Calculated Treason

Scheduling the next round of Impeachment Hearings at the same time the NATO Summit Meeting is going on is no accident. It's just foul, vile, proven compromised, corrupt / criminal Democrats continuing to attempt to undermine this government and the President of the United States.

4 years of attempted coups, sedition, and treason is a piss-poor record for 2020 Democrats to run on.....

Pompeo rips Dems for scheduling Trump impeachment hearing during NATO summit

"Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Monday on "Fox & Friends" that it’s "very unfortunate" that House Democrats are moving ahead with impeachment hearings this week at the same time President Trump will be holding key meetings at the NATO summit in London.

"There is a long tradition that we support presidents when they travel overseas to do their work. For them to hold hearings back here in Washington to distract America's president from his important mission overseas ... it's very unfortunate," said Pompeo"

I think the hearing tomorrow will be boring and is just 4 legal scholars explaining what High crimes and misdemeanors means that is in our constitution... both liberal and conservative perspective....
Why is Trump even going to a NATO member meeting? He's said repeatedly that he thinks the US should get out of it, as well as has said that NATO doesn't pay it's fair share.

Why is Trump appearing to support something he's constantly railed against?

Most NATO members are now paying their fair share of their GDPs towards their own defense.
wamose Billy_Bob, since you tards both attached a Winner to this liar's post.

Nope. Not even close to most. Not even close to half.

It's amazing how you tards pull lies out of your asses as if you think no one will call you on your fucking bullshit.
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There are 29 members of NATO.

Only SIX, not counting the US, spend 2 percent or more on defense.
This is how Trump's cons work. 90 percent of the con happens in the heads of the rubes.

Trump says some bullshit, and the tards take it from there.

They DESERVE to be lied to.
Canada and Greece have DECREASED their defense spending.

Way to go, Trump!
Ambassador Sondland was a million dollar Trump donor.
Why aren't the Trumpublans demanding answers from those that have been implicated in the plot to attack half of our political system and our entire intelligence apparatus? Where is Pompeo, Perry, Bolton and Mulvaney? Contempt of Congress is an impeachable offense in itself. How long will they hide behind the non-existent blanket immunity claim?
Perry, Pompeo, Mulvaney, and Bolton aren't stupid enough to walk into a perjury trap.
So you don't think they can keep their lies straight? :D
There are 29 members of NATO.
Only SIX, not counting the US, spend 2 percent or more on defense.
Then Trump is right. The other countries need to buck up or we should leave.
That does not excuse lying.

Bush and Obama both said the same thing. You all act as if Trump is special.

Long before Trump came along, I was saying on this forum that Europe depends far too heavily on us for their defense, and then they look down their noses for us for not having the giant social safety nets they have.

As soon as you ask them to up their defense, they whine that they won't be able to have those big social safety nets any more.


Sure, we could spend 4% of GDP on the military — with huge cuts or tax hikes

So it's all about priorities. There's only so much money to go around, and most of that pie goes to the social programs most Canadians feel define us. So either cut those programs or dramatically raise taxes. But something's got to give.

As I said above, Canada has DECREASED their defense spending, and they plan on keeping it at 1.4% or less until 2025. Way to go, Trump!
Pompeo was in on the loop. Why was he okay with using foreign aid to coerce an ally into a corrupt political act when that ally was moving away from political corruption of this sort?
His opinion doesn't mean a thing. He's a disgrace. He should resign.
The only witnesses so far are pro-impeachment Democrats.

Ambassador Sondland was a million dollar Trump donor.
Can't damn a man for his patriotism.

Why aren't the Trumpublans demanding answers from those that have been implicated in the plot to attack half of our political system and our entire intelligence apparatus?

We are! We demand answers from the following:
  1. Adam Schiffty
  2. Nancy Pelousi
  3. Val Dimmings
  4. Terri Seawell
  5. Rajish Koothrappali
  6. Eric Swallowswell
  7. Jackie Spiel
  8. Sean Baloney
  9. Joanie Castro
  10. Joseph Biden
  11. Hunter Biden
Scheduling the next round of Impeachment Hearings at the same time the NATO Summit Meeting is going on is no accident. It's just foul, vile, proven compromised, corrupt / criminal Democrats continuing to attempt to undermine this government and the President of the United States.

4 years of attempted coups, sedition, and treason is a piss-poor record for 2020 Democrats to run on.....

Pompeo rips Dems for scheduling Trump impeachment hearing during NATO summit

"Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Monday on "Fox & Friends" that it’s "very unfortunate" that House Democrats are moving ahead with impeachment hearings this week at the same time President Trump will be holding key meetings at the NATO summit in London.

"There is a long tradition that we support presidents when they travel overseas to do their work. For them to hold hearings back here in Washington to distract America's president from his important mission overseas ... it's very unfortunate," said Pompeo"


SEVERAL White House officials were invited/subpoenaed to testify, including Trump himself.

That would have pushed the hearings way past his NATO trip.

So take your faux rage and shove it back up your ass.
LIke I said, Trump and his staff are not going to voluntarily walk into a perjury trap.
Why is Trump even going to a NATO member meeting? He's said repeatedly that he thinks the US should get out of it, as well as has said that NATO doesn't pay it's fair share.

