Cain got caught in a lie.

Did Obama?

And, how is you think he did not participate in civil rights?

It's now a matter of public record. Don't you follow the news...? He admitted he did NOT participate in the civil right movement. He enjoys the benefits, but ignored the struggle.

So instead of marching or whatever you think he should have done, he actually made something for himself and his family of his own will and you discredit him for it? :cuckoo:

Did John Lewis make something of himself? Did Barney Frank make something of himself?
Let's see the left are putting Cain down, because he didn't participate in the last 2 years of the civil rights movement and decided to go to college. Like his family wanted him to do.
There were many Blacks who did not get involved in the the movement for many reasons.
But President Obama, while he was in college smoked ,drank and took drugs yet that's OK with the left to have elected a president who did that?
Let's see the left are putting Cain down, because he didn't participate in the last 2 years of the civil rights movement and decided to go to college. Like his family wanted him to do.
There were many Blacks who did not get involved in the the movement for many reasons.
But President Obama, while he was in college smoked ,drank and took drugs yet that's OK with the left to have elected a president who did that?

Cain was at Morehouse from 1963-1967. What part of those 4 years were the last 2 years of the civil rights movement?

At 18, my family wanted me to join the family trucking business, I joined the Navy. I was old enough to make my own choices, as was cain and he chose to watch.
I'm listening to them discuss it on TV. They showed a clip from a Cain interview from yesterday. He was asked why, since he lived in Atlanta, Georgia why he didn't march. He said the marchers were college students and he was in high school. It was pointed out that he was at MLK's college from 1963 to 1967, and in his 20's. He said that his father taught them not to get in trouble and they if they were told to move to the back of the bus, they moved to the back of the bus. Cain was asked what would have happened if Rosa Parks followed his father's advice, where would blacks be today? He said his father didn't give advice to Rosa Parks and at this point, became very, very angry and said, "Don't tell me how to be black".

Now this is a guy who has questioned Obama's "blackness and Americanism" and calls other blacks "brainwashed". A man who sat in the back of the bus and lied about why he wasn't "involved". MLK would would not be a Republican today. Cain received benefits he didn't earn. That much is clear.

Give your latent racism a rest lefties. Too bad Cain didn't make a point that it was the democrat party activists who were clubbing Blacks and preventing integration.
Let's see the left are putting Cain down, because he didn't participate in the last 2 years of the civil rights movement and decided to go to college. Like his family wanted him to do.
There were many Blacks who did not get involved in the the movement for many reasons.
But President Obama, while he was in college smoked ,drank and took drugs yet that's OK with the left to have elected a president who did that?

Cain was at Morehouse from 1963-1967. What part of those 4 years were the last 2 years of the civil rights movement?

At 18, my family wanted me to join the family trucking business, I joined the Navy. I was old enough to make my own choices, as was cain and he chose to watch.

Can the claim be made that you are choosing to watch instead of taking part in OWS? Would Lakhota be okay in calling you a coward and an Uncle Tom?
Let's see the left are putting Cain down, because he didn't participate in the last 2 years of the civil rights movement and decided to go to college. Like his family wanted him to do.
There were many Blacks who did not get involved in the the movement for many reasons.
But President Obama, while he was in college smoked ,drank and took drugs yet that's OK with the left to have elected a president who did that?

Cain was at Morehouse from 1963-1967. What part of those 4 years were the last 2 years of the civil rights movement?

At 18, my family wanted me to join the family trucking business, I joined the Navy. I was old enough to make my own choices, as was cain and he chose to watch.

Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Let's see the left are putting Cain down, because he didn't participate in the last 2 years of the civil rights movement and decided to go to college. Like his family wanted him to do.
There were many Blacks who did not get involved in the the movement for many reasons.
But President Obama, while he was in college smoked ,drank and took drugs yet that's OK with the left to have elected a president who did that?

I am sure there are Black American's from the South, who are Cain's age and are democrats...who also failed to be actively involved in the Civil Rights movement...but they are authentic because they are democrats...<scoff>
Let's see the left are putting Cain down, because he didn't participate in the last 2 years of the civil rights movement and decided to go to college. Like his family wanted him to do.
There were many Blacks who did not get involved in the the movement for many reasons.
But President Obama, while he was in college smoked ,drank and took drugs yet that's OK with the left to have elected a president who did that?

Cain was at Morehouse from 1963-1967. What part of those 4 years were the last 2 years of the civil rights movement?

