California Bans SINGING During ON-LINE Church Services

California County Bans Singing During Online Church Services, ‘Abortions Are Essential, But Singing in a Streamed Worship Service is Just Too Unsafe’

Mendocino County in California is being criticized for banning singing while churches are recording their online services, unless the people are singing from home


4 people....looks to be about 6 feet apart....what's the deal?

"Per the order, there can only be four people recording from one place and “no singing or use of wind instruments, harmonicas or other instruments that could spread COVID-19 through projected droplets shall be permitted unless the recording of the event is done at one’s residence.”

California is reportedly considering a whole list of other actions to outlaw due to COVID-19:

Blowing Bubbles
- Gum or sudsy child entertainment devices


Blowing out birthday or other celebratory candles

Laughing 'boisterously'
- Chuckles, guffaws, snickers, and 'golf claps' are encouraged

Emojis or Emotes that might cause 'boisterous' laughter

- Especially in Public

That is bizarre. Glad I never considered moving there.
You vote for their kind though, so......
Why in the world would you type something so stupid? I am not sure those types even live in Tennessee, much less run for office. Doubtful they would get elected. This isn't that type of state. Or were you just trying to be naturally insulting, as radical republicans often are. I remember when they used to be normal people, before trump.
Seen your posts. I know who you support. You are either with us or against us.
California County Bans Singing During Online Church Services, ‘Abortions Are Essential, But Singing in a Streamed Worship Service is Just Too Unsafe’

Mendocino County in California is being criticized for banning singing while churches are recording their online services, unless the people are singing from home


4 people....looks to be about 6 feet apart....what's the deal?

"Per the order, there can only be four people recording from one place and “no singing or use of wind instruments, harmonicas or other instruments that could spread COVID-19 through projected droplets shall be permitted unless the recording of the event is done at one’s residence.”

California is reportedly considering a whole list of other actions to outlaw due to COVID-19:

Blowing Bubbles
- Gum or sudsy child entertainment devices


Blowing out birthday or other celebratory candles

Laughing 'boisterously'
- Chuckles, guffaws, snickers, and 'golf claps' are encouraged

Emojis or Emotes that might cause 'boisterous' laughter

- Especially in Public

That is bizarre. Glad I never considered moving there.
You vote for their kind though, so......
Why in the world would you type something so stupid? I am not sure those types even live in Tennessee, much less run for office. Doubtful they would get elected. This isn't that type of state. Or were you just trying to be naturally insulting, as radical republicans often are. I remember when they used to be normal people, before trump.
Seen your posts. I know who you support. You are either with us or against us.
Not a trumper, could never support that lying, no character, carnival barker that the idiots put in office, wanting radical change. Never looked up his records for bankruptcies? History of his political financial support to that other party you hate? Not bothered by his infidelity to 3 wives, repeated accusations of rape, paying off whores while denying he even knows them and hiding it from the public before the election, becoming co-conspirator #1, while his attorney, convicted conspirator #2 goes to jail by himself because his new attorney general says he cannot be indicted while serving as president?
I am not with you. I am for good, open, more honest government and government officials. He and apparently you are against it. He will be gone soon enough.
California County Bans Singing During Online Church Services, ‘Abortions Are Essential, But Singing in a Streamed Worship Service is Just Too Unsafe’

Mendocino County in California is being criticized for banning singing while churches are recording their online services, unless the people are singing from home


4 people....looks to be about 6 feet apart....what's the deal?

"Per the order, there can only be four people recording from one place and “no singing or use of wind instruments, harmonicas or other instruments that could spread COVID-19 through projected droplets shall be permitted unless the recording of the event is done at one’s residence.”

California is reportedly considering a whole list of other actions to outlaw due to COVID-19:

Blowing Bubbles
- Gum or sudsy child entertainment devices


Blowing out birthday or other celebratory candles

Laughing 'boisterously'
- Chuckles, guffaws, snickers, and 'golf claps' are encouraged

Emojis or Emotes that might cause 'boisterous' laughter

- Especially in Public

Who said the government has gone total fascist?
They’re making China look reasonable.
California County Bans Singing During Online Church Services, ‘Abortions Are Essential, But Singing in a Streamed Worship Service is Just Too Unsafe’

Mendocino County in California is being criticized for banning singing while churches are recording their online services, unless the people are singing from home


4 people....looks to be about 6 feet apart....what's the deal?

"Per the order, there can only be four people recording from one place and “no singing or use of wind instruments, harmonicas or other instruments that could spread COVID-19 through projected droplets shall be permitted unless the recording of the event is done at one’s residence.”

