Cain got caught in a lie.

You are a worthless person, and I generally ignore you. However, this cannot be ignored. How exactly does a person EARN the rights derived from the Civil Rights movement? You are sick in the head.

Apparently, if you didn't march in Selma, then you're just a coon who isn't entitled to be treated with respect.

That's the liberal conception of equality.
Indeed. Mr. Cain wasn't down for the Statist interpretation of the struggle.

He instead chose to go to school and work his way up to achieve his dream as a rugged individual. (Oddly like every other American). :eusa_shhh:

So he does fit the lefties meaning of uncle tom.:lol:
I'm listening to them discuss it on TV. They showed a clip from a Cain interview from yesterday. He was asked why, since he lived in Atlanta, Georgia why he didn't march. He said the marchers were college students and he was in high school. It was pointed out that he was at MLK's college from 1963 to 1967, and in his 20's. He said that his father taught them not to get in trouble and they if they were told to move to the back of the bus, they moved to the back of the bus. Cain was asked what would have happened if Rosa Parks followed his father's advice, where would blacks be today? He said his father didn't give advice to Rosa Parks and at this point, became very, very angry and said, "Don't tell me how to be black".

Now this is a guy who has questioned Obama's "blackness and Americanism" and calls other blacks "brainwashed". A man who sat in the back of the bus and lied about why he wasn't "involved". MLK would would not be a Republican today. Cain received benefits he didn't earn. That much is clear.

Amen! I watch it yesterday and today. Cain is certainly not a role model for blacks!

Yeah? Why not?
Well, at least the left has finally tossed aside their sheets and come out of the closet...
Apparently, if you didn't march in Selma, then you're just a coon who isn't entitled to be treated with respect.

That's the liberal conception of equality.
Indeed. Mr. Cain wasn't down for the Statist interpretation of the struggle.

He instead chose to go to school and work his way up to achieve his dream as a rugged individual. (Oddly like every other American). :eusa_shhh:

So he does fit the lefties meaning of uncle tom.:lol:
Yeah...and the voters will decide...the left won't like thier decision either. :lol:
During most of the tumultuous Civil Rights movement Cain WAS between the age of 10 and 19- but yeah attack Cain's blackness!

4.1 Brown v. Board of Education, 1954
4.2 Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott, 1955–1956
4.3 Desegregating Little Rock, 1957
4.4 Sit-ins, 1960
4.5 Freedom Rides, 1961
4.6 Voter registration organizing
4.7 Integration of Mississippi universities, 1956–1965
4.8 Albany Movement, 1961–1962
4.9 Birmingham Campaign, 1963–1964
4.10 March on Washington, 1963
4.11 St. Augustine, Florida, 1963–1964
4.12 Mississippi Freedom Summer, 1964
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Apparently, if you didn't march in Selma, then you're just a coon who isn't entitled to be treated with respect.

That's the liberal conception of equality.
Indeed. Mr. Cain wasn't down for the Statist interpretation of the struggle.

He instead chose to go to school and work his way up to achieve his dream as a rugged individual. (Oddly like every other American). :eusa_shhh:

So he does fit the lefties meaning of uncle tom.:lol:

Never forget the treatment of Clarence Thomas, Alan Keyes, West, Rice, etc. We know who these people are... they love the black man as long as he's dancing a jig at their table and to their tune on their plantation.... God forbid they stray.
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I'm listening to them discuss it on TV. They showed a clip from a Cain interview from yesterday. He was asked why, since he lived in Atlanta, Georgia why he didn't march. He said the marchers were college students and he was in high school. It was pointed out that he was at MLK's college from 1963 to 1967, and in his 20's. He said that his father taught them not to get in trouble and they if they were told to move to the back of the bus, they moved to the back of the bus. Cain was asked what would have happened if Rosa Parks followed his father's advice, where would blacks be today? He said his father didn't give advice to Rosa Parks and at this point, became very, very angry and said, "Don't tell me how to be black".

Now this is a guy who has questioned Obama's "blackness and Americanism" and calls other blacks "brainwashed". A man who sat in the back of the bus and lied about why he wasn't "involved". MLK would would not be a Republican today. Cain received benefits he didn't earn. That much is clear.

Amen! I watch it yesterday and today. Cain is certainly not a role model for blacks!

Yeah? Why not?

Because he did NOT LEAD
Indeed. Mr. Cain wasn't down for the Statist interpretation of the struggle.

He instead chose to go to school and work his way up to achieve his dream as a rugged individual. (Oddly like every other American). :eusa_shhh:

So he does fit the lefties meaning of uncle tom.:lol:

Never forget the treatment of Clarence Thomas, Alan Keys, West, Rice, etc. We know who these people are... they love the black man as long as he's dancing a jig at their table and to their tune on their plantation.... God forbid they stray.


You seem to think 90% of blacks are what?
So he does fit the lefties meaning of uncle tom.:lol:

Never forget the treatment of Clarence Thomas, Alan Keys, West, Rice, etc. We know who these people are... they love the black man as long as he's dancing a jig at their table and to their tune on their plantation.... God forbid they stray.


You seem to think 90% of blacks are what?

Disillusioned putting it mildly. Maybe you guys could cheat for just a few more students that should boost support to 95% dont you think!
Because he did NOT LEAD

And Obama did?

