Ca Gay Marriage Ban Unconstitutional

32 pages and not ONE member can answer my question - HOW DOES GAY MARRIAGE EFFECT YOU DIRECTLY?

Don't worry righties, once gay marriage is legal you can still hold your little signs up that says "God hates fags." You won't be forced to like gay people, you won't be forced to actually admit that you yourselves are gay... no one will force anything upon you. The only people this law will effect are... GAY COUPLES WHO WANT TO GET MARRIED!

I don't know....I get thousands of testimonials from straight couples swearing that my getting married FORCED them to get divorced. :doubt:
why are you so obsessed with rep power?

I'm guessing he thinks high rep ruins his bad boy image! :lol:

I like to keep it low so crybabies like Yurt and RGS don't complain too much when I neg them. I can't imagine why they care so much about their rep power but they do. I guess it must be a source of self esteem for real life losers.

lol....when made to look like a fool....lie about the other side...i don't care about rep...i certainly don't run around the board in multiple threads whining about my rep power...

you're the only tool that cares about rep so out obsessive rep anonymous, there might be hope for you yet
32 pages and not ONE member can answer my question - HOW DOES GAY MARRIAGE EFFECT YOU DIRECTLY?

Don't worry righties, once gay marriage is legal you can still hold your little signs up that says "God hates fags." You won't be forced to like gay people, you won't be forced to actually admit that you yourselves are gay... no one will force anything upon you. The only people this law will effect are... GAY COUPLES WHO WANT TO GET MARRIED!

First of all, this is not a "ban on gay marriage" nor does it make gay marriage "illegal" like you leftist loons make it out to be.

Section I. Title
This measure shall be known and may be cited as the "California Marriage Protection Act."
Section 2. Article I. Section 7.5 is added to the California Constitution. to read:
Sec. 7.5. Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.

All the law says is that the state will only recognize a marriage between a man and a woman. That is the way it has been throughout most of the history of mankind throughout the entire world. But of course, liberals have to lie and make it sound as if they (gays) are specifically being targeted.

This law does not forbid gays from getting married at all. If you're a fag and want to slip a ring on your boyfrieds finger and call it a "marriage", then by all means go ahead and do it - NOTHING is preventing that.

32 pages and not ONE member can answer my question - HOW DOES GAY MARRIAGE EFFECT YOU DIRECTLY?

Don't worry righties, once gay marriage is legal you can still hold your little signs up that says "God hates fags." You won't be forced to like gay people, you won't be forced to actually admit that you yourselves are gay... no one will force anything upon you. The only people this law will effect are... GAY COUPLES WHO WANT TO GET MARRIED!

I support gay marriage, but will answer your question.

1. There are specific tax beneifts to being married. Allowing gays to collect those benefits will obviously mean less money in the coffers which affects every citizen.

2. There is the issue of social security benefits which can be collected by surviving spouses. Obviously if gay spouses can collect such money that is less money in the kitty.

I'm sure there are others but frankly I can't think of them right now as I'm pre occupied with my pissing match with Shogun in another thread right now. :lol:
32 pages and not ONE member can answer my question - HOW DOES GAY MARRIAGE EFFECT YOU DIRECTLY?

Don't worry righties, once gay marriage is legal you can still hold your little signs up that says "God hates fags." You won't be forced to like gay people, you won't be forced to actually admit that you yourselves are gay... no one will force anything upon you. The only people this law will effect are... GAY COUPLES WHO WANT TO GET MARRIED!

I don't know....I get thousands of testimonials from straight couples swearing that my getting married FORCED them to get divorced. :doubt:

That's Absurd...

It's not about that, or Religion or ANY of it.

It's about Marriage Meaning something to the Species and to our Natural Design and Equipment.

Civil Unions are that is Needed to Remedy your Issues.

You don't Need to be Called something you are NOT to get your Legal/Custody/Healthcare Issues Resolved...