California is reportedly considering a whole list of other actions to outlaw due to COVID-19:

Blowing Bubbles
- Gum or sudsy child entertainment devices


Blowing out birthday or other celebratory candles

Laughing 'boisterously'
- Chuckles, guffaws, snickers, and 'golf claps' are encouraged

Emojis or Emotes that might cause 'boisterous' laughter

- Especially in Public

wait.... during ONLINE services? How do you spread corona by singing.... ONLINE?

You don't. This is where the headline immediately becomes suspect. First thing I checked was to see if this was satire from Babylon Bee or sump'm. Second thing was to check the source URL. And there is was, wasn't it.

So I looked up the issue... and it does appear that....

What they said was true. So many churches have been doing online church services. These include a half dozen people, on stage singing, usually spread extremely far apart on stage, and playing instruments.

The ban specifically says, no singing or playing of instruments.

Page 8, sub section C:

No singing or use of wind instruments, harmonicas, or other instruments that could spread COVID-19 through projected droplets shall be permitted unless the recording of the event is done at one’s residence, and involving only the members of one’s household or living unit, because of the increased risk of transmission of COVID-19​

This is too far. Sorry, but this is too far.
Now even when the entire church is completely empty, and you have a whooping 6 people on stage, and likely six people in the church that have been together the entire time regardless.... and you tell them they can't even sing into a camera?

Then we need to ban the White House press corp too. We need to ban all the people at the restaurants too. Heck, we need to ban anyone from being within visual distance of each other.

No, this is ridiculous now. Sorry, but this really is too far. This is over reach. If feel sorry for anyone left in California. What a hell hole that place has become.

Yes, singing. To keep the building itself sanitary. Here's why.

Correct me if I'm wrong... but the WHO did not even declare a pandemic until March 11th, and the choir practice in question, was on March 10th.

So there were no stay at home orders, or any lock down orders, or anything.

So it appears.... that you are singling out this church for not social distancing, during a time when no one was social distancing yet... am I wrong?

Yes, you are. WHO or what proclaimed a pandemic is irrelevant --- the point here is the danger was already known, the choir practice itself was promoted as "optional" for that reason, AND the singers took the precautions of hand sanitizing AND social distancing, whether required by local ordinance or not, and they still infected each other THROUGH THE ACT OF SIGNING. That's the point here.

Singing of course involves the expiration of breath, quite a lot of it, into the air where infected water droplets can carry and/or land on a nearby surface such as a chair or a music stand, which is then touched absentmindedly by the next singer, and so on. So if you're carrying the virus, which you may well be doing with no knowledge of it, the act of singing or blowing into a wind instrument is like being given a radio transmitter to broadcast it.
Leftards don't go to church. So why all the crying?

SINGING, not crying.

The OP is bullshit anyway, it's not about "going to church".

Then don't go to church. What business is it of yours anyway? Half you people hate Church people anyway. By your own immoral logic, you should be in favor of church people going to church so they can all die... right? I've heard anti-church people like yourself, say that for years. You hate us. So why do you care?

No matter the reason people gather together, it's where they go next and what innocent people come in contact with that people should be concerned with. It has nothing to do with hating on the religious, or it shouldn't.

Really? Did you read the law? They can gather at a home completely legally. So same exact people, now meeting at a private residence, completely legal.

Sorry, that logic doesn't fly. This is over reach.
California County Bans Singing During Online Church Services, ‘Abortions Are Essential, But Singing in a Streamed Worship Service is Just Too Unsafe’

Mendocino County in California is being criticized for banning singing while churches are recording their online services, unless the people are singing from home


4 people....looks to be about 6 feet apart....what's the deal?

"Per the order, there can only be four people recording from one place and “no singing or use of wind instruments, harmonicas or other instruments that could spread COVID-19 through projected droplets shall be permitted unless the recording of the event is done at one’s residence.”