Why is it that what you did when you were 19 is only relevant to your qualifications if you're a Republican? Otherwise, it's top secret information that the Administration employs a 100 lawyers to keep confidential.
During most of the tumultuous Civil Rights movement Cain WAS between the age of 10 and 19- but yeah attack Cain's blackness!

4.1 Brown v. Board of Education, 1954
4.2 Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott, 1955–1956
4.3 Desegregating Little Rock, 1957
4.4 Sit-ins, 1960
4.5 Freedom Rides, 1961
4.6 Voter registration organizing
4.7 Integration of Mississippi universities, 1956–1965
4.8 Albany Movement, 1961–1962
4.9 Birmingham Campaign, 1963–1964
4.10 March on Washington, 1963
4.11 St. Augustine, Florida, 1963–1964
4.12 Mississippi Freedom Summer, 1964

The glorious mental midget Lawrence O'Donnell tried that shit... Cain shiut his ass down big time.
I'm listening to them discuss it on TV. They showed a clip from a Cain interview from yesterday. He was asked why, since he lived in Atlanta, Georgia why he didn't march. He said the marchers were college students and he was in high school. It was pointed out that he was at MLK's college from 1963 to 1967, and in his 20's. He said that his father taught them not to get in trouble and they if they were told to move to the back of the bus, they moved to the back of the bus. Cain was asked what would have happened if Rosa Parks followed his father's advice, where would blacks be today? He said his father didn't give advice to Rosa Parks and at this point, became very, very angry and said, "Don't tell me how to be black".

Now this is a guy who has questioned Obama's "blackness and Americanism" and calls other blacks "brainwashed". A man who sat in the back of the bus and lied about why he wasn't "involved". MLK would would not be a Republican today. Cain received benefits he didn't earn. That much is clear.
Yep...The libs are exposing their talons.
You guys have no issue based weapons to refute Cain, so you resort to petty gotcha bullshit.
Cain has you lefties shitting your Underoos.
You lose the race card. You lose the argument that the Tea Party is racist because they will support Cain. You lose the race card factor in that conservatives despise Obama because he is black.
You people are out of gas.

You seem to think 90% of blacks are what?

Uhm, I dunno, black?


No you already said what you believe about them

No asshole, I stated what I know about the LEFT. You fuckers are all the same... let a minority not tow your line and you fuckers pull out all the stops to destroy them. Another great example, Sarah Palin.. if she were extolling the virtues of welfare and abortion you fucks would have embraced her.

Do try and keep up honey.
I'm listening to them discuss it on TV. They showed a clip from a Cain interview from yesterday. He was asked why, since he lived in Atlanta, Georgia why he didn't march. He said the marchers were college students and he was in high school. It was pointed out that he was at MLK's college from 1963 to 1967, and in his 20's. He said that his father taught them not to get in trouble and they if they were told to move to the back of the bus, they moved to the back of the bus. Cain was asked what would have happened if Rosa Parks followed his father's advice, where would blacks be today? He said his father didn't give advice to Rosa Parks and at this point, became very, very angry and said, "Don't tell me how to be black".

Now this is a guy who has questioned Obama's "blackness and Americanism" and calls other blacks "brainwashed". A man who sat in the back of the bus and lied about why he wasn't "involved". MLK would would not be a Republican today. Cain received benefits he didn't earn. That much is clear.

Amen! I watch it yesterday and today. Cain is certainly not a role model for blacks!

Of course he can't be a role model (according to the left)! He is a man who went to school, studied hard, got good grades, got out of his situation with those grades and went to college, excelled there, went to grad school, excelled there, and ran a large business and improved his socio-economic standing.

Nope, he sucks as a role model. The left does not want African Americans educated because the more ignorant a person is, the easier they are to lead by the nose.

Fucking racist.
This is the same nonsense the Left tried to pull during Justice Clarence Thomas' confirmation hearings. They sent up that Anita Hill person to smear Thomas.
The left when faced with overwhelming odds against them will invariably resort to character assassination.
The Left has the gall to say conservatives are divisive. Schmucks.
Herman Cain hates Black people. Herman Cain doesn't believe in civil roghts.

Really? That based on what? Because Cain is a conservative? Because he's not "down with the cause". Because Cain is "off the reservation"..
The closet racism of you fucking libs is exposed.
During most of the tumultuous Civil Rights movement Cain WAS between the age of 10 and 19- but yeah attack Cain's blackness!

4.1 Brown v. Board of Education, 1954
4.2 Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott, 1955–1956
4.3 Desegregating Little Rock, 1957
4.4 Sit-ins, 1960
4.5 Freedom Rides, 1961
4.6 Voter registration organizing
4.7 Integration of Mississippi universities, 1956–1965
4.8 Albany Movement, 1961–1962
4.9 Birmingham Campaign, 1963–1964
4.10 March on Washington, 1963
4.11 St. Augustine, Florida, 1963–1964
4.12 Mississippi Freedom Summer, 1964

The glorious mental midget Lawrence O'Donnell tried that shit... Cain shut his ass down big time.

What is so irksome is that he was basically telling Cain he wasn't black enough- A backhanded way of calling him an Uncle Tom.

I am still waiting to see the links to Cain questioning Obama's "blackness and Americanism" that Huggy claims.

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