CA Governor Brown pushes for 5 million zero-emission cars

So, you drive a plug-in electric car? If not, why not?

Not at present my friend - but I only put 3,000 miles per year on my truck, which is almost ten years old with less than 30k on it. Don't commute - work out of home office. Everything (including my gym and 90% of my shopping) is within a 2 miles of my home.

But when I buy another car it'll be this one.

/----/ Why would that anger us? It's a free country (Libs are trying to change that of course) and people are free to buy an electric if they want. I'd consider one if it was practical for my driving habits. If California wants to mandate it it's a state rights decision. You're trying to make something out of nothing.

Oh c'mon - Literally anything involving California or Jerry Brown drives most RW nuts around here crazy. :wink:
/----/Not true, but you run along and play with your friends.
This is sure to anger Trumpflakes :)

Gov. Jerry Brown outlined a $2.5 billion plan Friday to help Californians buy electric vehicles and expand a network of charging stations as part of a goal of getting 5 million zero-emission cars on the road by 2030.

The ambitious proposal to transform California's car culture comes as Brown begins his final year in office and works to set the stage for his environmental legacy to continue under his successor. The Democratic governor has positioned California as a global leader in fighting climate change amid President Donald Trump's decision to pull the U.S. out of the Paris climate accord.​

California governor pushes for 5 million zero-emission cars

Why am I supposed to be angered by this?
This is sure to anger Trumpflakes :)

Gov. Jerry Brown outlined a $2.5 billion plan Friday to help Californians buy electric vehicles and expand a network of charging stations as part of a goal of getting 5 million zero-emission cars on the road by 2030.

The ambitious proposal to transform California's car culture comes as Brown begins his final year in office and works to set the stage for his environmental legacy to continue under his successor. The Democratic governor has positioned California as a global leader in fighting climate change amid President Donald Trump's decision to pull the U.S. out of the Paris climate accord.​

California governor pushes for 5 million zero-emission cars

CA Governor Brown pushes for 5 million zero-emission cars

No thanks

So, you drive a plug-in electric car? If not, why not?

Not at present my friend - but I only put 3,000 miles per year on my truck, which is almost ten years old with less than 30k on it. Don't commute - work out of home office. Everything (including my gym and 90% of my shopping) is within a 2 miles of my home.

But when I buy another car it'll be this one.


If he eventually figures out how to perfect an assembly line, you know, something Ford figured out 100 years ago.

Why Tesla's Model 3 production problems are troubling
It also good to pay attention to the title of your thread. “Zero emission cars”!

Right - so you understand that these charging stations will go in with solar panels yes?

This is some serious delusion right there. Aint no way putting up solar panels less than the size of a couple football fields is gonna sustain --- "a charging station".. Maybe not even a home solar installation for ONE EV unless it's overspecified by a factor of 2..

The capture rate of solar would NEVER run a drop in solar "gas station". Go learn some things.

Charging at 120V just won't work for "drive-up" stations. At 220V, it's a 40 AMP service. That's 8KWatts of power. About 2.5 to 4 times the size of a home installation. And that's ONE vehicle at a time. And ONLY for about 7 hours of daylight.
This is sure to anger Trumpflakes :)

Gov. Jerry Brown outlined a $2.5 billion plan Friday to help Californians buy electric vehicles and expand a network of charging stations as part of a goal of getting 5 million zero-emission cars on the road by 2030.

The ambitious proposal to transform California's car culture comes as Brown begins his final year in office and works to set the stage for his environmental legacy to continue under his successor. The Democratic governor has positioned California as a global leader in fighting climate change amid President Donald Trump's decision to pull the U.S. out of the Paris climate accord.​

California governor pushes for 5 million zero-emission cars

Were I a resident of California, it would be bother me that the governor is wasting $2.5 billion on something non-essential when the state is facing some dire budget issues.
It also good to pay attention to the title of your thread. “Zero emission cars”!

Right - so you understand that these charging stations will go in with solar panels yes?

This is some serious delusion right there. Aint no way putting up solar panels less than the size of a couple football fields is gonna sustain --- "a charging station".. Maybe not even a home solar installation for ONE EV unless it's overspecified by a factor of 2..

The capture rate of solar would NEVER run a drop in solar "gas station". Go learn some things.

Charging at 120V just won't work for "drive-up" stations. At 220V, it's a 40 AMP service. That's 8KWatts of power. About 2.5 to 4 times the size of a home installation. And that's ONE vehicle at a time. And ONLY for about 7 hours of daylight.
Like the roofs of the charging stations are the only roofs in town? I imagine Musk is already working out deals with warehouses and utilities to use those roofs to provide electricity to his charging stations.
It also good to pay attention to the title of your thread. “Zero emission cars”!