You want to be Called Married because you Lack the Inherent Validation that you so Desire in your Chosen Deviation.

No amount of Laws will EVER give you that.

If you don't have it Naturally, you NEVER will.


32 pages and not ONE member can answer my question - HOW DOES GAY MARRIAGE EFFECT YOU DIRECTLY?

Don't worry righties, once gay marriage is legal you can still hold your little signs up that says "God hates fags." You won't be forced to like gay people, you won't be forced to actually admit that you yourselves are gay... no one will force anything upon you. The only people this law will effect are... GAY COUPLES WHO WANT TO GET MARRIED!

I don't know....I get thousands of testimonials from straight couples swearing that my getting married FORCED them to get divorced. :doubt:

That's Absurd...

It's not about that, or Religion or ANY of it.

It's about Marriage Meaning something to the Species and to our Natural Design and Equipment.

Civil Unions are that is Needed to Remedy your Issues.

You don't Need to be Called something you are NOT to get your Legal/Custody/Healthcare Issues Resolved...

You want to be Called Married because you Lack the Inherent Validation that you so Desire in your Chosen Deviation.

No amount of Laws will EVER give you that.

If you don't have it Naturally, you NEVER will.



Let me ask you, and maybe you commented on it and I just missed it. How would you feel about the government stepping out of the marriage business altogether and making it a private affair? Would you care that Boe and her wife? called themselves married? Would you care if they had the same sort of procedures to make sure they had access to the same benefits of government as straights? If so, that is pretty fucked up bro.

In other words if it was just their own churches or what have you who proclaimed them and woman and wife? and not the government would you care at all?
32 pages and not ONE member can answer my question - HOW DOES GAY MARRIAGE EFFECT YOU DIRECTLY?

Don't worry righties, once gay marriage is legal you can still hold your little signs up that says "God hates fags." You won't be forced to like gay people, you won't be forced to actually admit that you yourselves are gay... no one will force anything upon you. The only people this law will effect are... GAY COUPLES WHO WANT TO GET MARRIED!

I support gay marriage, but will answer your question.

1. There are specific tax beneifts to being married. Allowing gays to collect those benefits will obviously mean less money in the coffers which affects every citizen.

2. There is the issue of social security benefits which can be collected by surviving spouses. Obviously if gay spouses can collect such money that is less money in the kitty.

I'm sure there are others but frankly I can't think of them right now as I'm pre occupied with my pissing match with Shogun in another thread right now. :lol:
And if we let them attend public school there will be less money in the coffers to educate REAL 'murkins.

I'm guessing he thinks high rep ruins his bad boy image! :lol:

I like to keep it low so crybabies like Yurt and RGS don't complain too much when I neg them. I can't imagine why they care so much about their rep power but they do. I guess it must be a source of self esteem for real life losers.

lol....when made to look like a fool....lie about the other side...i don't care about rep...i certainly don't run around the board in multiple threads whining about my rep power...

you're the only tool that cares about rep so out obsessive rep anonymous, there might be hope for you yet

Yurtfail :thup:
32 pages and not ONE member can answer my question - HOW DOES GAY MARRIAGE EFFECT YOU DIRECTLY?

Don't worry righties, once gay marriage is legal you can still hold your little signs up that says "God hates fags." You won't be forced to like gay people, you won't be forced to actually admit that you yourselves are gay... no one will force anything upon you. The only people this law will effect are... GAY COUPLES WHO WANT TO GET MARRIED!

I support gay marriage, but will answer your question.

1. There are specific tax beneifts to being married. Allowing gays to collect those benefits will obviously mean less money in the coffers which affects every citizen.

2. There is the issue of social security benefits which can be collected by surviving spouses. Obviously if gay spouses can collect such money that is less money in the kitty.

I'm sure there are others but frankly I can't think of them right now as I'm pre occupied with my pissing match with Shogun in another thread right now. :lol:
And if we let them attend public school there will be less money in the coffers to educate REAL 'murkins.


