Cain's campaign manager lies on Hannity

Clinton is still the darlin' of the Democrats. Evidently, raping women and lying to Congress are alright by the dems.

Sometimes you show how vile people can be in your own posts.
No doubt. But at least I don't hide and say nasty things to people via PM.

Liar. You've done THAT, too.

DAYUM, but you simply cannot be honest, you low life bag of rancid pus.
Thank you for confirming that you're a liar.
Can someone please buy Herman Cain a bucket of KFC? Thanks
Did you mean that as a racist remark? Some threads back, the term "watermelon man" was misconstrued as racist when it was meant to imply green on the on the inside (communist hiding under the veil of environmentalist).

Just what do you mean to imply with the fried chicken comment?
No doubt. But at least I don't hide and say nasty things to people via PM.

Liar. You've done THAT, too.

DAYUM, but you simply cannot be honest, you low life bag of rancid pus.
Thank you for confirming that you're a liar.

It's of course quite impossible to "confirm" your lie, ya dishonest moron.

You remain the liar, and quite stupid to boot.

Thanks for pretending otherwise, though.

It's always a pleasant diversion to show you up as the diseased dishonest pant-load you always are.

You are indeed a dumb fuck, and no, you didn't get any of it straight.

You are a truly dumb fuck.

An inaccurate assertion CAN be a lie. Alternatively, it might be just an inaccurate assertion.

The difference is WHETHER the person making the statement KNEW that it was false at the time he said it.

YOU, dumb fuck, CAN readily point to the fact that what Mr. Block said was incorrect. Congrats. You have made it half way home, dumb fuck.

NOW, if you can, go the rest of the distance.

DEMONSTRATE (don't just make the empty claim; back it up with evidence) that when Mr. Block said the thing he said (it WAS inaccurate) he KNEW at that time that he was wrong.

But, as I said before: You won't. You can't. As I correctly predicted, you would merely repeat yourself. (And now you have.)
So you are saying that Block is a STUPID liar rather than a PREMEDITATED liar. A liar too stupid to KNOW he was telling a lie. :cuckoo:
Brilliant defense! NOT! :rofl::lmao:

No you fucking moron. I am saying that there is no proof that he's a liar at all.

I AM saying his statement was incorrect. That still doesn't translate into lie, you deliberately ignorant, obtuse, dishonest partisan hack shit for brain motherfucker.

Damn, but you are one stupid motherfucking liberal douche bag.

You are joined by the Basshole, by Fail-always, by BettyBoob, by the incredibly odious scumbucket Raving Dipshit and by one or two other classic liberoidal imbeciles.

Nice company you guys keep.

A liar is someone who told a lie. It doesn't have to be his lie, it can be someone else's lie that he repeats because he is too stupid to know it is a lie. Whether it's his lie or someone else's, once he repeats it he becomes a liar.

You are basically saying that he is a lying gossip, repeating what other people told him. He is STILL a liar. being a gossip does not make him any less a liar.
Get it fool???
So you are saying that Block is a STUPID liar rather than a PREMEDITATED liar. A liar too stupid to KNOW he was telling a lie. :cuckoo:
Brilliant defense! NOT! :rofl::lmao:

No you fucking moron. I am saying that there is no proof that he's a liar at all.

I AM saying his statement was incorrect. That still doesn't translate into lie, you deliberately ignorant, obtuse, dishonest partisan hack shit for brain motherfucker.

Damn, but you are one stupid motherfucking liberal douche bag.

You are joined by the Basshole, by Fail-always, by BettyBoob, by the incredibly odious scumbucket Raving Dipshit and by one or two other classic liberoidal imbeciles.

Nice company you guys keep.

A liar is someone who told a lie. It doesn't have to be his lie, it can be someone else's lie that he repeats because he is too stupid to know it is a lie. Whether it's his lie or someone else's, once he repeats it he becomes a liar.

You are basically saying that he is a lying gossip, repeating what other people told him. He is STILL a liar. being a gossip does not make him any less a liar.
Get it fool???

A liar is someone who has lied. Saying something which is factually incorrect is NOT the same thing as lying, you moron.

Jeez. This isn't difficult material. Were you THIS slow in school? Did you graduate from grade school?

