Cain got caught in a lie.

I wonder if the left will ever see their own racism? Some might. The majority, sadly, probably not.

You people - the lefties who make half-assed judgments about Cain - are as bad as those who made half assed judgments about Obama - based on his skin color. Racism is racism. It's not 'not racism' because you're liberals. Fucking racists.
Cain is clearly an Uncle Tom. While there is nothing illegal about that - it certainly denotes a measure of dishonesty as to who he is. His past civil rights non-participation; hiding behind the Navy as a civilian to avoid Vietnam; zero political experience. Hell, has he ever advocated for anything - racial or otherwise?

Do you have any idea how racist and demeaning to blacks that think for themselves that term is? Its as stupid as saying a white man voting democratis is a Uncle Tyrone. idiot

Man this board is so full of stupid people. How did they ever learn to use a computer?

Such racism needs to be challenged. I am tired of the left using racism as a weapon while allowing blatant racism to go unchallenged from their own 'side'. Well, if they will not challenge it... we will. We, those who despise racism from anywhere - against anyone - will stand up for minorities. While the left remain silent. Cowards.
Talk about intellectual dishonestly. :rolleyes:

What civil rights 'duties' did Cain have and where is any evidence that he neglected them? And, referencing what an old white dude interviewing him thinks Cain said is not proof of much of anything except what some old white dude thinks Cain said.

I lived it. That makes you the character.

You all are so desparate. You gave up on Romney after only a few weeks, The guy from Texas lasted about a week. Now you are trying to propel a coward to presidency. Pathetic!

I'm still trying to grasp how someone who took a bad economy and made it worse, who reverts back to the same failed stimulus policy in hopes the results will somehow be different the second time around, qualifies him into be re-electable? A government whos leader drives a complete nation into the ground is better at running things and doing his job, than the private sector CEO is at creating jobs and doing it efficiently? Isn't that what the left tries to argue with the handling of issues like Health Care?
I lived it. That makes you the character.

You all are so desparate. You gave up on Romney after only a few weeks, The guy from Texas lasted about a week. Now you are trying to propel a coward to presidency. Pathetic!

I'm still trying to grasp how someone who took a bad economy and made it worse, who reverts back to the same failed stimulus policy in hopes the results will somehow be different the second time around, qualifies him into be re-electable? A government whos leader drives a complete nation into the ground is better at running things and doing his job, than the private sector CEO is at creating jobs and doing it efficiently? Isn't that what the left tries to argue with the handling of issues like Health Care?

When Obama is served his walking papers at the hands of the voters, dictionaries will republish the definition of futile by simply printing Obama's photo.
Cain was born in Memphis, Tennessee, but grew up in Georgia. He attended Samuel Howard Archer High School in Atlanta, from which he graduated in 1963. He then attended Morehouse College in Atlanta, from which he graduated in 1967.

Picture of the Day: Herman Cain in High School and College - Chris Good - Politics - The Atlantic

How in the hell could an able, intelligent black man living in ATLANTA, GEORGIA during the 60s not participate in the civil rights movement?

You just answered your own question.

He couldn't have IGNORED it.

Also seen on the internet this week from far left websites..............

> Herman Cain's glasses are fake.

> Herman Cain is really white and had skin pigmentation treatment.

> Herman Cains pizza chain makes door to door mariuana deliveries.

> Herman Cains pizza chain doesnt deliver to poor neighborhoods.

Keep your eyes peeled.........they are going to get even better..............
The only thing missing in this Jihad against Cain, are the Pillow Cases and the Burning Cross. Pathetic.
These libs are pathetic. what does any of this have to do with Cain's ability to be president? What kind of interview is that? humm...a crazy white guy telling a successful black American that he is not black enough? Does anybody wonder why MSNBC does not have an audience? The same network that has Al Sharpton as a host? Wow.

Lawrence O'Donnell Vs. Herman Cain! - Pt. One - YouTube

'999' Brainwash: Lawrence O'Donnell vs. Herman Cain (Part 2/3) - YouTube

The "progression" from the Progressives is funny. First it was that Republican voters would never get behind Cain because he not only looks black, but he is black. Then they said that he was an Uncle Tom. Now they are saying he's a coward and that he's self-loathing. I'm not sure what comes next, but it seems the Progressives are just very uncomfortable with a black man with a black wife and black kids with black parents and black in-laws being a conservative.

I think "race-traitor" is coming next. Can't have a black millionaire who actually believes in the structure that allowed him to achieve on his own merits.

Hey Lakhota - what's your opinion of the Seminole Casinos in Florida?


I'm heading out to Brighton later this evening.
Wish me luck
Lawrence O'Donnell was being racist...Just because Cain is black doesn't mean he had more of a duty to protest civil rights, than any other person..He's basically insinuating Cain is a uncle Tom....He also crossed the line when he asked Cain how did he avoid the Vietnam war, and when Cain impressively put the socialist scum bag in his place, the coward doubled down by saying he's offended for those who signed up for the war instead of being drafted....Cain kicked O'Donnell's ass, and if MSLSD had any integrity O'Donnell would be suspended.
These libs are pathetic. what does any of this have to do with Cain's ability to be president? What kind of interview is that? humm...a crazy white guy telling a successful black American that he is not black enough? Does anybody wonder why MSNBC does not have an audience? The same network that has Al Sharpton as a host? Wow.