Just when you think a thread can't get any dumber Ravi shows up.
I support gay marriage, but will answer your question.

1. There are specific tax beneifts to being married. Allowing gays to collect those benefits will obviously mean less money in the coffers which affects every citizen.

2. There is the issue of social security benefits which can be collected by surviving spouses. Obviously if gay spouses can collect such money that is less money in the kitty.

I'm sure there are others but frankly I can't think of them right now as I'm pre occupied with my pissing match with Shogun in another thread right now. :lol:
And if we let them attend public school there will be less money in the coffers to educate REAL 'murkins.


Just when you think a thread can't get any dumber Ravi shows up.

Before Ravi, you know....
I like to keep it low so crybabies like Yurt and RGS don't complain too much when I neg them. I can't imagine why they care so much about their rep power but they do. I guess it must be a source of self esteem for real life losers.

lol....when made to look like a fool....lie about the other side...i don't care about rep...i certainly don't run around the board in multiple threads whining about my rep power...

you're the only tool that cares about rep so out obsessive rep anonymous, there might be hope for you yet

Yurtfail :thup:

lol...thats it? i at least expected you to throw out some more gave up way to easy...your mojo is gone
I don't know....I get thousands of testimonials from straight couples swearing that my getting married FORCED them to get divorced. :doubt:

That's Absurd...

It's not about that, or Religion or ANY of it.

It's about Marriage Meaning something to the Species and to our Natural Design and Equipment.

Civil Unions are that is Needed to Remedy your Issues.

You don't Need to be Called something you are NOT to get your Legal/Custody/Healthcare Issues Resolved...

You want to be Called Married because you Lack the Inherent Validation that you so Desire in your Chosen Deviation.

No amount of Laws will EVER give you that.

If you don't have it Naturally, you NEVER will.



Let me ask you, and maybe you commented on it and I just missed it. How would you feel about the government stepping out of the marriage business altogether and making it a private affair? Would you care that Boe and her wife? called themselves married? Would you care if they had the same sort of procedures to make sure they had access to the same benefits of government as straights? If so, that is pretty fucked up bro.

In other words if it was just their own churches or what have you who proclaimed them and woman and wife? and not the government would you care at all?

They call themselves Married already... And no, I don't want Marriage Changed from what it is, I want Civil Unions Legalized Nationally for all other.

Don't Care what the Consenting Adult Situation is.

Marriage is a Reflection what Created Bodey... Bodey and her Kind are Incapable of Reflecting that Naturally and in that Marriage in Law is Reserved for those of us Responsible for our Coupling Forwarding the Species.


32 pages and not ONE member can answer my question - HOW DOES GAY MARRIAGE EFFECT YOU DIRECTLY?

Don't worry righties, once gay marriage is legal you can still hold your little signs up that says "God hates fags." You won't be forced to like gay people, you won't be forced to actually admit that you yourselves are gay... no one will force anything upon you. The only people this law will effect are... GAY COUPLES WHO WANT TO GET MARRIED!

I don't know....I get thousands of testimonials from straight couples swearing that my getting married FORCED them to get divorced. :doubt:
You aren't married, you're in a civil union....Stop the lying.
That's Absurd...

It's not about that, or Religion or ANY of it.

It's about Marriage Meaning something to the Species and to our Natural Design and Equipment.

Civil Unions are that is Needed to Remedy your Issues.

You don't Need to be Called something you are NOT to get your Legal/Custody/Healthcare Issues Resolved...

You want to be Called Married because you Lack the Inherent Validation that you so Desire in your Chosen Deviation.

No amount of Laws will EVER give you that.

If you don't have it Naturally, you NEVER will.



Let me ask you, and maybe you commented on it and I just missed it. How would you feel about the government stepping out of the marriage business altogether and making it a private affair? Would you care that Boe and her wife? called themselves married? Would you care if they had the same sort of procedures to make sure they had access to the same benefits of government as straights? If so, that is pretty fucked up bro.

