California as a warning for America

You are a typical tea bagging jerk. I voted Republican only once in my life and that was for the current stupid Republican governor. So don't call me a typical voter. You know nothing about me. Take your little attitude and shove it.

tsk tsk tsk,,, little temper there honey bunny???

I suggest you read what Harry said in his post. Maybe you got confused. He was the one with the temper tantrum, not I. Some people just can't deal with the truth.

Now let's see which one of you loser bag heads answers this post with your swearing and name calling. :eusa_think:

Let us KNOW when you locate the truth? BTW? It's all around you but you refuse to acknowledge it you TROLL.
Thank God you are not the majority and probably never will be again ever.

yea because whats happening in this state makes me feel so happy for Democrats being in charge.....another typical California non-Cali folks getting the idea yet of why this state is going under?....
Yep. Sure do. And those of like-mind are in charge in DC, and if not voted OUT? The rest of this Republic will resemble California. *I'll have NO part of it*

Oh. You're leaving?
You and rinata are the only things transparent about this democratic party. :razz:

And your firm, factual evidence of that is.........?

You people keep voting for a democrat in Ca.

"A" democrat? The governor is a Republican, dolt.

They have no fiscal responsibility in that state. The deficit keeps rising, and they want to tax individuals even more. Right now Ca. is only behind New York in highest State Income Tax.

We have the largest population, the largest infrastructure, the largest ILLEGAL population (thanks to our federally 'controlled' borders) and we still pay more to the RED welfare states than we take in.

Yet there you are, bo....rinata keep voting them in. Sorry for you to have to live in a republican district, rinata. I know you vote democrat...

Really? You know that? Produce my last 4 voting ballots, dolt.

you two can't admit that it's the liberal ways that help get this state into the position it's in. Yes, illegals don't help the situation, but it's the democrats that are perpetuating the problem in that state. Look at the santuary cities, democrat mayors in both of the major cities that have it. I've already addressed the RINO gov. Most of the republicans politicians in Ca.are just a little better than the dems, you people are going to have to figure it out at the polls.
McClintock is laughed at by the other politicians, and he's probably the only fiscally conservative in the legislature...unless he's termed out...I can't remember.

Because McClintock is laughable. You think? (Apparently not)

Businesses are leaving the state for other states and overseas because they are more business friendly than Ca., and their taxing system.

Isn't that odd? The business parks are GROWING around here...even during a recession.

Might want to look beyond the "D", or the "R", and actually start looking what really needs to be done in your state.

Well, one things for sure, we aren't going to get better listening to partisan dolts from outside our state try to tell us what to do and who to vote for in their little fantasy solution land.

In the county where I live in Idaho,

Ah.....that explains a GREAT's the Militias doing?

65% of the residence are ex Californians....can you guess why? None that I have met up here are democrats, and all that I have met haven't regretted moving up here.

Thank them for us, will you?
yea because whats happening in this state makes me feel so happy for Democrats being in charge.....another typical California non-Cali folks getting the idea yet of why this state is going under?....
Yep. Sure do. And those of like-mind are in charge in DC, and if not voted OUT? The rest of this Republic will resemble California. *I'll have NO part of it*

Oh. You're leaving?

As opposed as I am to replying to stinkin' Trolls as yourself? Don't count on it. Myself and millions like me will defeat you, and your arrogant ignorence.

California used to be a Republic. It still is. A TACO Republic
Congressman Tom McClintock offered remarks in Washington , D.C. , on Friday to the Competitive Enterprise Institute and Pacific Research Institute that clearly illustrate why California is facing such a large fiscal mess. His beginning joke is so funny because it is so true:

"I know that everybody likes to poke fun at California - but I can tell you right now that despite all of its problems, California remains one of the best places in the world to build a successful small business. All you have to do is start with a successful large business."

Here is the rest of the speech:

Laugh if you will, but let me remind you that when these policies finish wrecking California, there are still 49 other states we can all move to - and yours is one of them.

