CAIR Director Claims Muslims Are “Above The Law Of The Land.”


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
The goal of Islam is not in question. Nor are those organizations that follow it. At every level, their dedication to the Koran and the teachings of their religious leaders call for subjugating the US Constitution for Sharia.

According to Herman Mustafa Carroll, leader of CAIR in Dallas-Fort Worth, Muslims are not bound to US law because they are Muslims.

If we are practicing Muslims, we are above the law of the land,” he says.

Well, he’s not lying about what Muslims actually believe. Sure, there may be law-abiding, patriotic American Muslims, but plenty of adherents to the faith of Islam in this country feel exactly the same way as Carroll does.

And why wouldn’t they? They pledge allegiance to the political system of Sharia, which is fundamentally opposed to our American constitution.

Carroll made this statement at an Austin, Texas rally as part of an effort to hold “Muslim Capitol Day” events. According to the website for the event, Muslims traveled to the Texas capitol to “promote civic and political activism throughout the wider Muslim community.”

We tried to downplay Sharia, because we didn’t want to give the other side any excitement for being here,” he said.

Much more @ CAIR Director Claims Muslims Are “Above The Law Of The Land.” This Is Treason. - Tea Party News
The quotation, however, comes at the end of a longer passage that places it in full context, and indicates that Carroll’s intent was to express the opposite of what [was] alleged.

Following the law of the land is part of Sharia,” Carroll said, according to the video. “And we follow the law of the land. In fact, Muslims, if we’re practicing Muslims, we are above the law of the land. The law doesn’t affect us at all.”

Speaking on Monday, Carroll said he could understand why his words may have been misconstrued. But "it's definitely not intended to mean we don't have to follow the law," he said. By saying Muslims were "above the law," he said, he meant that true, practicing Muslims should behave in a way that would put them above any possibility of breaking the law. "If you're a practicing Muslim, then you should be above all of that," he said.

Rep. White Explains Her Views on Muslims
Yes, in general, delusional religious people put the laws of their gods before those of the state. It's easy to find some of our Christian politicians saying this.
Yes, in general, delusional religious people put the laws of their gods before those of the state. It's easy to find some of our Christian politicians saying this.

Of course faggots much prefer Islam for some bizarre reason; they're mentally ill fetishists, after all.
CORRECTION: Muslim practice means going "above and beyond" not against the law

The goal of Islam is not in question. Nor are those organizations that follow it. At every level, their dedication to the Koran and the teachings of their religious leaders call for subjugating the US Constitution for Sharia.

According to Herman Mustafa Carroll, leader of CAIR in Dallas-Fort Worth, Muslims are not bound to US law because they are Muslims.

If we are practicing Muslims, we are above the law of the land,” he says.

Well, he’s not lying about what Muslims actually believe. Sure, there may be law-abiding, patriotic American Muslims, but plenty of adherents to the faith of Islam in this country feel exactly the same way as Carroll does.

And why wouldn’t they? They pledge allegiance to the political system of Sharia, which is fundamentally opposed to our American constitution.

Carroll made this statement at an Austin, Texas rally as part of an effort to hold “Muslim Capitol Day” events. According to the website for the event, Muslims traveled to the Texas capitol to “promote civic and political activism throughout the wider Muslim community.”

We tried to downplay Sharia, because we didn’t want to give the other side any excitement for being here,” he said.

Much more @ CAIR Director Claims Muslims Are “Above The Law Of The Land.” This Is Treason. - Tea Party News

Hi longknife
I happen to know Mustafaa personally, and called and asked him about this
when I first saw it publicized online.

He explained very clearly that his words and meanings were taken out of context.
I was relieved to hear this rational explanation because I know he couldn't have meant what it sounded like!

He explained that the context was that Muslims are called to higher standards
"above and beyond" what the law requires.

The example he gave: even though the law allows people to drink legally,
Muslims are not supposed to partake in alcohol and drunkenness.
So that is going BEYOND what the law requires. The Muslims have a stricter standard.

