Cain's campaign manager lies on Hannity

Cain had better be very careful

All his denials and character attacks can come back to haunt him. What recent politics has taught us is that Americans can tolerate an adulterer but will not tolerate a liar

Oh, bullshit. Democrats tolerate liars as long as they're Democrats. Republicans tolerate liars as long as they're Republicans. Neither side demonstrates the intellect to clean their own fucking house up before criticizing the other.

Both sides... corrupt, liars. You vote for them. So don't get all butt hurt about it.

Sure they tolerate liars, they gave Weiner a free pass didn't they? Dumbass woman, comne up with another cheap excuse.
He got a pass from the dems and from NOW and from the media.
And most importantly from the same liberals that are now attacking Cain.

Seems like it was in all the papers

You must have missed it

I only wish I missed how the left defended Clinton. How NOW threw those woman under the bus. How the media defended him in the face of real evidence. How all but a handful of dems defended him.

When did the left defend Clinton's adultery? You are a facking liar.
The fact that the REPUBLICANS are using the Bill Clinton card(a impeached president) to defend their front runner within the primary-- PROVES THAT they're truly the stupid party. That center will go solidly for Obama.

I hate a lot of what Obama stands for, but this is bad enough to make me go left for him some.

Its called a strawman argument, how many Repugs have actually admitted Cain was a liar?
If one mistakes information for confirmation, one might be wrong; but that does not a lie make.

Most posters here would acknowledge the distinction.

To nobody's surprise, you, Raving Dipshit, aren't up to even that minimal degree of honesty or integrity.

so it is your view that someone at politico did confirm that the guy worked there still and block was just repeating what he was told?

and that they somehow looked into whether he was the son of the women in question.. without asking either the son or the mother..... and were again just repeating what they were told.......

and you have some evidence that they spent anytime finding out if any of that was true before making the claim on national tv?

It is my view that it is possible ONLY that:

Based upon information available at the time of Mr. Block's Tuesday night interview on Fox News, the campaign was led to believe that Mr. Josh Kraushaar, currently with the National Journal and a former employee of Politico, was the son of Karen Kraushaar," Gordon said. "Mr. Josh Kraushaar is in fact, not related to Ms. Karen Kraushaar.

As I said, I was not made privvy to whatever "information" they relied upon, and neither were you. So don't try to speak for me; you can speak for you, and I'll do the speaking thing for my self.

YOU don't know that it wasn't an honest mistake, since, as I have now noted yet again, YOU are not privvy to the "information" Mr. Gordon was talking about.

This does mean that it is still within the realm of possibility that Mr. Gordon is full of shit. Again, I don't know. Neither do you. Neither does Raving Tool.

If and when it gets shown (reliably) that Mr. Cain lied about any of this OR that he did actually engage in intentional sexual harassment, I will look to a different candidate. But so far, nothing reliable has been reported to suggest either that he ever did that shit OR that he has lied about it. Therefore, I continue to support Mr. Cain's candidacy.

You fucking dambass shithead, before anyone goes on TV making claim 'confirming' that something is fact they should fact check and back up what they say before they say, why the fuck are you letting those bumbling dick heads off the hook with their lies? Everything is their fault, why blame Ravi for pointing that Block got caught in a lie?

I never said you were. Apparently you are as brainless as he is, though.

No, you didn't say it, you fucking dishonest shitbird. Nor id I SAY you "said" it.

But you offered a criticism of me on the basis of what HE said, you transparently fraudulent asshole.

You are even dumber than I thought, and I long ago realized that you are tragically stupid.

But you are even more dishonest than stupid.

Quite a dynamic one two punch, you lowlife.


Nope, I offered a criticism of you based on your Liarbility bullshit.

Suck it up, dude.

Nope. You ascribed to me the words of another person.

And you remain far too dishonest to acknowledge it despite the fact that it is preserved here to unequivocally prove that's what you did.

You remain utterly incapable of being honest.

Stop sucking. You really seem to also lack the ability to stop sucking. As Imus says, you can't suck enough.

You wait right there, Raving Liar, and I'll get you a tissue.
so it is your view that someone at politico did confirm that the guy worked there still and block was just repeating what he was told?

and that they somehow looked into whether he was the son of the women in question.. without asking either the son or the mother..... and were again just repeating what they were told.......

and you have some evidence that they spent anytime finding out if any of that was true before making the claim on national tv?

It is my view that it is possible ONLY that:

Based upon information available at the time of Mr. Block's Tuesday night interview on Fox News, the campaign was led to believe that Mr. Josh Kraushaar, currently with the National Journal and a former employee of Politico, was the son of Karen Kraushaar," Gordon said. "Mr. Josh Kraushaar is in fact, not related to Ms. Karen Kraushaar.

As I said, I was not made privvy to whatever "information" they relied upon, and neither were you. So don't try to speak for me; you can speak for you, and I'll do the speaking thing for my self.

YOU don't know that it wasn't an honest mistake, since, as I have now noted yet again, YOU are not privvy to the "information" Mr. Gordon was talking about.

