Calculated Treason

Trump's Election Victory
Pelosi Refuses To Trash Trump When In Foreign Country

Bwuhahahahaha......No, she's just letting her evil, compromised, criminal, flying monkey's - Nadler and Schiff - do it for her and their fellow Democrats....though SHE is supposed to be the 'Speaker of the House' who 'runs' the House and 'controls' the House Democrats...

Too F*ing FUNNY.......she REALLY does think the American people ARE 'that' stupid.....

‘We Don’t Talk About The President In A Negative Way’: Pelosi Talks Impeachment While Abroad In Spain

I was jut thinking how ragged she looks. I think she knows they are in trouble and she cant do anything to keep them from committing suicide..
How old is she and how many face lifts has she had? It's gonna be a race to see who g
Trump's Election Victory
Pelosi Refuses To Trash Trump When In Foreign Country

Bwuhahahahaha......No, she's just letting her evil, compromised, criminal, flying monkey's - Nadler and Schiff - do it for her and their fellow Democrats....though SHE is supposed to be the 'Speaker of the House' who 'runs' the House and 'controls' the House Democrats...

Too F*ing FUNNY.......she REALLY does think the American people ARE 'that' stupid.....

‘We Don’t Talk About The President In A Negative Way’: Pelosi Talks Impeachment While Abroad In Spain

I was jut thinking how ragged she looks. I think she knows they are in trouble and she cant do anything to keep them from committing suicide..
There's only 6 years difference between her and RBG> Time to go!
Why is Trump even going to a NATO member meeting? He's said repeatedly that he thinks the US should get out of it, as well as has said that NATO doesn't pay it's fair share.

Why is Trump appearing to support something he's constantly railed against?

Most NATO members are now paying their fair share of their GDPs towards their own defense.
Scheduling the next round of Impeachment Hearings at the same time the NATO Summit Meeting is going on is no accident. It's just foul, vile, proven compromised, corrupt / criminal Democrats continuing to attempt to undermine this government and the President of the United States.

4 years of attempted coups, sedition, and treason is a piss-poor record for 2020 Democrats to run on.....

Pompeo rips Dems for scheduling Trump impeachment hearing during NATO summit

"Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Monday on "Fox & Friends" that it’s "very unfortunate" that House Democrats are moving ahead with impeachment hearings this week at the same time President Trump will be holding key meetings at the NATO summit in London.

"There is a long tradition that we support presidents when they travel overseas to do their work. For them to hold hearings back here in Washington to distract America's president from his important mission overseas ... it's very unfortunate," said Pompeo"

More dishonesty or ignorance over what treason is.
4 years of making false accusations, claiming falsely that the President is a 'compromised Russian agent ', violating Constitutional Rights and committing FISA Court abuses to illegally spy on Americans, and launching Impeachment proceedings based on biased hearsay and / or Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda delivered by a known lying, untrustworthy biased former foreign spy, attempting to undermine and overthrow a democratically elected President without any evidence whatsoever of 'high crimes or misdemeanors' - without any evidence of any crime - is both sedition and treason.
Scheduling the next round of Impeachment Hearings at the same time the NATO Summit Meeting is going on is no accident. It's just foul, vile, proven compromised, corrupt / criminal Democrats continuing to attempt to undermine this government and the President of the United States.

4 years of attempted coups, sedition, and treason is a piss-poor record for 2020 Democrats to run on.....

Pompeo rips Dems for scheduling Trump impeachment hearing during NATO summit

"Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Monday on "Fox & Friends" that it’s "very unfortunate" that House Democrats are moving ahead with impeachment hearings this week at the same time President Trump will be holding key meetings at the NATO summit in London.

"There is a long tradition that we support presidents when they travel overseas to do their work. For them to hold hearings back here in Washington to distract America's president from his important mission overseas ... it's very unfortunate," said Pompeo"

More dishonesty or ignorance over what treason is.
4 years of making false accusations, claiming falsely that the President is a 'compromised Russian agent ', violating Constitutional Rights and committing FISA Court abuses to illegally spy on Americans, and launching Impeachment proceedings based on biased hearsay and / or Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda delivered by a known lying, untrustworthy biased former foreign spy, attempting to undermine and overthrow a democratically elected President without any evidence whatsoever of 'high crimes or misdemeanors' - without any evidence of any crime - is both sedition and treason.
Show me the law on that.
Scheduling the next round of Impeachment Hearings at the same time the NATO Summit Meeting is going on is no accident. It's just foul, vile, proven compromised, corrupt / criminal Democrats continuing to attempt to undermine this government and the President of the United States.