I should also warn you of the strange sense of déjà-vu that I have every day on the House floor as I watch the same folly and blunders that wrecked California now being passed with reckless abandon in this Congress.

We passed a "Cash-for-Clunkers" bill the other day - we did that years ago in California .

Doubling the entire debt every five years? Been there.

Increasing spending at unsustainable rates? Done that.

Save-the-Planet-Carbon-Dioxide restrictions? Got the T-Shirt.

To understand how these policies can utterly destroy an economy and bankrupt a government, you have to remember the Golden State in its Golden Age.

A generation ago, California spent about half what it does today AFTER adjusting for both inflation and population growth.

And yet, we had the finest highway system in the world and the finest public school system in the country. California offered a FREE university education to every Californian who wanted one. We produced water and electricity so cheaply that many communities didn't bother to measure the stuff. Our unemployment rate consistently ran well below the national rate and its diversified economy was nearly recession-proof.

One thing - and one thing only - has changed in those years: public policy. The political Left gradually gained dominance over California 's government and has imposed a disastrous agenda of radical and retrograde policies that have destroyed the quality of life that Californians once took for granted.

The Census Bureau reports that in the last two years 2/3 of a million more people have moved out of California than have moved into it. Many are leaving for the garden spots of Nevada , Arizona and Texas . Think about that. California is blessed with the most equitable climate in the entire Western Hemisphere; it has the most bountiful resources anywhere in the continental United States; it is poised on the Pacific Rim in a position to dominate world trade for the next century, and yet people are finding a better place to live and work and raise their families in the middle of the Nevada and Arizona and Texas deserts.

I submit to you that no conceivable act of God could wreak such devastation as to turn California into a less desirable place to live than the middle of the Nevada Nuclear Test Range . Only Acts of Government can do that. And they have.

You can trace the collapse of California's economy to several critical events: the rise of environmental Ludditism beginning in 1974; the abandonment of constitutional checks and balances that once constrained spending and borrowing; and the rise of rule by public employee unions . There are other factors as well: litigation, taxation, illegal immigration - but for the sake of time let me concentrate on the big three.


Man, I wish there was some way I could give the Congressman rep for that speech. I'll have to settle for giving it to Willow for posting it.
Congressman Tom McClintock offered remarks in Washington , D.C. , on Friday to the Competitive Enterprise Institute and Pacific Research Institute that clearly illustrate why California is facing such a large fiscal mess. His beginning joke is so funny because it is so true:

"I know that everybody likes to poke fun at California - but I can tell you right now that despite all of its problems, California remains one of the best places in the world to build a successful small business. All you have to do is start with a successful large business."

Here is the rest of the speech:

Laugh if you will, but let me remind you that when these policies finish wrecking California, there are still 49 other states we can all move to - and yours is one of them.

I should also warn you of the strange sense of déjà-vu that I have every day on the House floor as I watch the same folly and blunders that wrecked California now being passed with reckless abandon in this Congress.

We passed a "Cash-for-Clunkers" bill the other day - we did that years ago in California .

Doubling the entire debt every five years? Been there.

Increasing spending at unsustainable rates? Done that.

Save-the-Planet-Carbon-Dioxide restrictions? Got the T-Shirt.

To understand how these policies can utterly destroy an economy and bankrupt a government, you have to remember the Golden State in its Golden Age.

A generation ago, California spent about half what it does today AFTER adjusting for both inflation and population growth.

And yet, we had the finest highway system in the world and the finest public school system in the country. California offered a FREE university education to every Californian who wanted one. We produced water and electricity so cheaply that many communities didn't bother to measure the stuff. Our unemployment rate consistently ran well below the national rate and its diversified economy was nearly recession-proof.

One thing - and one thing only - has changed in those years: public policy. The political Left gradually gained dominance over California 's government and has imposed a disastrous agenda of radical and retrograde policies that have destroyed the quality of life that Californians once took for granted.