Lawrence O'Donnell Vs. Herman Cain! - Pt. One - YouTube

'999' Brainwash: Lawrence O'Donnell vs. Herman Cain (Part 2/3) - YouTube

The "progression" from the Progressives is funny. First it was that Republican voters would never get behind Cain because he not only looks black, but he is black. Then they said that he was an Uncle Tom. Now they are saying he's a coward and that he's self-loathing. I'm not sure what comes next, but it seems the Progressives are just very uncomfortable with a black man with a black wife and black kids with black parents and black in-laws being a conservative.

I think "race-traitor" is coming next. Can't have a black millionaire who actually believes in the structure that allowed him to achieve on his own merits.

Hey Lakhota - what's your opinion of the Seminole Casinos in Florida?

They're evil. They promote gambling. Red People make money. Should be closed.

The Seminole Casinos

Things have certainly worked out for the stakeholders of the Seminole Nation and they are responding to consumer demand. What's wrong with people getting rich?
I'm listening to them discuss it on TV. They showed a clip from a Cain interview from yesterday. He was asked why, since he lived in Atlanta, Georgia why he didn't march. He said the marchers were college students and he was in high school. It was pointed out that he was at MLK's college from 1963 to 1967, and in his 20's. He said that his father taught them not to get in trouble and they if they were told to move to the back of the bus, they moved to the back of the bus. Cain was asked what would have happened if Rosa Parks followed his father's advice, where would blacks be today? He said his father didn't give advice to Rosa Parks and at this point, became very, very angry and said, "Don't tell me how to be black".

Now this is a guy who has questioned Obama's "blackness and Americanism" and calls other blacks "brainwashed". A man who sat in the back of the bus and lied about why he wasn't "involved". MLK would would not be a Republican today. Cain received benefits he didn't earn. That much is clear.

Why is that nitwit even asking him these questions? How is anything he did or his dad did when he was in high school or college even relevant to the Presidency?

Obama snorted cocaine when he was in college, and he associated with Marxist professors. I don't see any of you turds whining about that.

Cain didn't receive any more benefits that Obama received. As you noted, he was already finished with school before Affirmative Action.
I'm listening to them discuss it on TV. They showed a clip from a Cain interview from yesterday. He was asked why, since he lived in Atlanta, Georgia why he didn't march. He said the marchers were college students and he was in high school. It was pointed out that he was at MLK's college from 1963 to 1967, and in his 20's. He said that his father taught them not to get in trouble and they if they were told to move to the back of the bus, they moved to the back of the bus. Cain was asked what would have happened if Rosa Parks followed his father's advice, where would blacks be today? He said his father didn't give advice to Rosa Parks and at this point, became very, very angry and said, "Don't tell me how to be black".

Now this is a guy who has questioned Obama's "blackness and Americanism" and calls other blacks "brainwashed". A man who sat in the back of the bus and lied about why he wasn't "involved". MLK would would not be a Republican today. Cain received benefits he didn't earn. That much is clear.

He is turning out to be a pretty sad guy personally
You are a worthless person, and I generally ignore you. However, this cannot be ignored. How exactly does a person EARN the rights derived from the Civil Rights movement? You are sick in the head.

Apparently, if you didn't march in Selma, then you're just a coon who isn't entitled to be treated with respect.

That's the liberal conception of equality.
You are a worthless person, and I generally ignore you. However, this cannot be ignored. How exactly does a person EARN the rights derived from the Civil Rights movement? You are sick in the head.

Apparently, if you didn't march in Selma, then you're just a coon who isn't entitled to be treated with respect.

That's the liberal conception of equality.
Indeed. Mr. Cain wasn't down for the Statist interpretation of the struggle.

He instead chose to go to school and work his way up to achieve his dream as a rugged individual. (Oddly like every other American). :eusa_shhh:
Would/could Herman Cain be a candidate for President of the United States today without benefit of the struggle and rights achieved as a result of the Civil Rights Movement - that he failed to participate in when he could have? I seriously doubt it. Therein lies my rub...

What "rub?" What did Obama do when he was in college to promote the cause of civil rights, snort cocaine?
I'm listening to them discuss it on TV. They showed a clip from a Cain interview from yesterday. He was asked why, since he lived in Atlanta, Georgia why he didn't march. He said the marchers were college students and he was in high school. It was pointed out that he was at MLK's college from 1963 to 1967, and in his 20's. He said that his father taught them not to get in trouble and they if they were told to move to the back of the bus, they moved to the back of the bus. Cain was asked what would have happened if Rosa Parks followed his father's advice, where would blacks be today? He said his father didn't give advice to Rosa Parks and at this point, became very, very angry and said, "Don't tell me how to be black".

Now this is a guy who has questioned Obama's "blackness and Americanism" and calls other blacks "brainwashed". A man who sat in the back of the bus and lied about why he wasn't "involved". MLK would would not be a Republican today. Cain received benefits he didn't earn. That much is clear.

So,is it your contention that all southern black American's should have marched in the 60's? Or just that if you did not march you are bad? The question by the interviewer was bad- it suggests that if you did not march you were a sell out, or worse a coward....thousands of southern black American's did not march- many had families to think about. Cain's father was trying to give his children a better life through hard work and following the law in a region that was always full of risk.

Now please link us to your other contention.
Cain has questioned Obama's "blackness and Americanism"

Indeed it is liberals' who question Cain's "blackness". As this interviewer's question so clearly illuminates.

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