At 18, my family wanted me to join the family trucking business, I joined the Navy. I was old enough to make my own choices, as was cain and he chose to watch.

No, he chose, to go to college.

Herman Cain was between 10 (1955) and 19 (1964) during the most tumultuous days of the Civil Right's. How disgusting for you to suggest that he was bad for not being involved by marching. Thousands of Southern African Americans' did not march- for sundry reasons many of which were due to years of reprisal- but regardless, how obscene of you, to accuse Cain of being a bad black man, because at 10 he did not get involved the way you think he should have.

4.1 Brown v. Board of Education, 1954
4.2 Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott, 1955&#8211;1956
4.3 Desegregating Little Rock, 1957
4.4 Sit-ins, 1960
4.5 Freedom Rides, 1961
4.6 Voter registration organizing
4.7 Integration of Mississippi universities, 1956&#8211;1965
4.8 Albany Movement, 1961&#8211;1962
4.9 Birmingham Campaign, 1963&#8211;1964
4.10 March on Washington, 1963
4.11 St. Augustine, Florida, 1963&#8211;1964
4.12 Mississippi Freedom Summer, 1964
Let's see the left are putting Cain down, because he didn't participate in the last 2 years of the civil rights movement and decided to go to college. Like his family wanted him to do.
There were many Blacks who did not get involved in the the movement for many reasons.
But President Obama, while he was in college smoked ,drank and took drugs yet that's OK with the left to have elected a president who did that?

Cain was at Morehouse from 1963-1967. What part of those 4 years were the last 2 years of the civil rights movement?

At 18, my family wanted me to join the family trucking business, I joined the Navy. I was old enough to make my own choices, as was cain and he chose to watch.

Can the claim be made that you are choosing to watch instead of taking part in OWS? Would Lakhota be okay in calling you a coward and an Uncle Tom?

I have prospered over the past 6 years. I've been employed for the past 26 years. I have retired military healthcare, with a family premium of $460 per year and I own a home I plan on passing down to my children. Why would I be protesting at OWS, it doesn't pertain to me? Are you implying black Americas fight for civil rights didn't pertain to Herman Cain?
No white candidate of either party has ever been insulted by the liberal press this way. It's a form of racism that lefties don't even understand although they are guilty of it. I wish that Cain had stipulated that the segregationists in question were all democrats. Segregation was democrat party policy. Al Gore's father, Tenn. senator Al Gore Sr. was a segregationist. The majority of the whole damned democrat party were segregationists when Cain was in High School.
Let's see the left are putting Cain down, because he didn't participate in the last 2 years of the civil rights movement and decided to go to college. Like his family wanted him to do.
There were many Blacks who did not get involved in the the movement for many reasons.
But President Obama, while he was in college smoked ,drank and took drugs yet that's OK with the left to have elected a president who did that?

Cain was at Morehouse from 1963-1967. What part of those 4 years were the last 2 years of the civil rights movement?

At 18, my family wanted me to join the family trucking business, I joined the Navy. I was old enough to make my own choices, as was cain and he chose to watch.

No, he chose, to go to college.

Herman Cain was between 10 (1955) and 19 (1964) during the most tumultuous days of the Civil Right's. How disgusting for you to suggest that he was bad for not being involved by marching. Thousands of Southern African Americans' did not march- for sundry reasons many of which were due to years of reprisal- but regardless, how obscene of you, to accuse Cain of being a bad black man, because at 10 he did not get involved the way you think he should have.

4.1 Brown v. Board of Education, 1954
4.2 Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott, 1955–1956
4.3 Desegregating Little Rock, 1957
4.4 Sit-ins, 1960
4.5 Freedom Rides, 1961
4.6 Voter registration organizing
4.7 Integration of Mississippi universities, 1956–1965
4.8 Albany Movement, 1961–1962
4.9 Birmingham Campaign, 1963–1964
4.10 March on Washington, 1963
4.11 St. Augustine, Florida, 1963–1964
4.12 Mississippi Freedom Summer, 1964

What about at the ages of 18-22?


