California as a warning for America

well least you can handle yourself,ill give you that much,unlike dont run off hang with the "nasty guys".....good for you.....

Yeah, I will give her that much, Harry. I don't think she negged me. :lol:

I very, very, very rarely neg's all about the debate.

your alright Bo.....unlike our fellow resident,who is in her room right now uncontrolably weeping about those two rascally guys Meister and Harry.....
I suggest you read what Harry said in his post. Maybe you got confused. He was the one with the temper tantrum, not I. Some people just can't deal with the truth.

Now let's see which one of you loser bag heads answers this post with your swearing and name calling. :eusa_think:

Let us KNOW when you locate the truth? BTW? It's all around you but you refuse to acknowledge it you TROLL.

That's all. The thread has been taken over by the dumbest of the right. I'm done. Trying to talk to you people is like trying to catch lightning in a bottle.

Ah don't let the bullies run you off. They can't stand it when someone articulates well a position that they disagree with. The comments here are par for the course. When they start injecting the F-word several times in one paragraph, you'll know you're doing something right! (Er, correct...)
You are a typical tea bagging jerk. I voted Republican only once in my life and that was for the current stupid Republican governor. So don't call me a typical voter. You know nothing about me. Take your little attitude and shove it.

tsk tsk tsk,,, little temper there honey bunny???

oh yea the spots been hit....she is probably throwing things at her old man....thinking its me or meister....:lol:

Says the guy who now alleges she has a flat chest but wouldn't have a clue about that. What's wrong with you, Harry? Usually you're above little hissy fits.
Let us KNOW when you locate the truth? BTW? It's all around you but you refuse to acknowledge it you TROLL.

That's all. The thread has been taken over by the dumbest of the right. I'm done. Trying to talk to you people is like trying to catch lightning in a bottle.

Ah don't let the bullies run you off. They can't stand it when someone articulates well a position that they disagree with. The comments here are par for the course. When they start injecting the F-word several times in one paragraph, you'll know you're doing something right! (Er, correct...)

Someone injected the F bomb? Really?
Let us KNOW when you locate the truth? BTW? It's all around you but you refuse to acknowledge it you TROLL.

That's all. The thread has been taken over by the dumbest of the right. I'm done. Trying to talk to you people is like trying to catch lightning in a bottle.

Ah don't let the bullies run you off. They can't stand it when someone articulates well a position that they disagree with. The comments here are par for the course. When they start injecting the F-word several times in one paragraph, you'll know you're doing something right! (Er, correct...)

Your post is right on!!! Sometimes I'm just not in the mood, Maggie. But you are right about the F bombs. I always know that I've gotten to them. They drop those F bombs on me like crazy!!! And another thing. They always send me a neg rep. They think we're in 2nd grade, because they gloat and think that I should be so upset. Bunch of twits!!! :razz:
One thing - and one thing only - has changed in those years: public policy. The political Left gradually gained dominance over California 's government and has imposed a disastrous agenda of radical and retrograde policies that have destroyed the quality of life that Californians once took for granted.
And that's all he says, and that's all it takes to win the weeping republican Willow over.
That's all. The thread has been taken over by the dumbest of the right. I'm done. Trying to talk to you people is like trying to catch lightning in a bottle.

Ah don't let the bullies run you off. They can't stand it when someone articulates well a position that they disagree with. The comments here are par for the course. When they start injecting the F-word several times in one paragraph, you'll know you're doing something right! (Er, correct...)

Your post is right on!!! Sometimes I'm just not in the mood, Maggie. But you are right about the F bombs. I always know that I've gotten to them. They drop those F bombs on me like crazy!!! And another thing. They always send me a neg rep. They think we're in 2nd grade, because they gloat and think that I should be so upset. Bunch of twits!!! :razz:

rinata, have I used the f-bomb, and have i neg repped you?
Let us KNOW when you locate the truth? BTW? It's all around you but you refuse to acknowledge it you TROLL.

That's all. The thread has been taken over by the dumbest of the right. I'm done. Trying to talk to you people is like trying to catch lightning in a bottle.

