California crazy

these are not DOCUMENTED immigrants already waiting for clearance to become citizens. these are ILLEGALS that snuck, slimed, swam, bulldozed with their bodies, child trafficked claiming the kid was theirs and all manner of ILLEGALLY being here. So...since when does Newsom have this power to give away OUR (Californians) tax money to them? He complains he has no money to fix roads and highways, house the homeless, build apts for low income...yet he dug up 125 million to give to ILLEGALS? Do we, the citizens and tax payers, not have a say???

I don't get it. I truly truly do not understand how democrats can vote IN democrats that give not one iota if they are poor or middle class or hurt or hungry or homeless and think that crooked democrat they are voting for does not affect THEIR livelihoods. Can someone explain to me how so many people that say they are democrats, find this sane????? Or, are ALL democrats wealthy and can afford to give money to illegals???
It figures. California really has for the most part, become a sh*thole state. Quite sad to see.

I have two homes in the "shithole State," Coronado, and Avalon. Life is good, and no snow!

Sure you do
Meanwhile....USMB dems? Can you explain to me WHY you continue to vote in people like Pelosi and Newsom? She gives not one shit about her district..and Newsom gives not one shit about us citizens. So why keep them in place???

I vote Democratic because I'm pro the American Worker and against the Putin placement called the asswipePINO, his commie wife, and his commie chain immigrant in laws.

NO Mexicrat is “pro American worker”....not one.
They pit Mexico’s trash against “American workers”...remember?
Meanwhile....USMB dems? Can you explain to me WHY you continue to vote in people like Pelosi and Newsom? She gives not one shit about her district..and Newsom gives not one shit about us citizens. So why keep them in place???

I vote Democratic because I'm pro the American Worker and against the Putin placement called the asswipePINO, his commie wife, and his commie chain immigrant in laws.

NO Mexicrat is “pro American worker”....not one.
They pit Mexico’s trash against “American workers”...remember?

The OP is a liar.
So Governor Nutcase Newsome is giving stimulus tax money to illegal aliens. Stupid is as stupid does. Anyone support this is stupid to.

The OP should have a link or two to be legal. Feel free to copy these

OP should have taken the time to get his facts straight. There is no "stimulus" money involved. The lion's share of the money is coming from the California taxpayer funded Disaster Relief Fund, and the rest will come from a network of charitable foundations.

While he's at it, OP should also work on his grammar, he could start with learning the difference between "to" and "too..."

I'll tell you this much, reading this story a little while ago made me glad I no longer live in California.

I wonder how they're going to choose 150,000 illegal aliens out of approximately 2,000,000? Who decides which criminal gets a reward?
Who gives a fuck if its stimulus money or not, in any case it's MY fucking money asshole!
So Governor Nutcase Newsome is giving stimulus tax money to illegal aliens. Stupid is as stupid does. Anyone support this is stupid to.

The OP should have a link or two to be legal. Feel free to copy these

OP should have taken the time to get his facts straight. There is no "stimulus" money involved. The lion's share of the money is coming from the California taxpayer funded Disaster Relief Fund, and the rest will come from a network of charitable foundations.

While he's at it, OP should also work on his grammar, he could start with learning the difference between "to" and "too..."

I'll tell you this much, reading this story a little while ago made me glad I no longer live in California.

I wonder how they're going to choose 150,000 illegal aliens out of approximately 2,000,000? Who decides which criminal gets a reward?
Who gives a fuck if its stimulus money or not, in any case it's MY fucking money asshole!

Well excuse the fuck out of me for making sure everyone gets their fucking facts straight, shit for brains.

You don't fucking like it? Move the fuck out of California.

Go piss up a rope you fuck.
Not sure what rock some of you crawled out from under or where exactly you've had your head buried for quite some time, but if not for undocumented workers, California's ag, hospitality, and janitorial industries would come to a screeching halt! The Midwest would come to a screeching halt. Fruit, berries, and vegetables would rot on the ground. At least 90% of illegal immigrants enter the country, find jobs, and begin to assimilate into our society. They want better lives and aren't afraid or unwilling to work for a piece of the "American dream." They don't access services for fear of deportation. They have taxes taken from their paychecks and never see a dime of it again. They do your gardening, clean your houses, pick your food, take care of your children, they spend money, they generate revenue within your neighborhoods, cities, and counties.

The quickest and surest way to create social unrest during desperate times is to deny assistance to certain groups of people. Show me a person not able to feed their child or pay rent and I"ll show you a person desperate enough to do almost anything to flip that script.

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