Caitlyn going back to Bruce

And girls will have to put up with these perverts going into their restrooms, if that day they feel like they are a girl. Liberalism is a mental disorder.
The doctors who participated in amputating healthy body parts of people suffering with this mental illness should be tarred, feathered, drawn and quartered....or at the very least sued for malpractice by the citizens of each and every state this barbaric practice goes on in full defiance of the Hippocratic Oath.

Bruce should have been treated for narcissism and delusions on a psychiatrist's couch, not with a scalpel on a "surgeon's" gurney.
Once a cock sucker always a cock sucker. Some things you can't undo. Freak for life. An embarrassment to mankind [emoji51][emoji51][emoji57]

jenner was never a cock sucker... you?

"One Thing Hasn't Changed ... I Still Only Like Girls!"

Caitlyn Jenner -- One Thing Hasn't Changed ... I Still Only Like Girls!

btw i find it interesting the idea jenner should be ashamed, and women who have abortions should be ashamed, and single mothers should be ashamed, and people on welfare should be ashamed... and people who hold bigots accountable for their public displays of hatred should be ashamed cuz PC is trying to shame them!! or something...

Once a cock sucker always a cock sucker. Some things you can't undo. Freak for life. An embarrassment to mankind [emoji51][emoji51][emoji57]

jenner was never a cock sucker... you?

"One Thing Hasn't Changed ... I Still Only Like Girls!"

Caitlyn Jenner -- One Thing Hasn't Changed ... I Still Only Like Girls!

btw i find it interesting the idea jenner should be ashamed, and women who have abortions should be ashamed, and single mothers should be ashamed, and people on welfare should be ashamed... and people who hold bigots accountable for their public displays of hatred should be ashamed cuz PC is trying to shame them!! or something...

Maybe he wants to dress like a man while feeling like a woman, while still having a dick and fake boobs?
He didn't go full transgender (i.e., he retained his private parts). He wishes to be seen as a woman. But he prefers sex with women. So, he may be a lesbian who had been trapped in a man's body?
Until we get a source that is not from a satire site....can't we just move this to political satire?
This is a major setback to the GLBT+ crowd. Expect him to get gay bashed by the gays.

Look! Someone wrote "gullible" on the ceiling! is a combination of real shocking news and satire news. Please note that articles written on this site are for entertainment and satirical purposes only.

Look! Someone wrote "gullible" on the ceiling! is a combination of real shocking news and satire news. Please note that articles written on this site are for entertainment and satirical purposes only.
The best satire is that which could be true. It got me. It got me good.
Holy friggin crap......
I guess the novelty of it wore off and he wasn't getting enough attention....
What a joke.
So do I have this right, he never had the surgery? I thought it was a publicity stunt from the beginning, then I thought he had the surgery which would make it the MOTHER of all publicity stunts.
all a ploy to distract from his vehicular homicide.
How dare you call Caitlyn "he"! Don't you know a man who has his dick amputated is a woman? I swear...what is wrong with this world that the simplest of normal and sane concepts escape people like ninja........while we're on the topic of satire.... :popcorn:

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