Cain's campaign manager lies on Hannity

Poor Liarbility, all his heros are liars.

On the National Journal website, Josh Kraushaar wrote Wednesday that he had responded to multiple inquiries Tuesday explaining that he is not related to Karen Kraushaar, and also put the information out in a Tweet. No one from the Cain campaign, he said, contacted him before Block went on the air.

"Despite that, Block proceeded to go on Sean Hannity's Fox News show to proclaim that I was Karen Kraushaar's son and to suggest I was one of the people who leaked the story," wrote Josh Kraushaar.

He confirmed NOTHING.

He lied.

Cain camp admits false claim about reporter - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Poor Raving Liar still can't admit the distinction between being incorrect and being a liar.

Of course, that's only because she is a liar.
Poor Liarbility, all his heros are liars.

On the National Journal website, Josh Kraushaar wrote Wednesday that he had responded to multiple inquiries Tuesday explaining that he is not related to Karen Kraushaar, and also put the information out in a Tweet. No one from the Cain campaign, he said, contacted him before Block went on the air.

"Despite that, Block proceeded to go on Sean Hannity's Fox News show to proclaim that I was Karen Kraushaar's son and to suggest I was one of the people who leaked the story," wrote Josh Kraushaar.

He confirmed NOTHING.

He lied.

Cain camp admits false claim about reporter - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

The only Lie you've Illustrated is your own Conclusion at the beginning. :thup:


Schmuck or a liar?

The two are not mutually exclusive.

If Mr. Block simply (and ignorantly) misused a word, that might make him a schmuck.

If he did so deliberately, that would make him a liar.

It's quite possible that Mr Block is a schmuck and a liar regardless of what he said on Hannity last night. He might have been a schmuck and a liar long before he even went on the show.

Nay, he probably WAS a schmuck and a liar beforehand. Afterall, he's working a Presidential campaign.
Schmuck or a liar?

The two are not mutually exclusive.

If Mr. Block simply (and ignorantly) misused a word, that might make him a schmuck.

If he did so deliberately, that would make him a liar.

It's quite possible that Mr Block is a schmuck and a liar regardless of what he said on Hannity last night. He might have been a schmuck and a liar long before he even went on the show.

Nay, he probably WAS a schmuck and a liar beforehand. Afterall, he's working a Presidential campaign.

I wouldn't say "probably."

But I acknowledge that it's possible that he is either a schmuck a liar or both.

Working for a candidate's campaign does NOT equate with being a liar or a schmuck, however.

I enjoy a little healthy cynicism. But, in this case, yours is a bit over the top. Well, in my view, anyway.
As I stated elsewhere - Cain is harming himself with his continued lies. I know first-hand that when abusers claim "it never happened", one's new driving force is making sure everybody knows the truth.

That's exactly what Hillary Adams (Texas judge case) said. She said she was going to release the video, and he 'practically dared' her to do so.

So she did.

“To say that the Cain campaign is handling this like amateurs is insulting to amateurs,” said Ford O'Connell, Republican strategist and former presidential campaign aide for McCain-Palin in 2008. “It should have never gotten this far.

“Essentially they've walked into a trap and I don't see a lot of ways out for them.”

Cain “has complete amnesia and I think he believes himself; pathological liars usually do those kinds of things,” Bialek told ABC News on Wednesday en route to a MSNBC interview in Chicago.

Cain didn't know suburban accuser? Wrong response, experts say -
I can't believe how many people are supporting him. He's lying. People KNOW he's lying, and they still want him for President.

And they wonder why they are perceived as RWNJ™.
If Mr. Block simply (and ignorantly) misused a word, that might make him a schmuck.

If he did so deliberately, that would make him a liar.

It's quite possible that Mr Block is a schmuck and a liar regardless of what he said on Hannity last night. He might have been a schmuck and a liar long before he even went on the show.

Nay, he probably WAS a schmuck and a liar beforehand. Afterall, he's working a Presidential campaign.

I wouldn't say "probably."

But I acknowledge that it's possible that he is either a schmuck a liar or both.

Working for a candidate's campaign does NOT equate with being a liar or a schmuck, however.

I enjoy a little healthy cynicism. But, in this case, yours is a bit over the top. Well, in my view, anyway.

Let's settle on this: He's a spokesperson for a Presidential campaign. Therefore, he is far more likely than the general population to be a schmuck, a liar or both:lol:
It's quite possible that Mr Block is a schmuck and a liar regardless of what he said on Hannity last night. He might have been a schmuck and a liar long before he even went on the show.

