California city councilman calls our men and women in our military the "lowest of our low"

What a complete asshole, and he's also a high school teacher.

Pico Rivera councilman, teacher recorded making anti-military rant in classroom

Sunday, January 28, 2018 12:06AM
A government teacher and city council member of Pico Rivera is under fire for a classroom rant in which he criticized the intelligence of those who serve in the military.

In the 5-minute speech recorded by a student, Gregory Salcido is heard using expletives about those who serve in the military and their intelligence.

"Your freakin' stupid Uncle Louie or whatever. They're dumb- - -ts. They're not high-level bankers. They're not academic people. They're not intellectual people."

"They're the freaking lowest of our low."

Salcido teaches U.S. government at El Rancho High School and is a current member of the Pico Rivera City Council as well as a former mayor.

He was elected to the Pico Rivera City Council in 1999 and served terms as mayor in 2002, 2010 and 2015, according to his online biography.

The rant was triggered by a student wearing a Marine Corps shirt.

The student who recorded Salcido's rant a week ago was also wearing Marine clothing. He said he felt terrorized by his teacher's words.

"And I told him it was a family tradition," the student recalled. "My dad's done it, my two uncles have done it. And I just wanted to continue that tradition because it's also something I wanted to do as a kid. And he said so if it was a family tradition to beat women, would you continue it too?"

It appears this isn't the first time Salcido has come under fire. The Whittier Times reports the El Rancho High School teacher was placed on administrative leave in 2010 after a parent complained about inappropriate comments he made in class. At the time, Salcido denied making inappropriate comments and said they were exaggerated.

Pico Rivera councilman under fire for anti-military rant in classroom
Is this the first time you have ever heard something like this before?

Not at all, I have become accustomed to the bilge of asshole liberals.
What a complete asshole, and he's also a high school teacher.

Pico Rivera councilman, teacher recorded making anti-military rant in classroom

Sunday, January 28, 2018 12:06AM
A government teacher and city council member of Pico Rivera is under fire for a classroom rant in which he criticized the intelligence of those who serve in the military.

In the 5-minute speech recorded by a student, Gregory Salcido is heard using expletives about those who serve in the military and their intelligence.

"Your freakin' stupid Uncle Louie or whatever. They're dumb- - -ts. They're not high-level bankers. They're not academic people. They're not intellectual people."

"They're the freaking lowest of our low."

Salcido teaches U.S. government at El Rancho High School and is a current member of the Pico Rivera City Council as well as a former mayor.

He was elected to the Pico Rivera City Council in 1999 and served terms as mayor in 2002, 2010 and 2015, according to his online biography.

The rant was triggered by a student wearing a Marine Corps shirt.

The student who recorded Salcido's rant a week ago was also wearing Marine clothing. He said he felt terrorized by his teacher's words.

"And I told him it was a family tradition," the student recalled. "My dad's done it, my two uncles have done it. And I just wanted to continue that tradition because it's also something I wanted to do as a kid. And he said so if it was a family tradition to beat women, would you continue it too?"

It appears this isn't the first time Salcido has come under fire. The Whittier Times reports the El Rancho High School teacher was placed on administrative leave in 2010 after a parent complained about inappropriate comments he made in class. At the time, Salcido denied making inappropriate comments and said they were exaggerated.

Pico Rivera councilman under fire for anti-military rant in classroom
Is this the first time you have ever heard something like this before?

Not at all, I have become accustomed to the bilge of asshole liberals.
Yeah me too I go to church occasionally..
I think it was taken out of context.

Essentially, what the teacher was saying was correct.

With teens, sometime you have to be harsh.

With that said, the facts are, in an all volunteer army, unless he joins ROTC and gets an education first and becomes on officer, what this teacher is telling him are truth bombs.

MLK was assassinated by the government for telling the black community essentially the same things.


Here's your typical asshole lib folks.
Smedly Butler is a typical asshole lib? Interesting. . . . .
What a complete asshole, and he's also a high school teacher.

Pico Rivera councilman, teacher recorded making anti-military rant in classroom

Sunday, January 28, 2018 12:06AM
A government teacher and city council member of Pico Rivera is under fire for a classroom rant in which he criticized the intelligence of those who serve in the military.

