California Democrats Initiate Fine for Owning an Electrical Vehicle

The ICE's are not winning. As the EV's increase their range, and more companies bring out different vehicles, the EV's will take an increasingly large portion of the market. Just like the hybrids.
Fracking killed electric cars. No one will pay thousands more for a car that you can at best drive only 50 miles away with, costs a small fortuned in increased electrical bills and needs a new $600 battery every few years.
What the fuck are you talking about? In what way does frackting affect EV's? The range on the Leaf is 100 miles, on the Bolt, 200 miles, and on the Tesla, up to 300 miles. The battery is guaranteed for 8 years. And your increase in electrical bills will be far smaller than you would have paid for the gas in a standard ICE.

You get more shrill, and sillier with every post. And the batteries cost far more than $600 at present.

And Tesla sold 24,500 cars in the second quarter of 2016. That is more than all the luxury sedans, BMW, Mercedes, Audi, ect. put together. And the car is made in America by Americans.
Fake news brought to you buy fake testing, aka Volkswagen gas mileage. Unrealistic driving in perfect temperatures.

How Far (Literally) Can the Electric Car Go?

Only a leftard idiot wants to pay $35,000 for a tin can that won't fit you and a weeks groceries in when oil will remain at $50 for decades.

Hate to tell you, but Tesla makes 4 door sedans with pretty decent trunk space. You can fit a family of 4 (possibly 5 if the kids are small), AND put the groceries for a week (about 5 to 8 bags) in the trunk.
Oh boy. $65,000 for a car the size of at Toyota Corrola

Yeah, a very LOW MAINTENANCE car that never needs gas. Pretty much all you have to do is keep tires on it and watch over the battery.
ten cents on the dollar.

Democrats are already working on fining people for having solar on their homes.

The left hates the environment.

This had crossed my paranoid mind also. If you live in a Sunny state, I had began to surmise that they would NOT ALLOW you to sell your home until you installed "approved" Solar. Yes, I am sure they are working on it.

In addition........I have seen the additional "mileage tax" floated. In fact I though ORE or WASH had it in place?
If you drive a will pay more. They will get into your Odometer. They are coming for that.

If you drive a lot with a gas engine, you will pay more than someone who doesn't drive a lot, because the more you drive, the more gas you use.
Typical electric bill in San Diego is $500 a month. Plugging in your car every night doubles that because of the tiered rates.
Well now, if you put solar on your roof, you can get away from that cost. So, if you are talking about a $1000 electric bill a month, then a 10 kw system will pay for itself in about 15 to 18 months. Add three Powerwalls to this, and in about 30 months you have paid for the whole thing, and, for the 8 year guarantee of the Powerwalls, 5 years if free. And the solar roof is guaranteed for 25 to 30 years. Guaranteed to have more than 80% of the original generation power. In reality, will probably generate significantly for longer than your lifespan.

Grid tie Solar Power Systems for your home - Grid-tie Home Solar Panel Systems

Still trying to pass off name plate values as if they produced 24/7/365.. lying sack of excrement... Deception is your game.. Tell me again the true output of your system.. (its going to be less than 24%)
nobody cares about electric cars. They will sell about 140,000 of them this year ( maybe ). Ford alone will sell more than 1 million trucks. In fact, Ford has built more F150 trucks this year alone than EVs will be sold for the whole year!:coffee:

Who's not winning?
The ICE's are not winning. As the EV's increase their range, and more companies bring out different vehicles, the EV's will take an increasingly large portion of the market. Just like the hybrids.
Fracking killed electric cars. No one will pay thousands more for a car that you can at best drive only 50 miles away with, costs a small fortuned in increased electrical bills and needs a new $600 battery every few years.
Telsa battery packs start out at 6,900.00
The price differential between a BMW 328 and a 335 (~2.8 liter -> 3.5 liter) is over $10,000.
nobody cares about electric cars. They will sell about 140,000 of them this year ( maybe ). Ford alone will sell more than 1 million trucks. In fact, Ford has built more F150 trucks this year alone than EVs will be sold for the whole year!:coffee:

Who's not winning?
The ICE's are not winning. As the EV's increase their range, and more companies bring out different vehicles, the EV's will take an increasingly large portion of the market. Just like the hybrids.
Fracking killed electric cars. No one will pay thousands more for a car that you can at best drive only 50 miles away with, costs a small fortuned in increased electrical bills and needs a new $600 battery every few years.
Telsa battery packs start out at 6,900.00

And, for Weatherman, the range of a Tesla is well over 200 miles
Fracking killed electric cars. No one will pay thousands more for a car that you can at best drive only 50 miles away with, costs a small fortuned in increased electrical bills and needs a new $600 battery every few years.
What the fuck are you talking about? In what way does frackting affect EV's? The range on the Leaf is 100 miles, on the Bolt, 200 miles, and on the Tesla, up to 300 miles. The battery is guaranteed for 8 years. And your increase in electrical bills will be far smaller than you would have paid for the gas in a standard ICE.

