Cain says he would have substantial lead over Obama


Aug 5, 2012
Herman Cain says he would have a

I think he would be doing better yes but substantial lead? I dunno...depends on what kind of actions he would have taken during the process of getting the nomination...Willard alienated young folks with his nazi style tactics and has continued to follow up with stupid remarks on things that are sinking him. What say you?
No idea what the fuck you are babbling about so why don't you reply to what the thread is actually about.
Godwinned on the 3rd phrase of your thread.. typical

hysterical, isn't it?

juveniles who have problems living with societal rules get that way.

until they want to tell someone else what moral decisions to make... then the phonies are all about rules.

cain was laughed out of his own primary... it's delusional to think he'd have gotten more than single digits nationally.
Cain is what smart people look like to stupid people.

999!!! becomes 909.... So much for carefully though through numbers when you can switch em around on a whim. What is amazing was watching how slow the Republican party was to realizing how stupid 999 was.
Herman Cain says he would have a

I think he would be doing better yes but substantial lead? I dunno...depends on what kind of actions he would have taken during the process of getting the nomination...Willard alienated young folks with his nazi style tactics and has continued to follow up with stupid remarks on things that are sinking him. What say you?

I say you a monumental idiot! Can you please enlighten me as to what "Nazi-sytle tactics" he used???? :cuckoo:
What the fuck is with you morons not being able to talk about the story? A comprehension problem or something? holy fuck...I have said this over and over go back and read some of the Ron Paul threads I posted in...fucking a.
I'm actually starting to think that libertarians are more dangerous and more dellusional than liberals. Libertarians are actually going to push everyone over to the Dumbocrats side because they are such a frightening, radical bunch...

I'm actually sitting here agreeing with Jillian for the first time in my life, and it has me utterly speechless (and scared shitless)....
Rotty... don't ask for an explanation of incoherent thoughts from a whacko person who godwinns his own threads on a regular basis... it'll just make your head hurt more
What the fuck is with you morons not being able to talk about the story? A comprehension problem or something? holy fuck...I have said this over and over go back and read some of the Ron Paul threads I posted in...fucking a.

Hey, nut wing - I'm trying to talk about the story. I asked a specific question on YOUR OWN WORDS. Explain it to me. I'm listening....
Actually you asked me about my comments not the story. I told you go look at several of the RP threads I posted in...I commented on it there..
I don't think Cain would be that much ahead of Obama, if at all. He might have been a few points behind even
He did fail in several areas, not really being able to control things, nor could he have really been a great leader, the way he handled some things was not very good. Especially on foreign affairs.
Also there was a few subjects he needed to educate himself on.
Shame. If he'd kept it in his pants we'd all being having an even bigger laugh right now.
Herman Cain says he would have a

I think he would be doing better yes but substantial lead? I dunno...depends on what kind of actions he would have taken during the process of getting the nomination...Willard alienated young folks with his nazi style tactics and has continued to follow up with stupid remarks on things that are sinking him. What say you?

He couldn't even win the nomination of his own party! :lol:
Only because he couldn't keep it in his pants long enough...he dropped out before the 1st primary or caucus.
Even if his supposed affair had never been made public he was slowly showing how little he really knew about politics such as foreign affairs. In my opinion he may have been able to start out strong against Obama until even his own base started to realize how unprepared he really was.
Herman Cain says he would have a

I think he would be doing better yes but substantial lead? I dunno...depends on what kind of actions he would have taken during the process of getting the nomination...Willard alienated young folks with his nazi style tactics and has continued to follow up with stupid remarks on things that are sinking him. What say you?
CainNotTheNominee /thread.
Cain is what smart people look like to stupid people.

999!!! becomes 909.... So much for carefully though through numbers when you can switch em around on a whim. What is amazing was watching how slow the Republican party was to realizing how stupid 999 was.

i've heard really stupid people say that before.

no.. cain is what stupid people sound like when they try to talk about things they know nothing about.

or have you forgotten that he couldn't even keep his own positions straight...and the weird smoking campaign manager commercial?

the smartest guy in the race was huntsman...and the "base" didn't even look at him b/c he worked as obama's ambassador to china.

he's the guy who should be in mitten's place now.

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