Cain's campaign manager lies on Hannity

So, let me get this straight. Until a lying liar who lies admits he's a lying liar who lies, he is a fine, upstanding member of the community.

In other words, I should substitute your Cain Derangement Syndrome opinion for my own reality? I think not.

Dumb fuck.

You are indeed a dumb fuck, and no, you didn't get any of it straight.

You are a truly dumb fuck.

An inaccurate assertion CAN be a lie. Alternatively, it might be just an inaccurate assertion.

The difference is WHETHER the person making the statement KNEW that it was false at the time he said it.

YOU, dumb fuck, CAN readily point to the fact that what Mr. Block said was incorrect. Congrats. You have made it half way home, dumb fuck.

NOW, if you can, go the rest of the distance.

DEMONSTRATE (don't just make the empty claim; back it up with evidence) that when Mr. Block said the thing he said (it WAS inaccurate) he KNEW at that time that he was wrong.

But, as I said before: You won't. You can't. As I correctly predicted, you would merely repeat yourself. (And now you have.)
Josh Kraushaar is tweeting in disbelief tonight:

Mark Block must get his facts from Internet comment boards, based on comments to @hannity. Not related to Karen K and don’t work at Politico

For a presidential spokesman to go on TV and make up blatant falsehoods doesn’t speak well for his boss, either.

The only positive benefit about being smeared by Mark Block on Hannity is I’m getting 100 new Twitter followers a minute.

Okay, Liar. What word do you think he "misused." "Confirmed?"

Twat did you say? You **** be made out when you say shit like that, beyotch.

And Bill Clinton never had sex with that woman.

What a moron.

Raving Dipshit points, inadvertently of course, to an example of a false statement that WAS unquestionably a lie at the time it was muttered.

So, we have now established that Raving Liar DOES grasp the difference.

This constitutes some evidence that she IS just a liar.

So, let me get this straight. Until a lying liar who lies admits he's a lying liar who lies, he is a fine, upstanding member of the community.

In other words, I should substitute your Cain Derangement Syndrome opinion for my own reality? I think not.

Dumb fuck.

You are indeed a dumb fuck, and no, you didn't get any of it straight.

You are a truly dumb fuck.

An inaccurate assertion CAN be a lie. Alternatively, it might be just an inaccurate assertion.

The difference is WHETHER the person making the statement KNEW that it was false at the time he said it.

YOU, dumb fuck, CAN readily point to the fact that what Mr. Block said was incorrect. Congrats. You have made it half way home, dumb fuck.

NOW, if you can, go the rest of the distance.

DEMONSTRATE (don't just make the empty claim; back it up with evidence) that when Mr. Block said the thing he said (it WAS inaccurate) he KNEW at that time that he was wrong.

But, as I said before: You won't. You can't. As I correctly predicted, you would merely repeat yourself. (And now you have.)

Alrighty then. So. Since I only took your sorry ass off ignore to see who everybody was pointing and laughing at, back you go.
Josh Kraushaar is tweeting in disbelief tonight:

Mark Block must get his facts from Internet comment boards, based on comments to @hannity. Not related to Karen K and don’t work at Politico

For a presidential spokesman to go on TV and make up blatant falsehoods doesn’t speak well for his boss, either.

The only positive benefit about being smeared by Mark Block on Hannity is I’m getting 100 new Twitter followers a minute.

Okay, Liar. What word do you think he "misused." "Confirmed?"

Twat did you say? You **** be made out when you say shit like that, beyotch.

"Thank you for deducting rep from this loser"
Damn, I wish we could post PMs.


You can in Flame, can't you? I got one too. Don't know what it said, though. Ignore = ignore.

What a dumb fuck. In fact, him having Belushi as his avatar and sig makes no sense. Belushi was an intelligent man.

No, you can't do it unless both parties agree and a mod says yes.

Sometimes I'd just like to show how vile people can be while hiding behind the PM rule.

But, whatevah.
Here's my take and I never thought of myself as believing in a conspiracy but..............No one has gone after Romney, 0bama wants to run against him. They're planning their strategy for that scenario. It will throw everything out of whack if Romney doesn't get the nomination. I think the 0bama campaign knows more about this than they're admitting. It reeks of Chicago style politics.
Oh, and by the way. If he ever says what "one word" Block "misused", somebody drop me a line.