January 18 – Incoming Alabama governor George Wallace calls for "segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever" in his inaugural address.
April 3 – May 10 – The Birmingham campaign, organized by the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) and the Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights challenges city leaders and business owners in Birmingham, Alabama, with daily mass demonstrations.
April – Mary Lucille Hamilton, Field Secretary for the Congress of Racial Equality, refuses to answer a judge in Gadsden, Alabama, until she is addressed by the honorific "Miss". It was the custom of the time to address white people by honorifics and people of color by their first names. Hamilton is jailed for contempt of court and refuses to pay bail. The case Hamilton v. Alabama is filed by the NAACP. It went to the Supreme Court, which ruled in 1964 that courts must address persons of color with the same courtesy extended to whites.
April 7 - Ministers John Thomas Porter, Nelson H. Smith and A. D. King lead a group of 2,000 marchers to protest the jailing of movement leaders in Birmingham.
April 12 - Martin Luther King, Jr. is arrested in Birmingham for "parading without a permit".
April 16 – King's Letter from Birmingham Jail is completed.
April 23 – CORE activist William L. Moore is killed in Gadsden, Alabama.
May 2–4 – Birmingham's juvenile court is inundated with African-American children and teenagers arrested after James Bevel launches his "D-Day" youth march, which spans three days to become the Children's Crusade.[25]
May 9–10 – After images of fire hoses and police dogs turned on protesters are shown on television, the Children's Crusade lays the groundwork for the terms of a negotiated truce on Thursday, May 9 – an end to mass demonstrations in return for rolling back oppressive segregation laws and practices. MLK and Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth announce the terms of the settlement on Friday, May 10, only after MLK holds out to orchestrate the release of thousands of jailed demonstrators with bail money from Harry Belafonte and Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy.[26]
May 13 – In United States of America and Interstate Commerce Commission v. the City of Jackson, Mississippi et al., the United States Court of Appeals Fifth Circuit rules the city's attempt to circumvent laws desegregating interstate transportation facilities by posting sidewalk signs outside Greyhound, Trailways and Illinois Central terminals reading "Waiting Room for White Only — By Order Police Department" and "Waiting Room for Colored Only — By Order Police Department" to be unlawful.[27]
June 9 – Fannie Lou Hamer is among several SNCC workers badly beaten by police in the Winona, Mississippi, jail after their bus stops there.
June 11 – "The Stand in the Schoolhouse Door": Alabama Governor George Wallace stands in front of a schoolhouse door at the University of Alabama in an attempt to stop desegregation by the enrollment of two black students, Vivian Malone and James Hood. Wallace only stands aside after being confronted by federal marshals, Deputy Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach, and the Alabama National Guard. Later in life he apologizes for his opposition to racial integration then.
June 11 – President John F. Kennedy makes his historic civil rights speech, promising a bill to Congress the next week. About civil rights for "Negroes", in his speech he asks for "the kind of equality of treatment which we would want for ourselves."
June 12 – NAACP worker Medgar Evers is murdered in Jackson, Mississippi. (His killer is convicted in 1994.)[28]
Summer – 80,000 blacks quickly register to vote in Mississippi by a test project to show their desire to participate.
June 19 – President Kennedy sends Congress (H. Doc. 124, 88th Cong., 1st session.) his proposed Civil Rights Act.[29]
August 28 – March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom is held. Dr. Martin Luther King gives his I Have a Dream speech.[30]
September 10 – Birmingham, Alabama City Schools are integrated by National Guardsmen under orders from JFK.
September 15 – 16th Street Baptist Church bombing in Birmingham kills four young girls. That same day, in response to the killings, James Bevel and Diane Nash begin the Alabama Project, which will later grow into the Selma Voting Rights Movement.
November 22 – President Kennedy is assassinated. The new President, Lyndon B. Johnson, decides that accomplishing JFK's legislative agenda is his best strategy, which he pursues with the results below in 1964–1965.[31]

Timeline of African-American Civil Rights Movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
No white candidate of either party has ever been insulted by the liberal press this way. It's a form of racism that lefties don't even understand although they are guilty of it. I wish that Cain had stipulated that the segregationists in question were all democrats. Segregation was democrat party policy. Al Gore's father, Tenn. senator Al Gore Sr. was a segregationist. The majority of the whole damned democrat party were segregationists when Cain was in High School.

And where did those segregationist democrats go after 1968? Let's ask Trent Lott, Jerry Falwell, Strom Thurman or Jesse Helms. I'm sure they weren't the only ones to move to the republican party, were they?
Cain was at Morehouse from 1963-1967. What part of those 4 years were the last 2 years of the civil rights movement?

At 18, my family wanted me to join the family trucking business, I joined the Navy. I was old enough to make my own choices, as was cain and he chose to watch.

