Cadets at the Army Navy game seen flashing White Power hand signs.

LoneLaugher said:
True to form, a RW nutbag fails the credibility test and refuses to admit that he is wrong.
True To Form
Another LW Nut Job Thinks His Neuroses Are Real

Fuck off.

You've been played by 4Chan shitlord trolls.

Sucks to be you.

Just STFU and stop embarrassing yourself.

Oh that's right...You have to dissociate yourself from the emotion of embarrassment to be a prog moonbat....My bad.
The hypocrisy of the Socialist DemonRats knows no bounds...




As a former Soldier, let me tell you young wannabe Officers this. There is no where in the Military for Racism. Soldiers are Green. Not white. Not black, or brown, or blue. They are all green. Sailors are all Blue.

The only way the Military works is with equality between the races. That’s it. And if you are a cadet at one of our Service Academy’s, and haven’t learned this lesson yet, then please take the opportunity to depart the service forthwith. We don’t want you, or need you in uniform. You don’t deserve the uniform, and you damned sure don’t deserve to be an Officer who will have troops to command.

Cadets and midshipmen appeared to flash white power hand signs at Army-Navy broadcast | Daily Mail Online

That signal was invented to troll democrats. It has nothing to do with racism. You think it does because, you people are loony, so right wingers troll you with it.

Is that an OK sign? A white power symbol? Or just a right-wing troll?
I don't have time to reinvent the wheel. Everyone already knows you history. I have nothing to prove that you haven't already.

Look at your user name. "bigrebnc" There is a lot of circumstantial evidence right there.
You have time to make false accusations so it's time for you to prove lying sack of shit.
oh and Big is because I'm 6'7 REB is for Rebel what you Torries called the founding fathers and NC because I'm from North Carolina and since you left out 1775 that is the year some in North Carolina created and signed their own Declaration of Independence
So liar now that we have all that straighten out time for you to produce those racist posts I have made.
This Exchange ^ ^ ^
Exemplifies The Whole OK Sign Thing

It's Exactly How It Must Have Come About
My exchange is in response to false accusation against me the liar must prove his accusations or will remain a liar.

You will screw up and reveal your true self soon enough. I will not waste time proving what everyone already know is true about you.
Liar, you made the accusation you need to prove it. Is that why you call yourself a tory? a traitor to America?

Fuck off and get back on topic before I report your ass for trolling off-topic!
You have time to make false accusations so it's time for you to prove lying sack of shit.
oh and Big is because I'm 6'7 REB is for Rebel what you Torries called the founding fathers and NC because I'm from North Carolina and since you left out 1775 that is the year some in North Carolina created and signed their own Declaration of Independence
So liar now that we have all that straighten out time for you to produce those racist posts I have made.
This Exchange ^ ^ ^
Exemplifies The Whole OK Sign Thing

It's Exactly How It Must Have Come About
My exchange is in response to false accusation against me the liar must prove his accusations or will remain a liar.

You will screw up and reveal your true self soon enough. I will not waste time proving what everyone already know is true about you.
Liar, you made the accusation you need to prove it. Is that why you call yourself a tory? a traitor to America?

Fuck off and get back on topic before I report your ass for trolling off-topic!
anyone that went off-topic was you when you falsely accused me of being racist tory the traitor
Notable tories
William Franklin
Lt. Col. James Chalmers
John Malcolm
Sir John Johnson

As a former Soldier, let me tell you young wannabe Officers this. There is no where in the Military for Racism. Soldiers are Green. Not white. Not black, or brown, or blue. They are all green. Sailors are all Blue.

The only way the Military works is with equality between the races. That’s it. And if you are a cadet at one of our Service Academy’s, and haven’t learned this lesson yet, then please take the opportunity to depart the service forthwith. We don’t want you, or need you in uniform. You don’t deserve the uniform, and you damned sure don’t deserve to be an Officer who will have troops to command.

Cadets and midshipmen appeared to flash white power hand signs at Army-Navy broadcast | Daily Mail Online

That's the Brazilian way of calling someone an asshole
“U.S. Naval Academy officials have appointed a preliminary inquiry officer to conduct an internal investigation into the hand gestures made during the ESPN ‘College GameDay’ broadcast prior to [Saturday’s] Army-Navy game,” Cmdr. Alana Garas, a spokesperson for the Naval Academy, said in a statement to The Washington Post. “Based on findings of the investigation, those involved will be held appropriately accountable. It would be inappropriate to speculate any further while we are conducting this investigation.”
The investigation is proof of how PC pussified the military is getting. Fucking bunch of goddamn retards.

