California desert town aims to be sanctuary city......for gun owners

California desert town aims to be ‘sanctuary city’ for gun owners

Hey leftists can do it for illegal invaders these towns can do it for a constitutional amendment!

Hey, you are making sense today. What happened.
As you get to know me you will see I am kinda of odd.. I am VERY VERY pro gun and pro free speech but I am also pro paid maternity leave. I don't fit in with ANY political group fully. I am very traditional in my social views but very socialistic in my financial views etc. Here is a link to my political views.

book 2 chapter 6. Its called Racial Socialism. Granted you disagree with me as do most "conservatives" here because I am FAR more radical than most people here will ever be. I was a conservative once and I continued to evolve towards what is a natural progression.
In order to survive and expand, the White Race must (a) unite, (b) organize, (c) practice racial loyalty, (d) have a religious creed encompassing these same aspects. Since I have already defined socialism as organized society, it is obvious that to be organized at all the White Man must have a socialist government, which every government has been from time immemorial, in any case. What the White Man must further have is Racial Socialism, that is a government organized with the prime goal of promoting the best interests of the White Race and the White Race alone. It must be based on a racial foundation. In essence, we, of the Creativity Movement, believe in a harmonized blending of our Church and our State. We believe our White Society is best served by that combination whereby a race's government and religion blend together in perfect harmony to promote the best interests of our White Race. We believe that "separation of church and state," that much vaunted holy cow in our constitution, is a deceptive fraud and a hoax. One might well ask — how can the same people that go to church and preach "resist not evil," and "turn the other cheek" support a government with huge tax contributions for national defense, and for an ever increasing police forces? It just doesn't make sense. Either you believe in defending yourself, or you don't. How can the same people that spend over a hundred billion dollars a year to presumably have the government defend them from their enemies then go to church and preach "love your enemies?" It is utterly ridiculous. It requires a split personality, a schizophrenic personality to ride on both sides of the fence.

Terri4Trump that clears it up pretty much for me.
Great. Put all the gun nuts in one place. What could go wrong?.
California desert town aims to be ‘sanctuary city’ for gun owners

Hey leftists can do it for illegal invaders these towns can do it for a constitutional amendment!
It's a leftist plot to get you all rounded up in the same spot where it's easier to keep an eye on you.
Sorry I wouldn't set foot in California if it was the last place on fucking earth. NO THANKS!
Too crowded. Not my kinda thing these days.

Plus the whole town fulla gun nuts thing.
California desert town aims to be ‘sanctuary city’ for gun owners

Hey leftists can do it for illegal invaders these towns can do it for a constitutional amendment!
It's a leftist plot to get you all rounded up in the same spot where it's easier to keep an eye on you.
Sorry I wouldn't set foot in California if it was the last place on fucking earth. NO THANKS!
if it was the last place on earth you might not have a choice....Needles aint like Coastal California....
Great. Put all the gun nuts in one place. What could go wrong?.
Well, on the pluse side we're likely to have fewer gun nuts once they start to get on each other's nerves.

SHHHhhh. Don't tell them that. Let them figure it out for themselves.
LEGAL gun owners are responsible people...therefore very little crime.

Great. Put all the gun nuts in one place. What could go wrong?.
People who do NOT like guns are the nuts. All real Americans own guns, shoot guns and hunt, and own guns for self-defense. Only losers and the pink panty crowd hate guns.


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