No, he chose, to go to college.

Herman Cain was between 10 (1955) and 19 (1964) during the most tumultuous days of the Civil Right's. How disgusting for you to suggest that he was bad for not being involved by marching. Thousands of Southern African Americans' did not march- for sundry reasons many of which were due to years of reprisal- but regardless, how obscene of you, to accuse Cain of being a bad black man, because at 10 he did not get involved the way you think he should have.

4.1 Brown v. Board of Education, 1954
4.2 Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott, 1955&#8211;1956
4.3 Desegregating Little Rock, 1957
4.4 Sit-ins, 1960
4.5 Freedom Rides, 1961
4.6 Voter registration organizing
4.7 Integration of Mississippi universities, 1956&#8211;1965
4.8 Albany Movement, 1961&#8211;1962
4.9 Birmingham Campaign, 1963&#8211;1964
4.10 March on Washington, 1963
4.11 St. Augustine, Florida, 1963&#8211;1964
4.12 Mississippi Freedom Summer, 1964

What about at the ages of 18-22?


January 18 &#8211; Incoming Alabama governor George Wallace calls for "segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever" in his inaugural address.
April 3 &#8211; May 10 &#8211; The Birmingham campaign, organized by the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) and the Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights challenges city leaders and business owners in Birmingham, Alabama, with daily mass demonstrations.
April &#8211; Mary Lucille Hamilton, Field Secretary for the Congress of Racial Equality, refuses to answer a judge in Gadsden, Alabama, until she is addressed by the honorific "Miss". It was the custom of the time to address white people by honorifics and people of color by their first names. Hamilton is jailed for contempt of court and refuses to pay bail. The case Hamilton v. Alabama is filed by the NAACP. It went to the Supreme Court, which ruled in 1964 that courts must address persons of color with the same courtesy extended to whites.
April 7 - Ministers John Thomas Porter, Nelson H. Smith and A. D. King lead a group of 2,000 marchers to protest the jailing of movement leaders in Birmingham.
April 12 - Martin Luther King, Jr. is arrested in Birmingham for "parading without a permit".
April 16 &#8211; King's Letter from Birmingham Jail is completed.
April 23 &#8211; CORE activist William L. Moore is killed in Gadsden, Alabama.
May 2&#8211;4 &#8211; Birmingham's juvenile court is inundated with African-American children and teenagers arrested after James Bevel launches his "D-Day" youth march, which spans three days to become the Children's Crusade.[25]
May 9&#8211;10 &#8211; After images of fire hoses and police dogs turned on protesters are shown on television, the Children's Crusade lays the groundwork for the terms of a negotiated truce on Thursday, May 9 &#8211; an end to mass demonstrations in return for rolling back oppressive segregation laws and practices. MLK and Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth announce the terms of the settlement on Friday, May 10, only after MLK holds out to orchestrate the release of thousands of jailed demonstrators with bail money from Harry Belafonte and Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy.[26]
May 13 &#8211; In United States of America and Interstate Commerce Commission v. the City of Jackson, Mississippi et al., the United States Court of Appeals Fifth Circuit rules the city's attempt to circumvent laws desegregating interstate transportation facilities by posting sidewalk signs outside Greyhound, Trailways and Illinois Central terminals reading "Waiting Room for White Only &#8212; By Order Police Department" and "Waiting Room for Colored Only &#8212; By Order Police Department" to be unlawful.[27]
June 9 &#8211; Fannie Lou Hamer is among several SNCC workers badly beaten by police in the Winona, Mississippi, jail after their bus stops there.
June 11 &#8211; "The Stand in the Schoolhouse Door": Alabama Governor George Wallace stands in front of a schoolhouse door at the University of Alabama in an attempt to stop desegregation by the enrollment of two black students, Vivian Malone and James Hood. Wallace only stands aside after being confronted by federal marshals, Deputy Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach, and the Alabama National Guard. Later in life he apologizes for his opposition to racial integration then.
June 11 &#8211; President John F. Kennedy makes his historic civil rights speech, promising a bill to Congress the next week. About civil rights for "Negroes", in his speech he asks for "the kind of equality of treatment which we would want for ourselves."
June 12 &#8211; NAACP worker Medgar Evers is murdered in Jackson, Mississippi. (His killer is convicted in 1994.)[28]
Summer &#8211; 80,000 blacks quickly register to vote in Mississippi by a test project to show their desire to participate.
June 19 &#8211; President Kennedy sends Congress (H. Doc. 124, 88th Cong., 1st session.) his proposed Civil Rights Act.[29]
August 28 &#8211; March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom is held. Dr. Martin Luther King gives his I Have a Dream speech.[30]
September 10 &#8211; Birmingham, Alabama City Schools are integrated by National Guardsmen under orders from JFK.
September 15 &#8211; 16th Street Baptist Church bombing in Birmingham kills four young girls. That same day, in response to the killings, James Bevel and Diane Nash begin the Alabama Project, which will later grow into the Selma Voting Rights Movement.
November 22 &#8211; President Kennedy is assassinated. The new President, Lyndon B. Johnson, decides that accomplishing JFK's legislative agenda is his best strategy, which he pursues with the results below in 1964&#8211;1965.[31]