In the 5-minute speech recorded by a student, Gregory Salcido is heard using expletives about those who serve in the military and their intelligence.

"Your freakin' stupid Uncle Louie or whatever. They're dumb- - -ts. They're not high-level bankers. They're not academic people. They're not intellectual people."

"They're the freaking lowest of our low."

Salcido teaches U.S. government at El Rancho High School and is a current member of the Pico Rivera City Council as well as a former mayor.

He was elected to the Pico Rivera City Council in 1999 and served terms as mayor in 2002, 2010 and 2015, according to his online biography.

The rant was triggered by a student wearing a Marine Corps shirt.

The student who recorded Salcido's rant a week ago was also wearing Marine clothing. He said he felt terrorized by his teacher's words.

"And I told him it was a family tradition," the student recalled. "My dad's done it, my two uncles have done it. And I just wanted to continue that tradition because it's also something I wanted to do as a kid. And he said so if it was a family tradition to beat women, would you continue it too?"

It appears this isn't the first time Salcido has come under fire. The Whittier Times reports the El Rancho High School teacher was placed on administrative leave in 2010 after a parent complained about inappropriate comments he made in class. At the time, Salcido denied making inappropriate comments and said they were exaggerated.

Pico Rivera councilman under fire for anti-military rant in classroom
Is this the first time you have ever heard something like this before?

Not at all, I have become accustomed to the bilge of asshole liberals.
Yeah me too I go to church occasionally..
is that when they give a bud instead of a wafer for communion?.............
What a complete asshole, and he's also a high school teacher.

Pico Rivera councilman, teacher recorded making anti-military rant in classroom

Sunday, January 28, 2018 12:06AM
A government teacher and city council member of Pico Rivera is under fire for a classroom rant in which he criticized the intelligence of those who serve in the military.

In the 5-minute speech recorded by a student, Gregory Salcido is heard using expletives about those who serve in the military and their intelligence.

"Your freakin' stupid Uncle Louie or whatever. They're dumb- - -ts. They're not high-level bankers. They're not academic people. They're not intellectual people."

"They're the freaking lowest of our low."

Salcido teaches U.S. government at El Rancho High School and is a current member of the Pico Rivera City Council as well as a former mayor.

He was elected to the Pico Rivera City Council in 1999 and served terms as mayor in 2002, 2010 and 2015, according to his online biography.

The rant was triggered by a student wearing a Marine Corps shirt.

The student who recorded Salcido's rant a week ago was also wearing Marine clothing. He said he felt terrorized by his teacher's words.

"And I told him it was a family tradition," the student recalled. "My dad's done it, my two uncles have done it. And I just wanted to continue that tradition because it's also something I wanted to do as a kid. And he said so if it was a family tradition to beat women, would you continue it too?"

It appears this isn't the first time Salcido has come under fire. The Whittier Times reports the El Rancho High School teacher was placed on administrative leave in 2010 after a parent complained about inappropriate comments he made in class. At the time, Salcido denied making inappropriate comments and said they were exaggerated.

Pico Rivera councilman under fire for anti-military rant in classroom
Is this the first time you have ever heard something like this before?

Not at all, I have become accustomed to the bilge of asshole liberals.
Yeah me too I go to church occasionally..
is that when they give a bud instead of a wafer for communion?.............
It's a place to chill from the negative waves...
What this dude said was vile. Men and women in the military make sacrifices everyday that he couldn't even comprehend.

However, I find it hypocritical that many of you are outraged by this, but not outraged by your Clown messiah for talking trash about POWs.
What this dude said was vile. Men and women in the military make sacrifices everyday that he couldn't even comprehend.

However, I find it hypocritical that many of you are outraged by this, but not outraged by your Clown messiah for talking trash about POWs.

"What this dude said was vile. Men and women in the military make sacrifices everyday that he couldn't even comprehend."

