Cain’s Lawyer Warns Other Accusers To ‘Think Twice’ Before Coming Forward

... Herman Cain has never lived in Chicago. But you know who has? David Axelrod! And guess who lived in Axelrod's very building? Right again: Cain's latest accuser, Sharon Bialek.

Bialek's accusations were certainly specific. But they also demonstrated why anonymous accusations are worthless.

Within 24 hours of Bialek's press conference, friends and acquaintances of hers stepped forward to say that she's a "gold-digger," that she was constantly in financial trouble – having filed for personal bankruptcy twice – and, of course, that she had lived in Axelrod's apartment building at 505 North Lake Shore Drive, where, she admits, she knew the man the New York Times calls Obama's "hired muscle."


More BS deflections. Instead of trying to spin some conspiracy theory involving Obama, Cain should man up and either admit it or do an honest job of proving his accusers wrong, instead of making up BS conspiracy theories. I'm sure this one will work for him just as well as the lie that one of the accuser's son works for Politico. :lol::lol::lol:

It's worth the read, and these are facts not theories, but I understand the need to shoot the messenger.
Sexaul assault is not a funny matter---still people must move on in life. Futhermore, all persons involved were adults at the time and a conversation on the issue is in order.

I agree, But equally ugly is when far to often. A woman, and even sometimes men, are fired for one reason or another, or about to be let go, and all of the sudden Make a Sexual Harassment accusation. Which most of the time means the Company and the accused have a choice. Spend Hundreds of thousands if not Millions in court to prove you are innocent and the accuser is just trying to get a pay off, Or Settle often for Much less than it could Cost to go to court.

You can usually tell by the size of the settlement.

Of the 2 I have heard about. 1 got about 3 Months salary and the other almost a years salary. Neither of which is a Massive pay day, and both probably cost much less than going to court would have, and are much less than the accusers stood to get if they went to court and won.
Gosh darn it! If Cain would just say he did it and he is sorry--and everyone can move on then maybe the country could move on. If he conceded that what his accussered said may by true in some fashion and he had a different take on the situation, then perhaps his statements would be not worthly.

Cain is a likeable guy with humor---Perhaps if the five women who claim he sexaully assaulted them and Cain sit around a table and hash it out ... in public there will be resolution.

Sexaul assault is not a funny matter---still people must move on in life. Futhermore, all persons involved were adults at the time and a conversation on the issue is in order.

The man wants to be President of United States...he has work hard...why not allow him to confront his accusers in the public forum and not the court room.

Adult TV at its best.---Maybe some cable network like TLC will pick it up as a reality show.

Holy freaking toledo. Now he sexually assaulted 5 women in your mind?

wow just freaking wow.

At least that post explains why you have that lovely line of red as your rep with lies like this.
Anyone that takes sides in this soap opera is a fucking moron... None of you know jack fucking shit past he said she said bullshit.
mario-many-Cain.jpg just stay tiny. Unlike you I do try to see all sides of the debate and where everyone is coming from. Unlike u I may agree, disagree, and/or conceded.

It is called being open. How do you like me now you narrow minded self centered person who rather watch the Housewives then be apart of some discussion that actully mean something to someone. just stay tiny. Unlike you I do try to see all sides of the debate and where everyone is coming from. Unlike u I may agree, disagree, and/or conceded.

It is called being open. How do you like me now you narrow minded self centered person who rather watch the Housewives then be apart of some discussion that actully mean something to someone.

What's to see? This thread is about the defamation lawyer that was hired. The OP is entirely misleading and spin.

I put up the gentleman's actual quote. You are the one that posted that he has been accused of sexual assault.

Sadly, either you are seriously misinformed or fabricating. He has not been accused of sexual assault.

The two women who have been identified have serious credibility issues.

Consequently Mr. Cain was brilliant in hiring this lawyer in particular because he has successfully sued others for defamation of his clients who include Richard Jewel and the Ramseys.

FYI I can't get Housewives and wouldn't watch it if you waterboarded me. My viewing pleasure on the one station I do get ranges from Dr. Suzuki and the Nature of Things, The Doc Zone and Little Mosque on the Prairie for fun.(I'm a retired rock well primarily rock although I handled punk and rockabilly too manager and publicist,major conservationist and live on the edge of a provincial forest and I truly only get one station)
Now let's put things in perspective. Sharon and Karen have offered the same proof as Larry Sinclair.

Lakhota, if you believe the women, surely then you believe Larry correct?

Actually, there were witnesses to Cains crude behavior towards a subordinate. Are you going to sue them too?

There are witnesses to Obamas transgressions as well.... Oh wait, Donald Young is dead!

Nevermind.... :eusa_whistle:
More BS deflections. Instead of trying to spin some conspiracy theory involving Obama, Cain should man up and either admit it or do an honest job of proving his accusers wrong, instead of making up BS conspiracy theories. I'm sure this one will work for him just as well as the lie that one of the accuser's son works for Politico. :lol::lol::lol:

How about using your own logic... his accusers need to un-ass some evidence to prove their claims.
How about proving Mr Cain is lying?

But just remember.... Donald Young cant prove his claims.... he's dead!



#1 who was employed with the NRA and received a severance pay was a serial sexual harrassment complainer. Tch tch next job after the NRA she bitched about some email and her new supervisor and demanded another pantload worth of $$$$

#2 Sharon. The bimbo who highly respected and revered Bill Kurtis claimed in a live interview that basically if anything happened in any car that it would be Sharon begging to give a blow job to Herman and said she had a real history and track record. $$$$$

#3 This one kills me.:eusa_angel: A woman who thought she felt bad vibes off of Herman and wouldn't introduce him to a woman who asked a question at a seminar, but she and her friend went out with him to dinner and although there were no sexual overtures he did order 2 $400. bottles of wine and she claimed she had to pay for it.