Aaaaand we all know THAT won't happen.

Sorry, beyotch. But you didn't address the question to me.

You falsely accused me of being a liar, apparently. But of course, only you and Raving Lunatic are the dishonest ones.

Mr. Block had NOT "confirmed" anything. As Mr. Gordon noted later on, the Cain campaign had, instead, merely received information -- which turned out to be inaccurate.

Mr. Block appears to have accepted that information as truthful and accurate and thus mislabeled it as constituting some kind of "confirmation."

So, yes. His claim was incorrect. That's the given, you imbecile.

NOW, to label it a 'lie" as you, so ignorantly, insist on doing, you would have to offer some evidence that he did so KNOWING that it wasn't actually a confirmation.

But you won't. You can't. As I have successfully and correctly predicted, all you can do is repeat your belief as though your belief constitutes evidence. It doesn't.

Raving Lunatic and you lack any hint of credibility.

That is all.
Damn, I wish we could post PMs.


You can in Flame, can't you? I got one too. Don't know what it said, though. Ignore = ignore.

What a dumb fuck. In fact, him having Belushi as his avatar and sig makes no sense. Belushi was an intelligent man.

No, you can't do it unless both parties agree and a mod says yes.

Sometimes I'd just like to show how vile people can be while hiding behind the PM rule.

But, whatevah.

Poor boo boo.

Now you get to hide behind that fraudulent pretext.

You have absolutely no credibility.

You are going down on dishonesty like a whore.
So, let me get this straight. Until a lying liar who lies admits he's a lying liar who lies, he is a fine, upstanding member of the community.

In other words, I should substitute your Cain Derangement Syndrome opinion for my own reality? I think not.

Dumb fuck.

You are indeed a dumb fuck, and no, you didn't get any of it straight.

You are a truly dumb fuck.

An inaccurate assertion CAN be a lie. Alternatively, it might be just an inaccurate assertion.

The difference is WHETHER the person making the statement KNEW that it was false at the time he said it.

YOU, dumb fuck, CAN readily point to the fact that what Mr. Block said was incorrect. Congrats. You have made it half way home, dumb fuck.

NOW, if you can, go the rest of the distance.

DEMONSTRATE (don't just make the empty claim; back it up with evidence) that when Mr. Block said the thing he said (it WAS inaccurate) he KNEW at that time that he was wrong.

But, as I said before: You won't. You can't. As I correctly predicted, you would merely repeat yourself. (And now you have.)

Alrighty then. So. Since I only took your sorry ass off ignore to see who everybody was pointing and laughing at, back you go.

You are a coward and a liar.

If you are comfortable being a lying sack of shit, have a nice nap.

In the meanwhile, just let's be clear.

YOU are unable and unwilling to back up your own contention. This makes YOU a liar.

Words have meaning.

Need a tissue?
Here's my take and I never thought of myself as believing in a conspiracy but..............No one has gone after Romney, 0bama wants to run against him. They're planning their strategy for that scenario. It will throw everything out of whack if Romney doesn't get the nomination. I think the 0bama campaign knows more about this than they're admitting. It reeks of Chicago style politics.

and thats why fox news is shoving romney down our throats, because they are an arm of the obama administration?
Here's my take and I never thought of myself as believing in a conspiracy but..............No one has gone after Romney, 0bama wants to run against him. They're planning their strategy for that scenario. It will throw everything out of whack if Romney doesn't get the nomination. I think the 0bama campaign knows more about this than they're admitting. It reeks of Chicago style politics.

You're friggin retarded and have no evidence to back this claim, mere speculation, Cain would not defeat Obama in an election. cain has bumble and stumbled enough on his own during his campaign so unless you can prove Obama put those words in his mouth you are full of it.
Here's my take and I never thought of myself as believing in a conspiracy but..............No one has gone after Romney, 0bama wants to run against him. They're planning their strategy for that scenario. It will throw everything out of whack if Romney doesn't get the nomination. I think the 0bama campaign knows more about this than they're admitting. It reeks of Chicago style politics.

You're friggin retarded and have no evidence to back this claim, mere speculation, Cain would not defeat Obama in an election. cain has bumble and stumbled enough on his own during his campaign so unless you can prove Obama put those words in his mouth you are full of it.

The Bass LOVES him some Hi-Yella Homosexual in Chief!... :lol:



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