CA schools may be required to deny reality

Sure they exist, but that's not what you were getting at.

A Transgender is anyone who mentally identifies as gender or sex different from their sex at birth. It covers both Transsexuals and Transvestites.

Transvestites do not identify as any other gender than the one they were born as.

Not according as defined. You're talking about a homosexual.

No. A transvestite is a cross-dresser. They like dressing up in the clothing of the opposite gender, but don't think that they are the opposite gender. Even if you go so far as the homosexual drag queens, they are homosexual, they like being men, they also like dressing up like women, but never think they are women. A transsexual believes they were born into the wrong body. A pre op transsexual is required to live as the opposite sex for two years, completely as the opposite sex in order to separate out the pathology of the transvestite from the transsexual. A true transsexual will be totally comfortable living as a woman, or a man, a transvestite won't. A male transvestite won't be able to keep away from wanting sex with women.
are you saying transgender people dont exsist?

Are you saying you can have FUCKING PENIS and be a woman?

Actually, yes. The leading cause of ambiguous genitalia is Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia, where the adrenal glands are abnormally enlarged and production of some steroid hormones are low while production of male hormones are increased. In a female fetus, this leads to an enlarged clitoris and in some cases all the way to a fully formed penis as the urinary tract merges with the clitoris which grows to penis size. There are no testicles, though there is a scrotum, and internal organs are female and genetically the person is female, though appears male with male facial and body hair.

There are some other medical conditions that cause the same or similar issues.

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