thanks for proving it.

How's that Judge's ruling sitting with you, Wicked? Has he and I ruined your marriage yet? :eusa_eh:

Your Coupling isn't Federaling Mandated in Marriage yet, Dumptruck...

We'll talk after the SCOTUS takes it up from the 9th.


I fully predicted this outcome. It's not over by a long shot. It's now time to drag it out through the court system for many years.

Segregationists?...You sure are full of yourselves....You people are not a race after all, just a bunch of deviants who try to shove their disgusting lifestyle down our throats..You people want be married, fine...Just quit forcing your disgusting lifestyle on everybody else.

Nobody, particularly our children needs to see you freaks acting like a buch of classless morons as fully proven in the following:

46 seconds in you see the first child in the crowd.....You people are a bunch of lowclass morons.

Ah...why am I not surprised that you do not know what the words Segregation and Segregationist means....your kind are usually the most ignorant...thanks for proving it.

How's that Judge's ruling sitting with you, Wicked? Has he and I ruined your marriage yet? :eusa_eh:

Your Coupling isn't Federaling Mandated in Marriage yet, Dumptruck...

We'll talk after the SCOTUS takes it up from the 9th.


Exactly!.....Take a look at that video. It's now properly up. These people are friggin' disgusting....One faggot fondling his dick. Some dyke with her saggy tits hangin' out. And, there are children in the fucking crowd....No doubt brought there by loony liberal pissants like Bodeaca.
Ah...why am I not surprised that you do not know what the words Segregation and Segregationist means....your kind are usually the most ignorant...thanks for proving it.

How's that Judge's ruling sitting with you, Wicked? Has he and I ruined your marriage yet? :eusa_eh:

Your Coupling isn't Federaling Mandated in Marriage yet, Dumptruck...

We'll talk after the SCOTUS takes it up from the 9th.


Exactly!.....Take a look at that video. It's now properly up. These people are friggin' disgusting....One faggot fondling his dick. Some dyke with her saggy tits hangin' out. And, there are children in the fucking crowd....No doubt brought there by loony liberal pissants like Bodeaca.

How you feeling today, Wicked? Proud Californian? I am. A proud married Californian.

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