Right - so you understand that these charging stations will go in with solar panels yes?

This is some serious delusion right there. Aint no way putting up solar panels less than the size of a couple football fields is gonna sustain --- "a charging station".. Maybe not even a home solar installation for ONE EV unless it's overspecified by a factor of 2..

The capture rate of solar would NEVER run a drop in solar "gas station". Go learn some things.

Charging at 120V just won't work for "drive-up" stations. At 220V, it's a 40 AMP service. That's 8KWatts of power. About 2.5 to 4 times the size of a home installation. And that's ONE vehicle at a time. And ONLY for about 7 hours of daylight.
Like the roofs of the charging stations are the only roofs in town? I imagine Musk is already working out deals with warehouses and utilities to use those roofs to provide electricity to his charging stations.

Oh sure.. He's gonna be a major utility.. In addition to being a car manufacturer, and rocket scientist and tunnel digger. ALL on the Federal dole at once..
So, it has (in the real world) about a 90-mile radius of use. Yeahno.
At present. By 2023, I am willing to bet that the range of the EV's will be twice or three times what it is today. And they will be a lot cheaper. The range of the Tesla Semi and Roadster is showing the way. The battery technology is developing like the solar panel technology did. Once there was a large market, the price started dropping precipitously. And as the Tesla battery demonstrated in Australia, there are more the one reason to put in grid scale storage.
It also good to pay attention to the title of your thread. “Zero emission cars”!

Right - so you understand that these charging stations will go in with solar panels yes?

This is some serious delusion right there. Aint no way putting up solar panels less than the size of a couple football fields is gonna sustain --- "a charging station".. Maybe not even a home solar installation for ONE EV unless it's overspecified by a factor of 2..

The capture rate of solar would NEVER run a drop in solar "gas station". Go learn some things.

Charging at 120V just won't work for "drive-up" stations. At 220V, it's a 40 AMP service. That's 8KWatts of power. About 2.5 to 4 times the size of a home installation. And that's ONE vehicle at a time. And ONLY for about 7 hours of daylight.
Like the roofs of the charging stations are the only roofs in town? I imagine Musk is already working out deals with warehouses and utilities to use those roofs to provide electricity to his charging stations.

Oh sure.. He's gonna be a major utility.. In addition to being a car manufacturer, and rocket scientist and tunnel digger. ALL on the Federal dole at once..
Musk is going to either be one of the richest men in the world, or he is going to be flat broke. Really doesn't matter, either way, he will have made a difference. Something you will never be able to say. The names of the people that stood beside the road and yelled 'Get a horse' are long forgotten. Ford is remembered.
This is sure to anger Trumpflakes :)

Gov. Jerry Brown outlined a $2.5 billion plan Friday to help Californians buy electric vehicles and expand a network of charging stations as part of a goal of getting 5 million zero-emission cars on the road by 2030.

The ambitious proposal to transform California's car culture comes as Brown begins his final year in office and works to set the stage for his environmental legacy to continue under his successor. The Democratic governor has positioned California as a global leader in fighting climate change amid President Donald Trump's decision to pull the U.S. out of the Paris climate accord.​

California governor pushes for 5 million zero-emission cars

As long as California's electricity grid is seperated from the rest of the country...who cares? Let the idiots live with the people they voted for.
Dumb ass, California has provided much of the money to build the wind mills East of the Colombia Gorge. And provided Oregon and Washington's wheat farmers with income. Oregon has vast potential in the Southeast area of the state for wind and solar, all it needs is a grid from the Idaho border to the California border.
Were I a resident of California, it would be bother me that the governor is wasting $2.5 billion on something non-essential when the state is facing some dire budget issues.

You were saying? :)

SACRAMENTO — Four-term Gov. Jerry Brown released his 16th, and final, annual budget blueprint on Wednesday, urging legislators to squirrel away most of the state’s projected $6.1 billion surplus as he warned of the next economic downturn and potential cuts by the Trump administration and the Republican-controlled Congress.

The surplus is a dramatic departure from the troubles Brown faced in 2011, when he returned to the governor’s office after a quarter-century hiatus. At the time, California’s economy was still wobbly from the Great Recession, and state officials were wrestling with a $27 billion budget deficit.​

Gov. Jerry Brown proposes $131.7 billion budget amid huge surplus
Were I a resident of California, it would be bother me that the governor is wasting $2.5 billion on something non-essential when the state is facing some dire budget issues.

You were saying? :)

SACRAMENTO — Four-term Gov. Jerry Brown released his 16th, and final, annual budget blueprint on Wednesday, urging legislators to squirrel away most of the state’s projected $6.1 billion surplus as he warned of the next economic downturn and potential cuts by the Trump administration and the Republican-controlled Congress.

