Cable news warhawks fanning flames in Ukraine.

This certainly has brought out the Russian trolls and useful idiots

Actually, what it's done is demonstrate that, with very rare exception, there really isn't a nickel's worth of meaningful difference between a D and and R in Washington D.C.
No, he doesn’t care about unifying the country. He wants to divide it and use any reason to continue “emergency powers”

Does anyone really, seriously believe that the party that called half the nation a bunch of deplorables and labeled them America's #1 domestic terror threat sending the FBI to harass school mothers wants to "unify" us?
Does anyone really, seriously believe that the party that called half the nation a bunch of deplorables and labeled them America's #1 domestic terror threat sending the FBI to harass school mothers wants to "unify" us?
Half the nation?


Only the racists, fascists, and mysoginistic anti-gay assholes.

If that fits you...fuck yourself
Half the nation? Nope.
Ever check an election outcome, dope? Republicans get right around half the popular vote every time.

Only the racists, fascists, and mysoginistic anti-gay assholes.
Show me where Hillary ever made any of that distinction? Most of the racism comes from BLACKS, most of the fascism comes from the LEFT, the Left are highly misogynistic towards any woman as soon as they hear she is not a PROGRESSIVE, and the Bible labeled homosexuality a sin and an unclean perversion 2000 years ago. If you can't keep your faggotry to yourself, then zip up your zipper and STFU.

If that fits you...fuck yourself
My dicks not long enough but I bet you do it all the time.
Ever check an election outcome, dope? Republicans get right around half the popular vote every time.
Republicans in general are not the Deplorables. Far too many trumpers are though and Republicans consistently get less than half the vote anyway
Show me where Hillary ever made any of that distinction?
She absolutely did...but showing you wouldn't matter
Republicans in general are not the Deplorables.
Just pull that one out of your ass? Show us where Hillary ever made that distinction in the "flyover" states! She coined that phrase in 2016 during her campaign before there was any official "Trump Supporters."

Far too many trumpers are though and Republicans consistently get less than half the vote anyway
So you say. I guess that's why you keep fighting voter ID. The popular vote only counts at the state level anyway, not the national level, something you'd already know if you were educated.
Just pull that one out of your ass? Show us where Hillary ever made that distinction in the "flyover" states! She coined that phrase in 2016 during her campaign before there was any official "Trump Supporters."
"Speaking at a fundraiser in New York City on Friday, Hillary Clinton said half of Donald Trump’s supporters belong in a “basket of deplorables” characterized by “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic” views.

“You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right?” Clinton said. “The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic—you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up.” if you're a racist, homophobic, Xenophobic, or're a Deplorable

If you're not...she wasn't talking about you
"Speaking at a fundraiser in New York City on Friday, Hillary Clinton said half of Donald Trump’s supporters belong in a “basket of deplorables” characterized by “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic” views.
Like Hillary would know. She never even went out and met any of them.

  1. Racist. Blacks and progressives are the real racists in this country. Hear what a black guy said who WENT to an actual Trump rally.

  2. Sexist. Trump was an early supporter of hiring women, and you won't find any shortage of women at the rallies. Next.
  3. Homophobic. I guess that is the Left's new catch phrase for anyone brought up a Christian who believes like nature that Men and women belong together, not men and men.
  4. Xenophobe. Another catch phrase for anyone who actually believes we should pay attention to whom we allow into the country after 9/11, especially uneducated, dirty, unskilled 3rd Worlders who bring nothing but dependency and burden on our infrastructure.
  5. Islamaphobic. Another stupid idiom created by the Left who actually thinks that with Iran calling for death to Americans and the attack on 9/11, that we should be careful who we invite in from the Middle East, where they beat and murder women just for looking at another guy, kill gays, and rape little girls.
So basically, a deplorable is anyone who doesn't think like a Leftie.
Like Hillary would know. She never even went out and met any of them

Regardless...that who she was talking about

“racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic”

If that ain't you...she wasn't talking about you
Fuck Russia, fuck Putin and fuck Ukraine...
None of our business.

How about we concentrate on America for a change?

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