California is reportedly considering a whole list of other actions to outlaw due to COVID-19:

Blowing Bubbles
- Gum or sudsy child entertainment devices


Blowing out birthday or other celebratory candles

Laughing 'boisterously'
- Chuckles, guffaws, snickers, and 'golf claps' are encouraged

Emojis or Emotes that might cause 'boisterous' laughter

- Especially in Public

That is bizarre. Glad I never considered moving there.
You vote for their kind though, so......
Why in the world would you type something so stupid? I am not sure those types even live in Tennessee, much less run for office. Doubtful they would get elected. This isn't that type of state. Or were you just trying to be naturally insulting, as radical republicans often are. I remember when they used to be normal people, before trump.
Seen your posts. I know who you support. You are either with us or against us.
Not a trumper, could never support that lying, no character, carnival barker that the idiots put in office, wanting radical change. Never looked up his records for bankruptcies? History of his political financial support to that other party you hate? Not bothered by his infidelity to 3 wives, repeated accusations of rape, paying off whores while denying he even knows them and hiding it from the public before the election, becoming co-conspirator #1, while his attorney, convicted conspirator #2 goes to jail by himself because his new attorney general says he cannot be indicted while serving as president?
I am not with you. I am for good, open, more honest government and government officials. He and apparently you are against it. He will be gone soon enough.
Good to know you won’t be voting for Biden since you hate liars.
California County Bans Singing During Online Church Services, ‘Abortions Are Essential, But Singing in a Streamed Worship Service is Just Too Unsafe’

Mendocino County in California is being criticized for banning singing while churches are recording their online services, unless the people are singing from home


4 people....looks to be about 6 feet apart....what's the deal?

"Per the order, there can only be four people recording from one place and “no singing or use of wind instruments, harmonicas or other instruments that could spread COVID-19 through projected droplets shall be permitted unless the recording of the event is done at one’s residence.”

California is reportedly considering a whole list of other actions to outlaw due to COVID-19:

Blowing Bubbles
- Gum or sudsy child entertainment devices


Blowing out birthday or other celebratory candles

Laughing 'boisterously'
- Chuckles, guffaws, snickers, and 'golf claps' are encouraged

Emojis or Emotes that might cause 'boisterous' laughter

- Especially in Public

wait.... during ONLINE services? How do you spread corona by singing.... ONLINE?

You don't. This is where the headline immediately becomes suspect. First thing I checked was to see if this was satire from Babylon Bee or sump'm. Second thing was to check the source URL. And there is was, wasn't it.

So I looked up the issue... and it does appear that....

What they said was true. So many churches have been doing online church services. These include a half dozen people, on stage singing, usually spread extremely far apart on stage, and playing instruments.

The ban specifically says, no singing or playing of instruments.

Page 8, sub section C:

No singing or use of wind instruments, harmonicas, or other instruments that could spread COVID-19 through projected droplets shall be permitted unless the recording of the event is done at one’s residence, and involving only the members of one’s household or living unit, because of the increased risk of transmission of COVID-19​

This is too far. Sorry, but this is too far.
Now even when the entire church is completely empty, and you have a whooping 6 people on stage, and likely six people in the church that have been together the entire time regardless.... and you tell them they can't even sing into a camera?

Then we need to ban the White House press corp too. We need to ban all the people at the restaurants too. Heck, we need to ban anyone from being within visual distance of each other.

No, this is ridiculous now. Sorry, but this really is too far. This is over reach. If feel sorry for anyone left in California. What a hell hole that place has become.

Yes, singing. To keep the building itself sanitary. Here's why.

Correct me if I'm wrong... but the WHO did not even declare a pandemic until March 11th, and the choir practice in question, was on March 10th.

So there were no stay at home orders, or any lock down orders, or anything.

So it appears.... that you are singling out this church for not social distancing, during a time when no one was social distancing yet... am I wrong?

Yes, you are. WHO or what proclaimed a pandemic is irrelevant --- the point here is the danger was already known, the choir practice itself was promoted as "optional" for that reason, AND the singers took the precautions of hand sanitizing AND social distancing, whether required by local ordinance or not, and they still infected each other THROUGH THE ACT OF SIGNING. That's the point here.

Singing of course involves the expiration of breath, quite a lot of it, into the air where infected water droplets can carry and/or land on a nearby surface such as a chair or a music stand, which is then touched absentmindedly by the next singer, and so on. So if you're carrying the virus, which you may well be doing with no knowledge of it, the act of singing or blowing into a wind instrument is like being given a radio transmitter to broadcast it.
Leftards don't go to church. So why all the crying?

SINGING, not crying.

The OP is bullshit anyway, it's not about "going to church".

Then don't go to church. What business is it of yours anyway? Half you people hate Church people anyway. By your own immoral logic, you should be in favor of church people going to church so they can all die... right? I've heard anti-church people like yourself, say that for years. You hate us. So why do you care?

No matter the reason people gather together, it's where they go next and what innocent people come in contact with that people should be concerned with. It has nothing to do with hating on the religious, or it shouldn't.