4 years of attempted coups, sedition, and treason is a piss-poor record for 2020 Democrats to run on.....

Pompeo rips Dems for scheduling Trump impeachment hearing during NATO summit

"Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Monday on "Fox & Friends" that it’s "very unfortunate" that House Democrats are moving ahead with impeachment hearings this week at the same time President Trump will be holding key meetings at the NATO summit in London.

"There is a long tradition that we support presidents when they travel overseas to do their work. For them to hold hearings back here in Washington to distract America's president from his important mission overseas ... it's very unfortunate," said Pompeo"

More dishonesty or ignorance over what treason is.
4 years of making false accusations, claiming falsely that the President is a 'compromised Russian agent ', violating Constitutional Rights and committing FISA Court abuses to illegally spy on Americans, and launching Impeachment proceedings based on biased hearsay and / or Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda delivered by a known lying, untrustworthy biased former foreign spy, attempting to undermine and overthrow a democratically elected President without any evidence whatsoever of 'high crimes or misdemeanors' - without any evidence of any crime - is both sedition and treason.
Show me the law on that.

You must be new here....or are joining in on playing the snowflakes' favorite game - the 'stupid' game, feigning ignorance while demanding links, testimony, articles, etc...that have been posted dozens of times.
Scheduling the next round of Impeachment Hearings at the same time the NATO Summit Meeting is going on is no accident. It's just foul, vile, proven compromised, corrupt / criminal Democrats continuing to attempt to undermine this government and the President of the United States.

4 years of attempted coups, sedition, and treason is a piss-poor record for 2020 Democrats to run on.....

Pompeo rips Dems for scheduling Trump impeachment hearing during NATO summit

"Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Monday on "Fox & Friends" that it’s "very unfortunate" that House Democrats are moving ahead with impeachment hearings this week at the same time President Trump will be holding key meetings at the NATO summit in London.

"There is a long tradition that we support presidents when they travel overseas to do their work. For them to hold hearings back here in Washington to distract America's president from his important mission overseas ... it's very unfortunate," said Pompeo"

More dishonesty or ignorance over what treason is.
4 years of making false accusations, claiming falsely that the President is a 'compromised Russian agent ', violating Constitutional Rights and committing FISA Court abuses to illegally spy on Americans, and launching Impeachment proceedings based on biased hearsay and / or Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda delivered by a known lying, untrustworthy biased former foreign spy, attempting to undermine and overthrow a democratically elected President without any evidence whatsoever of 'high crimes or misdemeanors' - without any evidence of any crime - is both sedition and treason.
Show me the law on that.

You must be new here....or are joining in on playing the snowflakes' favorite game - the 'stupid' game, feigning ignorance while demanding links, testimony, articles, etc...that have been posted dozens of times.
If you aren't going by a legal definition of treason, then the argument is moot.

If you just mean "unpatriotic", that's not quite the same thing, no.
By the way, the Democrats didn't really schedule this to mess with Trump and his NATO meeting. The NATO meeting has been on the schedule for the past 2 years, and the stuff concerning impeachment has only been around for the past 4 months or so.
First of all you accidentally said four months instead of four years. Second how does that help explain anything if they knew the schedule for the last two years? They knew it was happening and proceeded with their clown show anyway.
If you aren't going by a legal definition of treason, then the argument is moot.
Sort of how the Democrats don't follow / know the definitions of 'Contact Witness', 'Whistle Blower', 'Hearsay' / 'Evidence', 'High Crimes & Misdemeanors', 'Videotaped Confession', etc...

If you aren't going by a legal definition of treason, then the argument is moot.
Sort of how the Democrats don't follow / know the definitions of 'Contact Witness', 'Whistle Blower', 'Hearsay' / 'Evidence', 'High Crimes & Misdemeanors', 'Videotaped Confession', etc...

I could care less about the Democrats - off the top of my head, threatening the assassination of a public figure, or giving aid to enemies who the US has a formal declaration of war against are treason - I could be off the mark on that one..