Since you can't even handle the definition of "lie," I think I'll have to decline your ridiculous invitation to tell me what you imagine I am "basically saying," you gasbag imbecile.

If Mr. Block said "X" and it turns out that he was speaking imprecisely and inaccurately, that does NOT mean that Mr. Block lied, you blathering jerk-off.

It does mean that WHAT he said is wrong.

For that wrong statement to constitute a LIE, however, Mr. Block would have had to have understood that "X" was untrue at the time he said it.

Dayum! You libs are particularly stubborn and stupid when your partisan hackles are up. But you remain wrong and -- since it is difficult to believe that you could truly BE that incredibly dense -- it also appears that you might be lying yourselves.
No you fucking moron. I am saying that there is no proof that he's a liar at all.

I AM saying his statement was incorrect. That still doesn't translate into lie, you deliberately ignorant, obtuse, dishonest partisan hack shit for brain motherfucker.

Damn, but you are one stupid motherfucking liberal douche bag.

You are joined by the Basshole, by Fail-always, by BettyBoob, by the incredibly odious scumbucket Raving Dipshit and by one or two other classic liberoidal imbeciles.

Nice company you guys keep.

A liar is someone who told a lie. It doesn't have to be his lie, it can be someone else's lie that he repeats because he is too stupid to know it is a lie. Whether it's his lie or someone else's, once he repeats it he becomes a liar.

You are basically saying that he is a lying gossip, repeating what other people told him. He is STILL a liar. being a gossip does not make him any less a liar.
Get it fool???

A liar is someone who has lied. Saying something which is factually incorrect is NOT the same thing as lying, you moron.

Jeez. This isn't difficult material. Were you THIS slow in school? Did you graduate from grade school?

Since you can't even handle the definition of "lie," I think I'll have to decline your ridiculous invitation to tell me what you imagine I am "basically saying," you gasbag imbecile.

If Mr. Block said "X" and it turns out that he was speaking imprecisely and inaccurately, that does NOT mean that Mr. Block lied, you blathering jerk-off.

It does mean that WHAT he said is wrong.

For that wrong statement to constitute a LIE, however, Mr. Block would have had to have understood that "X" was untrue at the time he said it.

Dayum! You libs are particularly stubborn and stupid when your partisan hackles are up. But you remain wrong and -- since it is difficult to believe that you could truly BE that incredibly dense -- it also appears that you might be lying yourselves.
No for the liar Block to have understood what he said was untrue would make him a PREMEDITATED liar. His repeating someone else's untruth makes him a STUPID lying GOSSIP. Either way he is a liar. Being too stupid to know he is being fed lies that he repeats does not make him any less a teller of lies, and therefore a liar. As you see, in the definition of "liar" there is nothing about knowing the lie they tell is a lie, it is the mere telling of a lie that makes one a liar. One who knows they are lying is just a TYPE of liar, as distinguished from another type of liar too stupid to know they are telling lies.

I hope that enlightens you, but I'm sure that as a model CON$ervative you will continue to play dumb so you can feel free to lie some more without conscience.

Liar - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Definition of LIAR

: a person who tells lies
BLOCK: Karen Kraushaar had come out as one of the women. And we’ve come to find out her son works at Politico, the organization that originally out the story out.

HANNITY: Have you confirmed that? I've been hearing that all day, rumors about that. You've confirmed that.

BLOCK: We've confirmed it that he does indeed work at Politico, and that's his mother, yes.

There is literally no portion of this that's true.

1) Josh Kraushaar, a reporter, is not the son of Karen Kraushaar.

2) Josh Kraushaar, formerly of Politico, has worked at National Journal since 2010.

3) Block didn't "confirm" anything. I asked Kraushaar last night if the Cain campaign had asked him about this.

"Nope," said Kraushaar, "not at all. And I emailed Mark Block ASAP requesting correction around 9:20." At the time we emailed, around midnight, Block hadn't responded.

Mark Block: Schmuck or Liar?

We're used to being lied to. Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush '41, Nixon, Johnson, Kennedy....................the list is endless.
No you fucking moron. I am saying that there is no proof that he's a liar at all.

I AM saying his statement was incorrect. That still doesn't translate into lie, you deliberately ignorant, obtuse, dishonest partisan hack shit for brain motherfucker.

