Calculated Treason

Why is Trump even going to a NATO member meeting? He's said repeatedly that he thinks the US should get out of it, as well as has said that NATO doesn't pay it's fair share.

Why is Trump appearing to support something he's constantly railed against?
Countries have doubled their support in the last few years. That is due to Trump.

It again started under Obama and continued under Trump. The agreement to do so came under Obama.

Yeah...and OBAMA, who declared US Manufacturing jobs were gone for good, that not having them anymore was the 'new norm', is the one who brought them back, too, huh?!


Scheduling the next round of Impeachment Hearings at the same time the NATO Summit Meeting is going on is no accident. It's just foul, vile, proven compromised, corrupt / criminal Democrats continuing to attempt to undermine this government There
y meetings at the NATO summit in London.

"There is a long tradition that we support presidents when they travel overseas to do their work. For them to hold hearings back here in Washington to distract America's president from his important mission overseas ... it's very unfortunate," said Pompeo"

More dishonesty or ignorance over what treason is.
4 years of making false accusations, claiming falsely that the President is a 'compromised Russian agent ', violating Constitutional Rights and committing FISA Court abuses to illegally spy on Americans, and launching Impeachment proceedings based on biased hearsay and / or Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda delivered by a known lying, untrustworthy biased former foreign spy, attempting to undermine and overthrow a democratically elected President without any evidence whatsoever of 'high crimes or misdemeanors' - without any evidence of any crime - is both sedition and treason.

You have no clue what you are talking about. There is not a scintilla of evidence to support your claim. Your proof is sources that are as biased as you are. You have no clue what sedition or treason is. To you, it is anyone who holds Trump accountable.
You have no clue what you are talking about. There is not a scintilla of evidence to support your claim.

There are DOZENS and DOZENS of pages filled with HUNDREDS of threads containing THOUSANDS of links, testimony under oath, official reports, legal findings, laws, etc... on this board - that 'scintilla of evidence' you say does NOT exist...

Bwuhahahahaha.....thank you for providing the most hilarious justification for ignoring anything you post....

I could care less about the Democrats - off the top of my head, threatening the assassination of a public figure, or giving aid to enemies who the US has a formal declaration of war against are treason - I could be off the mark on that one..

Attempting to overthrow the President of the United States, especially during war-time....(& YES, despite your willingness to argue semantics, the United States is still at war / fighting continuing wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, and in Syria after the Nobel Peace Prize Winner illegally dragged the US into another war).

'Giving aid to our enemies'

The Democrats have sworn ion a stack of Bibles the Russians interfered in our election in 2016, although they refuse to admit that a biased, agenda-driven, foreign ex-spy delivering Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda used by both HRC & the Obama administration to alter the 2016 election counts as 'interference OR as evidence of illegal collusion with the Russians and foreign entities by DEMOCRATS!

President Obama knew in 2014 the Russians were attempting to hack our electrical grid, hack senior political reps, used social media to dupe Trump-hating snowflakes into organizing and even marching for them, and paid willing leftist groups like Antifa, BLM, and the Black Fist to spread racial hatred and violence - like in Baltimore where Russian-paid Leftist thugs were bussed in and started all the violence that resulted in local businesses being burned and looted and mass violence.

-- Obama administration officials ADMITTED they knew and declared they failed to do anything to stop the Russians. In one article I posted a link for several Obama administration officials stated they 'choked'. Obama KNEW what the Russians were up to in 2014 and instead of stopping it he FACILITATED it, allowed it to continue for 2 years.

THAT is called 'aiding and abetting our enemies'! This was a 'kept promise' made in 2012 when Obama was caught on a 'hot mike' telling Putin-puppet Medvedev to pass on to Vlad he would be more flexible and able to comply after his re-election.

By doing these things Putin and Russia sought to divide this nation, set it upon itself, taking our focus off of our enemies and fighting each other for the 'soul' and existence of the country.


Felony Perjury, Conspiracy, Illegal leaking of classified information, admitted violations of the US Constitution and Rule of Law, admittedly acting against the government - breaking oaths and laws - to 'save the nation' based on the belief only THEY could do so and that this belief justified their crimes, Obstruction, Sedition, and - yes - even Treason....