Most of the time when people use the world "treason", it's just heated rhetoric with no legal validity, so I don't care.
I could care less about the Democrats - off the top of my head, threatening the assassination of a public figure, or giving aid to enemies who the US has a formal declaration of war against are treason - I could be off the mark on that one..

Attempting to overthrow the President of the United States, especially during war-time....(& YES, despite your willingness to argue semantics, the United States is still at war / fighting continuing wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, and in Syria after the Nobel Peace Prize Winner illegally dragged the US into another war).

'Giving aid to our enemies'

The Democrats have sworn ion a stack of Bibles the Russians interfered in our election in 2016, although they refuse to admit that a biased, agenda-driven, foreign ex-spy delivering Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda used by both HRC & the Obama administration to alter the 2016 election counts as 'interference OR as evidence of illegal collusion with the Russians and foreign entities by DEMOCRATS!

President Obama knew in 2014 the Russians were attempting to hack our electrical grid, hack senior political reps, used social media to dupe Trump-hating snowflakes into organizing and even marching for them, and paid willing leftist groups like Antifa, BLM, and the Black Fist to spread racial hatred and violence - like in Baltimore where Russian-paid Leftist thugs were bussed in and started all the violence that resulted in local businesses being burned and looted and mass violence.

-- Obama administration officials ADMITTED they knew and declared they failed to do anything to stop the Russians. In one article I posted a link for several Obama administration officials stated they 'choked'. Obama KNEW what the Russians were up to in 2014 and instead of stopping it he FACILITATED it, allowed it to continue for 2 years.

THAT is called 'aiding and abetting our enemies'! This was a 'kept promise' made in 2012 when Obama was caught on a 'hot mike' telling Putin-puppet Medvedev to pass on to Vlad he would be more flexible and able to comply after his re-election.

By doing these things Putin and Russia sought to divide this nation, set it upon itself, taking our focus off of our enemies and fighting each other for the 'soul' and existence of the country.


Felony Perjury, Conspiracy, Illegal leaking of classified information, admitted violations of the US Constitution and Rule of Law, admittedly acting against the government - breaking oaths and laws - to 'save the nation' based on the belief only THEY could do so and that this belief justified their crimes, Obstruction, Sedition, and - yes - even Treason....

Unlike the Democrats who have attempted to find / manufacture crimes committed by the President and his team, the Democrats have uncovered / exposed, admitted, and even given video-taped confessions of breaking laws ... and snowflakes STILL refuse to acknowledge them all, ridiculously claim videotaped confessions can be explained away by saying 'that's not what he meant'....

I know very well what the definition of 'Treason' is, and I do not use it lightly when I POINT OUT how the Democrats have committed TREASON these last 4 years.
I could care less about the Democrats - off the top of my head, threatening the assassination of a public figure, or giving aid to enemies who the US has a formal declaration of war against are treason - I could be off the mark on that one..

Attempting to overthrow the President of the United States, especially during war-time....(& YES, despite your willingness to argue semantics, the United States is still at war / fighting continuing wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, and in Syria after the Nobel Peace Prize Winner illegally dragged the US into another war).

'Giving aid to our enemies'

The Democrats have sworn ion a stack of Bibles the Russians interfered in our election in 2016, although they refuse to admit that a biased, agenda-driven, foreign ex-spy delivering Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda used by both HRC & the Obama administration to alter the 2016 election counts as 'interference OR as evidence of illegal collusion with the Russians and foreign entities by DEMOCRATS!

President Obama knew in 2014 the Russians were attempting to hack our electrical grid, hack senior political reps, used social media to dupe Trump-hating snowflakes into organizing and even marching for them, and paid willing leftist groups like Antifa, BLM, and the Black Fist to spread racial hatred and violence - like in Baltimore where Russian-paid Leftist thugs were bussed in and started all the violence that resulted in local businesses being burned and looted and mass violence.

-- Obama administration officials ADMITTED they knew and declared they failed to do anything to stop the Russians. In one article I posted a link for several Obama administration officials stated they 'choked'. Obama KNEW what the Russians were up to in 2014 and instead of stopping it he FACILITATED it, allowed it to continue for 2 years.