A liberal not agreeing with this asshole teacher ?? :eek-52:

Amazing !!!!!
That military keeps us safe and are ready to react in a moments notice, if we are ever attacked. The fact you also disparage our military saddens me. Now, do you agree with this? And no, there is no mistaking context. And I suspect you’d be one of the first screaming ‘where are they?’ if ever attacked and they weren’t there.
From the la times-
"We've got a bunch of dumb [expletive] over there," Salcido says in the recording. "Think about the people who you know who are over there – your freaking stupid Uncle Louie or whatever – they're dumb [expletive]. They're not like high-level thinkers, they're not academic people, they're not intellectual people; they're the freaking lowest of our low."

The diatribe appears to have been in reaction to a student wearing a Marines shirt or sweatshirt.

"You better not freaking go," Salcido says in one recording. "Don't wear that in here."...

In 2012, according to local news reports, Salcido was placed on leave for striking a student, an incident he characterized at the time as "grossly exaggerated." In 2010, he was reportedly temporarily suspended after a parent complained that Salcido had threatened his daughter and made inappropriate comments in summer school.
Pico Rivera teacher's remarks about military spark backlash

Now watch the actual freaking videos, all 3-
Kimberlie Flauto
By the way, all my family members that were in the military and still are, have their masters.
Did you hear the video?
I think it was taken out of context.

Essentially, what the teacher was saying was correct.

With teens, sometime you have to be harsh.

With that said, the facts are, in an all volunteer army, unless he joins ROTC and gets an education first and becomes on officer, what this teacher is telling him are truth bombs.

MLK was assassinated by the government for telling the black community essentially the same things.

I did.

As I said, I think, for the most part, it was probably part of a much larger discussion. It was probably the most heated and hurtful part from the boy's POV.

Teens have a tendency to be stubborn when they cling to ingrained ideas. Much like adults. We all should be open to new ideas.

If we had heard the whole discussion, I think the take away would have been, that the teacher felt that the boy had so much more potential than cannon fodder for the banking cartels and the military-industrial-complex. That's just my suspicion.
Okay, I listened to them all, and now you are quoting from CFR publications and standing with liberals, so I don't think we are going to agree. The LA times? Their agenda is protecting the military-industrial-establishment, same as the rest.

When a teacher is being harsh with slackers for sleeping in his class, and you think the STATE should get involved. . . you are seriously taking the side of the establishment.

If an educator is trying to get kids to be open minded and free thinkers, and you are opposed to that, that is usually what liberals and globalists do. They don't want them thinking anything that is opposed to the agenda of the CFR or the banking cartel, and then they lie about the true motive of what is really going on, it has nothing to do with "American Security."

This is your attitude right now. . .


Seriously, what Mr. Salcido is saying is no different than what Jefferson and the founding fathers warned us would happen with a standing army.

Ike warned us about the Military industrial complex.

Plato told us about the different roles of citizens in society in The Republic. Mr. Salcido is just describing how life is, not how folks want it to be.

I really don't think we are going to agree, you have too much been a victim of MSM propaganda for way too long, folks on the left and right all believe we need to have a military larger than the next three nations combined. . . . like our nuclear arsenal isn't good enough.

Nah. . . I'm not worried. No nation would want to invade, because we are the best consumers of their products on the planet, it would screw their economy up.

Are you really worried? Seriously? If so, you have watched on too many TV shows or movies. No one wants to harm us. Get that out of your head.
Imagine you are a disabled vet, and your kids are being taught by a teacher who says things like this:

"Your freakin' stupid Uncle Louie or whatever. They're dumb- - -ts. They're not high-level bankers. They're not academic people. They're not intellectual people."

"They're the freaking lowest of our low."

Well, his big mouth may end a teaching/counsel career ..


Why? HE obviously has the support of the community. He's been elected to various local offices several times.

THis is the future. THe progressive, diverse, multicultural, future that you lefties have been working towards and gloating about for decades.

Embrace it. It's yours.

Mine too, unfortunately. But, that's what I get for losing. And working my whole life instead of having kids I couldn't afford to care for.

Wow you sound bitter... The dude is going to be reprimanded I am sure. It is your choice not to have children, what does this have to do with anything on this thread?

Why is this a dem/repub thing.. 1 person does not make the community..

Did you hear about the cop telling the newbie cops to shoot all black people? Does that make all cops to be bad people?



