California Again Leads the Way - Allows "Willful Defiance" in Schools

Meh. My niece's half-sister has been diagnosed with something they call Oppositional Defiance Disorder which makes her officially a brat I guess. It is the freaking drugs. They diagnose you with something and give you a pill. That pill has a side-effect, so they add a second diagnosis and another pill. The first two pills together have a side-effect, so they rinse and repeat and repeat and repeat. Seems like every few months since her original ADD diagnosis they add on something and yet another pill without ever taking away any of the other pills.
to me - it's all this medication on people that has caused a lot of our issues. how come we never needed these "drugs" 30+ years ago and we did just fine? now that we do that as a form of raising kids, we see a lot more problems from behavior to school shootings.

We're pushing harder and harder to make school mean "sit down and shut up", when children of school age naturally want to do the opposite.
As did we at that age. But we complied because we knew not to brought disciplinary consequences we wanted no part of.
Meh. My niece's half-sister has been diagnosed with something they call Oppositional Defiance Disorder which makes her officially a brat I guess. It is the freaking drugs. They diagnose you with something and give you a pill. That pill has a side-effect, so they add a second diagnosis and another pill. The first two pills together have a side-effect, so they rinse and repeat and repeat and repeat. Seems like every few months since her original ADD diagnosis they add on something and yet another pill without ever taking away any of the other pills.
to me - it's all this medication on people that has caused a lot of our issues. how come we never needed these "drugs" 30+ years ago and we did just fine? now that we do that as a form of raising kids, we see a lot more problems from behavior to school shootings.

We're pushing harder and harder to make school mean "sit down and shut up", when children of school age naturally want to do the opposite.
As did we at that age. But we complied because we knew not to brought disciplinary consequences we wanted no part of.
take that away, then why "behave". you're encouraging bad behavior and that's all there is to it.
and as a Whole i don't have any use for teachers as i find MANY of them to be a huge part of the problem . And then allowing for remedies as described in post number 10 are just BS because the higher ups [admins] are just as bad as some of the teachers .
I remember as a teenager dropping an f bomb in school within earshot of the vice principal. I took a shot right to the temple with a reminder that I wasn't out on a street corner.

Last I did that.

Quick corporal punishment works to change behavior.
"The bill’s author, Senator Nancy Skinner (D-9th District), previously talked about the need for the bill, saying: “Under this highly subjective category, students are sent to an empty home, with no supervision, and denied valuable instructional time for anything from failing to turn in homework, not paying attention, or refusing to follow directions, taking off a coat or hat, or swearing in class.”
This is fucking idiot demonstrates the leftist world view as it apples to education: The interests of the school in general or a specific classroom is not nearly as important as coddling and indulging the lowest common demoninator in any given class.

Being in a place with "supervision" or being denied "valuable instruction time" is not really a thing that willfully defiant and disruptive students care for.and quite often valuable instructional time is denied to ALL the students in a class room when these sorts of students are allowed to control the authority figures around them.

I repeat, Nancy Skinner is a fucking idiot.
Meanwhile in Florida, we recently did away with common core. Thanks Ron DeSantis, thank you for getting things done and not monkeying around.
I remember as a teenager dropping an f bomb in school within earshot of the vice principal. I took a shot right to the temple with a reminder that I wasn't out on a street corner.

Last I did that.

Quick corporal punishment works to change behavior.

I was on the floor before I realized what hit me. A blow to the temple is very effective at disorientating someone. And although I learned a lesson from it, that's not the whole of it. The other students I was talking with also learned from the event.

This kind of immediate punishment has a lot of benefits and not just to those who are on the receiving end of it.
We had paddling up until 12th grade. :dunno:
Also they restricted guns to 2 per vehicle in the student parking lot.

Guns were never "demonized" in America.....until Progressivism (aka Fascism) took root.
And as the Left created more and more criminals, they then needed to further and further restrict everyone else's rights to compensate....of course.

Progress to the left is where....
Criminals run the prisons and politics....
The insane run the asylums...

And the rest of society is programmed or forced to either serve or support those two
Meh. My niece's half-sister has been diagnosed with something they call Oppositional Defiance Disorder which makes her officially a brat I guess. It is the freaking drugs. They diagnose you with something and give you a pill. That pill has a side-effect, so they add a second diagnosis and another pill. The first two pills together have a side-effect, so they rinse and repeat and repeat and repeat. Seems like every few months since her original ADD diagnosis they add on something and yet another pill without ever taking away any of the other pills.
to me - it's all this medication on people that has caused a lot of our issues. how come we never needed these "drugs" 30+ years ago and we did just fine? now that we do that as a form of raising kids, we see a lot more problems from behavior to school shootings.

We're pushing harder and harder to make school mean "sit down and shut up", when children of school age naturally want to do the opposite.
As did we at that age. But we complied because we knew not to brought disciplinary consequences we wanted no part of.

