Calif to Give Free Healthcare to Illegals


When they said they will put illegals first, they meant it.
California already has the highest tax rates and is working to double that in the next year.
I wonder if the Cali tax payers will be happy to pay for illegals who shouldn't be in the country at all??

I know I sure wouldn't be happy.
There will be no bailouts for CA, period.
The Top Four Reasons California Is Unsustainable
How much in debt are the California governments? That’s hard to know too. According to a January 2017 study, “California state and local governments owe $1.3 trillion as of June 30, 2015.” The study was based on “a review of federal, state and local financial disclosures.”

In other words, that $1.3 trillion in debt is the amount to which California governments admit. Other studies believe it to be more. Indeed, one study says it is actually $2.3 trillion and a recent Hoover Institute stated that there is over $1 trillion in pension liability alone, or $76,884 per household. Incredibly, there are 4 million current pension beneficiaries, a number that continues to grow and which exceeds the total population of 22 states.

What’s the right number? Apparently, it is so large it is hard to accurately estimate. In every case, the number is staggering.
There will be no bailouts for CA, period.
The Top Four Reasons California Is Unsustainable
How much in debt are the California governments? That’s hard to know too. According to a January 2017 study, “California state and local governments owe $1.3 trillion as of June 30, 2015.” The study was based on “a review of federal, state and local financial disclosures.”

In other words, that $1.3 trillion in debt is the amount to which California governments admit. Other studies believe it to be more. Indeed, one study says it is actually $2.3 trillion and a recent Hoover Institute stated that there is over $1 trillion in pension liability alone, or $76,884 per household. Incredibly, there are 4 million current pension beneficiaries, a number that continues to grow and which exceeds the total population of 22 states.

What’s the right number? Apparently, it is so large it is hard to accurately estimate. In every case, the number is staggering.
I believe California is going to default and will want US Taxpayers to bail them out and Trump is standing in their way.
It won't be long. Our first third world state.
Pretty much 3rd world now. They’ve got the 1% elite with boots on everyone else’s neck.

Yeah, and the citizens are fleeing to other states. The problem is that they take this same ideology that they're fleeing from, infiltrate another area, and start implementing the same insanity. It's worse than a parasite.
They voted for it

Weird how that works huh?
The human cockroaches invade America, drop their litters of filthy anchor babies in the laps of real Americans, said filth gets a free education, free healthcare and welfare, becomes of voting age and then votes for politicians who vow to put Mexico’s people first...What an awesome model.
There will be no bailouts for CA, period.
The Top Four Reasons California Is Unsustainable
How much in debt are the California governments? That’s hard to know too. According to a January 2017 study, “California state and local governments owe $1.3 trillion as of June 30, 2015.” The study was based on “a review of federal, state and local financial disclosures.”

In other words, that $1.3 trillion in debt is the amount to which California governments admit. Other studies believe it to be more. Indeed, one study says it is actually $2.3 trillion and a recent Hoover Institute stated that there is over $1 trillion in pension liability alone, or $76,884 per household. Incredibly, there are 4 million current pension beneficiaries, a number that continues to grow and which exceeds the total population of 22 states.

What’s the right number? Apparently, it is so large it is hard to accurately estimate. In every case, the number is staggering.
I believe California is going to default and will want US Taxpayers to bail them out and Trump is standing in their way.

They'll keep spending to buy votes, and then wait for a Dem President to bail them out, which he or she will. If they want to commit financial suicide, I'm fine with that. Maybe the voters will finally learn to never vote Democrat. But then again, Democrat voters are not all that bright.

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