CA Governor Brown pushes for 5 million zero-emission cars

This is sure to anger Trumpflakes :)

Gov. Jerry Brown outlined a $2.5 billion plan Friday to help Californians buy electric vehicles and expand a network of charging stations as part of a goal of getting 5 million zero-emission cars on the road by 2030.

The ambitious proposal to transform California's car culture comes as Brown begins his final year in office and works to set the stage for his environmental legacy to continue under his successor. The Democratic governor has positioned California as a global leader in fighting climate change amid President Donald Trump's decision to pull the U.S. out of the Paris climate accord.​

California governor pushes for 5 million zero-emission cars
/----/ Why would that anger us? It's a free country (Libs are trying to change that of course) and people are free to buy an electric if they want. I'd consider one if it was practical for my driving habits. If California wants to mandate it it's a state rights decision. You're trying to make something out of nothing.

I wonder what they will do when other people from other states drive gas powered cars, make them stop at the borders and get a rent a car. Or how about those jets at airports LOL those are super clean.
I would love to have an electric car that could be charged by solar panels on my roof for my day to day routine driving. At this time it is much more ecomical to drive my paid for....almost 20 year old small pickup truck.
I simply do not believe you will drop $80,000+ on a vehicle you barely drive!

Okay, I should have used the word IF I buy another car. Because if my driving habits don't change, it's unlikely to happen in the near future. But I'll be retiring either in Oregon or California and there I would drive a whole lot more. Also:

Model 3
Designed to attain the highest safety ratings in every category, Model 3 achieves 220 miles of range while starting at only $35,000 before incentives.

Model 3
It's all a scam to gain suckers right into their corporate buying. Which of course make them rich because sheep fall for all the bs that makes their Democratic cult leader rich. They're to stupid to figure out we have had cars that run on WATER and is extremely cheap now why do we suppose that's been kept out of the market.

We can bet the sheep can't think of it..................... But someone with a brain can think of why and or know why etc.
It's all a scam to gain suckers right into their corporate buying. Which of course make them rich because sheep fall for all the bs that makes their Democratic cult leader rich. They're to stupid to figure out we have had cars that run on WATER and is extremely cheap now why do we suppose that's been kept out of the market.

We can bet the sheep can't think of it..................... But someone with a brain can think of why and or know why etc.
You mean like this one!

Proof that lots of people don’t understand basic chemistry.
This is sure to anger Trumpflakes :)

Gov. Jerry Brown outlined a $2.5 billion plan Friday to help Californians buy electric vehicles and expand a network of charging stations as part of a goal of getting 5 million zero-emission cars on the road by 2030.

The ambitious proposal to transform California's car culture comes as Brown begins his final year in office and works to set the stage for his environmental legacy to continue under his successor. The Democratic governor has positioned California as a global leader in fighting climate change amid President Donald Trump's decision to pull the U.S. out of the Paris climate accord.​

California governor pushes for 5 million zero-emission cars

As long as California's electricity grid is seperated from the rest of the country...who cares? Let the idiots live with the people they voted for.
It's all a scam to gain suckers right into their corporate buying. Which of course make them rich because sheep fall for all the bs that makes their Democratic cult leader rich. They're to stupid to figure out we have had cars that run on WATER and is extremely cheap now why do we suppose that's been kept out of the market.

We can bet the sheep can't think of it..................... But someone with a brain can think of why and or know why etc.
You mean like this one!

Proof that lots of people don’t understand basic chemistry.

I'll have to come back and listen to it , right now I could only look at it LOL, but if it's what I am thinking yes they can easily have cars that run on water , but by doing so all the industries involved in car making or maybe that should be fuel , would lose billions.

Just like if they found a cure for cancer billions would be lost in big pharma and so how they keep those billions going they lie to the people . Pot cures cancer yet ppl can't piece together why or how come it is made to look big and scary. Oh and addictive which is pure bs.
It's all a scam to gain suckers right into their corporate buying. Which of course make them rich because sheep fall for all the bs that makes their Democratic cult leader rich. They're to stupid to figure out we have had cars that run on WATER and is extremely cheap now why do we suppose that's been kept out of the market.

We can bet the sheep can't think of it..................... But someone with a brain can think of why and or know why etc.
You mean like this one!

Proof that lots of people don’t understand basic chemistry.

I'll have to come back and listen to it , right now I could only look at it LOL, but if it's what I am thinking yes they can easily have cars that run on water , but by doing so all the industries involved in car making or maybe that should be fuel , would lose billions.

Just like if they found a cure for cancer billions would be lost in big pharma and so how they keep those billions going they lie to the people . Pot cures cancer yet ppl can't piece together why or how come it is made to look big and scary. Oh and addictive which is pure bs.

No, the chemistry does not work. The video I posted is a fake.
The amount of electrical energy to split the hydrogen of off the water molecule is greater than or equal to the amount of energy output by the exothermic reaction of combining (burning) the hydrogen and oxygen back into water.