You get more shrill, and sillier with every post. And the batteries cost far more than $600 at present.

And Tesla sold 24,500 cars in the second quarter of 2016. That is more than all the luxury sedans, BMW, Mercedes, Audi, ect. put together. And the car is made in America by Americans.
Fake news brought to you buy fake testing, aka Volkswagen gas mileage. Unrealistic driving in perfect temperatures.

How Far (Literally) Can the Electric Car Go?

Only a leftard idiot wants to pay $35,000 for a tin can that won't fit you and a weeks groceries in when oil will remain at $50 for decades.

Hate to tell you, but Tesla makes 4 door sedans with pretty decent trunk space. You can fit a family of 4 (possibly 5 if the kids are small), AND put the groceries for a week (about 5 to 8 bags) in the trunk.
Oh boy. $65,000 for a car the size of at Toyota Corrola

Yeah, a very LOW MAINTENANCE car that never needs gas. Pretty much all you have to do is keep tires on it and watch over the battery.
Honda Clarity EV will only go 80 miles on a single charge.
That's still 60% more than Weatherman's lowball estiimate. And a Clarity sells for $35,000; slightly less than a Tesla.
What the fuck are you talking about? In what way does frackting affect EV's? The range on the Leaf is 100 miles, on the Bolt, 200 miles, and on the Tesla, up to 300 miles. The battery is guaranteed for 8 years. And your increase in electrical bills will be far smaller than you would have paid for the gas in a standard ICE.

You get more shrill, and sillier with every post. And the batteries cost far more than $600 at present.

And Tesla sold 24,500 cars in the second quarter of 2016. That is more than all the luxury sedans, BMW, Mercedes, Audi, ect. put together. And the car is made in America by Americans.
Fake news brought to you buy fake testing, aka Volkswagen gas mileage. Unrealistic driving in perfect temperatures.

How Far (Literally) Can the Electric Car Go?

Only a leftard idiot wants to pay $35,000 for a tin can that won't fit you and a weeks groceries in when oil will remain at $50 for decades.

Hate to tell you, but Tesla makes 4 door sedans with pretty decent trunk space. You can fit a family of 4 (possibly 5 if the kids are small), AND put the groceries for a week (about 5 to 8 bags) in the trunk.
Oh boy. $65,000 for a car the size of at Toyota Corrola

Yeah, a very LOW MAINTENANCE car that never needs gas. Pretty much all you have to do is keep tires on it and watch over the battery.

Honda Clarity EV will only go 80 miles on a single charge.
Honda Clarity EV will only go 80 miles on a single charge

For Honda's upcoming electric vehicle, size matters. So does price, to a lesser extent. As for range? Not quite as much. Honda will start selling a battery-electric version of its Clarity sedan this spring, and will provide it with a single-charge range of about 80 miles, Automotive News reports. The automaker has yet to announce pricing on the Clarity EV.

Such a single-charge range puts the Clarity EV's range at about a third of the Chevrolet Bolt's 238 miles. Additionally, both BMW and Volkswagen have tweaked the batteries on their i3 and e-Golf EV models to boost distance performance to the 115-to-125-mile range. Hyundai is about to enter the fray with a battery-electric variant of its Ioniq sedan that will have a range of 110 miles.

Then buy American.
Fake news brought to you buy fake testing, aka Volkswagen gas mileage. Unrealistic driving in perfect temperatures.

How Far (Literally) Can the Electric Car Go?

Only a leftard idiot wants to pay $35,000 for a tin can that won't fit you and a weeks groceries in when oil will remain at $50 for decades.