Why is Trump appearing to support something he's constantly railed against?
Countries have doubled their support in the last few years. That is due to Trump.
Nope. That's a lie. No one has doubled their support of NATO.

Lies fly out of your ass almost as casually as they emit from Trump.
The funds have doubled since he has been in office. No one doubled their offerings, more started paying up when they weren't in the beginning of his administration.
Why is Trump even going to a NATO member meeting? He's said repeatedly that he thinks the US should get out of it, as well as has said that NATO doesn't pay it's fair share.

Why is Trump appearing to support something he's constantly railed against?
Did you hear him jump on macron for saying bad things about NATO?

As if he wasn't saying similar stuff just last week?
Scheduling the next round of Impeachment Hearings at the same time the NATO Summit Meeting is going on is no accident. It's just foul, vile, proven compromised, corrupt / criminal Democrats continuing to attempt to undermine this government and the President of the United States.

4 years of attempted coups, sedition, and treason is a piss-poor record for 2020 Democrats to run on.....

Pompeo rips Dems for scheduling Trump impeachment hearing during NATO summit

"Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Monday on "Fox & Friends" that it’s "very unfortunate" that House Democrats are moving ahead with impeachment hearings this week at the same time President Trump will be holding key meetings at the NATO summit in London.

"There is a long tradition that we support presidents when they travel overseas to do their work. For them to hold hearings back here in Washington to distract America's president from his important mission overseas ... it's very unfortunate," said Pompeo"


Not treason. Sedition.
There are 29 members of NATO.
Only SIX, not counting the US, spend 2 percent or more on defense.
Then Trump is right. The other countries need to buck up or we should leave.
That does not excuse lying.

Bush and Obama both said the same thing. You all act as if Trump is special.

Long before Trump came along, I was saying on this forum that Europe depends far too heavily on us for their defense, and then they look down their noses for us for not having the giant social safety nets they have.

As soon as you ask them to up their defense, they whine that they won't be able to have those big social safety nets any more.


Sure, we could spend 4% of GDP on the military — with huge cuts or tax hikes

So it's all about priorities. There's only so much money to go around, and most of that pie goes to the social programs most Canadians feel define us. So either cut those programs or dramatically raise taxes. But something's got to give.

As I said above, Canada has DECREASED their defense spending, and they plan on keeping it at 1.4% or less until 2025. Way to go, Trump!

If Bush and Obama said the same thing, why did every libtard have a shit hemorrhage when he first addressed the issue?
Why is Trump even going to a NATO member meeting? He's said repeatedly that he thinks the US should get out of it, as well as has said that NATO doesn't pay it's fair share.

Why is Trump appearing to support something he's constantly railed against?

Most NATO members are now paying their fair share of their GDPs towards their own defense.
wamose Billy_Bob, since you tards both attached a Winner to this liar's post.

Nope. Not even close to most. Not even close to half.

It's amazing how you tards pull lies out of your asses as if you think no one will call you on your fucking bullshit.

Where is your link? I know! You are too chickenshit to post one because you are using outdated data or libtard websites. We are wise to your pathetic antics, dumbass!
Scheduling the next round of Impeachment Hearings at the same time the NATO Summit Meeting is going on is no accident. It's just foul, vile, proven compromised, corrupt / criminal Democrats continuing to attempt to undermine this government and the President of the United States.

4 years of attempted coups, sedition, and treason is a piss-poor record for 2020 Democrats to run on.....

Pompeo rips Dems for scheduling Trump impeachment hearing during NATO summit

"Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Monday on "Fox & Friends" that it’s "very unfortunate" that House Democrats are moving ahead with impeachment hearings this week at the same time President Trump will be holding key meetings at the NATO summit in London.

"There is a long tradition that we support presidents when they travel overseas to do their work. For them to hold hearings back here in Washington to distract America's president from his important mission overseas ... it's very unfortunate," said Pompeo"


There have been no attempted coups, sedition or treason. It shows your lack of intelligence. The Democrats have a stronger record to run on than Republicans. Republicans have given us a country where the rich and powerful are becoming richer and more powerful. Where polluting the water, air and wildlife habitats is okay. Where healthcare policy is just say no.

Pompeo is a political hack. Perhaps he should have spent his time counseling Trump against pressuring Ukraine. We are here because of Donald Trump and no one else. The only time Trump sycophants care about tradition is when it benefits them.
Why is Trump even going to a NATO member meeting? He's said repeatedly that he thinks the US should get out of it, as well as has said that NATO doesn't pay it's fair share.

Why is Trump appearing to support something he's constantly railed against?
Countries have doubled their support in the last few years. That is due to Trump.

It again started under Obama and continued under Trump. The agreement to do so came under Obama.
There have been no attempted coups, sedition or treason.
BB, thanks for the quick 'pop-in', long enough to remind everyone why there is no reason to pay attention to anything you opine, which is never supported by links / testimony / reports / reality / etc....

Make sure you send Kevin Clinesmith an encouraging note in prison letting him know you, at least, don't believe he broke any laws or participated in the exposed coup attempt begun by Obama.


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