Damn, but you are one stupid motherfucking liberal douche bag.

You are joined by the Basshole, by Fail-always, by BettyBoob, by the incredibly odious scumbucket Raving Dipshit and by one or two other classic liberoidal imbeciles.

Nice company you guys keep.

A liar is someone who told a lie. It doesn't have to be his lie, it can be someone else's lie that he repeats because he is too stupid to know it is a lie. Whether it's his lie or someone else's, once he repeats it he becomes a liar.

You are basically saying that he is a lying gossip, repeating what other people told him. He is STILL a liar. being a gossip does not make him any less a liar.
Get it fool???

A liar is someone who has lied. Saying something which is factually incorrect is NOT the same thing as lying, you moron.

Jeez. This isn't difficult material. Were you THIS slow in school? Did you graduate from grade school?

Since you can't even handle the definition of "lie," I think I'll have to decline your ridiculous invitation to tell me what you imagine I am "basically saying," you gasbag imbecile.

If Mr. Block said "X" and it turns out that he was speaking imprecisely and inaccurately, that does NOT mean that Mr. Block lied, you blathering jerk-off.

It does mean that WHAT he said is wrong.

For that wrong statement to constitute a LIE, however, Mr. Block would have had to have understood that "X" was untrue at the time he said it.

Dayum! You libs are particularly stubborn and stupid when your partisan hackles are up. But you remain wrong and -- since it is difficult to believe that you could truly BE that incredibly dense -- it also appears that you might be lying yourselves.
As I said, Block is a liar because he told a lie.

You have shifted the debate from "liar" to "lie." You have chosen only one definition of "lie" and ignored the rest, Like a typical CON$ervative. As can clearly be seen, a lie can still be a lie even if believed true by the teller of the lie. Block's statements undeniably misled the listener whether he believed them to be true or not.

Lie - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Definition of LIE

a : an assertion of something known or believed by the speaker to be untrue with intent to deceive b : an untrue or inaccurate statement that may or may not be believed true by the speaker

: something that misleads or deceives
A liar is someone who told a lie. It doesn't have to be his lie, it can be someone else's lie that he repeats because he is too stupid to know it is a lie. Whether it's his lie or someone else's, once he repeats it he becomes a liar.

You are basically saying that he is a lying gossip, repeating what other people told him. He is STILL a liar. being a gossip does not make him any less a liar.
Get it fool???

A liar is someone who has lied. Saying something which is factually incorrect is NOT the same thing as lying, you moron.

Jeez. This isn't difficult material. Were you THIS slow in school? Did you graduate from grade school?

Since you can't even handle the definition of "lie," I think I'll have to decline your ridiculous invitation to tell me what you imagine I am "basically saying," you gasbag imbecile.

If Mr. Block said "X" and it turns out that he was speaking imprecisely and inaccurately, that does NOT mean that Mr. Block lied, you blathering jerk-off.

It does mean that WHAT he said is wrong.

For that wrong statement to constitute a LIE, however, Mr. Block would have had to have understood that "X" was untrue at the time he said it.

Dayum! You libs are particularly stubborn and stupid when your partisan hackles are up. But you remain wrong and -- since it is difficult to believe that you could truly BE that incredibly dense -- it also appears that you might be lying yourselves.
As I said, Block is a liar because he told a lie.

You have shifted the debate from "liar" to "lie." You have chosen only one definition of "lie" and ignored the rest, Like a typical CON$ervative. As can clearly be seen, a lie can still be a lie even if believed true by the teller of the lie. Block's statements undeniably misled the listener whether he believed them to be true or not.

Lie - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Definition of LIE

a : an assertion of something known or believed by the speaker to be untrue with intent to deceive b : an untrue or inaccurate statement that may or may not be believed true by the speaker

: something that misleads or deceives

As you said? What you said was wrong and poignantly stupid.

What Mr. Block said was erroneous, but neither you nor that dipshit lying skank Raving Liar nor any of the other sub-moron liberoidals who toss the term around so casually can point to even one iota of evidence that he KNEW that what he was saying was wrong when he said it.

I haven't shifted jack shit, you dishonest pussy.

You are trying that gambit and you remain a fail at that like you are in most other aspects of life.