Nay, he probably WAS a schmuck and a liar beforehand. Afterall, he's working a Presidential campaign.

I wouldn't say "probably."

But I acknowledge that it's possible that he is either a schmuck a liar or both.

Working for a candidate's campaign does NOT equate with being a liar or a schmuck, however.

I enjoy a little healthy cynicism. But, in this case, yours is a bit over the top. Well, in my view, anyway.

Let's settle on this: He's a spokesperson for a Presidential campaign. Therefore, he is far more likely than the general population to be a schmuck, a liar or both:lol:

Politicians (and the folks backing politicians at the organizational level) have a very poor reputation. I have seen enough in my years on planet Earth to understand that jaundiced view of them. I share it to a large measure.

But I wouldn't make it a universal proposition.

And this side-discussion we just had doesn't further any meaningful debate.
I can't believe how many people are supporting him. He's lying. People KNOW he's lying, and they still want him for President.

And they wonder why they are perceived as RWNJ™.

Wrong. YOU don't know that "he" is lying.

You suspect it.

You may believe it.

But, no.

You don't know it.

And you can't speak for me or other people, either.

Not only do I NOT "know" that Mr. Cain is lying, I don't believe that he is. There is nothing in ANY of the allegations of the women making these claims that jumps off the page and suggests that they have any credibility.

My belief is that most people probably have the good sense to NOT jump to the conclusions YOU want to jump to.
I can't believe how many people are supporting him. He's lying. People KNOW he's lying, and they still want him for President.

And they wonder why they are perceived as RWNJ™.

Wrong. YOU don't know that "he" is lying.

You suspect it.

You may believe it.

But, no.

You don't know it.

And you can't speak for me or other people, either.

Not only do I NOT "know" that Mr. Cain is lying, I don't believe that he is. There is nothing in ANY of the allegations of the women making these claims that jumps off the page and suggests that they have any credibility.

My belief is that most people probably have the good sense to NOT jump to the conclusions YOU want to jump to.

Wrong. He CLAIMED he'd never seen that woman before in his life, when he did, at a Tea Party event. His supporters even tried floating the rumor that they 'hugged'. They were seen together, verified by independent witnesses.

So he's lying.
I can't believe how many people are supporting him. He's lying. People KNOW he's lying, and they still want him for President.

And they wonder why they are perceived as RWNJ™.

Wrong. YOU don't know that "he" is lying.

You suspect it.

You may believe it.

But, no.

You don't know it.

And you can't speak for me or other people, either.

Not only do I NOT "know" that Mr. Cain is lying, I don't believe that he is. There is nothing in ANY of the allegations of the women making these claims that jumps off the page and suggests that they have any credibility.

My belief is that most people probably have the good sense to NOT jump to the conclusions YOU want to jump to.

Wrong. He CLAIMED he'd never seen that woman before in his life, when he did, at a Tea Party event. His supporters even tried floating the rumor that they 'hugged'. They were seen together, verified by independent witnesses.

So he's lying.

No. You are wrong.

Example. Let's say I met you in the real world one time back about 12 years ago. Naturally, nothing happened between us. You were simply not in the slightest bit memorable to me back then.

Then, I run for President (these 12 years later) and start making some traction in the polls, etc.

Then, along you come saying that I came on to you in some sexually harassing kind of way.

I might very well say, "but I never met that woman."

The thing you and your partisan pals seem to be unable to grasp is actually not all that difficult. If I make an inaccurate statement, that does NOT mean that I have lied.

One can be wrong without being a liar.

When I denied having ever met you, for example, I may very well have believed my claim to be absolutely correct. The fact that we had met (that time when you made zero impression on me and when, of course, nothing happened) does not make my inaccurate statement a "lie."

A "lie" requires that the incorrect statement be KNOWN to be incorrect when uttered.

So, in sum, as I correctly noted earlier: you might BELIEVE that Mr. Cain lied, but your belief is simply still not proof that he lied.

In reality, you continue to have and to offer not one single solitary speck of evidence that he lied.

Words have meaning -- regardless of how much that fact troubles you libs.
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If Mr. Block simply (and ignorantly) misused a word, that might make him a schmuck.

If he did so deliberately, that would make him a liar.

Until Raving Dipshit, Fail-always or one of the other resident liberal members of Mensa can point to actual evidence that he deliberately chose the wrong word (as opposed to merely misusing it by accident), then their claims that he "lied" (or that Mr. Cain lied) is shown to be just so much dishonest partisan tripe.

