Calif Gov Newsom: Unless I Get Federal Handouts I’m Laying Off First Responders First

Charcoal barbeque party for all first responders at the gov's place the day after.

That would entail destroying a structure of considerable historical significance; though it now occurs to me that I remember hearing that when Reagan was governor, his wife was afraid to live in that building, having somehow become convinced that it was a firetrap. Perhaps if they had lived there, and if Reagan had ruled the way Newsom does, Nancy might have been proven correct.

As an alternative, let me point out the following…

There is a very nice park, adjacent to the property on which our Capitol Building sits, here in Sacramento. There are lots of trees in this park, trees which could use some decoration.

The Capitol Building is badly infested with vermin, Governor Newsom being among them, whose best use would be as decorations hanging from the trees in Capitol Park.
Newsome changes his mind by the hour....he is as clueless as a dog without smell and as confused as a tailless cat in a room full of wheelchairs.....he is definitely not a leader....funny how the virus has displayed the absolute ineffectiveness of the dems.....
Okey Dokey. Holding his voters as hostages. SHOOT!
Good luck Californians, you voted him in.

Democrat leaders welcome illegals into their state who rob, rape, and even kill their citizens. This is not much different. Democrat politicians only care about one thing--power. In this case, it's a threat to President Trump. He believes he'll somehow be able to blame any tragedy on the President instead of his failed leadership.
Democrat politicians only care about one thing--power.
Ray i believe that is pretty dam high on the Republicans bucket list too....

Republicans are not cradle to gravers, whereas Democrats are. Democrats want power to rule over every aspect of our lives. Republicans want to keep leadership to give Americans freedom to rule over their own lives.
Charcoal barbeque party for all first responders at the gov's place the day after.

That would entail destroying a structure of considerable historical significance; though it now occurs to me that I remember hearing that when Reagan was governor, his wife was afraid to live in that building, having somehow become convinced that it was a firetrap. Perhaps if they had lived there, and if Reagan had ruled the way Newsom does, Nancy might have been proven correct.

As an alternative, let me point out the following…

There is a very nice park, adjacent to the property on which our Capitol Building sits, here in Sacramento. There are lots of trees in this park, trees which could use some decoration.

The Capitol Building is badly infested with vermin, Governor Newsom being among them, whose best use would be as decorations hanging from the trees in Capitol Park.


I didn't say it had to be at the state provided mansion.


Okey Dokey. Holding his voters as hostages. SHOOT!
Good luck Californians, you voted him in.

I noticed that cheap liberal tactic also

newsome should lay off first responders last instead of first
CA will eventually force a penalty/tax on people who leave the state.
Your link was 7 years out of date...the rest of the story:

A California tax board slashed millions of dollars in taxes and penalties that a wealthy computer chip inventor faced after state tax collectors accused him of fabricating a move to Nevada just as he started to cash in on a lucrative patent he obtained in 1990.
The Board of Equalization on Tuesday determined that Gilbert Hyatt, now nearing 80, was actually a Nevada resident during most of the six-month period 26 years ago when state tax collectors say he lied about his residence to dodge California taxes.
“Thank you so much. After 26 years or more, (it’s) finally over with,” Hyatt told the tax board at 10:30 p.m. Tuesday, the end of a 13-hour meeting that focused almost entirely on his tax dispute.

But Hyatt did not get a complete win in a feud with California tax auditors that dates back to a 1993 audit by the Franchise Tax Board, the department that collects personal income tax.
The Board of Equalization, which is the final arbiter of tax disputes, by a 3-2 vote concluded that Hyatt’s business was developed and operated out of California several months after his move to Nevada, exposing him to a portion of the original income taxes he owed from 1991.
The tax board did not disclose Hyatt’s new revised tax bill. Going into the hearing, he was expected to owe at least $55 million in taxes, penalties and interest from his initial fines, according to filings from related court cases.
That figured swelled from an original $13.3 million bill that the Franchise Tax Board said Hyatt owed for taxes and fraud penalties from 1991 and 1992.
A series of split Board of Equalization votes waived $5.7 million in fraud penalties and $5.7 million in taxes from 1992. That means Hyatt now faces charges for $1.9 million in taxes he owes from 1991 and interest that has accumulated on that sum since then.
The long-running case has twice reached the U.S. Supreme Court and consumed more than $25 million of resources by California’s Franchise Tax Board. Hyatt has an ongoing civil lawsuit against the state that’s moving forward at the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.

He reported $101.8 million in profit on tax returns from 1991 and 1992, but said he earned just $600,000 while he was in California.

Read more here:
Okey Dokey. Holding his voters as hostages. SHOOT!
Good luck Californians, you voted him in.

I noticed that cheap liberal tactic also

newsome should lay off first responders last instead of first
The very first asshole that sould be taken off the taxpayer tit is Nusance himself.
Okey Dokey. Holding his voters as hostages. SHOOT!
Good luck Californians, you voted him in.

Oh look, another idiotic, lying thread title from weatherman2020. Oh look, weatherman2020 posted yet another article he never read. Oh look, a bunch of whiny trumpanzees who also didn't read a single word of the article commented on it anyway.

“I hope they’ll consider this: the next time they want to salute and celebrate our heroes, our first responders, our police officers and firefighters, consider the fact that they are the first ones who will be laid off by cities and counties,” Mr. Newsom said.
That money went to the illegals. Now he wants more to give to illegals,

It was noticeable under Jerry “Moonbeam” Brown 2.0, and much more so now under Gavin Newsom, that California has developed a habit of imposing new taxes, promising that those taxes are to be allocated to specific purposes, and then misappropriating them to other, unrelated uses, and then claiming that the taxes need to be raised again, because there's not enough going to the purposes that they were supposed to be for.

Look at the games he's been playing with the ever-increasing automotive fuel taxes.

California is short on funds for legitimate purposes, because criminals like Newsom keep stealing and misappropriating any funds that come under their control. If the federal government did give us a big handout, it would only meet the same fate.

The only solution that would actually mitigate the problem would involve decorating the trees in Capitol Park, in the manner that I have heretofore described. And leave the decorations there, permanently, as a reminder and a warning for any in the future who might contemplate abusing their power in a similar manner.
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