Cain got caught in a lie.

I'm listening to them discuss it on TV. They showed a clip from a Cain interview from yesterday. He was asked why, since he lived in Atlanta, Georgia why he didn't march. He said the marchers were college students and he was in high school. It was pointed out that he was at MLK's college from 1963 to 1967, and in his 20's. He said that his father taught them not to get in trouble and they if they were told to move to the back of the bus, they moved to the back of the bus. Cain was asked what would have happened if Rosa Parks followed his father's advice, where would blacks be today? He said his father didn't give advice to Rosa Parks and at this point, became very, very angry and said, "Don't tell me how to be black".

Now this is a guy who has questioned Obama's "blackness and Americanism" and calls other blacks "brainwashed". A man who sat in the back of the bus and lied about why he wasn't "involved". MLK would would not be a Republican today. Cain received benefits he didn't earn. That much is clear.

I knew it wouldn't be long before the left focused on "race" over views and positions on how to get this economy turned around and Americans back to work. Should we really be all that surprised though? With unemployment getting worse under Obama's watch, there's no many lists of accomplishments he CAN run on as President. I'm sure Cain is tired of seeing blacks being "taken for granted, and unable to think for themselves".
Herman Cain's Father was a private chauffeur for Coke CEO executive and philanthropist Robert Woodruff. In segregated Georgia.
Is it possible that Cain's Father didn't want to lose his job over his son marching for Civil Rights?

Possibly. And your point is...?


Why do some believe the Civil Rights Movement involved nothing but MARCHING? Geezus H. Kryst, don't you people know anything about racial history in America?
Mr.Nick, I don't know what you smoke - but I NEVER want any of it.

In what universe do you believe no one in the future will be interested in this economy?

Do you really believe no one will dissect this economy?

I did and the CRA and forced lending is to blame for everything....
Mr.Nick, I don't know what you smoke - but I NEVER want any of it.

In what universe do you believe no one in the future will be interested in this economy?

Do you really believe no one will dissect this economy?

I did and the CRA and forced lending is to blame for everything....

Okay, whatever you say - just don't blow smoke on me.

That is easy to say considering you weren't reading for 100's of hours backtracking a fucked up economy....

Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton were the biggest supporters and cry babies when it came to minorities having no homes and credit from 1992-1994....

Guess what happened??

Now it backfired on democrats and now you're blaming republicans.... Typical democrat bullshit.

Democrats fail at everything then blame republicans....
There is no class warfare until the middle class fights back.

Look at Republicans. Slashing education. Voter suppression. Tax cuts for billionaires. Subsidies for corporations. Working to move millions of jobs to China. You have to "fight back" or Republicans will leave this a "third world country". Look at Cantor, arguing against disaster relief. Republican shouting "let him die" and cheering executions.

Look at North Carolina working to return to segregation.

How Republicans dealt with New Orleans after Katrina.

The promise of "Jobs Jobs Jobs" and then passing law after law based on religious and social issues.

I know you are nodding your head up and down, "But these are good things". And that's why we have to fight.

Blacks fought for their rights. "If not now, when?"

And it worked. And that fight was against white conservatives. The same confederate conservatives that yearn for the "good old days".

If the Democrats found educating children to be there top priority over teacher tenure and unions, the "quality" of our education wouldn't be suffering and our kids would be able to compete globally. Instead Obama has chosen to "dumb down" our children by allowing states to opt out of the No Child left behind policy, because school "image" is of greater importance than education.

Voter Suppression is the left's term for the fight against voter fraud. A photo ID that keeps elections honest is by no means "suppression", quit your whinning and choose a topic with more valued substance.

I have also found it interesting that the left believes making this nation more "costly" for corporate executives to build factories and do business IN the United States somehow "encourages" them not to look overseas. Oh but corproate business doesn't really pay over 50% in taxes, that's why the left wants to close loop holes AND add additional tax hikes. Yet, why are businesses in response moving overseas? Maybe one day the "light bulb" will go off, until then it's like a dealing with a rendition of 'Legally Blonde'.