And Raving Lunatic will never have enough integrity to admit that she simply doesn't know. She has no discernible capacity for objectivity or honesty.

Fuck off shithead, who are you tp speak for anyone and say what they should have said, are you Cain's fucking spokesman? Should have, would have could have, it doesn't matter, the fucker lied and got called out, now quit brushing your teeth with shit and rising your mouth out with piss.

Listen you little quiff, cock sucker. The facts are the facts regardless of whether you like those facts or not, you motherfucking asshole pussy.

I can speak to any public issue with or without your consent. Eat shit and bark and the moon you shit-for-brain, flea-bitten, unconscious homeless man sodomizing, racist lying piece of crap.

Mr. Block used the wrong word. Because he used the wrong word, his statement was wrong.

But neither you or your fellow idiot liberal mindless partisan hack lying friend, Raving Lunatic, has any evidence that his erroneous claim was a lie. "Wrong" and "lie" are not synonyms, you imbecile.

Now, go wipe that poor guy's shit off your mouth and -- for God's sake -- brush your teeth before attempting to speak again in public. Whew. You stink on multiple levels.

Block lied and you're a shameless retard to say otherwise.
Fuck off shithead, who are you tp speak for anyone and say what they should have said, are you Cain's fucking spokesman? Should have, would have could have, it doesn't matter, the fucker lied and got called out, now quit brushing your teeth with shit and rising your mouth out with piss.

Listen you little quiff, cock sucker. The facts are the facts regardless of whether you like those facts or not, you motherfucking asshole pussy.

I can speak to any public issue with or without your consent. Eat shit and bark and the moon you shit-for-brain, flea-bitten, unconscious homeless man sodomizing, racist lying piece of crap.

Mr. Block used the wrong word. Because he used the wrong word, his statement was wrong.

But neither you or your fellow idiot liberal mindless partisan hack lying friend, Raving Lunatic, has any evidence that his erroneous claim was a lie. "Wrong" and "lie" are not synonyms, you imbecile.

Now, go wipe that poor guy's shit off your mouth and -- for God's sake -- brush your teeth before attempting to speak again in public. Whew. You stink on multiple levels.

Block lied and you're a shameless retard to say otherwise.

He might have lied. But since you have no evidence to support that accusation, it turns out that you are merely irresponsible. You have zero integrity and a severely shallow intellect.

You racist pieces of shit are a lot alike.

But I do have some shame. I am always ashamed of your posts, you racist scumbag piece of garbage.
Block flat-out lied, and he knows he lied. He was caught in a lie, because he's stupid and it was a stupid lie. He thought he'd do the "some people say" shit that Fox is famous for, and all the sheeple would just go "Yeah-huh!"

He was wrong.

They won't buy the "Poor, persecuted Cain" act, either. I expect Cain to pass any lie detector test. Pathological liars are great with that shit. As long as he believes his own lies to be truth, he'll do fine.

And he still won't be the nominee.
Block flat-out lied, and he knows he lied. He was caught in a lie, because he's stupid and it was a stupid lie. He thought he'd do the "some people say" shit that Fox is famous for, and all the sheeple would just go "Yeah-huh!"

He was wrong.

They won't buy the "Poor, persecuted Cain" act, either. I expect Cain to pass any lie detector test. Pathological liars are great with that shit. As long as he believes his own lies to be truth, he'll do fine.

And he still won't be the nominee.

Repeating your stupid and ignorant chant will simply NOT make you any less wrong.

He MIGHT have lied.

OR, in the alternative, he may have simply misused the term.

Being wrong is a prerequisite to lying, but not sufficient in itself to constitute a lie.

Demonstrate that he knew he was wrong.

But you won't. You can't.

You CAN merely repeat your dishonest claim.

You probably will.
So, let me get this straight. Until a lying liar who lies admits he's a lying liar who lies, he is a fine, upstanding member of the community.

In other words, I should substitute your Cain Derangement Syndrome opinion for my own reality? I think not.

Dumb fuck.
Josh Kraushaar is tweeting in disbelief tonight:

Mark Block must get his facts from Internet comment boards, based on comments to @hannity. Not related to Karen K and don’t work at Politico

For a presidential spokesman to go on TV and make up blatant falsehoods doesn’t speak well for his boss, either.

The only positive benefit about being smeared by Mark Block on Hannity is I’m getting 100 new Twitter followers a minute.

Okay, Liar. What word do you think he "misused." "Confirmed?"

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