Again, for the extremely slow and habitually dishonest (i.e., you moron uber-libs): One can be wrong without being a liar. You can assign the label of "liar" to Block. But you have yet to back it up. ALL you can do is argue (correctly) that what he said was wrong. You cannot show that he knew he was wrong when he said it. This explains why you have not shown any such thing. You can't.

Repeating your bullshit mantra still doesn't make your bullshit any less bullshit.
Last edited:
A liar is someone who has lied. Saying something which is factually incorrect is NOT the same thing as lying, you moron.

Jeez. This isn't difficult material. Were you THIS slow in school? Did you graduate from grade school?

Since you can't even handle the definition of "lie," I think I'll have to decline your ridiculous invitation to tell me what you imagine I am "basically saying," you gasbag imbecile.

If Mr. Block said "X" and it turns out that he was speaking imprecisely and inaccurately, that does NOT mean that Mr. Block lied, you blathering jerk-off.

It does mean that WHAT he said is wrong.

For that wrong statement to constitute a LIE, however, Mr. Block would have had to have understood that "X" was untrue at the time he said it.

Dayum! You libs are particularly stubborn and stupid when your partisan hackles are up. But you remain wrong and -- since it is difficult to believe that you could truly BE that incredibly dense -- it also appears that you might be lying yourselves.
As I said, Block is a liar because he told a lie.

You have shifted the debate from "liar" to "lie." You have chosen only one definition of "lie" and ignored the rest, Like a typical CON$ervative. As can clearly be seen, a lie can still be a lie even if believed true by the teller of the lie. Block's statements undeniably misled the listener whether he believed them to be true or not.

Lie - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Definition of LIE

a : an assertion of something known or believed by the speaker to be untrue with intent to deceive b : an untrue or inaccurate statement that may or may not be believed true by the speaker

: something that misleads or deceives

As you said? What you said was wrong and poignantly stupid.

What Mr. Block said was erroneous, but neither you nor that dipshit lying skank Raving Liar nor any of the other sub-moron liberoidals who toss the term around so casually can point to even one iota of evidence that he KNEW that what he was saying was wrong when he said it.

I haven't shifted jack shit, you dishonest pussy.

You are trying that gambit and you remain a fail at that like you are in most other aspects of life.

Again, for the extremely slow and habitually dishonest (i.e., you moron uber-libs): One can be wrong without being a liar. You can assign the label of "liar" to Block. But you have yet to back it up. ALL you can do is argue (correctly) that what he said was wrong. You cannot show that he knew he was wrong when he said it. This explains why you have not shown any such thing. You can't.

Repeating your bullshit mantra still doesn't make your bullshit any less bullshit.
This is a perfect example of how CON$ try to control the definitions of words, like good little brainwashed DittoTards. In this case CON$ want to cling to their rationalization that as long as they pretend to be too stupid to KNOW they are lying, then they have a license to lie their America-hating asses off without guilt. This is the "Reagan Rationalization" for his Iran Contra lies. St Ronnie pretended that he believed his own lies in his "heart", so the lying POS was not really a liar.

October 11, 2011
RUSH: I've often said, I said last week he who controls the definition of words, the meaning of words, controls the debate. He who controls the language controls the debate.

REAGAN (11/13/86): We did not, repeat, did not trade weapons or anything else for hostages, nor will we.

REAGAN (3/4/87): A few months ago, I told the American people I did not trade arms for hostages. My heart and my best intentions still tell me that's true. But the facts and the evidence tell me it is not.
As I said, Block is a liar because he told a lie.

You have shifted the debate from "liar" to "lie." You have chosen only one definition of "lie" and ignored the rest, Like a typical CON$ervative. As can clearly be seen, a lie can still be a lie even if believed true by the teller of the lie. Block's statements undeniably misled the listener whether he believed them to be true or not.

Lie - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Definition of LIE

a : an assertion of something known or believed by the speaker to be untrue with intent to deceive b : an untrue or inaccurate statement that may or may not be believed true by the speaker

: something that misleads or deceives

As you said? What you said was wrong and poignantly stupid.

What Mr. Block said was erroneous, but neither you nor that dipshit lying skank Raving Liar nor any of the other sub-moron liberoidals who toss the term around so casually can point to even one iota of evidence that he KNEW that what he was saying was wrong when he said it.