NOTE: I did tell him that the correct wording is "above and beyond"

So if he misstated it, I could see how that could miscommunicate his actual meaning.

Thank you for posting this but to be fair,
can you please amend your message to reflect this correction.

Thanks longknife
Mustafaa is a well honored community leader, who works with Christians and other Peace and Justice volunteers
with nonprofit outreach, including Christian Pastors among his own family members.


I saw clips and posts online, claiming that Mustafaa Carroll of CAIR
stated that "Muslims are above the law." Knowing him personally,
I KNEW that this had to be taken out of context. But what context?

In my greatest imagination, I could not think up what this could be.
My best guess was not even close!

I called him up and he answered me personally:

He explained the full context of his statement was
1. Muslim duty to Sharia or practice INCLUDES following the law of the land.
That's a given.

I already understand this concept because Muslims are to follow the same Bible as Christians which call for "civil obedience" to authority, so that they witness to what is right, while following civil authority standards and process of secular laws and govt. They respect that if they are truly faithful and obedient to God.

2. And his statement taken out of this context was that
if Muslims are faithful in practice, those standards go ABOVE what the law requires.
They will go ABOVE AND BEYOND.
so the laws will not affect them BECAUSE THEY ARE MEETING THEM

The problem I saw with his wording, is in his video he used the terms
"above the law" but THE SPIRIT of what he meant, and how he explained more clearly
over the phone, is that Muslims would go 'above and beyond' what the law requires.
He even gave me an example:
a. the law prohibits drinking while driving, but does not forbid drinking
b. by Islam, followers would not drink either!
So of course they will not break laws against drinking and driving, but go BEYOND that standard
and not drink to the point of drunkenness in the first place!

HERE IS THE VIDEO CLIP that Mustafaa sent me:


The only argument I have with him, I sense the video still does not explain as clearly
as he did personally over the phone. Communication, especially with a topic that has
multiple levels of meaning as in this case, is much better one-on-one as a conversation
to CONFIRM the meaning is conveyed. It is VERY HARD to describe this concept
in "one blanket statement" linearly, and be sure that it is understand by different
audiences from different contexts and perspectives.

The term "above the law" means something very negative,
and my friend Mustafaa did better when explaining it as "going above and beyond"
what the law requires.

I told him I would post this correction.

cc: night_son Rambunctious Picaro

Ancient lion 's reply above making this same clarification is the correct meaning
of Musafaa Carroll's statement, not the OP which is incorrect. May I please request
that this be corrected so that it does not slander, defame or misrepresent what he said.
Thank you longknife if you can please make this correction!
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If an of you are not aware of the practice of taqiyya, you need to look it up. It's a Muslim practice to lie to non-believers and even each other whenever they think it furthers their goals, which of course is to murder or enslave all non-Muslims. No country has ever survived who welcomed Muslims into their country and allowed them to become a large demographic.
If an of you are not aware of the practice of taqiyya, you need to look it up. It's a Muslim practice to lie to non-believers and even each other whenever they think it furthers their goals, which of course is to murder or enslave all non-Muslims. No country has ever survived who welcomed Muslims into their country and allowed them to become a large demographic.

It's you who need to look it up.

This word itself 'taqiyya" doesn't exist in the quran. Taqiyya is a doctrine that developed in Shi’ism. Based on this belief, Shi’ites could pretend to be Sunnis in order to avoid torture and death. In other words, if a Sunni tyrant threatened to kill a Shi’ite, that Shi’ite could claim to be a pious Sunni and thereby save his life.