The Census Bureau reports that in the last two years 2/3 of a million more people have moved out of California than have moved into it. Many are leaving for the garden spots of Nevada , Arizona and Texas . Think about that. California is blessed with the most equitable climate in the entire Western Hemisphere; it has the most bountiful resources anywhere in the continental United States; it is poised on the Pacific Rim in a position to dominate world trade for the next century, and yet people are finding a better place to live and work and raise their families in the middle of the Nevada and Arizona and Texas deserts.

I submit to you that no conceivable act of God could wreak such devastation as to turn California into a less desirable place to live than the middle of the Nevada Nuclear Test Range . Only Acts of Government can do that. And they have.

You can trace the collapse of California's economy to several critical events: the rise of environmental Ludditism beginning in 1974; the abandonment of constitutional checks and balances that once constrained spending and borrowing; and the rise of rule by public employee unions . There are other factors as well: litigation, taxation, illegal immigration - but for the sake of time let me concentrate on the big three.


That's HILARIOUS! Now, ask McLintock how he's done in past elections for state office like governor, etc. That's even funnier.

The more people that move to Texas and other places, the better it will be for those of us who stay.

Yes, we can all see how California is improving by leaps and bounds every year while its people flood out like rats deserting a sinking ship. Speaking as a resident of one of the bordering states, let me just say that I can almost stand on my porch and hear the giant sucking noise as California goes down the toilet.

But since you're part of the problem, I can understand your desire to pull the blankets over your head and pretend there's no problem at all. If you ever get over your denial, see if you can - very specifically - trace California's problems to some source other than disastrous public policy. Weren't you the one trying to say it was because Caifornia has a Republican governor? By all means, demonstrate for us how everything was perfect there up until Schwarzenegger took office, and how he's singlehandedly responsible for the decline. I'm sure we'd all be fascinated.
The really horrible thing is they moved up here to Portland. And they are repeating the process

They keep trying here in Arizona, too. Fortunately, Arizonans are catching on a lot faster, and starting to slam on the brakes. Tucson is organizing a recall election to toss out our city "leaders" for implementing a lot of stupid California-style spending, and now coming up and telling us they have to cut the city budget in the police and fire departments. Oh, but don't worry, they're going to make all the cuts in the salaries of "fat cat administrators". :cuckoo:
...that liberals cannot seem to understand that the effects of liberal policies in one government will be repeated when those same policies are adopted by a second government. History repeats itself. If you combine the same ingredients under the same conditions you will get the same results you did last time.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

Doesn't the cliche go that insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results? Case in point.
And your firm, factual evidence of that is.........?

You people keep voting for a democrat in Ca.

"A" democrat? The governor is a Republican, dolt.

We have the largest population, the largest infrastructure, the largest ILLEGAL population (thanks to our federally 'controlled' borders) and we still pay more to the RED welfare states than we take in.

Really? You know that? Produce my last 4 voting ballots, dolt.

Because McClintock is laughable. You think? (Apparently not)

Isn't that odd? The business parks are GROWING around here...even during a recession.

Well, one things for sure, we aren't going to get better listening to partisan dolts from outside our state try to tell us what to do and who to vote for in their little fantasy solution land.

In the county where I live in Idaho,

Ah.....that explains a GREAT's the Militias doing?

65% of the residence are ex Californians....can you guess why? None that I have met up here are democrats, and all that I have met haven't regretted moving up here.

Thank them for us, will you?
You and rinata deserve what you get in Ca. They are near bankruptcy, and you laugh at McClintock. You need not explain another thing about yourself. You couldn't help but prove every point I was trying to make about you, bo. I don't know who has a lower IQ, you or rinata, it can't be any more than that of a garden variety moron. Please don't come up here, it's cold and people actually think, and we wouldn't want you tainting the well. :lol:
That's HILARIOUS! Now, ask McLintock how he's done in past elections for state office like governor, etc. That's even funnier.

The more people that move to Texas and other places, the better it will be for those of us who stay.