So you wouldn't have a problem with folks throwing up gang signs in uniform.
They already do.

When was the last time they were on TV doing it?
The video leaves very little to interpret.
The hand signals were all directly behind black cadets/midshipmen

In two of the three cases, the person had to lean over and pass white cadets to get the sign behind the black student
Got any proof of this?
“U.S. Naval Academy officials have appointed a preliminary inquiry officer to conduct an internal investigation into the hand gestures made during the ESPN ‘College GameDay’ broadcast prior to [Saturday’s] Army-Navy game,” Cmdr. Alana Garas, a spokesperson for the Naval Academy, said in a statement to The Washington Post. “Based on findings of the investigation, those involved will be held appropriately accountable. It would be inappropriate to speculate any further while we are conducting this investigation.”
The investigation is proof of how PC pussified the military is getting. Fucking bunch of goddamn retards.

So you wouldn't have a problem with folks throwing up gang signs in uniform.

I would! But this was not a gang sign! I saw a former Clinton Campaign advisor on Fox last night make the Exact same "Ok" gesture! It was all he could do to keep his hands down on the table the rest of the interview once he realized it.:fu:
They love triggering you assholes and it works. You cry like little bitches and make something out of nothing. Payback is a bitch ain't' it , you mental cases can't handle it all. Sucks to be a weak wussy. :04::04::04::04::04::04::04::04:
When I was in the military we played a game where you flash the ok symbol below your belt and if your buddy looked at it you got to punch him. Had zero to do with any racist thing. That’s exactly what this guy was doing.

But, un-Americans like you don’t care about our military. You want to see their lives destroyed because you hate them.
In watching the video....What made it look like a game?

Why was this “game” directed only at black students?
Is that in the rules somewhere?

You can direct at anyone you want, most military folk aren’t concerned about skin color like you are.
LOL.....doesn’t seem to look that way

We will see how the academies respond
Predictably the obama holdovers will overreact

They are not happy when the academies are made to look bad
Those cadets have some splain’n to do

The Navy just told you and your ilk to go pound sand:

Navy, Army probes find no racism intent in hand gestures

But others suggested it was part of what’s called the “circle game,” in which someone flashes an upside-down OK sign below the waist and punches anyone who looks at it.

The Navy said that reviews of the footage, more than two dozen interviews and background checks by the Naval Criminal Investigative Service and the FBI determined that the two freshmen midshipmen were participating in the “circle game” with West Point cadets.”

So I was 100% correct, and wrongwinger was well....
In watching the video....What made it look like a game?

Why was this “game” directed only at black students?
Is that in the rules somewhere?

You can direct at anyone you want, most military folk aren’t concerned about skin color like you are.
LOL.....doesn’t seem to look that way

We will see how the academies respond
Predictably the obama holdovers will overreact

They are not happy when the academies are made to look bad
Those cadets have some splain’n to do

The Navy just told you and your ilk to go pound sand:

Navy, Army probes find no racism intent in hand gestures

But others suggested it was part of what’s called the “circle game,” in which someone flashes an upside-down OK sign below the waist and punches anyone who looks at it.

The Navy said that reviews of the footage, more than two dozen interviews and background checks by the Naval Criminal Investigative Service and the FBI determined that the two freshmen midshipmen were participating in the “circle game” with West Point cadets.”

So I was 100% correct, and wrongwinger was well....

And the American left and their media is so disappointed.
In watching the video....What made it look like a game?

Why was this “game” directed only at black students?
Is that in the rules somewhere?

You can direct at anyone you want, most military folk aren’t concerned about skin color like you are.
LOL.....doesn’t seem to look that way

We will see how the academies respond
Predictably the obama holdovers will overreact

They are not happy when the academies are made to look bad
Those cadets have some splain’n to do

The Navy just told you and your ilk to go pound sand:

Navy, Army probes find no racism intent in hand gestures

But others suggested it was part of what’s called the “circle game,” in which someone flashes an upside-down OK sign below the waist and punches anyone who looks at it.

The Navy said that reviews of the footage, more than two dozen interviews and background checks by the Naval Criminal Investigative Service and the FBI determined that the two freshmen midshipmen were participating in the “circle game” with West Point cadets.”

So I was 100% correct, and wrongwinger was well....
The Navy has ruined the lib racebaiters Christmas

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