According to Encyclopedia Britannica

"Taqiyyah, in Islam, the practice of concealing one’s belief and foregoing ordinary religious duties when under threat of death or injury. Derived from the Arabic word waqa (“to shield oneself”), taqiyyah defies easy translation. English renderings such as “precautionary dissimulation” or “prudent fear” partly convey the term’s meaning of self-protection in the face of danger to oneself or, by extension and depending upon the circumstances, to one’s fellow Muslims. Thus, taqiyyah may be used for either the protection of an individual or the protection of a community. Moreover, it is not used or even interpreted in the same way by every sect of Islam. Taqiyyah has been employed by the Shīʿites, the largest minority sect of Islam, because of their historical persecution and political defeats not only by non-Muslims but also at the hands of the majority Sunni sect. ... According to scholarly and judicial consensus, it is not justified by the threat of flogging, temporary imprisonment, or other relatively tolerable punishments. The danger to the believer must be unavoidable. Also, while taqiyyah may involve disguising or suppressing one’s religious identity, it is not a license for a shallow profession of faith. Oaths taken with mental reservation, for example, are justified on the basis that God accepts what one believes inwardly. Consideration of community rather than private welfare is stressed in most cases."​
The American Muslim (TAM)

"Liar" Islamophobes usually tell their blind followers that the word means "to lie to non-Muslim". However, "Telling the truth" is a basic Islamic rule;
“And cover not Truth with falsehood, nor conceal the Truth when ye know (what it is). (Qur’an, 2:42)”

“O ye who believe! Stand out firmly For justice, as witnesses To Allah, even as against Yourselves, or your parents, Or your kin, and whether It be (against) rich or poor: For Allah can best protect both. Follow not the lusts (Of your hearts), lest ye Swerve, and if ye Distort (justice) or decline To do justice, verily Allah is well-acquainted With all that ye do. (Qur’an, 4:135)”

“...Help ye one another In righteousness and piety, But help ye not one another In sin and rancour: Fear Allah: for Allah Is strict in punishment. (Qur’an, 5:2)”

“O ye who believe! Stand out firmly For Allah, as witnesses To fair dealing, and let not The hatred of others To you make you swerve To wrong and depart from Justice. Be just: that is Next to Piety: and fear Allah. For Allah is well-acquainted With all that ye do. (Qur’an, 5:8)”

“O you who believe, you shall reverence GOD, and be among the truthful.” (Qur’an 9:119)
Kid's Corner: Telling the Truth
The goal of Islam is not in question. Nor are those organizations that follow it. At every level, their dedication to the Koran and the teachings of their religious leaders call for subjugating the US Constitution for Sharia.

According to Herman Mustafa Carroll, leader of CAIR in Dallas-Fort Worth, Muslims are not bound to US law because they are Muslims.

If we are practicing Muslims, we are above the law of the land,” he says.

Well, he’s not lying about what Muslims actually believe. Sure, there may be law-abiding, patriotic American Muslims, but plenty of adherents to the faith of Islam in this country feel exactly the same way as Carroll does.

And why wouldn’t they? They pledge allegiance to the political system of Sharia, which is fundamentally opposed to our American constitution.

Carroll made this statement at an Austin, Texas rally as part of an effort to hold “Muslim Capitol Day” events. According to the website for the event, Muslims traveled to the Texas capitol to “promote civic and political activism throughout the wider Muslim community.”

We tried to downplay Sharia, because we didn’t want to give the other side any excitement for being here,” he said.

Much more @ CAIR Director Claims Muslims Are “Above The Law Of The Land.” This Is Treason. - Tea Party News
Glad to see conservatives getting irked by religious nonsense. Now you know how everyone else feels when you claim biblical laws are above the Constitution.
No country has ever survived who welcomed Muslims into their country and allowed them to become a large demographic.
You are posting nonsense Picaro.

Russia has around 10-15% of muslim citizens and is doing fine. .... :cool:
No country has ever survived who welcomed Muslims into their country and allowed them to become a large demographic.
You are posting nonsense Picaro.