Yes, we can all see how California is improving by leaps and bounds every year while its people flood out like rats deserting a sinking ship. Speaking as a resident of one of the bordering states, let me just say that I can almost stand on my porch and hear the giant sucking noise as California goes down the toilet.

But since you're part of the problem, I can understand your desire to pull the blankets over your head and pretend there's no problem at all. If you ever get over your denial, see if you can - very specifically - trace California's problems to some source other than disastrous public policy. Weren't you the one trying to say it was because Caifornia has a Republican governor? By all means, demonstrate for us how everything was perfect there up until Schwarzenegger took office, and how he's singlehandedly responsible for the decline. I'm sure we'd all be fascinated.

And we wish to THANK YOU for staying in your "bordering" state. Are you a Zonie? We laugh at them.
You people keep voting for a democrat in Ca.

"A" democrat? The governor is a Republican, dolt.

We have the largest population, the largest infrastructure, the largest ILLEGAL population (thanks to our federally 'controlled' borders) and we still pay more to the RED welfare states than we take in.

Really? You know that? Produce my last 4 voting ballots, dolt.

Because McClintock is laughable. You think? (Apparently not)

Isn't that odd? The business parks are GROWING around here...even during a recession.

Well, one things for sure, we aren't going to get better listening to partisan dolts from outside our state try to tell us what to do and who to vote for in their little fantasy solution land.

Ah.....that explains a GREAT's the Militias doing?

65% of the residence are ex Californians....can you guess why? None that I have met up here are democrats, and all that I have met haven't regretted moving up here.

Thank them for us, will you?
You and rinata deserve what you get in Ca.

Thank you. We're not stupid (like you) thinking this recession will last forever.

They are near bankruptcy, and you laugh at McClintock.

Yep...because he's quite laughable.

You need not explain another thing about yourself. You couldn't help but prove every point I was trying to make about you, bo.

And those "every point"s are? You never did get around to stating them...just waving a bunch of tough guy comments around in a way that makes you look like an ass.

I don't know who has a lower IQ, you or rinata,

Don't worry...we are comforted in knowing that we couldn't possibly get as low as twice yours.

it can't be any more than that of a garden variety moron.

Tell us what it is like for you to look UP to a 'garden variety moron'. How depressing for you to know that a 'garden variety moron' is Einstein when put up next to you.

Please don't come up here, it's cold and people actually think, and we wouldn't want you tainting the well. :lol:

Actually, I visit friends in Idaho quite a lot....and come right back here...I can only take the inbred crazies for short spells.
Thank God you are not the majority and probably never will be again ever.

yea because whats happening in this state makes me feel so happy for Democrats being in charge.....another typical California non-Cali folks getting the idea yet of why this state is going under?....
Yep. Sure do. And those of like-mind are in charge in DC, and if not voted OUT? The rest of this Republic will resemble California. *I'll have NO part of it*

Where will you go?
tsk tsk tsk,,, little temper there honey bunny???

I suggest you read what Harry said in his post. Maybe you got confused. He was the one with the temper tantrum, not I. Some people just can't deal with the truth.

Now let's see which one of you loser bag heads answers this post with your swearing and name calling. :eusa_think:

Let us KNOW when you locate the truth? BTW? It's all around you but you refuse to acknowledge it you TROLL.

Rinata has only 629 posts in three months and you call her a troll?
Yep. Sure do. And those of like-mind are in charge in DC, and if not voted OUT? The rest of this Republic will resemble California. *I'll have NO part of it*

Oh. You're leaving?

As opposed as I am to replying to stinkin' Trolls as yourself? Don't count on it. Myself and millions like me will defeat you, and your arrogant ignorence.

California used to be a Republic. It still is. A TACO Republic

Do you even know what a troll is? Apparently not.
I suggest you read what Harry said in his post. Maybe you got confused. He was the one with the temper tantrum, not I. Some people just can't deal with the truth.

Now let's see which one of you loser bag heads answers this post with your swearing and name calling. :eusa_think:

Let us KNOW when you locate the truth? BTW? It's all around you but you refuse to acknowledge it you TROLL.