Why is it the left wants to continually INCREASE our debt, by providing another stimulus plan that hasn't previously been shown to lower unemployment, and depend on CHINA to give us another "bail-out"? Is dependancy on a foreign government through oil or financial means really the "intelligent" thing to do?

How is not using "race" (which the COURTS rejected) but instead using economics, make North Carolina somehow racist? Isn't affirmitive action, basing your decision primarily on someone's skin color OVER other qualifications - (by definition) racism? The left still stumbles over that question, or avoids addressing it completely.

You don't REALLY want to talk about the Federal Government's response to Katrina (it's Bush's fault) after how Obama dealt with the oil spill disaster, do you? How can a President act as "commentator-in-chief" over oil drilling, but never take any action on containment to avoid certain economic disaster? I thought the left was for protecting the environment, not standing idle and looking for a platform to make a speech? Is this how the left defines Presidential leadership?

When was jobs a priority after the $787 Billion stimulus? Didn't the economy take a back seat to ObamaCare and more government regulations? (until the Republicans took over the House, THEN it was a rush for Harry Reed and the Democrats to start thinking about "jobs jobs jobs"). This America's Jobs Act is only Obama's campaign effort to try and save face and get himself re-elected. That is why he continues to "campaign" across the country.
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Cain is clearly an Uncle Tom. While there is nothing illegal about that - it certainly denotes a measure of dishonesty as to who he is. His past civil rights non-participation; hiding behind the Navy as a civilian to avoid Vietnam; zero political experience. Hell, has he ever advocated for anything - racial or otherwise?

And the racist remarks continue. Has the left completely slept through US History and the civil war? Go ahead, take a search through history and find out which "party" was against ending slavery. Maybe some on the left will start to learn something about American history instead of 'crying' over teacher tenure. Then again quality of education has never been their driving priority.
I'm listening to them discuss it on TV. They showed a clip from a Cain interview from yesterday. He was asked why, since he lived in Atlanta, Georgia why he didn't march. He said the marchers were college students and he was in high school. It was pointed out that he was at MLK's college from 1963 to 1967, and in his 20's. He said that his father taught them not to get in trouble and they if they were told to move to the back of the bus, they moved to the back of the bus. Cain was asked what would have happened if Rosa Parks followed his father's advice, where would blacks be today? He said his father didn't give advice to Rosa Parks and at this point, became very, very angry and said, "Don't tell me how to be black".

Now this is a guy who has questioned Obama's "blackness and Americanism" and calls other blacks "brainwashed". A man who sat in the back of the bus and lied about why he wasn't "involved". MLK would would not be a Republican today. Cain received benefits he didn't earn. That much is clear.
That's pretty funny.
Did Herman Cain benefit from the Civil Rights Movement that he failed to participate in?
Did Obama?

And, how is you think he did not participate in civil rights?

It's now a matter of public record. Don't you follow the news...? He admitted he did NOT participate in the civil right movement. He enjoys the benefits, but ignored the struggle.

Sounds exactly like the left with their support of "redistribution" and taxing the rich. All of the benefits, but none of the hard work and the risks involved to get there.
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Herman Cain's Father was a private chauffeur for Coke CEO executive and philanthropist Robert Woodruff. In segregated Georgia.
Is it possible that Cain's Father didn't want to lose his job over his son marching for Civil Rights?
The biggest thing is that Cain's father didn't want him ending up in jail. Isn't it odd that Cain wound up going to college and here he is.

I do note that there are white liberals trying to tell Herman Cain that he wasn't down for the struggle, and he isn't black enough. It's sick.

These peopl, all of them are sick. Wonder why the race issue stays alive? This whole subject is why, and it's brought up by the true rascists, the left.
It's now a matter of public record. Don't you follow the news...? He admitted he did NOT participate in the civil right movement. He enjoys the benefits, but ignored the struggle.