Russia has around 10-15% of muslim citizens and is doing fine. .... :cool:

Yeah, by watching them like hawks and locking them up the moment they become active jihadists. Putin ain't messing with e'm.
If an of you are not aware of the practice of taqiyya, you need to look it up. It's a Muslim practice to lie to non-believers and even each other whenever they think it furthers their goals, which of course is to murder or enslave all non-Muslims. No country has ever survived who welcomed Muslims into their country and allowed them to become a large demographic.

Dear Picaro
are YOU aware that Muslims are also called to follow the Bible as Holy Scriptures and prophets sent by God?

So by the Ten Commandments, believers are NOT to engage in
which are Biblical teachings.

This applies equally to Christians as to Muslims who are called
to respect all sent by God, all prophets and people "of the Book"
including Jews Christians and Muslims. Islam recognizes
all three as under the one same God of Abraham and that lineage.

So the Bible applies to Muslims who are called to obey
God's laws as well as civil laws of government and society in the land they live in.
NOTE: the only sense I can make of this misscited concept
of "lying to nonbelievers" -- if people are liars, if you are self-deluded,
deceitful and your judgment and perception are clouded by selfish dishonest intent,
then you will not be able to see clearly when people are deceitful to you either.
You would attract the same deceitful type of people and interactions
and set yourself up to fail if you engage in these very tactics.
That's just karma or how the laws of justice or attraction work with people.

People tend to respond as transparently as the people they interact with.
The Golden Rule applies, where you get the honesty you give.
This is a natural law, that if you are open and honest with others,
you will be able to see openly and honestly where they are coming from.

This is not about "justifying lying" to anyone.
And it's not about Muslims. ANYONE can manipulate
someone else who is manipulating others.
That is more like a warning, not something you would advise someone to DO
but strongly advise them to AVOID!
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If an of you are not aware of the practice of taqiyya, you need to look it up. It's a Muslim practice to lie to non-believers and even each other whenever they think it furthers their goals, which of course is to murder or enslave all non-Muslims. No country has ever survived who welcomed Muslims into their country and allowed them to become a large demographic.

Dear Picaro
are YOU aware that Muslims are also called to follow the Bible as Holy Scriptures and prophets sent by God?

So by the Ten Commandments, believers are NOT to engage in
which are Biblical teachings.

This applies equally to Christians as to Muslims who are called
to respect all sent by God, all prophets and people "of the Book"
including Jews Christians and Muslims. Islam recognizes
all three as under the one same God of Abraham and that lineage.

So the Bible applies to Muslims who are called to obey
God's laws as well as civil laws of government and society in the land they live in.
NOTE: the only sense I can make of this misscited concept
of "lying to nonbelievers" -- if people are liars, if you are self-deluded,
deceitful and your judgment and perception are clouded by selfish dishonest intent,
then you will not be able to see clearly when people are deceitful to you either.
You would attract the same deceitful type of people and interactions
and set yourself up to fail if you engage in these very tactics.
That's just karma or how the laws of justice or attraction work with people.

People tend to respond as transparently as the people they interact with.
The Golden Rule applies, where you get the honesty you give.
This is a natural law, that if you are open and honest with others,
you will be able to see openly and honestly where they are coming from.

This is not about "justifying lying" to anyone.
And it's not about Muslims. ANYONE can manipulate
someone else who is manipulating others.
That is more like a warning, not something you would advise someone to DO
but strongly advise them to AVOID!

I see you want to deflect from the fact that lying to infidels is encouraged by Islam, and of course nobody is going to fall for the 'Muslims are just like Christians' rubbish either. That's okay, people can look it up fo themselves, as they can all tnose wonderful hadiths and Surahs you want to gloss over.
No country has ever survived who welcomed Muslims into their country and allowed them to become a large demographic.
You are posting nonsense Picaro.

Russia has around 10-15% of muslim citizens and is doing fine. .... :cool:

Yes, by launching military offensives against any radical infestations of them. They have few terrorist attacks compared to Europe for a good reason: zero tolerance for Islam's 'violent tendencies.
If an of you are not aware of the practice of taqiyya, you need to look it up. It's a Muslim practice to lie to non-believers and even each other whenever they think it furthers their goals, which of course is to murder or enslave all non-Muslims. No country has ever survived who welcomed Muslims into their country and allowed them to become a large demographic.