In other words if it was just their own churches or what have you who proclaimed them and woman and wife? and not the government would you care at all?

They call themselves Married already... And no, I don't want Marriage Changed from what it is, I want Civil Unions Legalized Nationally for all other.

Don't Care what the Consenting Adult Situation is.

Marriage is a Reflection what Created Bodey... Bodey and her Kind are Incapable of Reflecting that Naturally and in that Marriage in Law is Reserved for those of us Responsible for our Coupling Forwarding the Species.



Well then, I disagree with you on this one. Them having the right to call themselves married affects you none at all.
Let me ask you, and maybe you commented on it and I just missed it. How would you feel about the government stepping out of the marriage business altogether and making it a private affair? Would you care that Boe and her wife? called themselves married? Would you care if they had the same sort of procedures to make sure they had access to the same benefits of government as straights? If so, that is pretty fucked up bro.

In other words if it was just their own churches or what have you who proclaimed them and woman and wife? and not the government would you care at all?

They call themselves Married already... And no, I don't want Marriage Changed from what it is, I want Civil Unions Legalized Nationally for all other.

Don't Care what the Consenting Adult Situation is.

Marriage is a Reflection what Created Bodey... Bodey and her Kind are Incapable of Reflecting that Naturally and in that Marriage in Law is Reserved for those of us Responsible for our Coupling Forwarding the Species.



Well then, I disagree with you on this one. Them having the right to call themselves married affects you none at all.

Using your Logic, then (2) 50 something Siblings Marrying who take care of a Child or Grandchild affects you none at all...

Marriage can't be Expanded in an Exclusionary way.


They call themselves Married already... And no, I don't want Marriage Changed from what it is, I want Civil Unions Legalized Nationally for all other.

Don't Care what the Consenting Adult Situation is.

Marriage is a Reflection what Created Bodey... Bodey and her Kind are Incapable of Reflecting that Naturally and in that Marriage in Law is Reserved for those of us Responsible for our Coupling Forwarding the Species.



Well then, I disagree with you on this one. Them having the right to call themselves married affects you none at all.

Using your Logic, then (2) 50 something Siblings Marrying who take care of a Child or Grandchild affects you none at all...

Marriage can't be Expanded in an Exclusionary way.



Well, actually if two 50 year old brothers want to get married. How does that affect me? it's sicker than hell, but my day to day life would remain unaffected.
Well then, I disagree with you on this one. Them having the right to call themselves married affects you none at all.

Using your Logic, then (2) 50 something Siblings Marrying who take care of a Child or Grandchild affects you none at all...

Marriage can't be Expanded in an Exclusionary way.



Well, actually if two 50 year old brothers want to get married. How does that affect me? it's sicker than hell, but my day to day life would remain unaffected.

Someone Fucking a Horse doesn't Affect you... Is that the Standard?...

We are Screwed as a Society if Standards and Observations of what IS can't even be Respected.

There is a Distinct Difference between Heterosexual and Homosexual Coupling...

It's called "our very Existence", as the Supreme Court put in Loving...

I am Pro-Civil Union for all other, but there is NO Reason to Act like Man and Wife is the same as Wife and Wife...

And Certainly NO Justification to Entertain it in Law as Equal.


32 pages and not ONE member can answer my question - HOW DOES GAY MARRIAGE EFFECT YOU DIRECTLY?

Don't worry righties, once gay marriage is legal you can still hold your little signs up that says "God hates fags." You won't be forced to like gay people, you won't be forced to actually admit that you yourselves are gay... no one will force anything upon you. The only people this law will effect are... GAY COUPLES WHO WANT TO GET MARRIED!

I don't know....I get thousands of testimonials from straight couples swearing that my getting married FORCED them to get divorced. :doubt:
You aren't married, you're in a civil union....Stop the lying.

I am married by the State of CA....and how do you like the recent ruling, Wicked? So much for the victory of the Segregationists, eh?

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