That does not equal 'not marching'.
Just because he didn't participate in the protests doesn't mean he ignored anything.

He was busy bettering himself and making his own way.
Looks like he succeeded.

A coward doesn't stay in school while everyone around him is pushing for segregation.
A coward doesn't get better grades than those that would seek to kick him out.

Sounds more like he was busy sucking 'A' More concerned with self than anything. No wonder Reps like him.

It appears the left hates to see someone educated, and rise above the struggles that surround him, to prove an individual can succeed in life with a little hard work and break away from government dependancy. Wow such a bad role model for others in the black community to follow. No wonder the left would much rather continue on with their racial remarks over policies.
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I'm listening to them discuss it on TV. They showed a clip from a Cain interview from yesterday. He was asked why, since he lived in Atlanta, Georgia why he didn't march. He said the marchers were college students and he was in high school. It was pointed out that he was at MLK's college from 1963 to 1967, and in his 20's. He said that his father taught them not to get in trouble and they if they were told to move to the back of the bus, they moved to the back of the bus. Cain was asked what would have happened if Rosa Parks followed his father's advice, where would blacks be today? He said his father didn't give advice to Rosa Parks and at this point, became very, very angry and said, "Don't tell me how to be black".

Now this is a guy who has questioned Obama's "blackness and Americanism" and calls other blacks "brainwashed". A man who sat in the back of the bus and lied about why he wasn't "involved". MLK would would not be a Republican today. Cain received benefits he didn't earn. That much is clear.

I saw that. He got a little snippy when Lawrence Odonnel brought it up a couple of times with that smile on his face. Herman got got with that bulshit story of his.

He finally said he sat on the back of the bus because his father told him to stay out of trouble. Lawrence then asked how would life be different if Rosa Parks just sat back there quietly.
I'm listening to them discuss it on TV. They showed a clip from a Cain interview from yesterday. He was asked why, since he lived in Atlanta, Georgia why he didn't march. He said the marchers were college students and he was in high school. It was pointed out that he was at MLK's college from 1963 to 1967, and in his 20's. He said that his father taught them not to get in trouble and they if they were told to move to the back of the bus, they moved to the back of the bus. Cain was asked what would have happened if Rosa Parks followed his father's advice, where would blacks be today? He said his father didn't give advice to Rosa Parks and at this point, became very, very angry and said, "Don't tell me how to be black".

Now this is a guy who has questioned Obama's "blackness and Americanism" and calls other blacks "brainwashed". A man who sat in the back of the bus and lied about why he wasn't "involved". MLK would would not be a Republican today. Cain received benefits he didn't earn. That much is clear.

Too bad you are not this critical of Obama every time he lies to the American people.
I'm listening to them discuss it on TV. They showed a clip from a Cain interview from yesterday. He was asked why, since he lived in Atlanta, Georgia why he didn't march. He said the marchers were college students and he was in high school. It was pointed out that he was at MLK's college from 1963 to 1967, and in his 20's. He said that his father taught them not to get in trouble and they if they were told to move to the back of the bus, they moved to the back of the bus. Cain was asked what would have happened if Rosa Parks followed his father's advice, where would blacks be today? He said his father didn't give advice to Rosa Parks and at this point, became very, very angry and said, "Don't tell me how to be black".

Now this is a guy who has questioned Obama's "blackness and Americanism" and calls other blacks "brainwashed". A man who sat in the back of the bus and lied about why he wasn't "involved". MLK would would not be a Republican today. Cain received benefits he didn't earn. That much is clear.

Too bad you are not this critical of Obama every time he lies to the American people.
Deany would implode if that were to come to pass.
I wonder if the left will ever see their own racism? Some might. The majority, sadly, probably not.

You people - the lefties who make half-assed judgments about Cain - are as bad as those who made half assed judgments about Obama - based on his skin color. Racism is racism. It's not 'not racism' because you're liberals. Fucking racists.

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