Timeline of African-American Civil Rights Movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What about it? What about the thousands of black Americans, many of who were his same age, that did not get involved in the way you think makes them "good black people"? Are you prepared to show how physical participation is only something black democrats did?

He was basically a kid during most of the Civil Rights movement...

This whole controversy is repugnant and smacks of a mean desperation!
Last edited:
i'm listening to them discuss it on tv. They showed a clip from a cain interview from yesterday. He was asked why, since he lived in atlanta, georgia why he didn't march. He said the marchers were college students and he was in high school. It was pointed out that he was at mlk's college from 1963 to 1967, and in his 20's. He said that his father taught them not to get in trouble and they if they were told to move to the back of the bus, they moved to the back of the bus. Cain was asked what would have happened if rosa parks followed his father's advice, where would blacks be today? He said his father didn't give advice to rosa parks and at this point, became very, very angry and said, "don't tell me how to be black".

Now this is a guy who has questioned obama's "blackness and americanism" and calls other blacks "brainwashed". A man who sat in the back of the bus and lied about why he wasn't "involved". Mlk would would not be a republican today. Cain received benefits he didn't earn. That much is clear.

obama is still lying right through the loop holes !!!
Why do some believe the Civil Rights Movement involved nothing but MARCHING? Geezus H. Kryst, don't you people know anything about racial history in America?

Your whole claim that Cain did not participate in the civil rights movement is based on his not marching in Selma, dipshit.

So Selma was the only civil rights protest from 1963-1968?

Did I say that? No.

I said that Lakhota's entire argument that Cain never participated in ANY part of the entire civil rights movement is based ONLY on the fact Cain admits not marching in Selma. I have no proof one way or the other if he did or did not participate in the civil rights movement in some other way... not does Lakhota.
Cain was at Morehouse from 1963-1967. What part of those 4 years were the last 2 years of the civil rights movement?

At 18, my family wanted me to join the family trucking business, I joined the Navy. I was old enough to make my own choices, as was cain and he chose to watch.

Can the claim be made that you are choosing to watch instead of taking part in OWS? Would Lakhota be okay in calling you a coward and an Uncle Tom?

I have prospered over the past 6 years. I've been employed for the past 26 years. I have retired military healthcare, with a family premium of $460 per year and I own a home I plan on passing down to my children. Why would I be protesting at OWS, it doesn't pertain to me? Are you implying black Americas fight for civil rights didn't pertain to Herman Cain?

I'm checking your consistency and dissecting Lakhota's logic. Do you consider yourself a good role model? Are you an upstanding citizen that happens to be black?
No, he chose, to go to college.

Herman Cain was between 10 (1955) and 19 (1964) during the most tumultuous days of the Civil Right's. How disgusting for you to suggest that he was bad for not being involved by marching. Thousands of Southern African Americans' did not march- for sundry reasons many of which were due to years of reprisal- but regardless, how obscene of you, to accuse Cain of being a bad black man, because at 10 he did not get involved the way you think he should have.

4.1 Brown v. Board of Education, 1954
4.2 Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott, 1955–1956
4.3 Desegregating Little Rock, 1957
4.4 Sit-ins, 1960
4.5 Freedom Rides, 1961
4.6 Voter registration organizing
4.7 Integration of Mississippi universities, 1956–1965
4.8 Albany Movement, 1961–1962
4.9 Birmingham Campaign, 1963–1964
4.10 March on Washington, 1963
4.11 St. Augustine, Florida, 1963–1964
4.12 Mississippi Freedom Summer, 1964

What about at the ages of 18-22?