Rinata has only 629 posts in three months and you call her a troll?

well thank God we didn't call her a "bag head." :eek: scuse me.. a "loser bag head."
Congressman Tom McClintock offered remarks in Washington , D.C. , on Friday to the Competitive Enterprise Institute and Pacific Research Institute that clearly illustrate why California is facing such a large fiscal mess. His beginning joke is so funny because it is so true:

"I know that everybody likes to poke fun at California - but I can tell you right now that despite all of its problems, California remains one of the best places in the world to build a successful small business. All you have to do is start with a successful large business."

Here is the rest of the speech:

Laugh if you will, but let me remind you that when these policies finish wrecking California, there are still 49 other states we can all move to - and yours is one of them.

I should also warn you of the strange sense of déjà-vu that I have every day on the House floor as I watch the same folly and blunders that wrecked California now being passed with reckless abandon in this Congress.

We passed a "Cash-for-Clunkers" bill the other day - we did that years ago in California .

Doubling the entire debt every five years? Been there.

Increasing spending at unsustainable rates? Done that.

Save-the-Planet-Carbon-Dioxide restrictions? Got the T-Shirt.

To understand how these policies can utterly destroy an economy and bankrupt a government, you have to remember the Golden State in its Golden Age.

A generation ago, California spent about half what it does today AFTER adjusting for both inflation and population growth.

And yet, we had the finest highway system in the world and the finest public school system in the country. California offered a FREE university education to every Californian who wanted one. We produced water and electricity so cheaply that many communities didn't bother to measure the stuff. Our unemployment rate consistently ran well below the national rate and its diversified economy was nearly recession-proof.

One thing - and one thing only - has changed in those years: public policy. The political Left gradually gained dominance over California 's government and has imposed a disastrous agenda of radical and retrograde policies that have destroyed the quality of life that Californians once took for granted.

The Census Bureau reports that in the last two years 2/3 of a million more people have moved out of California than have moved into it. Many are leaving for the garden spots of Nevada , Arizona and Texas . Think about that. California is blessed with the most equitable climate in the entire Western Hemisphere; it has the most bountiful resources anywhere in the continental United States; it is poised on the Pacific Rim in a position to dominate world trade for the next century, and yet people are finding a better place to live and work and raise their families in the middle of the Nevada and Arizona and Texas deserts.

I submit to you that no conceivable act of God could wreak such devastation as to turn California into a less desirable place to live than the middle of the Nevada Nuclear Test Range . Only Acts of Government can do that. And they have.

You can trace the collapse of California's economy to several critical events: the rise of environmental Ludditism beginning in 1974; the abandonment of constitutional checks and balances that once constrained spending and borrowing; and the rise of rule by public employee unions . There are other factors as well: litigation, taxation, illegal immigration - but for the sake of time let me concentrate on the big three.


Man, I wish there was some way I could give the Congressman rep for that speech. I'll have to settle for giving it to Willow for posting it.

I would add to his list the simple fact that too many people moved there during Califiornia's prime BECAUSE it was the pot at the end of the rainbow. People will always prefer to live on a yacht instead of a raft. They moved to CA in droves in the 60's and 70's and the governing bodies had to deal with too many people. It wasn't as though they could post a sign at every highway entrance to the state that said "Welcome to California, now please go home." Too much of a good thing always turns out bad, and California has had to learn that the hard way.
Harry, look who your talking about....rinata, bo, wry....hell, if hitler, or Mao were democrats they would vote for them, too.
These ARE the people who got Ca. in trouble. They know arnie is a RINO, but it's that "R". They forget that arnie doesn't legistlate, he just signs. it's the party in power with Ca. and that would be DEMOCRATS. They are the ones that LEGISLATE all the bullshit that gets passed in Ca.

i understand ya Meister....Bo i dont think is that dumb,she was fucking with us.....but the other one...Rinoto ....there is a REAL live dumbass.....she has trouble throwing a ham sandwich together unless the directions are in the bag....

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