I really really just can't wait for the other two to come forward.

Lord love a duck. This is too funny.

DES MOINES, Iowa — A conservative Iowa radio host, who on Wednesday became the latest person to accuse Herman Cain of acting inappropriately toward women, declined to offer specifics about the presidential candidate’s behavior but suggested that Cain was “compromised in his private life.”

Steve Deace, who hosts a syndicated two-hour radio program in Iowa, said that two of his female staff members were subjected to “inappropriate and awkward” comments by Cain. But he refused to identify them or elaborate on the seriousness of the allegations.

After his show on Wednesday night, Deace held an impromptu press conference outside his Des Moines studio while his two female staff members rushed out of the building, escorted by two men who attempted to keep reporters away.

One of the women was identified to ABC News by an independent source as a victim of the behavior Deace mentioned. Both of the women repeatedly refused to comment on anything related to the controversy.

Deace, an influential conservative figure in the state, declined to say whether he had the women’s consent before going public with the allegations, but added, “As a staff we are very tight and we are very close and we share everything with one another.”
DES MOINES, Iowa — A conservative Iowa radio host, who on Wednesday became the latest person to accuse Herman Cain of acting inappropriately toward women, declined to offer specifics about the presidential candidate’s behavior but suggested that Cain was “compromised in his private life.”

Steve Deace, who hosts a syndicated two-hour radio program in Iowa, said that two of his female staff members were subjected to “inappropriate and awkward” comments by Cain. But he refused to identify them or elaborate on the seriousness of the allegations.

After his show on Wednesday night, Deace held an impromptu press conference outside his Des Moines studio while his two female staff members rushed out of the building, escorted by two men who attempted to keep reporters away.

One of the women was identified to ABC News by an independent source as a victim of the behavior Deace mentioned. Both of the women repeatedly refused to comment on anything related to the controversy.

Deace, an influential conservative figure in the state, declined to say whether he had the women’s consent before going public with the allegations, but added, “As a staff we are very tight and we are very close and we share everything with one another.”

Iowa Radio Host Steve Deace Calls Herman Cain ‘Compromised In His Private Life’ - ABC News

Oh by all means let this man go crazy out there.

I read a different article. He doesn't smear. He sues people's asses off who lie and defame his clients. From another one of my posts.


Aye carumba! Check out his high profile victories.

Wood represented Richard Jewell, who was suspected and cleared of the Atlanta Olympic Park bombing and later filed libel suits against media organizations and a local college, some of which were settled.

Wood's other notable clients included John and Patsy Ramsey, suspected but later cleared in the unsolved murder of their daughter JonBenet Ramsey. The couple filed defamation suits against a number of media companies.

Wood also filed a defamation lawsuit against Vanity Fair writer Dominick Dunne on behalf of former congressman Gary Condit, who was romantically involved with intern Chandra Levy but never an official suspect in her 2001 murder. The suit was settled for an undisclosed amount.

Very interesting. This is going to make for a very fascinating time period if Sharon and Karen hold a joint press conference.

Here's a great article on him at the link.

Cain defamation lawyer hired to monitor accusations | Reuters

Both of the acccusers who have come forward have been found to have some questionable things about them, absolutely.

But getting into that kind of wrestling match is like wrestling with a pig. You both get dirty, but the pig likes it.

Condit still lost his job. The CA Legislature eliminated his district so he couldn't run again.

Most people still think the Ramseys killed their daughter (and honestly, the whole thing was rather sick.)

Jewell might have been cleared (mostly because they figured out Eric Rudolf did it), but the stress still killed him.

So I'm not sure how much it really helps Cain to wrestle these pigs.
DES MOINES, Iowa — A conservative Iowa radio host, who on Wednesday became the latest person to accuse Herman Cain of acting inappropriately toward women, declined to offer specifics about the presidential candidate’s behavior but suggested that Cain was “compromised in his private life.”

Steve Deace, who hosts a syndicated two-hour radio program in Iowa, said that two of his female staff members were subjected to “inappropriate and awkward” comments by Cain. But he refused to identify them or elaborate on the seriousness of the allegations.

After his show on Wednesday night, Deace held an impromptu press conference outside his Des Moines studio while his two female staff members rushed out of the building, escorted by two men who attempted to keep reporters away.

One of the women was identified to ABC News by an independent source as a victim of the behavior Deace mentioned. Both of the women repeatedly refused to comment on anything related to the controversy.

Deace, an influential conservative figure in the state, declined to say whether he had the women’s consent before going public with the allegations, but added, “As a staff we are very tight and we are very close and we share everything with one another.”

Iowa Radio Host Steve Deace Calls Herman Cain ‘Compromised In His Private Life’ - ABC News

Oh by all means let this man go crazy out there.

The more Cain denies, the more people come out of the woodwork saying "yes Cain is really like that"

Doesn't mean that Cain can't be president. It just means that he is a creep when it comes to women
Anyone that takes sides in this soap opera is a fucking moron... None of you know jack fucking shit past he said she said bullshit.

It's fascinating to see seemingly rational people jump to conclusions though, huh? I'm entertained... in an 'oh my (insert Deity of choice), I can't believe Americans are this stupid' kind of way.

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