Also, if it were so easy to convert a gas engine to run on water, they would be all over the place. There would be a mechanic in every town converting regular cars to water powered cars, and those mechanics would be filthy rich.
This is sure to anger Trumpflakes :)

Gov. Jerry Brown outlined a $2.5 billion plan Friday to help Californians buy electric vehicles and expand a network of charging stations as part of a goal of getting 5 million zero-emission cars on the road by 2030.

The ambitious proposal to transform California's car culture comes as Brown begins his final year in office and works to set the stage for his environmental legacy to continue under his successor. The Democratic governor has positioned California as a global leader in fighting climate change amid President Donald Trump's decision to pull the U.S. out of the Paris climate accord.​

California governor pushes for 5 million zero-emission cars
Who gives a shit about crazy Cali... lol
So all that electricity is produced with zero emissions? Go Moonbeam Go!

It pays to read before you respond. Do you need a children's picture book like POTUS? :)

The state has successfully reduced emissions from power plants thanks to the widespread adoption of wind, solar and hydroelectricity, but pollution from transportation has inched up.

Brown proposes using money from a mixture of existing programs at the California Energy Commission and the state's cap-and-trade program, which caps pollution levels and auctions off permits to pollute.​
Glad I don’t live in that shit hole... lol
So, you drive a plug-in electric car? If not, why not?

Not at present my friend - but I only put 3,000 miles per year on my truck, which is almost ten years old with less than 30k on it. Don't commute - work out of home office. Everything (including my gym and 90% of my shopping) is within a 2 miles of my home.

But when I buy another car it'll be this one.

Great, I would not be caught dead driving that piece of shit. LOL
This is sure to anger Trumpflakes :)

Gov. Jerry Brown outlined a $2.5 billion plan Friday to help Californians buy electric vehicles and expand a network of charging stations as part of a goal of getting 5 million zero-emission cars on the road by 2030.

The ambitious proposal to transform California's car culture comes as Brown begins his final year in office and works to set the stage for his environmental legacy to continue under his successor. The Democratic governor has positioned California as a global leader in fighting climate change amid President Donald Trump's decision to pull the U.S. out of the Paris climate accord.​

California governor pushes for 5 million zero-emission cars

California is flat broke, how does the old Maoist intend to pay for it?

Oh yeah, he'll rob the working class again...
It's all a scam to gain suckers right into their corporate buying. Which of course make them rich because sheep fall for all the bs that makes their Democratic cult leader rich. They're to stupid to figure out we have had cars that run on WATER and is extremely cheap now why do we suppose that's been kept out of the market.

We can bet the sheep can't think of it..................... But someone with a brain can think of why and or know why etc.
You mean like this one!

Proof that lots of people don’t understand basic chemistry.

I'll have to come back and listen to it , right now I could only look at it LOL, but if it's what I am thinking yes they can easily have cars that run on water , but by doing so all the industries involved in car making or maybe that should be fuel , would lose billions.

Just like if they found a cure for cancer billions would be lost in big pharma and so how they keep those billions going they lie to the people . Pot cures cancer yet ppl can't piece together why or how come it is made to look big and scary. Oh and addictive which is pure bs.

No, the chemistry does not work. The video I posted is a fake.
The amount of electrical energy to split the hydrogen of off the water molecule is greater than or equal to the amount of energy output by the exothermic reaction of combining (burning) the hydrogen and oxygen back into water.

Also, if it were so easy to convert a gas engine to run on water, they would be all over the place. There would be a mechanic in every town converting regular cars to water powered cars, and those mechanics would be filthy rich.

That's odd because they do exist they just aren't that popular .....

Fuel cells are devices that convert chemical energy (in this case hydrogen) directly into electrical energy, water and heat. In most hydrogen fuel cell cars, a high-power fuel cell and motor combination provide propulsion in place of an internal combustion engine.

Hydrogen fuel cell technology is an area of the automotive industry that is becoming increasingly important as more manufacturers commit to developing this type of power-train.

Like electric cars, hydrogen powered fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) are are classed as ultra low emission vehicles (ULEVs) since the only substance to come out of the exhaust is water vapour.

As most FCEVs have an on-board battery for temporary energy storage, they are in this sense similar to a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV), the fuel cell performing the same role as the PHEV's small combustion unit.

Hydrogen cars - 2018 UK guide to fuel cell vehicles
2. Honda will begin leasing its fuel-cell car, the Honda Clarity, in California by the end of 2016.

The EPA recently gave the car an estimated range of 366 miles — the longest range of any zero-emissions vehicle. Honda says the Clarity has a refuel time of just three to five minutes.

3. Lexus wants to unveil its hydrogen-powered car in 2020, but we have yet to hear details on its range or other specs.

10 hydrogen-powered cars in the works right now

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