California 9/11 Fund Raided To Plug Deficits, Finance Other Programs...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
:eek: WTG Socialists/Progressives! Another wonderful success story. Just when you thought they couldn't stoop any lower. Yikes!

After the 2001 terrorist attacks, California lawmakers sought a way to channel the patriotic fervor and use it to help victims' families and law enforcement. Their answer: specialty memorial license plates emblazoned with the words, "We Will Never Forget."

Part of the money raised through the sale of the plates was to fund scholarships for the children of California residents who perished in the attacks, while the majority -- 85 percent -- was to help fund anti-terrorism efforts.

But an Associated Press review of the $15 million collected since lawmakers approved the "California Memorial Scholarship Program" shows only a small fraction of the money went to scholarships. While 40 percent has funded anti-terror training programs, $3 million was raided by Gov. Jerry Brown and his predecessor, Arnold Schwarzenegger, to plug the state's budget deficit.

Millions more have been spent on budget items with little relation to direct threats of terrorism, including livestock diseases and workplace safety.

Moreover, the California Department of Motor Vehicles has been advertising the plates as helping the children of Sept. 11 victims even though the state stopped funding the scholarship program seven years ago. The specialty plate fund continues to take in $1.5 million a year.

Californians who lost loved ones in the attacks take the raid on the license plate fund as an affront to the memory of those who died.

"I can't believe that they would do that," said Candice Hoglan, who lives in the San Francisco Bay Area and bought a plate to commemorate her nephew, Mark Bingham. "We're paying extra for the plate; we're making a point, and it means a lot to us."

Bingham was killed on United Airlines Flight 93, which crashed in Pennsylvania, and was one of the passengers who led the attempt to wrest control from the hijackers. His mother, Alice Hoagland, also was troubled by the program's apparent drift from its original purpose...

Read more: California 9/11 fund raided to plug deficits, finance other programs | Fox News
are you surprised? not.....this State has done stuff like that since last Century....
So another Statist 'cash cow' that will be milked beyond the stated purpose? No surprise.
If you aren't a thief or a scumbag first, you simply cannot make the leap to becoming a Democratic Politician.
Fr instance, there's a town next door to here, an order of magnitude in population larger than my chosen hamlet, where when times get bad we still "Sink more deeply into our God and our guns", where the Library received a bequest of a million dollars from one of the town's deceased residents.
As the story goes, in 2010 the town had also just elected its first Democratic First Selectman in something like the last fifty to one hundred years. The incoming Democrat, determined to leave his stamp on the town government brought in his own entourage of scoundrels and grifters, including a new town attorney whose business practice is located in the 100,000 plus population cesspool some ten or so miles away where the last official acts in office by two of its last four mayors were attempts to outrun the FBI agents in hot pursuit on foot into the nearest Cathedral in the hope that once reaching Church property the FBI would be unable to make the arrests therein.
Amazed and shocked at the size of the local library's endowment, the First Selectmen and Town Attorney soon began salivating at the size of the loot pile and plotting away between them to come up with ways to get their hands on that million dollar prize. Unfortunately for the Librarians, who formerly had had a free hand in disbursing their previously much smaller gifts and bequests, the town gained complete control of all the Library's financial resources and the Librarians must now make separate requests for funds at the monthly town meetings for items as trivial as toilet paper for the library restrooms. Needless to say, any future potential beficiaries to that towns library are likely to hesitate long and hard before making any endowment of that size again.
Heck , mexifornians have wants that must be addressed immediately by any means necessary........

Because californians "care"
You gotta' lump "The Governator" in with that group as well. So much promise, so much deception.

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