I haven't shifted jack shit, you dishonest pussy.

You are trying that gambit and you remain a fail at that like you are in most other aspects of life.

Again, for the extremely slow and habitually dishonest (i.e., you moron uber-libs): One can be wrong without being a liar. You can assign the label of "liar" to Block. But you have yet to back it up. ALL you can do is argue (correctly) that what he said was wrong. You cannot show that he knew he was wrong when he said it. This explains why you have not shown any such thing. You can't.

Repeating your bullshit mantra still doesn't make your bullshit any less bullshit.
This is a perfect example of how CON$ try to control the definitions of words, like good little brainwashed DittoTards. In this case CON$ want to cling to their rationalization that as long as they pretend to be too stupid to KNOW they are lying, then they have a license to lie their America-hating asses off without guilt. This is the "Reagan Rationalization" for his Iran Contra lies. St Ronnie pretended that he believed his own lies in his "heart", so the lying POS was not really a liar.

October 11, 2011
RUSH: I've often said, I said last week he who controls the definition of words, the meaning of words, controls the debate. He who controls the language controls the debate.

REAGAN (11/13/86): We did not, repeat, did not trade weapons or anything else for hostages, nor will we.

REAGAN (3/4/87): A few months ago, I told the American people I did not trade arms for hostages. My heart and my best intentions still tell me that's true. But the facts and the evidence tell me it is not.

No, you typically dishonest partisan hack liberal. It's an example of you trying (but, thankfully, failing) to distort the definition.

If you say something incorrect, but you don't know it's incorrect, you have not lied. You have only made an incorrect statement.

1   [lahy] Show IPA noun, verb, lied, ly·ing.
a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood.

You, being the deceptive hack you are, go for one of the lesser definitions which fails to convey the accurate component of the word "lie:" that is, you try to conflate a mere erroneous statement with an intent to deceive.

But, you deceive nobody in the process.
As you said? What you said was wrong and poignantly stupid.

What Mr. Block said was erroneous, but neither you nor that dipshit lying skank Raving Liar nor any of the other sub-moron liberoidals who toss the term around so casually can point to even one iota of evidence that he KNEW that what he was saying was wrong when he said it.

I haven't shifted jack shit, you dishonest pussy.

You are trying that gambit and you remain a fail at that like you are in most other aspects of life.

Again, for the extremely slow and habitually dishonest (i.e., you moron uber-libs): One can be wrong without being a liar. You can assign the label of "liar" to Block. But you have yet to back it up. ALL you can do is argue (correctly) that what he said was wrong. You cannot show that he knew he was wrong when he said it. This explains why you have not shown any such thing. You can't.

Repeating your bullshit mantra still doesn't make your bullshit any less bullshit.
This is a perfect example of how CON$ try to control the definitions of words, like good little brainwashed DittoTards. In this case CON$ want to cling to their rationalization that as long as they pretend to be too stupid to KNOW they are lying, then they have a license to lie their America-hating asses off without guilt. This is the "Reagan Rationalization" for his Iran Contra lies. St Ronnie pretended that he believed his own lies in his "heart", so the lying POS was not really a liar.

October 11, 2011
RUSH: I've often said, I said last week he who controls the definition of words, the meaning of words, controls the debate. He who controls the language controls the debate.

REAGAN (11/13/86): We did not, repeat, did not trade weapons or anything else for hostages, nor will we.

REAGAN (3/4/87): A few months ago, I told the American people I did not trade arms for hostages. My heart and my best intentions still tell me that's true. But the facts and the evidence tell me it is not.

No, you typically dishonest partisan hack liberal. It's an example of you trying (but, thankfully, failing) to distort the definition.

If you say something incorrect, but you don't know it's incorrect, you have not lied. You have only made an incorrect statement.

1   [lahy] Show IPA noun, verb, lied, ly·ing.
a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood.
-- Lie | Define Lie at

You, being the deceptive hack you are, go for one of the lesser definitions which fails to convey the accurate component of the word "lie:" that is, you try to conflate a mere erroneous statement with an intent to deceive.

But, you deceive nobody in the process.

Ah, the Liability seal of approval is on Cain this time around? As I recall, you were all about Fred Thompson last time around. Keeping up your winning streak of credibilty, I see.

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