That is part of it but also teachers had more flexibility/time than the current lesson plans allow for.
I remember as a teenager dropping an f bomb in school within earshot of the vice principal. I took a shot right to the temple with a reminder that I wasn't out on a street corner.

Last I did that.

Quick corporal punishment works to change behavior.

I was on the floor before I realized what hit me. A blow to the temple is very effective at disorientating someone. And although I learned a lesson from it, that's not the whole of it. The other students I was talking with also learned from the event.

This kind of immediate punishment has a lot of benefits and not just to those who are on the receiving end of it.
Yes they all learned to ignore assault and battery of a juvenile..How responsible of them.
I remember as a teenager dropping an f bomb in school within earshot of the vice principal. I took a shot right to the temple with a reminder that I wasn't out on a street corner.

Last I did that.

Quick corporal punishment works to change behavior.

I was on the floor before I realized what hit me. A blow to the temple is very effective at disorientating someone. And although I learned a lesson from it, that's not the whole of it. The other students I was talking with also learned from the event.

This kind of immediate punishment has a lot of benefits and not just to those who are on the receiving end of it.
Yes they all learned to ignore assault and battery of a juvenile..How responsible of them.

All I can say is that it was effective at teaching me to clean up my language in school
I remember as a teenager dropping an f bomb in school within earshot of the vice principal. I took a shot right to the temple with a reminder that I wasn't out on a street corner.

Last I did that.

Quick corporal punishment works to change behavior.

I was on the floor before I realized what hit me. A blow to the temple is very effective at disorientating someone. And although I learned a lesson from it, that's not the whole of it. The other students I was talking with also learned from the event.

This kind of immediate punishment has a lot of benefits and not just to those who are on the receiving end of it.
Yes they all learned to ignore assault and battery of a juvenile..How responsible of them.

All I can say is that it was effective at teaching me to clean up my language in school
Ghee you couldn't figure that out for yourself?
I remember as a teenager dropping an f bomb in school within earshot of the vice principal. I took a shot right to the temple with a reminder that I wasn't out on a street corner.

Last I did that.

Quick corporal punishment works to change behavior.

I was on the floor before I realized what hit me. A blow to the temple is very effective at disorientating someone. And although I learned a lesson from it, that's not the whole of it. The other students I was talking with also learned from the event.

This kind of immediate punishment has a lot of benefits and not just to those who are on the receiving end of it.
Yes they all learned to ignore assault and battery of a juvenile..How responsible of them.

All I can say is that it was effective at teaching me to clean up my language in school
Ghee you couldn't figure that out for yourself?

As a teenager, the temptation is to be a rebel. Nowadays, that means going to school wearing a dress (for a boy). Back in the day, it was cussing and drinking beer, sniffing glue.
I remember as a teenager dropping an f bomb in school within earshot of the vice principal. I took a shot right to the temple with a reminder that I wasn't out on a street corner.

Last I did that.

Quick corporal punishment works to change behavior.

I was on the floor before I realized what hit me. A blow to the temple is very effective at disorientating someone. And although I learned a lesson from it, that's not the whole of it. The other students I was talking with also learned from the event.

This kind of immediate punishment has a lot of benefits and not just to those who are on the receiving end of it.
Yes they all learned to ignore assault and battery of a juvenile..How responsible of them.

All I can say is that it was effective at teaching me to clean up my language in school
Ghee you couldn't figure that out for yourself?

As a teenager, the temptation is to be a rebel. Nowadays, that means going to school wearing a dress (for a boy). Back in the day, it was cussing and drinking beer, sniffing glue.
I never managed to do it so I guess I wasn't in need of rebelling.
Meh. My niece's half-sister has been diagnosed with something they call Oppositional Defiance Disorder which makes her officially a brat I guess. It is the freaking drugs. They diagnose you with something and give you a pill. That pill has a side-effect, so they add a second diagnosis and another pill. The first two pills together have a side-effect, so they rinse and repeat and repeat and repeat. Seems like every few months since her original ADD diagnosis they add on something and yet another pill without ever taking away any of the other pills.
to me - it's all this medication on people that has caused a lot of our issues. how come we never needed these "drugs" 30+ years ago and we did just fine? now that we do that as a form of raising kids, we see a lot more problems from behavior to school shootings.

We're pushing harder and harder to make school mean "sit down and shut up", when children of school age naturally want to do the opposite.

Doesn't just apply to schools though. That is the politick of the pubic square--silence the opposition by denying them the opportunity to express, believe, or act in a way the Star Chamber disapproves of.
California May Ban Schools From Suspending Students For ‘Willful Defiance’

yea. nothing bad can come of this.

here gangs, take the schools. we never really had control anyway.

When the teacher shortage is absolutely blistering in ten years, give or one wonder why. Mark my words.
no, they'll wonder. they keep doing things that in their mind will be beneficial to people but people don't always do what you think they will. seldom quite often instead. you don't punish people for doing something wrong then what is right and wrong changes.

we've had enough of that.

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