Ah don't let the bullies run you off. They can't stand it when someone articulates well a position that they disagree with. The comments here are par for the course. When they start injecting the F-word several times in one paragraph, you'll know you're doing something right! (Er, correct...)

I'm still waiting for rinata to articulate a position of her own, and not just a left wing talking point.
Thinking about it, you negged me yesterday, and I didn't retaliate. What's up with you?

her did? :eek:

so have we reached a conclusion.. Is all well in good in California or was the writer of the article correct?? which..
tsk tsk tsk,,, little temper there honey bunny???

oh yea the spots been hit....she is probably throwing things at her old man....thinking its me or meister....:lol:

Says the guy who now alleges she has a flat chest but wouldn't have a clue about that. What's wrong with you, Harry? Usually you're above little hissy fits.

when i see my state being ruined by people like Rinata i get pissed off Maggie....if she was bad mouthing these basterds i would have at least been thinking she is not one of those who keeps voting them in.....instead she bad mouths Arnold,its ALL his fault of course, and she defends the Legislature,they have no part in the States demize,its all Arnold.....there was another thread a few months back Maggie, where she was was going pretty good defending Pelosi as being one of the best people in Congress and how lucky we all are to have her......wanna get me going....tell me how wonderful Pelosi is,and all the wonderful things she has done for us....Rinata can kiss my ass.....
Thinking about it, you negged me yesterday, and I didn't retaliate. What's up with you?

her did? :eek:

so have we reached a conclusion.. Is all well in good in California or was the writer of the article correct?? which..

Let's just say it's not good in all.
I for one, think the writer of the article is spot on, and McClintock is spot on, but he's swimming against the current in that state. Too bad for California, because they will have to hit rock bottom before they wake up. This thread has shown that, Willow. Look how they defend the indefenseible. That is just unbelievable.
They can be mind boggling can't they? They can't believe their lying eyes, and if they could they would blame it on boooooooooooh..
Thinking about it, you negged me yesterday, and I didn't retaliate. What's up with you?

her did? :eek:

so have we reached a conclusion.. Is all well in good in California or was the writer of the article correct?? which..

Rep.McClintok is absolutely right Willow.....and he was the only Candidate talking about this....but the Droids in California dont want to hear about cutting Entitlement programs for the Illegals and those who needed the help at one time and 20 years later they are still getting help,the State Unions who have some pretty dam good Contracts and a gaggle of others to numerous to list....AND a thing called.... STOP SPENDING!!!! ....they DONT like those two words....Arnolds State of the State money, but he is talking about more programs.....THAT COST MONEY.....i dont know what can be said either vote for someone new or the same people, who's only idea to fix a problem, is to throw more money at it.....and we all know what that means.....when we go down the tubes,dont reach for us.....cause we will drag you down with us.....we are two heavy with BullShit......
The one thing I will say about Arnold, is that he was brought in via a recall. That in itself is a big call, and if you are going to do that to somebody else, you better have the answers.
oh yea the spots been hit....she is probably throwing things at her old man....thinking its me or meister....:lol:

Says the guy who now alleges she has a flat chest but wouldn't have a clue about that. What's wrong with you, Harry? Usually you're above little hissy fits.

when i see my state being ruined by people like Rinata i get pissed off Maggie....if she was bad mouthing these basterds i would have at least been thinking she is not one of those who keeps voting them in.....instead she bad mouths Arnold,its ALL his fault of course, and she defends the Legislature,they have no part in the States demize,its all Arnold.....there was another thread a few months back Maggie, where she was was going pretty good defending Pelosi as being one of the best people in Congress and how lucky we all are to have her......wanna get me going....tell me how wonderful Pelosi is,and all the wonderful things she has done for us....Rinata can kiss my ass.....

You are a liar, straight up. I have never once defended Pelosi, let alone say what you have accused me of saying. One of the best people in Congress, we are lucky to have her, she's wonderful, she's done wonderful things for us???? LIAR!!!!

I'll take criticism any day of the week, but you people don't play fair. You all lie constantly. Nobody believes that I said that, I'm sure. It doesn't even sound like me. I think you're the biggest liar on here. You just won the prize. Congratulations.

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