This does mean that it is still within the realm of possibility that Mr. Gordon is full of shit. Again, I don't know. Neither do you. Neither does Raving Tool.

If and when it gets shown (reliably) that Mr. Cain lied about any of this OR that he did actually engage in intentional sexual harassment, I will look to a different candidate. But so far, nothing reliable has been reported to suggest either that he ever did that shit OR that he has lied about it. Therefore, I continue to support Mr. Cain's candidacy.

You fucking dambass shithead, before anyone goes on TV making claim 'confirming' that something is fact they should fact check and back up what they say before they say, why the fuck are you letting those bumbling dick heads off the hook with their lies? Everything is their fault, why blame Ravi for pointing that Block got caught in a lie?

Hey Fail-always, you quiffy motherfucking asshole sucking douche bag pussy. How've ya been?

It's a tragedy that you remain so abjectly stupid that you can't follow along.

But I'll repeat it for you just on the off chance that repetition might help the glaringly obvious sink in.

If Mr. Block misused the word "confirmed," you fucking pussy lying sack of quiff, then he misused the word.

Do try to get over it.

That is all.

On the bright side, maybe Raving Shithead will share her tissue with ya. :thup:
It is my view that it is possible ONLY that:

As I said, I was not made privvy to whatever "information" they relied upon, and neither were you. So don't try to speak for me; you can speak for you, and I'll do the speaking thing for my self.

YOU don't know that it wasn't an honest mistake, since, as I have now noted yet again, YOU are not privvy to the "information" Mr. Gordon was talking about.

This does mean that it is still within the realm of possibility that Mr. Gordon is full of shit. Again, I don't know. Neither do you. Neither does Raving Tool.

If and when it gets shown (reliably) that Mr. Cain lied about any of this OR that he did actually engage in intentional sexual harassment, I will look to a different candidate. But so far, nothing reliable has been reported to suggest either that he ever did that shit OR that he has lied about it. Therefore, I continue to support Mr. Cain's candidacy.

You fucking dambass shithead, before anyone goes on TV making claim 'confirming' that something is fact they should fact check and back up what they say before they say, why the fuck are you letting those bumbling dick heads off the hook with their lies? Everything is their fault, why blame Ravi for pointing that Block got caught in a lie?

Hey Fail-always, you quiffy motherfucking asshole sucking douche bag pussy. How've ya been?

It's a tragedy that you remain so abjectly stupid that you can't follow along.

But I'll repeat it for you just on the off chance that repetition might help the glaringly obvious sink in.

If Mr. Block misused the word "confirmed," you fucking pussy lying sack of quiff, then he misused the word.

Do try to get over it.

That is all.

On the bright side, maybe Raving Shithead will share her tissue with ya. :thup:

Sure pussy, he misused the word confirmed after having made the claim the first time and then repeating it as being confirmed, who the fuck are you trying to fool you semen gargling shitstain?
You fucking dambass shithead, before anyone goes on TV making claim 'confirming' that something is fact they should fact check and back up what they say before they say, why the fuck are you letting those bumbling dick heads off the hook with their lies? Everything is their fault, why blame Ravi for pointing that Block got caught in a lie?

Hey Fail-always, you quiffy motherfucking asshole sucking douche bag pussy. How've ya been?

It's a tragedy that you remain so abjectly stupid that you can't follow along.

But I'll repeat it for you just on the off chance that repetition might help the glaringly obvious sink in.

If Mr. Block misused the word "confirmed," you fucking pussy lying sack of quiff, then he misused the word.

Do try to get over it.

That is all.

On the bright side, maybe Raving Shithead will share her tissue with ya. :thup:

Sure pussy, he misused the word confirmed after having made the claim the first time and then repeating it as being confirmed, who the fuck are you trying to fool you semen gargling shitstain?

When attempting to speak publicly, quiff, you really should take the cock out of your mouth, first.

Lots of people misuse words, you fucking asshole imbecile.

He said "confirmed." He should have said (evidently) that "we got some information which seems to suggest...." He spoke with a pronounced lack of precision. He was wrong.

Get over it, fuckstick.

You can now return to sucking off that smelly drunken unconscious homeless stranger you found lying unconscious in a dirty stall in the public mens' room, ya fucking hopeless quiff.
Schmuck or a liar?

The two are not mutually exclusive.

If Mr. Block simply (and ignorantly) misused a word, that might make him a schmuck.

If he did so deliberately, that would make him a liar.

Until Raving Dipshit, Fail-always or one of the other resident liberal members of Mensa can point to actual evidence that he deliberately chose the wrong word (as opposed to merely misusing it by accident), then their claims that he "lied" (or that Mr. Cain lied) is shown to be just so much dishonest partisan tripe.

And Raving Lunatic will never have enough integrity to admit that she simply doesn't know. She has no discernible capacity for objectivity or honesty.
Hey Fail-always, you quiffy motherfucking asshole sucking douche bag pussy. How've ya been?

It's a tragedy that you remain so abjectly stupid that you can't follow along.