Hate to tell you, but Tesla makes 4 door sedans with pretty decent trunk space. You can fit a family of 4 (possibly 5 if the kids are small), AND put the groceries for a week (about 5 to 8 bags) in the trunk.
Oh boy. $65,000 for a car the size of at Toyota Corrola

Yeah, a very LOW MAINTENANCE car that never needs gas. Pretty much all you have to do is keep tires on it and watch over the battery.

Honda Clarity EV will only go 80 miles on a single charge.
Honda Clarity EV will only go 80 miles on a single charge

For Honda's upcoming electric vehicle, size matters. So does price, to a lesser extent. As for range? Not quite as much. Honda will start selling a battery-electric version of its Clarity sedan this spring, and will provide it with a single-charge range of about 80 miles, Automotive News reports. The automaker has yet to announce pricing on the Clarity EV.

Such a single-charge range puts the Clarity EV's range at about a third of the Chevrolet Bolt's 238 miles. Additionally, both BMW and Volkswagen have tweaked the batteries on their i3 and e-Golf EV models to boost distance performance to the 115-to-125-mile range. Hyundai is about to enter the fray with a battery-electric variant of its Ioniq sedan that will have a range of 110 miles.

Then buy American.
OH boy. $50K for a car smaller than a Toyota Corolla, rides like a rock, and when it's 85 and you have the AC on you can go 150 miles if you're feeling lucky.
That's still 60% more than Weatherman's lowball estiimate. And a Clarity sells for $35,000; slightly less than a Tesla.
Bottom rung is $35K. $45K if you want something decent. Then 10% sales tax and $5,000 registration fee.
2017 Chevrolet Bolt EV - First Drive Review

During our day with the Bolt, we did not drive in an overly aggressive manner, nor did we hypermile. Most of the time, we stayed out of the standard Drive setting and kept the car in its Low mode, which increases the amount of regenerative slowdown you get when you lift off the go pedal. (More on that later.) Temperatures were in the 60s for the first half of our route, so we left the fan blowing without activating air conditioning; as we drove farther south, the temperature rose, and we set the automatic climate control to 72 degrees.

The results speak for themselves: After driving 238 miles, we arrived at our destination with the range estimator displaying 34 miles remaining. No complicated math was required to see that the Bolt clearly can far outperform Chevy’s initial estimate. Other drivers on the same route achieved varying numbers—one vehicle finished with a range indicator simply flashing Low rather than displaying a number—but each of the four Bolts on our drive completed the tall task. We’ll go ahead and brag that we won, with our car showing the most remaining range at the end of the route, despite one wrong turn that added a couple of miles to our journey.
Chevrolet hasn’t yet detailed any sort of pre-ordering process for the Bolt, but we won’t be surprised if high initial demand creates a waiting list. The Bolt EV is worth the wait for a few extra months. It’s a well-rounded, eminently usable, forward-thinking small hatchback that’s satisfying to drive—and perhaps the most compelling argument yet for the staying power of the mass-market electric car.

Looks like the Bolt will also be a hit.
2017 Chevrolet Bolt EV - First Drive Review

During our day with the Bolt, we did not drive in an overly aggressive manner, nor did we hypermile. Most of the time, we stayed out of the standard Drive setting and kept the car in its Low mode, which increases the amount of regenerative slowdown you get when you lift off the go pedal. (More on that later.) Temperatures were in the 60s for the first half of our route, so we left the fan blowing without activating air conditioning; as we drove farther south, the temperature rose, and we set the automatic climate control to 72 degrees.

The results speak for themselves: After driving 238 miles, we arrived at our destination with the range estimator displaying 34 miles remaining. No complicated math was required to see that the Bolt clearly can far outperform Chevy’s initial estimate. Other drivers on the same route achieved varying numbers—one vehicle finished with a range indicator simply flashing Low rather than displaying a number—but each of the four Bolts on our drive completed the tall task. We’ll go ahead and brag that we won, with our car showing the most remaining range at the end of the route, despite one wrong turn that added a couple of miles to our journey.
Chevrolet hasn’t yet detailed any sort of pre-ordering process for the Bolt, but we won’t be surprised if high initial demand creates a waiting list. The Bolt EV is worth the wait for a few extra months. It’s a well-rounded, eminently usable, forward-thinking small hatchback that’s satisfying to drive—and perhaps the most compelling argument yet for the staying power of the mass-market electric car.

Looks like the Bolt will also be a hit.
Oh boy, $45,000 for a shitty tin can to squeeze into. And when it is 95 this summer I can drive 45 miles.

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