Unlike the Democrats who have attempted to find / manufacture crimes committed by the President and his team, the Democrats have uncovered / exposed, admitted, and even given video-taped confessions of breaking laws ... and snowflakes STILL refuse to acknowledge them all, ridiculously claim videotaped confessions can be explained away by saying 'that's not what he meant'....

I know very well what the definition of 'Treason' is, and I do not use it lightly when I POINT OUT how the Democrats have committed TREASON these last 4 years.

You have no clue what treason is. No one is trying to overthrow anyone. They are holding Trump accountable according to the Constitution.

The fact is that the Russians interfered in our elections and Steele's report was not part of it. It was TRUMP'S CAMPAIGN that looked for help from Russia. That is why Manafort gave internal polling data and other campaign information to a Russian business associate tied to Russian Intelligence.

Obama knew that the Russians were interfering in our elections. There is no evidence that they were supporting leftist groups. Clearly they knew about it but didn't know what to do about it. Obama may have said that but he ended up doing the opposite. He placed limited sanctions on Russia. When the Obama Administration talked about making the election systems in our country part of the critical infrastructure, he was attacked by Republicans. The Republican leadership in the House and Senate were not in the least bit interested.

The reason that Putin wanted Trump was because Putin knew Trump was the divider. Putin knew Trump was a thug who would attempt to bully people and even countries as he did in Ukraine.


It is Trump who has violated the Constitution and made a mockery of the rule of law not Democrats. It is Trump and the Republicans who have violated their oaths of office.

There are no manufactured crimes. Trump attempted to pressure Ukraine into opening a investigation of Biden when there is no legal reason to do so. That is clear. Giuliani was also applying pressure on Trump's behalf. A clear abuse of authority. There are no videotaped confessions.

You are the one who is manufacturing evidence to justify a accusation of treason. You do throw the word around so much that it has no meaning.
There have been no attempted coups, sedition or treason.
BB, thanks for the quick 'pop-in', long enough to remind everyone why there is no reason to pay attention to anything you opine, which is never supported by links / testimony / reports / reality / etc....

Make sure you send Kevin Clinesmith an encouraging note in prison letting him know you, at least, don't believe he broke any laws or participated in the exposed coup attempt begun by Obama.


You are the one no one except Trump cult members listen to. You are the one who has lost all sense of reality. Putting up links to your looney tune friends is no proof at all.
Why is Trump even going to a NATO member meeting? He's said repeatedly that he thinks the US should get out of it, as well as has said that NATO doesn't pay it's fair share.

Why is Trump appearing to support something he's constantly railed against?
Countries have doubled their support in the last few years. That is due to Trump.

It again started under Obama and continued under Trump. The agreement to do so came under Obama.

Yeah...and OBAMA, who declared US Manufacturing jobs were gone for good, that not having them anymore was the 'new norm', is the one who brought them back, too, huh?!

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You don't really want to go there. Manufacturing jobs started coming back to the US under Obama. The reason is that some companies decided that the advantages of manufacturing in the US outweighed the advantages of doing it overseas. The manufacturing ISM dropped in November for the 4th straight month. This is due to Trump's trade wars.

Manufacturing activity declines for fourth straight month, ISM report shows
You are the one no one except Trump cult members listen to. You are the one who has lost all sense of reality. Putting up links to your looney tune friends is no proof at all.
Thanks for the emotionally-manipulated personal attack, snowflake. Why don't you go back to the kids' table with the other snowflakes, put your heads together, and come up with something better before coming back....

You have no clue what you are talking about. There is not a scintilla of evidence to support your claim.

There are DOZENS and DOZENS of pages filled with HUNDREDS of threads containing THOUSANDS of links, testimony under oath, official reports, legal findings, laws, etc... on this board - that 'scintilla of evidence' you say does NOT exist...

Bwuhahahahaha.....thank you for providing the most hilarious justification for ignoring anything you post....


It goes to show that you can create something out of nothing. There is no doubt that there are a lot of looney tune people out there that agree with you. Their interpretation is not law. The fact is that the AG is a Trump sycophant and he has opened no investigation of this. We also have the IG report on part of this which apparently finds no evidence to support the claims you have been making.
You don't really want to go there.