This one seems to have selectively "overlooked" the part of the ordinance, already posted, that specifies how it applies to music concerts, plays, conventions, lectures, anything that gathers people in close proximity, and tellingly all he can see is "churches".

Of course, the Cult of Ignorance doesn't DO concerts or plays or lectures, for fear they might actually learn something, so they prolly don't even know what those words mean.

As I said before. The church is empty. No one is there, except a few staff. They are following social distancing laws, as much as a news crew at a news station is. When you shut down CNN.... then I won't have a problem shutting down an online service at a church.
California County Bans Singing During Online Church Services, ‘Abortions Are Essential, But Singing in a Streamed Worship Service is Just Too Unsafe’

Mendocino County in California is being criticized for banning singing while churches are recording their online services, unless the people are singing from home


4 people....looks to be about 6 feet apart....what's the deal?

"Per the order, there can only be four people recording from one place and “no singing or use of wind instruments, harmonicas or other instruments that could spread COVID-19 through projected droplets shall be permitted unless the recording of the event is done at one’s residence.”

California is reportedly considering a whole list of other actions to outlaw due to COVID-19:

Blowing Bubbles
- Gum or sudsy child entertainment devices


Blowing out birthday or other celebratory candles

Laughing 'boisterously'
- Chuckles, guffaws, snickers, and 'golf claps' are encouraged

Emojis or Emotes that might cause 'boisterous' laughter

- Especially in Public

wait.... during ONLINE services? How do you spread corona by singing.... ONLINE?

You don't. This is where the headline immediately becomes suspect. First thing I checked was to see if this was satire from Babylon Bee or sump'm. Second thing was to check the source URL. And there is was, wasn't it.

So I looked up the issue... and it does appear that....

What they said was true. So many churches have been doing online church services. These include a half dozen people, on stage singing, usually spread extremely far apart on stage, and playing instruments.

The ban specifically says, no singing or playing of instruments.

Page 8, sub section C:

No singing or use of wind instruments, harmonicas, or other instruments that could spread COVID-19 through projected droplets shall be permitted unless the recording of the event is done at one’s residence, and involving only the members of one’s household or living unit, because of the increased risk of transmission of COVID-19​

This is too far. Sorry, but this is too far.
Now even when the entire church is completely empty, and you have a whooping 6 people on stage, and likely six people in the church that have been together the entire time regardless.... and you tell them they can't even sing into a camera?

Then we need to ban the White House press corp too. We need to ban all the people at the restaurants too. Heck, we need to ban anyone from being within visual distance of each other.

No, this is ridiculous now. Sorry, but this really is too far. This is over reach. If feel sorry for anyone left in California. What a hell hole that place has become.

Yes, singing. To keep the building itself sanitary. Here's why.

Correct me if I'm wrong... but the WHO did not even declare a pandemic until March 11th, and the choir practice in question, was on March 10th.

So there were no stay at home orders, or any lock down orders, or anything.

So it appears.... that you are singling out this church for not social distancing, during a time when no one was social distancing yet... am I wrong?

Yes, you are. WHO or what proclaimed a pandemic is irrelevant --- the point here is the danger was already known, the choir practice itself was promoted as "optional" for that reason, AND the singers took the precautions of hand sanitizing AND social distancing, whether required by local ordinance or not, and they still infected each other THROUGH THE ACT OF SIGNING. That's the point here.

Singing of course involves the expiration of breath, quite a lot of it, into the air where infected water droplets can carry and/or land on a nearby surface such as a chair or a music stand, which is then touched absentmindedly by the next singer, and so on. So if you're carrying the virus, which you may well be doing with no knowledge of it, the act of singing or blowing into a wind instrument is like being given a radio transmitter to broadcast it.
Leftards don't go to church. So why all the crying?

SINGING, not crying.

The OP is bullshit anyway, it's not about "going to church".

Then don't go to church. What business is it of yours anyway? Half you people hate Church people anyway. By your own immoral logic, you should be in favor of church people going to church so they can all die... right? I've heard anti-church people like yourself, say that for years. You hate us. So why do you care?

No matter the reason people gather together, it's where they go next and what innocent people come in contact with that people should be concerned with. It has nothing to do with hating on the religious, or it shouldn't.

This one seems to have selectively "overlooked" the part of the ordinance, already posted, that specifies how it applies to music concerts, plays, conventions, lectures, anything that gathers people in close proximity, and tellingly all he can see is "churches".

Of course, the Cult of Ignorance doesn't DO concerts or plays or lectures, for fear they might actually learn something, so they prolly don't even know what those words mean.