Your pretense that liberals on not represented by this anti-american asshole is noted and laughed at.

We know who you are.

I think it was taken out of context.

Essentially, what the teacher was saying was correct.

With teens, sometime you have to be harsh.

With that said, the facts are, in an all volunteer army, unless he joins ROTC and gets an education first and becomes on officer, what this teacher is telling him are truth bombs.

MLK was assassinated by the government for telling the black community essentially the same things.


Wrong. ROTC in and of itself won't do squat for your education. In HS it's just military drills and learning about military life. If you complete ROTC in HS, it's only worth advancement to E-2. And, in order to get into the military, you must have a high school diploma and score 32 or better on the ASVAB, or, if you only have a GED, your ASVAB score has to be 50 or higher, as well as have to go through a screening called HP3, which stands for High Performance Predictor Profile. If you don't have a diploma or GED? Thanks for asking, but your services aren't required.

Yes, a college diploma will qualify you for officers training, but there's a lot more to it than that.

And.................sorry...................but there are MANY people who pursue an education while on active duty. How do I know? Because I'm the one that helped them out with their applications. And, the military actually encourages you to get a degree. If you are going to school, the watch supervisor will actually work around your school hours when it comes to assigning watches.

Will you get rich in the military? No, the pay sucks. But can you get an education and have the military pay for most of it? You bet, there are many programs like PACE (Programmed Afloat College Education) program, tuition assistance and night school for those on shore duty and all sorts of courses you can take via the Education Office.

Incidentally, many schools that military people go to for training are also accepted by many schools as college credit. Shoot, boot camp even counted for a couple of them.

No, joining the military doesn't stop you from getting an education, at least, if you want one, and around 30 percent of those on active duty do.
Imagine you are a disabled vet, and your kids are being taught by a teacher who says things like this:

"Your freakin' stupid Uncle Louie or whatever. They're dumb- - -ts. They're not high-level bankers. They're not academic people. They're not intellectual people."

"They're the freaking lowest of our low."

Well, his big mouth may end a teaching/counsel career ..


Why? HE obviously has the support of the community. He's been elected to various local offices several times.

THis is the future. THe progressive, diverse, multicultural, future that you lefties have been working towards and gloating about for decades.

Embrace it. It's yours.

Mine too, unfortunately. But, that's what I get for losing. And working my whole life instead of having kids I couldn't afford to care for.

Wow you sound bitter... The dude is going to be reprimanded I am sure. It is your choice not to have children, what does this have to do with anything on this thread?

Why is this a dem/repub thing.. 1 person does not make the community..

Did you hear about the cop telling the newbie cops to shoot all black people? Does that make all cops to be bad people?



Your pretense that liberals on not represented by this anti-american asshole is noted and laughed at.

We know who you are.

liberals like these two are vile vulgar organisms.
One derp exercising his 1st amendment rights is transported in con minds to represent a hundred million people. Rather than the opinion of one derp.

Extrapolating, this would mean when a bird craps on their car one time that means all birds are unpatriotic and assholes of the universe. And get ready, the bird haters will now vent their spleens.
I think it was taken out of context.

Essentially, what the teacher was saying was correct.

With teens, sometime you have to be harsh.

With that said, the facts are, in an all volunteer army, unless he joins ROTC and gets an education first and becomes on officer, what this teacher is telling him are truth bombs.

MLK was assassinated by the government for telling the black community essentially the same things.

You should get your medication's checked tomorrow!
One derp exercising his 1st amendment rights is transported in con minds to represent a hundred million people. Rather than the opinion of one derp.

Extrapolating, this would mean when a bird craps on their car one time that means all birds are unpatriotic and assholes of the universe. And get ready, the bird haters will now vent their spleens.

Except it is not one derp.

LIberals are constantly ridiculing or challenging the very concept of patriotism, nationalism, or any attempt to celebrate or protect our heritage.
I think it was taken out of context.

Essentially, what the teacher was saying was correct.

With teens, sometime you have to be harsh.

With that said, the facts are, in an all volunteer army, unless he joins ROTC and gets an education first and becomes on officer, what this teacher is telling him are truth bombs.