OBAMA declared US Manufacturing jobs were gone for good, that not having them anymore was the 'new norm'. He said he wasn't even going to try to do so anymore because it was a waste of time - he gave up fighting for the American people....because jobs and employed Americans means less voters dependent on Democrat 'freebie' handouts voting for Democrats to make sure the 'free stuff' they depended on to live kept flowing. Barry said there was no way President Trump could bring them back, that he didn't have any 'magic wand' to do so.



You are the one no one except Trump cult members listen to. You are the one who has lost all sense of reality. Putting up links to your looney tune friends is no proof at all.
Thanks for the emotionally-manipulated personal attack, snowflake. Why don't you go back to the kids' table with the other snowflakes, put your heads together, and come up with something better before coming back....


It is hardly a personal attack. Trump supporters are no different than cult members. They insist that certain things are and are not true even when the facts are against them. Then you people come up with crazy, conspiracy theories to explain it away. You clowns have been insisting that Obama spied on Trump's campaign. Yet apparently the IG has found no evidence of that. So now he is a part of the deep state. More conspiracy theories.
You don't really want to go there.


OBAMA declared US Manufacturing jobs were gone for good, that not having them anymore was the 'new norm'. He said he wasn't even going to try to do so anymore because it was a waste of time - he gave up fighting for the American people....because jobs and employed Americans means less voters dependent on Democrat 'freebie' handouts voting for Democrats to make sure the 'free stuff' they depended on to live kept flowing. Barry said there was no way President Trump could bring them back, that he didn't have any 'magic wand' to do so.




I have never said that Obama brought manufacturing jobs back. However Trump did not either. The reshoring started under Obama and for different reasons. It was the same under Trump. However Trump's trade wars are hurting manufacturing as the sector is clearly in a recession. Even though the economy is strong, there are still many economic problems in the country that Trump and the Republicans seem to care very little about. Too many people stuck in low wage jobs. Income gains being concentrated among the already rich and powerful.
You clowns have been insisting that Obama spied on Trump's campaign. Yet apparently the IG has found no evidence of that. So now he is a part of the deep state. More conspiracy theories.
I would like to keep debunking every lie you post, but doing so would be a full-time job, snowflake.

12 Pieces Of Evidence Prove The Lying MSM Knew Obama Spied On Trump
November 7, 2016 Report: FBI ‘Granted FISA Warrant’ Covering Trump Camp’s Ties To Russia

Two separate sources with links to the counter-intelligence community have confirmed the FBI sought, and was granted, a FISA court warrant in October, giving counter-intelligence permission to examine the activities of ‘U.S. persons’ in Donald Trump’s campaign with ties to Russia.

January 11, 2017 Report: The FBI applied for a warrant from the foreign intelligence surveillance (Fisa) court over the summer in order to monitor four members of the Trump team suspected of irregular contacts with Russian officials. The Fisa court turned down the application asking FBI counter-intelligence investigators to narrow its focus. According to one report, the FBI was finally granted a warrant in October

January 12, 2017 Report: The Obama administration has expanded the power of the National Security Agency to share globally intercepted personal communications with the government’s 16 other intelligence agencies before applying privacy protections.The new rules significantly relax longstanding limits on what the N.S.A. may do with the information gathered by its most powerful surveillance operations, which are largely unregulated by American wiretapping laws. These include collecting satellite transmissions, phone calls and emails that cross network switches abroad, and messages between people abroad that cross domestic network switches.

NY Times Report - January 27, 2019:

'Wire Tap Data Used On Trump Aides

"The F.B.I. is leading the investigations, aided by the National Security Agency, the C.I.A. and the Treasury Department’s financial crimes unit. The investigators have accelerated their efforts in recent weeks but have found no conclusive evidence of wrongdoing, the officials said. One official said intelligence reports based on some of the wiretapped communications had been provided to the White House."

....and more....

Nunes confirms: Obama admin spied on Trump transition team - WND

It looks like Obama did spy on Trump, just as he apparently did to me

Once again you post easily debunked, highly opinionated BS, proving reading anything you post is a waste of time....which I wont be doing anymore, snowflake.

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