As I said before. The church is empty. No one is there, except a few staff. They are following social distancing laws, as much as a news crew at a news station is. When you shut down CNN.... then I won't have a problem shutting down an online service at a church.

That's absolutely fascinating, although irrelevant here as there's online service at a church that's been shut down in the first place.
California County Bans Singing During Online Church Services, ‘Abortions Are Essential, But Singing in a Streamed Worship Service is Just Too Unsafe’

Mendocino County in California is being criticized for banning singing while churches are recording their online services, unless the people are singing from home


4 people....looks to be about 6 feet apart....what's the deal?

"Per the order, there can only be four people recording from one place and “no singing or use of wind instruments, harmonicas or other instruments that could spread COVID-19 through projected droplets shall be permitted unless the recording of the event is done at one’s residence.”

California is reportedly considering a whole list of other actions to outlaw due to COVID-19:

Blowing Bubbles
- Gum or sudsy child entertainment devices


Blowing out birthday or other celebratory candles

Laughing 'boisterously'
- Chuckles, guffaws, snickers, and 'golf claps' are encouraged

Emojis or Emotes that might cause 'boisterous' laughter

- Especially in Public

wait.... during ONLINE services? How do you spread corona by singing.... ONLINE?

You don't. This is where the headline immediately becomes suspect. First thing I checked was to see if this was satire from Babylon Bee or sump'm. Second thing was to check the source URL. And there is was, wasn't it.

So I looked up the issue... and it does appear that....

What they said was true. So many churches have been doing online church services. These include a half dozen people, on stage singing, usually spread extremely far apart on stage, and playing instruments.

The ban specifically says, no singing or playing of instruments.

Page 8, sub section C:

No singing or use of wind instruments, harmonicas, or other instruments that could spread COVID-19 through projected droplets shall be permitted unless the recording of the event is done at one’s residence, and involving only the members of one’s household or living unit, because of the increased risk of transmission of COVID-19​

This is too far. Sorry, but this is too far.
Now even when the entire church is completely empty, and you have a whooping 6 people on stage, and likely six people in the church that have been together the entire time regardless.... and you tell them they can't even sing into a camera?

Then we need to ban the White House press corp too. We need to ban all the people at the restaurants too. Heck, we need to ban anyone from being within visual distance of each other.

No, this is ridiculous now. Sorry, but this really is too far. This is over reach. If feel sorry for anyone left in California. What a hell hole that place has become.

Yes, singing. To keep the building itself sanitary. Here's why.

Correct me if I'm wrong... but the WHO did not even declare a pandemic until March 11th, and the choir practice in question, was on March 10th.

So there were no stay at home orders, or any lock down orders, or anything.

So it appears.... that you are singling out this church for not social distancing, during a time when no one was social distancing yet... am I wrong?

Yes, you are. WHO or what proclaimed a pandemic is irrelevant --- the point here is the danger was already known, the choir practice itself was promoted as "optional" for that reason, AND the singers took the precautions of hand sanitizing AND social distancing, whether required by local ordinance or not, and they still infected each other THROUGH THE ACT OF SIGNING. That's the point here.

Singing of course involves the expiration of breath, quite a lot of it, into the air where infected water droplets can carry and/or land on a nearby surface such as a chair or a music stand, which is then touched absentmindedly by the next singer, and so on. So if you're carrying the virus, which you may well be doing with no knowledge of it, the act of singing or blowing into a wind instrument is like being given a radio transmitter to broadcast it.
Leftards don't go to church. So why all the crying?

SINGING, not crying.

The OP is bullshit anyway, it's not about "going to church".

Then don't go to church. What business is it of yours anyway? Half you people hate Church people anyway. By your own immoral logic, you should be in favor of church people going to church so they can all die... right? I've heard anti-church people like yourself, say that for years. You hate us. So why do you care?

No matter the reason people gather together, it's where they go next and what innocent people come in contact with that people should be concerned with. It has nothing to do with hating on the religious, or it shouldn't.

This one seems to have selectively "overlooked" the part of the ordinance, already posted, that specifies how it applies to music concerts, plays, conventions, lectures, anything that gathers people in close proximity, and tellingly all he can see is "churches".

Of course, the Cult of Ignorance doesn't DO concerts or plays or lectures, for fear they might actually learn something, so they prolly don't even know what those words mean.

As I said before. The church is empty. No one is there, except a few staff. They are following social distancing laws, as much as a news crew at a news station is. When you shut down CNN.... then I won't have a problem shutting down an online service at a church.

