Cable news warhawks fanning flames in Ukraine.

All he/she has is the list of talking points in the instruction manual.

Lesh is one of those "guess if i am a boy or girl' members.
I get it. Something like this.
Then you have a double-edge sword of distrust when the media ratings are at an all-time low, which they are now, and you wind up with an uninformed population - as opposed to misinformed.

So which is worse ?
Sound like one of those questions near the end of a 101 level philosophy courses. I opt toward misinformed being worse. It is harder to unlearn that which is wrong, and polluting the mind than to fill and empty vessel. Our problem in the misinformation. Society is being propagandized into stupidity from both sides, both parties, right and left ideological extremes, and it is on purpose from both sides.
There is no KGB anymore, genius.
And they couldn't hold a candle to the CIA's covert activities.

You're only 30 years off.
The KGB was the main security agency for the Soviet Union from 13 March 1954 until 3 December 1991.
. . . on top of that, I'm not sure he realizes, or maybe he is an disinfo agent, but informed citizens know, the wiki is a limited hang-out of the CIA.

SO? Naturally it is going to be pro-western/USA propaganda. :rolleyes:
Our Kremlin trolls are concerned about “ pro Western propaganda “

Isn’t that cute
In the meantime, here at home OUR OWN border crisis continues.

Here's a good take on it.

While mainstream news outlets insist the situation in Ukraine is about to boil over, are war-hungry pundits to blame for stirring the pot? And just what is to be gained from escalating tensions in the region?

Ratings, ratings, ratings.
I wish you all on the extreme Soviet side would make up your minds. In one post it is Biden who is lying and making the war up. And the next post it is that Ukraine is none of our business if or when Putin invades.

So which is it? Is it a lie put forth by Biden? Or is Biden telling the truth and it is none of our business? Because one response is refuting the other response.

It is called consistently. You might want to try it sometime.

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