January 18 – Incoming Alabama governor George Wallace calls for "segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever" in his inaugural address.
April 3 – May 10 – The Birmingham campaign, organized by the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) and the Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights challenges city leaders and business owners in Birmingham, Alabama, with daily mass demonstrations.
April – Mary Lucille Hamilton, Field Secretary for the Congress of Racial Equality, refuses to answer a judge in Gadsden, Alabama, until she is addressed by the honorific "Miss". It was the custom of the time to address white people by honorifics and people of color by their first names. Hamilton is jailed for contempt of court and refuses to pay bail. The case Hamilton v. Alabama is filed by the NAACP. It went to the Supreme Court, which ruled in 1964 that courts must address persons of color with the same courtesy extended to whites.
April 7 - Ministers John Thomas Porter, Nelson H. Smith and A. D. King lead a group of 2,000 marchers to protest the jailing of movement leaders in Birmingham.
April 12 - Martin Luther King, Jr. is arrested in Birmingham for "parading without a permit".
April 16 – King's Letter from Birmingham Jail is completed.
April 23 – CORE activist William L. Moore is killed in Gadsden, Alabama.
May 2–4 – Birmingham's juvenile court is inundated with African-American children and teenagers arrested after James Bevel launches his "D-Day" youth march, which spans three days to become the Children's Crusade.[25]
May 9–10 – After images of fire hoses and police dogs turned on protesters are shown on television, the Children's Crusade lays the groundwork for the terms of a negotiated truce on Thursday, May 9 – an end to mass demonstrations in return for rolling back oppressive segregation laws and practices. MLK and Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth announce the terms of the settlement on Friday, May 10, only after MLK holds out to orchestrate the release of thousands of jailed demonstrators with bail money from Harry Belafonte and Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy.[26]
May 13 – In United States of America and Interstate Commerce Commission v. the City of Jackson, Mississippi et al., the United States Court of Appeals Fifth Circuit rules the city's attempt to circumvent laws desegregating interstate transportation facilities by posting sidewalk signs outside Greyhound, Trailways and Illinois Central terminals reading "Waiting Room for White Only — By Order Police Department" and "Waiting Room for Colored Only — By Order Police Department" to be unlawful.[27]
June 9 – Fannie Lou Hamer is among several SNCC workers badly beaten by police in the Winona, Mississippi, jail after their bus stops there.
June 11 – "The Stand in the Schoolhouse Door": Alabama Governor George Wallace stands in front of a schoolhouse door at the University of Alabama in an attempt to stop desegregation by the enrollment of two black students, Vivian Malone and James Hood. Wallace only stands aside after being confronted by federal marshals, Deputy Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach, and the Alabama National Guard. Later in life he apologizes for his opposition to racial integration then.
June 11 – President John F. Kennedy makes his historic civil rights speech, promising a bill to Congress the next week. About civil rights for "Negroes", in his speech he asks for "the kind of equality of treatment which we would want for ourselves."
June 12 – NAACP worker Medgar Evers is murdered in Jackson, Mississippi. (His killer is convicted in 1994.)[28]
Summer – 80,000 blacks quickly register to vote in Mississippi by a test project to show their desire to participate.
June 19 – President Kennedy sends Congress (H. Doc. 124, 88th Cong., 1st session.) his proposed Civil Rights Act.[29]
August 28 – March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom is held. Dr. Martin Luther King gives his I Have a Dream speech.[30]
September 10 – Birmingham, Alabama City Schools are integrated by National Guardsmen under orders from JFK.
September 15 – 16th Street Baptist Church bombing in Birmingham kills four young girls. That same day, in response to the killings, James Bevel and Diane Nash begin the Alabama Project, which will later grow into the Selma Voting Rights Movement.
November 22 – President Kennedy is assassinated. The new President, Lyndon B. Johnson, decides that accomplishing JFK's legislative agenda is his best strategy, which he pursues with the results below in 1964–1965.[31]

Timeline of African-American Civil Rights Movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What about it? What about the thousands of black Americans, many of who were his same age, that did not get involved in the way you think makes them "good black people"? Are you prepared to show how physical participation is only something black democrats did?

He was basically a kid during most of the Civil Rights movement...

This whole controversy is repugnant and smacks of a mean desperation!

He was an adult in 1963.

This controversy shows black Americans were Herman Cain stood and still stands.
What about at the ages of 18-22?