MLK was assassinated by the government for telling the black community essentially the same things.


Wrong. ROTC in and of itself won't do squat for your education. In HS it's just military drills and learning about military life. If you complete ROTC in HS, it's only worth advancement to E-2. And, in order to get into the military, you must have a high school diploma and score 32 or better on the ASVAB, or, if you only have a GED, your ASVAB score has to be 50 or higher, as well as have to go through a screening called HP3, which stands for High Performance Predictor Profile. If you don't have a diploma or GED? Thanks for asking, but your services aren't required.

Yes, a college diploma will qualify you for officers training, but there's a lot more to it than that.

And.................sorry...................but there are MANY people who pursue an education while on active duty. How do I know? Because I'm the one that helped them out with their applications. And, the military actually encourages you to get a degree. If you are going to school, the watch supervisor will actually work around your school hours when it comes to assigning watches.

Will you get rich in the military? No, the pay sucks. But can you get an education and have the military pay for most of it? You bet, there are many programs like PACE (Programmed Afloat College Education) program, tuition assistance and night school for those on shore duty and all sorts of courses you can take via the Education Office.

Incidentally, many schools that military people go to for training are also accepted by many schools as college credit. Shoot, boot camp even counted for a couple of them.

No, joining the military doesn't stop you from getting an education, at least, if you want one, and around 30 percent of those on active duty do.

Like I said, unless he gets a college education and officer training, hang it up.
I think it was taken out of context.

"Essentially, what the teacher was saying was correct."

Which part, where he says people in the military are 'dumbsh*ts' or the '...lowest of our low...'?

The only truth that came through that diatribe for me is that he's a pretentious condescending twit that feels contempt for military personnel and anyone who's not a banker, academic or an intellectual. In short, in his eyes, anyone who is not college educated or does not have a degree is a dumbsh*t who has nothing to offer society.

With teens, sometime you have to be harsh.

I agree, sometimes you have to be harsh. What you don't have to be is insulting.

...what this teacher is telling him are truth bombs.

You're right that they're bombs but they are the furthest thing from the truth.
I think it was taken out of context.

Essentially, what the teacher was saying was correct.

With teens, sometime you have to be harsh.

With that said, the facts are, in an all volunteer army, unless he joins ROTC and gets an education first and becomes on officer, what this teacher is telling him are truth bombs.

MLK was assassinated by the government for telling the black community essentially the same things.


Wrong. ROTC in and of itself won't do squat for your education. In HS it's just military drills and learning about military life. If you complete ROTC in HS, it's only worth advancement to E-2. And, in order to get into the military, you must have a high school diploma and score 32 or better on the ASVAB, or, if you only have a GED, your ASVAB score has to be 50 or higher, as well as have to go through a screening called HP3, which stands for High Performance Predictor Profile. If you don't have a diploma or GED? Thanks for asking, but your services aren't required.

Yes, a college diploma will qualify you for officers training, but there's a lot more to it than that.

And.................sorry...................but there are MANY people who pursue an education while on active duty. How do I know? Because I'm the one that helped them out with their applications. And, the military actually encourages you to get a degree. If you are going to school, the watch supervisor will actually work around your school hours when it comes to assigning watches.

Will you get rich in the military? No, the pay sucks. But can you get an education and have the military pay for most of it? You bet, there are many programs like PACE (Programmed Afloat College Education) program, tuition assistance and night school for those on shore duty and all sorts of courses you can take via the Education Office.

Incidentally, many schools that military people go to for training are also accepted by many schools as college credit. Shoot, boot camp even counted for a couple of them.

No, joining the military doesn't stop you from getting an education, at least, if you want one, and around 30 percent of those on active duty do.

You have to be mighty smart to get into West Point and the Naval Academy. Lots smarter than that teacher.
One derp exercising his 1st amendment rights is transported in con minds to represent a hundred million people. Rather than the opinion of one derp.

Extrapolating, this would mean when a bird craps on their car one time that means all birds are unpatriotic and assholes of the universe. And get ready, the bird haters will now vent their spleens.

And you've never heard similar opinions coming from the left ?

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