That's absolutely fascinating, although irrelevant here as there's online service at a church that's been shut down in the first place.
Except the Constitution states clearly the govt will not restrict the exercising of freedom of religion......

Dozens of Cops in Tactical Gear ‘Aggressively’
Show Up At California Church on Easter, Pastor
Now Facing Fine or Up To Six Months in Jail

...a little excessive, no? These SWAT guys afraid of being pelted by Communion Bread?

"A California pastor is facing a fine of $1,000, or potentially even six months in jail, after approximately 40 deputies in tactical gear showed up to his Easter service and accused him of hiding congregants from law enforcement.

The Merced County Sheriff claims that they were tipped off about dozens of worshippers violating the state’s stay-at-home order and attending Easter services at Iglesia De Jesus Cristo Palabra Miel on Weaver Avenue."

This criminal bastard obviously needs to get 'the chair'.

California County Bans Singing During Online Church Services, ‘Abortions Are Essential, But Singing in a Streamed Worship Service is Just Too Unsafe’

Mendocino County in California is being criticized for banning singing while churches are recording their online services, unless the people are singing from home


4 people....looks to be about 6 feet apart....what's the deal?

"Per the order, there can only be four people recording from one place and “no singing or use of wind instruments, harmonicas or other instruments that could spread COVID-19 through projected droplets shall be permitted unless the recording of the event is done at one’s residence.”

California is reportedly considering a whole list of other actions to outlaw due to COVID-19:

Blowing Bubbles
- Gum or sudsy child entertainment devices


Blowing out birthday or other celebratory candles

Laughing 'boisterously'
- Chuckles, guffaws, snickers, and 'golf claps' are encouraged

Emojis or Emotes that might cause 'boisterous' laughter

- Especially in Public

wait.... during ONLINE services? How do you spread corona by singing.... ONLINE?

You don't. This is where the headline immediately becomes suspect. First thing I checked was to see if this was satire from Babylon Bee or sump'm. Second thing was to check the source URL. And there is was, wasn't it.

So I looked up the issue... and it does appear that....

What they said was true. So many churches have been doing online church services. These include a half dozen people, on stage singing, usually spread extremely far apart on stage, and playing instruments.

The ban specifically says, no singing or playing of instruments.

Page 8, sub section C:

No singing or use of wind instruments, harmonicas, or other instruments that could spread COVID-19 through projected droplets shall be permitted unless the recording of the event is done at one’s residence, and involving only the members of one’s household or living unit, because of the increased risk of transmission of COVID-19​

This is too far. Sorry, but this is too far.
Now even when the entire church is completely empty, and you have a whooping 6 people on stage, and likely six people in the church that have been together the entire time regardless.... and you tell them they can't even sing into a camera?

Then we need to ban the White House press corp too. We need to ban all the people at the restaurants too. Heck, we need to ban anyone from being within visual distance of each other.

No, this is ridiculous now. Sorry, but this really is too far. This is over reach. If feel sorry for anyone left in California. What a hell hole that place has become.

Yes, singing. To keep the building itself sanitary. Here's why.

Correct me if I'm wrong... but the WHO did not even declare a pandemic until March 11th, and the choir practice in question, was on March 10th.

So there were no stay at home orders, or any lock down orders, or anything.

So it appears.... that you are singling out this church for not social distancing, during a time when no one was social distancing yet... am I wrong?

Yes, you are. WHO or what proclaimed a pandemic is irrelevant --- the point here is the danger was already known, the choir practice itself was promoted as "optional" for that reason, AND the singers took the precautions of hand sanitizing AND social distancing, whether required by local ordinance or not, and they still infected each other THROUGH THE ACT OF SIGNING. That's the point here.

Singing of course involves the expiration of breath, quite a lot of it, into the air where infected water droplets can carry and/or land on a nearby surface such as a chair or a music stand, which is then touched absentmindedly by the next singer, and so on. So if you're carrying the virus, which you may well be doing with no knowledge of it, the act of singing or blowing into a wind instrument is like being given a radio transmitter to broadcast it.
Leftards don't go to church. So why all the crying?

SINGING, not crying.

The OP is bullshit anyway, it's not about "going to church".

Then don't go to church. What business is it of yours anyway? Half you people hate Church people anyway. By your own immoral logic, you should be in favor of church people going to church so they can all die... right? I've heard anti-church people like yourself, say that for years. You hate us. So why do you care?

No matter the reason people gather together, it's where they go next and what innocent people come in contact with that people should be concerned with. It has nothing to do with hating on the religious, or it shouldn't.