THAT is called 'aiding and abetting our enemies'! This was a 'kept promise' made in 2012 when Obama was caught on a 'hot mike' telling Putin-puppet Medvedev to pass on to Vlad he would be more flexible and able to comply after his re-election.

By doing these things Putin and Russia sought to divide this nation, set it upon itself, taking our focus off of our enemies and fighting each other for the 'soul' and existence of the country.


Felony Perjury, Conspiracy, Illegal leaking of classified information, admitted violations of the US Constitution and Rule of Law, admittedly acting against the government - breaking oaths and laws - to 'save the nation' based on the belief only THEY could do so and that this belief justified their crimes, Obstruction, Sedition, and - yes - even Treason....

Unlike the Democrats who have attempted to find / manufacture crimes committed by the President and his team, the Democrats have uncovered / exposed, admitted, and even given video-taped confessions of breaking laws ... and snowflakes STILL refuse to acknowledge them all, ridiculously claim videotaped confessions can be explained away by saying 'that's not what he meant'....

I know very well what the definition of 'Treason' is, and I do not use it lightly when I POINT OUT how the Democrats have committed TREASON these last 4 years.
Unless it means something in the context of law, I could care less.

So, anyone have a history of the court processes and their rulings on any of this?
If you aren't going by a legal definition of treason, then the argument is moot.
If you just mean "unpatriotic", that's not quite the same thing, no.
Of course you liberals have a weird definition of treason since you thought it was okay to side with the enemy when you partied with your hippie friends and smoked pot all day long.
Pompeo was in on the loop. Why was he okay with using foreign aid to coerce an ally into a corrupt political act when that ally was moving away from political corruption of this sort?
His opinion doesn't mean a thing. He's a disgrace. He should resign.
The only witnesses so far are pro-impeachment Democrats.
How else can you keep him from defending himself and undermine him at the same time?

It is plainly clear that the "Democratic Party" is now a rogue, terrorist anti-American hate organization of sedition doing the very work which Putin most hoped for who will stop at nothing now not to try to overthrow the USA as a direct threat to the Republic. They need treated like the slimy pestilence they are. No wonder they are fighting against a return of federal executions! America is under attack! McCarthy was right after all.
Pompeo was in on the loop. Why was he okay with using foreign aid to coerce an ally into a corrupt political act when that ally was moving away from political corruption of this sort?
His opinion doesn't mean a thing. He's a disgrace. He should resign.
The only witnesses so far are pro-impeachment Democrats.

Ambassador Sondland was a million dollar Trump donor.

Why aren't the Trumpublans demanding answers from those that have been implicated in the plot to attack half of our political system and our entire intelligence apparatus? Where is Pompeo, Perry, Bolton and Mulvaney? Contempt of Congress is an impeachable offense in itself. How long will they hide behind the non-existent blanket immunity claim?
Ambassador Sondland was a million dollar Trump donor.
Why aren't the Trumpublans demanding answers from those that have been implicated in the plot to attack half of our political system and our entire intelligence apparatus? Where is Pompeo, Perry, Bolton and Mulvaney? Contempt of Congress is an impeachable offense in itself. How long will they hide behind the non-existent blanket immunity claim?
Perry, Pompeo, Mulvaney, and Bolton aren't stupid enough to walk into a perjury trap.
Why is Trump even going to a NATO member meeting? He's said repeatedly that he thinks the US should get out of it, as well as has said that NATO doesn't pay it's fair share.

Why is Trump appearing to support something he's constantly railed against?
Countries have doubled their support in the last few years. That is due to Trump.
Nope. That's a lie. No one has doubled their support of NATO.

Lies fly out of your ass almost as casually as they emit from Trump.
Ambassador Sondland was a million dollar Trump donor.
Why aren't the Trumpublans demanding answers from those that have been implicated in the plot to attack half of our political system and our entire intelligence apparatus? Where is Pompeo, Perry, Bolton and Mulvaney? Contempt of Congress is an impeachable offense in itself. How long will they hide behind the non-existent blanket immunity claim?
Perry, Pompeo, Mulvaney, and Bolton aren't stupid enough to walk into a perjury trap.

That doesn't make the Congressional subpoena's less valid. They can still use the 5th and executive privilege in some cases I imagine.

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