It's you who need to look it up.

This word itself 'taqiyya" doesn't exist in the quran. Taqiyya is a doctrine that developed in Shi’ism. Based on this belief, Shi’ites could pretend to be Sunnis in order to avoid torture and death. In other words, if a Sunni tyrant threatened to kill a Shi’ite, that Shi’ite could claim to be a pious Sunni and thereby save his life.

According to Encyclopedia Britannica

"Taqiyyah, in Islam, the practice of concealing one’s belief and foregoing ordinary religious duties when under threat of death or injury. Derived from the Arabic word waqa (“to shield oneself”), taqiyyah defies easy translation. English renderings such as “precautionary dissimulation” or “prudent fear” partly convey the term’s meaning of self-protection in the face of danger to oneself or, by extension and depending upon the circumstances, to one’s fellow Muslims. Thus, taqiyyah may be used for either the protection of an individual or the protection of a community. Moreover, it is not used or even interpreted in the same way by every sect of Islam. Taqiyyah has been employed by the Shīʿites, the largest minority sect of Islam, because of their historical persecution and political defeats not only by non-Muslims but also at the hands of the majority Sunni sect. ... According to scholarly and judicial consensus, it is not justified by the threat of flogging, temporary imprisonment, or other relatively tolerable punishments. The danger to the believer must be unavoidable. Also, while taqiyyah may involve disguising or suppressing one’s religious identity, it is not a license for a shallow profession of faith. Oaths taken with mental reservation, for example, are justified on the basis that God accepts what one believes inwardly. Consideration of community rather than private welfare is stressed in most cases."​
The American Muslim (TAM)

"Liar" Islamophobes usually tell their blind followers that the word means "to lie to non-Muslim". However, "Telling the truth" is a basic Islamic rule;
“And cover not Truth with falsehood, nor conceal the Truth when ye know (what it is). (Qur’an, 2:42)”

“O ye who believe! Stand out firmly For justice, as witnesses To Allah, even as against Yourselves, or your parents, Or your kin, and whether It be (against) rich or poor: For Allah can best protect both. Follow not the lusts (Of your hearts), lest ye Swerve, and if ye Distort (justice) or decline To do justice, verily Allah is well-acquainted With all that ye do. (Qur’an, 4:135)”

“...Help ye one another In righteousness and piety, But help ye not one another In sin and rancour: Fear Allah: for Allah Is strict in punishment. (Qur’an, 5:2)”

“O ye who believe! Stand out firmly For Allah, as witnesses To fair dealing, and let not The hatred of others To you make you swerve To wrong and depart from Justice. Be just: that is Next to Piety: and fear Allah. For Allah is well-acquainted With all that ye do. (Qur’an, 5:8)”

“O you who believe, you shall reverence GOD, and be among the truthful.” (Qur’an 9:119)
Kid's Corner: Telling the Truth

Not interested in your idiotic trash or your dumbass attempts at being clever. We know what you are, and the sooner you get driven out of our country the better. Keep to stinking up your own piles of sand where you belong. Your silly Quran is nothing but a collection of disjointed lunatic ravings plagiarized and warped by a homicidal thief and murderer to appeal to his fellow sociopaths.
If an of you are not aware of the practice of taqiyya, you need to look it up. It's a Muslim practice to lie to non-believers and even each other whenever they think it furthers their goals, which of course is to murder or enslave all non-Muslims. No country has ever survived who welcomed Muslims into their country and allowed them to become a large demographic.

Dear Picaro
are YOU aware that Muslims are also called to follow the Bible as Holy Scriptures and prophets sent by God?

So by the Ten Commandments, believers are NOT to engage in
which are Biblical teachings.