January 18 – Incoming Alabama governor George Wallace calls for "segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever" in his inaugural address.
April 3 – May 10 – The Birmingham campaign, organized by the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) and the Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights challenges city leaders and business owners in Birmingham, Alabama, with daily mass demonstrations.
April – Mary Lucille Hamilton, Field Secretary for the Congress of Racial Equality, refuses to answer a judge in Gadsden, Alabama, until she is addressed by the honorific "Miss". It was the custom of the time to address white people by honorifics and people of color by their first names. Hamilton is jailed for contempt of court and refuses to pay bail. The case Hamilton v. Alabama is filed by the NAACP. It went to the Supreme Court, which ruled in 1964 that courts must address persons of color with the same courtesy extended to whites.
April 7 - Ministers John Thomas Porter, Nelson H. Smith and A. D. King lead a group of 2,000 marchers to protest the jailing of movement leaders in Birmingham.
April 12 - Martin Luther King, Jr. is arrested in Birmingham for "parading without a permit".
April 16 – King's Letter from Birmingham Jail is completed.
April 23 – CORE activist William L. Moore is killed in Gadsden, Alabama.
May 2–4 – Birmingham's juvenile court is inundated with African-American children and teenagers arrested after James Bevel launches his "D-Day" youth march, which spans three days to become the Children's Crusade.[25]
May 9–10 – After images of fire hoses and police dogs turned on protesters are shown on television, the Children's Crusade lays the groundwork for the terms of a negotiated truce on Thursday, May 9 – an end to mass demonstrations in return for rolling back oppressive segregation laws and practices. MLK and Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth announce the terms of the settlement on Friday, May 10, only after MLK holds out to orchestrate the release of thousands of jailed demonstrators with bail money from Harry Belafonte and Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy.[26]
May 13 – In United States of America and Interstate Commerce Commission v. the City of Jackson, Mississippi et al., the United States Court of Appeals Fifth Circuit rules the city's attempt to circumvent laws desegregating interstate transportation facilities by posting sidewalk signs outside Greyhound, Trailways and Illinois Central terminals reading "Waiting Room for White Only — By Order Police Department" and "Waiting Room for Colored Only — By Order Police Department" to be unlawful.[27]
June 9 – Fannie Lou Hamer is among several SNCC workers badly beaten by police in the Winona, Mississippi, jail after their bus stops there.
June 11 – "The Stand in the Schoolhouse Door": Alabama Governor George Wallace stands in front of a schoolhouse door at the University of Alabama in an attempt to stop desegregation by the enrollment of two black students, Vivian Malone and James Hood. Wallace only stands aside after being confronted by federal marshals, Deputy Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach, and the Alabama National Guard. Later in life he apologizes for his opposition to racial integration then.
June 11 – President John F. Kennedy makes his historic civil rights speech, promising a bill to Congress the next week. About civil rights for "Negroes", in his speech he asks for "the kind of equality of treatment which we would want for ourselves."
June 12 – NAACP worker Medgar Evers is murdered in Jackson, Mississippi. (His killer is convicted in 1994.)[28]
Summer – 80,000 blacks quickly register to vote in Mississippi by a test project to show their desire to participate.
June 19 – President Kennedy sends Congress (H. Doc. 124, 88th Cong., 1st session.) his proposed Civil Rights Act.[29]
August 28 – March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom is held. Dr. Martin Luther King gives his I Have a Dream speech.[30]
September 10 – Birmingham, Alabama City Schools are integrated by National Guardsmen under orders from JFK.
September 15 – 16th Street Baptist Church bombing in Birmingham kills four young girls. That same day, in response to the killings, James Bevel and Diane Nash begin the Alabama Project, which will later grow into the Selma Voting Rights Movement.
November 22 – President Kennedy is assassinated. The new President, Lyndon B. Johnson, decides that accomplishing JFK's legislative agenda is his best strategy, which he pursues with the results below in 1964–1965.[31]

Timeline of African-American Civil Rights Movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What about it? What about the thousands of black Americans, many of who were his same age, that did not get involved in the way you think makes them "good black people"? Are you prepared to show how physical participation is only something black democrats did?

He was basically a kid during most of the Civil Rights movement...

This whole controversy is repugnant and smacks of a mean desperation!

He was an adult in 1963.

This controversy shows black Americans were Herman Cain stood and still stands.

What's your opinion of Morgan Freeman?
What about at the ages of 18-22?