But I'll repeat it for you just on the off chance that repetition might help the glaringly obvious sink in.

If Mr. Block misused the word "confirmed," you fucking pussy lying sack of quiff, then he misused the word.

Do try to get over it.

That is all.

On the bright side, maybe Raving Shithead will share her tissue with ya. :thup:

Sure pussy, he misused the word confirmed after having made the claim the first time and then repeating it as being confirmed, who the fuck are you trying to fool you semen gargling shitstain?

When attempting to speak publicly, quiff, you really should take the cock out of your mouth, first.

Lots of people misuse words, you fucking asshole imbecile.

He said "confirmed." He should have said (evidently) that "we got some information which seems to suggest...." He spoke with a pronounced lack of precision. He was wrong.

Get over it, fuckstick.

You can now return to sucking off that smelly drunken unconscious homeless stranger you found lying unconscious in a dirty stall in the public mens' room, ya fucking hopeless quiff.

Fuck you cocksmoker, he said confirmed, I don't give a shit about what you thought he should have said we all know what he said after he was asked whether it was confirmed you fucking dick head, take the cock out of your brain and your head out of your ass you fucking dingleberry.
Sure pussy, he misused the word confirmed after having made the claim the first time and then repeating it as being confirmed, who the fuck are you trying to fool you semen gargling shitstain?

When attempting to speak publicly, quiff, you really should take the cock out of your mouth, first.

Lots of people misuse words, you fucking asshole imbecile.

He said "confirmed." He should have said (evidently) that "we got some information which seems to suggest...." He spoke with a pronounced lack of precision. He was wrong.

Get over it, fuckstick.

You can now return to sucking off that smelly drunken unconscious homeless stranger you found lying unconscious in a dirty stall in the public mens' room, ya fucking hopeless quiff.

Fuck you cocksmoker, he said confirmed, I don't give a shit about what you thought he should have said we all know what he said after he was asked whether it was confirmed you fucking dick head, take the cock out of your brain and your head out of your ass you fucking dingleberry.
See post above

COCK SMOKER............
Schmuck or a liar?

The two are not mutually exclusive.

If Mr. Block simply (and ignorantly) misused a word, that might make him a schmuck.

If he did so deliberately, that would make him a liar.

Until Raving Dipshit, Fail-always or one of the other resident liberal members of Mensa can point to actual evidence that he deliberately chose the wrong word (as opposed to merely misusing it by accident), then their claims that he "lied" (or that Mr. Cain lied) is shown to be just so much dishonest partisan tripe.

And Raving Lunatic will never have enough integrity to admit that she simply doesn't know. She has no discernible capacity for objectivity or honesty.

Fuck off shithead, who are you tp speak for anyone and say what they should have said, are you Cain's fucking spokesman? Should have, would have could have, it doesn't matter, the fucker lied and got called out, now quit brushing your teeth with shit and rising your mouth out with piss.
Schmuck or a liar?

The two are not mutually exclusive.

If Mr. Block simply (and ignorantly) misused a word, that might make him a schmuck.

If he did so deliberately, that would make him a liar.

Until Raving Dipshit, Fail-always or one of the other resident liberal members of Mensa can point to actual evidence that he deliberately chose the wrong word (as opposed to merely misusing it by accident), then their claims that he "lied" (or that Mr. Cain lied) is shown to be just so much dishonest partisan tripe.

And Raving Lunatic will never have enough integrity to admit that she simply doesn't know. She has no discernible capacity for objectivity or honesty.

Fuck off shithead, who are you tp speak for anyone and say what they should have said, are you Cain's fucking spokesman? Should have, would have could have, it doesn't matter, the fucker lied and got called out, now quit brushing your teeth with shit and rising your mouth out with piss.

Listen you little quiff, cock sucker. The facts are the facts regardless of whether you like those facts or not, you motherfucking asshole pussy.

I can speak to any public issue with or without your consent. Eat shit and bark and the moon you shit-for-brain, flea-bitten, unconscious homeless man sodomizing, racist lying piece of crap.

Mr. Block used the wrong word. Because he used the wrong word, his statement was wrong.

But neither you or your fellow idiot liberal mindless partisan hack lying friend, Raving Lunatic, has any evidence that his erroneous claim was a lie. "Wrong" and "lie" are not synonyms, you imbecile.

Now, go wipe that poor guy's shit off your mouth and -- for God's sake -- brush your teeth before attempting to speak again in public. Whew. You stink on multiple levels.
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Poor Liarbility, all his heros are liars.

On the National Journal website, Josh Kraushaar wrote Wednesday that he had responded to multiple inquiries Tuesday explaining that he is not related to Karen Kraushaar, and also put the information out in a Tweet. No one from the Cain campaign, he said, contacted him before Block went on the air.

"Despite that, Block proceeded to go on Sean Hannity's Fox News show to proclaim that I was Karen Kraushaar's son and to suggest I was one of the people who leaked the story," wrote Josh Kraushaar.

He confirmed NOTHING.

He lied.

Cain camp admits false claim about reporter - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

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