This one seems to have selectively "overlooked" the part of the ordinance, already posted, that specifies how it applies to music concerts, plays, conventions, lectures, anything that gathers people in close proximity, and tellingly all he can see is "churches".

Of course, the Cult of Ignorance doesn't DO concerts or plays or lectures, for fear they might actually learn something, so they prolly don't even know what those words mean.

As I said before. The church is empty. No one is there, except a few staff. They are following social distancing laws, as much as a news crew at a news station is. When you shut down CNN.... then I won't have a problem shutting down an online service at a church.

That's absolutely fascinating, although irrelevant here as there's online service at a church that's been shut down in the first place.
Except the Constitution states clearly the govt will not restrict the exercising of freedom of religion......

Correct. And no such restriction is in evidence, therefore you have no point.
California County Bans Singing During Online Church Services, ‘Abortions Are Essential, But Singing in a Streamed Worship Service is Just Too Unsafe’

Mendocino County in California is being criticized for banning singing while churches are recording their online services, unless the people are singing from home


4 people....looks to be about 6 feet apart....what's the deal?

"Per the order, there can only be four people recording from one place and “no singing or use of wind instruments, harmonicas or other instruments that could spread COVID-19 through projected droplets shall be permitted unless the recording of the event is done at one’s residence.”

California is reportedly considering a whole list of other actions to outlaw due to COVID-19:

Blowing Bubbles
- Gum or sudsy child entertainment devices


Blowing out birthday or other celebratory candles

Laughing 'boisterously'
- Chuckles, guffaws, snickers, and 'golf claps' are encouraged

Emojis or Emotes that might cause 'boisterous' laughter

- Especially in Public

wait.... during ONLINE services? How do you spread corona by singing.... ONLINE?

You don't. This is where the headline immediately becomes suspect. First thing I checked was to see if this was satire from Babylon Bee or sump'm. Second thing was to check the source URL. And there is was, wasn't it.

So I looked up the issue... and it does appear that....

What they said was true. So many churches have been doing online church services. These include a half dozen people, on stage singing, usually spread extremely far apart on stage, and playing instruments.

The ban specifically says, no singing or playing of instruments.

Page 8, sub section C:

No singing or use of wind instruments, harmonicas, or other instruments that could spread COVID-19 through projected droplets shall be permitted unless the recording of the event is done at one’s residence, and involving only the members of one’s household or living unit, because of the increased risk of transmission of COVID-19​

This is too far. Sorry, but this is too far.
Now even when the entire church is completely empty, and you have a whooping 6 people on stage, and likely six people in the church that have been together the entire time regardless.... and you tell them they can't even sing into a camera?

Then we need to ban the White House press corp too. We need to ban all the people at the restaurants too. Heck, we need to ban anyone from being within visual distance of each other.

No, this is ridiculous now. Sorry, but this really is too far. This is over reach. If feel sorry for anyone left in California. What a hell hole that place has become.

Yes, singing. To keep the building itself sanitary. Here's why.

Correct me if I'm wrong... but the WHO did not even declare a pandemic until March 11th, and the choir practice in question, was on March 10th.

So there were no stay at home orders, or any lock down orders, or anything.

So it appears.... that you are singling out this church for not social distancing, during a time when no one was social distancing yet... am I wrong?

Yes, you are. WHO or what proclaimed a pandemic is irrelevant --- the point here is the danger was already known, the choir practice itself was promoted as "optional" for that reason, AND the singers took the precautions of hand sanitizing AND social distancing, whether required by local ordinance or not, and they still infected each other THROUGH THE ACT OF SIGNING. That's the point here.

Singing of course involves the expiration of breath, quite a lot of it, into the air where infected water droplets can carry and/or land on a nearby surface such as a chair or a music stand, which is then touched absentmindedly by the next singer, and so on. So if you're carrying the virus, which you may well be doing with no knowledge of it, the act of singing or blowing into a wind instrument is like being given a radio transmitter to broadcast it.
Leftards don't go to church. So why all the crying?

SINGING, not crying.

The OP is bullshit anyway, it's not about "going to church".

Then don't go to church. What business is it of yours anyway? Half you people hate Church people anyway. By your own immoral logic, you should be in favor of church people going to church so they can all die... right? I've heard anti-church people like yourself, say that for years. You hate us. So why do you care?

No matter the reason people gather together, it's where they go next and what innocent people come in contact with that people should be concerned with. It has nothing to do with hating on the religious, or it shouldn't.