The surplus is a dramatic departure from the troubles Brown faced in 2011, when he returned to the governor’s office after a quarter-century hiatus. At the time, California’s economy was still wobbly from the Great Recession, and state officials were wrestling with a $27 billion budget deficit.​

Gov. Jerry Brown proposes $131.7 billion budget amid huge surplus

Brown just figured out new accounting. Much like our Congress did to steal all of the Soc Sec surplus. So the massive pension liabilities of the state are now buried WAY "off book"..
This is sure to anger Trumpflakes :)

Gov. Jerry Brown outlined a $2.5 billion plan Friday to help Californians buy electric vehicles and expand a network of charging stations as part of a goal of getting 5 million zero-emission cars on the road by 2030.

The ambitious proposal to transform California's car culture comes as Brown begins his final year in office and works to set the stage for his environmental legacy to continue under his successor. The Democratic governor has positioned California as a global leader in fighting climate change amid President Donald Trump's decision to pull the U.S. out of the Paris climate accord.​

California governor pushes for 5 million zero-emission cars

As long as California's electricity grid is seperated from the rest of the country...who cares? Let the idiots live with the people they voted for.
Dumb ass, California has provided much of the money to build the wind mills East of the Colombia Gorge. And provided Oregon and Washington's wheat farmers with income. Oregon has vast potential in the Southeast area of the state for wind and solar, all it needs is a grid from the Idaho border to the California border.

The math never works out. Germany has a huge windmill sector, and the price of electricity is 3 times the price per kwh in the US. They have not even tried going car electric, and they never will. It costs too much.

If you want an education on California's ability to manage its electric grid, just review the events in 2000 when they deregulated the wholesale price of electricity, but not the retail price.
there is a chemical reaction in the batteries that emits gases...that breaks the zero emission idea..

Okay fair enuf - however not much of a comparison

Gasoline vs Electric—Who Wins on Lifetime Global Warming Emissions? We Found Out
I don’t give a shit keep that shit to yourselves, good ol’ American horse power works just fine for me.
You mean those slow ass antique ICE's? Tesla P100D 2.28 seconds 0 to 60.

The only cars that can match it start out at about 1 million dollars. Porche, MaClaren, and Ferrari. And then there is the Roadster coming out in 2020. 1.9 seconds 0 to 60. And none of those can match that yet. But they will, Ferrari has already said that they will build a car that can beat that. Probably for about a million dollars versus the built in American Roadster that will have a base model that sells for 1/4 that. No specs on the performance of the upscale model. Oh yeah, 620 miles range.
This is some serious delusion right there. Aint no way putting up solar panels less than the size of a couple football fields is gonna sustain --- "a charging station".. Maybe not even a home solar installation for ONE EV unless it's overspecified by a factor of 2..

The capture rate of solar would NEVER run a drop in solar "gas station". Go learn some things.

Charging at 120V just won't work for "drive-up" stations. At 220V, it's a 40 AMP service. That's 8KWatts of power. About 2.5 to 4 times the size of a home installation. And that's ONE vehicle at a time. And ONLY for about 7 hours of daylight.

Perhaps what you say is true (not the "couple of football fields" worth of panels to feed one charging station part - don't be silly) and you may know more about solar than I do, however renewables cover 30% of CA electricity requirements at present. There are ginormous new wind and solar farms going in and that 30% will likely be 60% in the next 5-10 years.

The Energy Commission estimates that about 30 percent of 2017 retail electricity sales in California were served by renewable energy facilities, (Figure 1) such as wind, solar, geothermal, biomass, and small hydroelectric
It also good to pay attention to the title of your thread. “Zero emission cars”!

Right - so you understand that these charging stations will go in with solar panels yes?
Funny thing electric cars Are run by toxic batteries... lol
Funny, ICE engines emit all kinds of toxic gases, have toxic lead-acid batteries in them, and toxic oil in the crankcase. The batteries in EV's are sealed and can be re-cycled. You 'Conservatives' are so damned stupid in use arguements that invalidate your own points.
So, you drive a plug-in electric car? If not, why not?

Not at present my friend - but I only put 3,000 miles per year on my truck, which is almost ten years old with less than 30k on it. Don't commute - work out of home office. Everything (including my gym and 90% of my shopping) is within a 2 miles of my home.

But when I buy another car it'll be this one.


I see an asshole doing that, and his license number will immediatly go to the police. Also to the DEQ. And should a child with asthma have an attack over that idiocy, the asshole could very well end up losing everything he has worked for. And that would please me to no end.

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