This applies equally to Christians as to Muslims who are called
to respect all sent by God, all prophets and people "of the Book"
including Jews Christians and Muslims. Islam recognizes
all three as under the one same God of Abraham and that lineage.

So the Bible applies to Muslims who are called to obey
God's laws as well as civil laws of government and society in the land they live in.

Buddhists and Hindus do it a lot better than do muslims
Buddhists and Hindus do it a lot better than do muslims

Hi irosie91
Yes and no.
1. When Buddhists mix religion with government, it can get just as politicized and lead
to oppression and violence, as in certain regions in Asia where religious conflicts
have escalated between Buddhists and Muslims fighting politically.

2. The problem with the Islamist oppression and Jihadist terrorism is
mixing Muslim religion with Government. Then the political religion gets
abused if this isn't checked by democratic self-governing principles
as we have in the US with the Constitution that provides this check against abuses of govt.

3. The positive advantage that Muslims have (over Buddhists, Hindus and other faiths that don't teach this)
is if they follow both Christian and Constitutional/natural laws "as given by GOD"

The Muslims who respect and enforce Christian and Constitutional principles
would then work actively to check against abuses of either Church or State authority.

4. So Buddhists may have an advantage in staying OUT of politics and keeping
politics OUT of their beliefs, to avoid many of the same pitfalls of political oppression and abuse.
But this balances out if they also do not engage in CORRECTIONS and actively
seeking participation and responsibility for leading reforms to defend and protect against abuses.

Staying away from politics and govt also means not being part of the solution and reforms needed.

So this avoidance of govt and democratic process can go "both ways."

It can lead to bigger problems, but it can also mean CONTRIBUTING TO SOLUTIONS.
The Muslims who are more proactive in trying to correct religious abuses by upholding
Scriptural authority and correct political abuses by enforcing Constitutional laws
may get involved in more problems, but in doing so can do more to lead reforms and solutions.

In fact, given the disparity among liberals and Democrats in learning and invoking
knowledge and authority of these laws, it may be the Muslims who finally help
bring Constitutional education to the diverse minorities in the leftwing parties which tends to reject it as associated
with "White Christian conservatives" thus depriving people of equal authority by knowledge
of these laws and how to use them for self-empowerment and checking against abuses.
Which ones?
All the ones that say, "god, family, country, in that order". Like, our vice president.

Which laws are he pushing above the laws of our land?

Dear hadit
One conflict I've run into with Christian Constitutionalists,
if they interpret Right to Life as including unborn persons legally,
then both sides believe the other is putting their own beliefs above the Law of the Land.

The prochoice see these prolife beliefs as faith based and not included in the law,
so it appears to be imposing beliefs on others through Government.
The prolife see this as INHERENT and not requiring further laws, so that
by judicial rulings or other laws VIOLATING this, THAT is pushing other beliefs
or policies against existing protections already included in the laws of the land.

This is similar to liberal beliefs in right to health care or right to marriage as "inherent."
Since believers in those principles already see this as rights that should ALREADY
be recognized and protected, they don't see how pushing laws violate any freedom or due process
because those AREN'T choices but should be mandatory by govt anyway as part of natural rights.
But people who DON'T believe "right to health care" or "right to marriage" are part of govt
but are BELIEFS that can't be established by imposing through govt, find these BELIEFS
to contradict Constitutional limits and laws.

In both cases, because of different beliefs that are supposed to be equally protected
from infringement or discrimination,
I find BOTH "right to life" AND "right to health care" beliefs being PUSHED THROUGH LEGISLATION
that violates Constitutional principles and process.

In order to CORRECT those violations, the laws should be written, passed and enforced
by CONSENSUS of the people so that all beliefs are included and represented equally.

The violations occur where laws are BIASED and leave out people of other beliefs still
protesting these biases in beliefs being incorporated and enforced by govt laws.

Those are two examples where beliefs are being pushed through Govt to violate the Law of the Land, by not representing the consent of ALL people, but discriminating by creed against opposing beliefs.

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