This one seems to have selectively "overlooked" the part of the ordinance, already posted, that specifies how it applies to music concerts, plays, conventions, lectures, anything that gathers people in close proximity, and tellingly all he can see is "churches".

Of course, the Cult of Ignorance doesn't DO concerts or plays or lectures, for fear they might actually learn something, so they prolly don't even know what those words mean.
The only thing separating you from NAZIs is the NAZIs had cool uniforms.
California County Bans Singing During Online Church Services, ‘Abortions Are Essential, But Singing in a Streamed Worship Service is Just Too Unsafe’

Mendocino County in California is being criticized for banning singing while churches are recording their online services, unless the people are singing from home


4 people....looks to be about 6 feet apart....what's the deal?

"Per the order, there can only be four people recording from one place and “no singing or use of wind instruments, harmonicas or other instruments that could spread COVID-19 through projected droplets shall be permitted unless the recording of the event is done at one’s residence.”

California is reportedly considering a whole list of other actions to outlaw due to COVID-19:

Blowing Bubbles
- Gum or sudsy child entertainment devices


Blowing out birthday or other celebratory candles

Laughing 'boisterously'
- Chuckles, guffaws, snickers, and 'golf claps' are encouraged

Emojis or Emotes that might cause 'boisterous' laughter

- Especially in Public

wait.... during ONLINE services? How do you spread corona by singing.... ONLINE?

You don't. This is where the headline immediately becomes suspect. First thing I checked was to see if this was satire from Babylon Bee or sump'm. Second thing was to check the source URL. And there is was, wasn't it.

So I looked up the issue... and it does appear that....

What they said was true. So many churches have been doing online church services. These include a half dozen people, on stage singing, usually spread extremely far apart on stage, and playing instruments.

The ban specifically says, no singing or playing of instruments.

Page 8, sub section C:

No singing or use of wind instruments, harmonicas, or other instruments that could spread COVID-19 through projected droplets shall be permitted unless the recording of the event is done at one’s residence, and involving only the members of one’s household or living unit, because of the increased risk of transmission of COVID-19​

This is too far. Sorry, but this is too far.
Now even when the entire church is completely empty, and you have a whooping 6 people on stage, and likely six people in the church that have been together the entire time regardless.... and you tell them they can't even sing into a camera?

Then we need to ban the White House press corp too. We need to ban all the people at the restaurants too. Heck, we need to ban anyone from being within visual distance of each other.

No, this is ridiculous now. Sorry, but this really is too far. This is over reach. If feel sorry for anyone left in California. What a hell hole that place has become.

Yes, singing. To keep the building itself sanitary. Here's why.

Correct me if I'm wrong... but the WHO did not even declare a pandemic until March 11th, and the choir practice in question, was on March 10th.

So there were no stay at home orders, or any lock down orders, or anything.

So it appears.... that you are singling out this church for not social distancing, during a time when no one was social distancing yet... am I wrong?

Yes, you are. WHO or what proclaimed a pandemic is irrelevant --- the point here is the danger was already known, the choir practice itself was promoted as "optional" for that reason, AND the singers took the precautions of hand sanitizing AND social distancing, whether required by local ordinance or not, and they still infected each other THROUGH THE ACT OF SIGNING. That's the point here.

Singing of course involves the expiration of breath, quite a lot of it, into the air where infected water droplets can carry and/or land on a nearby surface such as a chair or a music stand, which is then touched absentmindedly by the next singer, and so on. So if you're carrying the virus, which you may well be doing with no knowledge of it, the act of singing or blowing into a wind instrument is like being given a radio transmitter to broadcast it.
Leftards don't go to church. So why all the crying?

SINGING, not crying.

The OP is bullshit anyway, it's not about "going to church".

Then don't go to church. What business is it of yours anyway? Half you people hate Church people anyway. By your own immoral logic, you should be in favor of church people going to church so they can all die... right? I've heard anti-church people like yourself, say that for years. You hate us. So why do you care?

No matter the reason people gather together, it's where they go next and what innocent people come in contact with that people should be concerned with. It has nothing to do with hating on the religious, or it shouldn't.

This one seems to have selectively "overlooked" the part of the ordinance, already posted, that specifies how it applies to music concerts, plays, conventions, lectures, anything that gathers people in close proximity, and tellingly all he can see is "churches".

Of course, the Cult of Ignorance doesn't DO concerts or plays or lectures, for fear they might actually learn something, so they prolly don't even know what those words mean.
The only thing separating you from NAZIs is the NAZIs had cool uniforms.


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