January 18 – Incoming Alabama governor George Wallace calls for "segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever" in his inaugural address.
April 3 – May 10 – The Birmingham campaign, organized by the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) and the Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights challenges city leaders and business owners in Birmingham, Alabama, with daily mass demonstrations.
April – Mary Lucille Hamilton, Field Secretary for the Congress of Racial Equality, refuses to answer a judge in Gadsden, Alabama, until she is addressed by the honorific "Miss". It was the custom of the time to address white people by honorifics and people of color by their first names. Hamilton is jailed for contempt of court and refuses to pay bail. The case Hamilton v. Alabama is filed by the NAACP. It went to the Supreme Court, which ruled in 1964 that courts must address persons of color with the same courtesy extended to whites.
April 7 - Ministers John Thomas Porter, Nelson H. Smith and A. D. King lead a group of 2,000 marchers to protest the jailing of movement leaders in Birmingham.
April 12 - Martin Luther King, Jr. is arrested in Birmingham for "parading without a permit".
April 16 – King's Letter from Birmingham Jail is completed.
April 23 – CORE activist William L. Moore is killed in Gadsden, Alabama.
May 2–4 – Birmingham's juvenile court is inundated with African-American children and teenagers arrested after James Bevel launches his "D-Day" youth march, which spans three days to become the Children's Crusade.[25]
May 9–10 – After images of fire hoses and police dogs turned on protesters are shown on television, the Children's Crusade lays the groundwork for the terms of a negotiated truce on Thursday, May 9 – an end to mass demonstrations in return for rolling back oppressive segregation laws and practices. MLK and Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth announce the terms of the settlement on Friday, May 10, only after MLK holds out to orchestrate the release of thousands of jailed demonstrators with bail money from Harry Belafonte and Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy.[26]
May 13 – In United States of America and Interstate Commerce Commission v. the City of Jackson, Mississippi et al., the United States Court of Appeals Fifth Circuit rules the city's attempt to circumvent laws desegregating interstate transportation facilities by posting sidewalk signs outside Greyhound, Trailways and Illinois Central terminals reading "Waiting Room for White Only — By Order Police Department" and "Waiting Room for Colored Only — By Order Police Department" to be unlawful.[27]
June 9 – Fannie Lou Hamer is among several SNCC workers badly beaten by police in the Winona, Mississippi, jail after their bus stops there.
June 11 – "The Stand in the Schoolhouse Door": Alabama Governor George Wallace stands in front of a schoolhouse door at the University of Alabama in an attempt to stop desegregation by the enrollment of two black students, Vivian Malone and James Hood. Wallace only stands aside after being confronted by federal marshals, Deputy Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach, and the Alabama National Guard. Later in life he apologizes for his opposition to racial integration then.
June 11 – President John F. Kennedy makes his historic civil rights speech, promising a bill to Congress the next week. About civil rights for "Negroes", in his speech he asks for "the kind of equality of treatment which we would want for ourselves."
June 12 – NAACP worker Medgar Evers is murdered in Jackson, Mississippi. (His killer is convicted in 1994.)[28]
Summer – 80,000 blacks quickly register to vote in Mississippi by a test project to show their desire to participate.
June 19 – President Kennedy sends Congress (H. Doc. 124, 88th Cong., 1st session.) his proposed Civil Rights Act.[29]
August 28 – March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom is held. Dr. Martin Luther King gives his I Have a Dream speech.[30]
September 10 – Birmingham, Alabama City Schools are integrated by National Guardsmen under orders from JFK.
September 15 – 16th Street Baptist Church bombing in Birmingham kills four young girls. That same day, in response to the killings, James Bevel and Diane Nash begin the Alabama Project, which will later grow into the Selma Voting Rights Movement.
November 22 – President Kennedy is assassinated. The new President, Lyndon B. Johnson, decides that accomplishing JFK's legislative agenda is his best strategy, which he pursues with the results below in 1964–1965.[31]

Timeline of African-American Civil Rights Movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What about it? What about the thousands of black Americans, many of who were his same age, that did not get involved in the way you think makes them "good black people"? Are you prepared to show how physical participation is only something black democrats did?

He was basically a kid during most of the Civil Rights movement...

This whole controversy is repugnant and smacks of a mean desperation!

He was an adult in 1963.

This controversy shows black Americans were Herman Cain stood and still stands.

envy is ugly.

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