California Dreamin'?

Not to be unkind, but "young people" tend to admire those who stir things up. Unfortunately, this applies even when the "stirrer" is a vacuous twit with nothing cogent to say.

In a few short months, Cortez has shown herself to be incredibly shallow, ignorant about history and law, self absorbed, and to use a hackneyed expression, "much too big for her britches." She is this "generation's" Occupy Movement: a lot of smoke but no fire.

She is the Flavor of the Week, and in a very short period of time, her "followers" will shift to the Flavor of Next Week, as they realize that she is a big pile of nothing.

We on the Right wish her the best, as the more she is quoted in the Media, the more ridiculous she - and her posse - appears.
And the real world in america consists of working ones butt off just to barely and i mean barely scrape by. And many don' understand this. They still buy into the so called american dream stuff. It's only a dream for a few. The rest not so much. But one has to suck it up and deal with it.
And the real world in america consists of working ones butt off just to barely and i mean barely scrape by. And many don' understand this. They still buy into the so called american dream stuff. It's only a dream for a few. The rest not so much. But one has to suck it up and deal with it.

It's something to be achieved. It's not handed to you just because you're here.
And the real world in america consists of working ones butt off just to barely and i mean barely scrape by. And many don' understand this. They still buy into the so called american dream stuff. It's only a dream for a few. The rest not so much. But one has to suck it up and deal with it.

It's something to be achieved. It's not handed to you just because you're here.

There lies the problem, too many think they are somehow entitled to it. It's work and staying focused
I agree. But even if a worker is great and productive doesn't mean they will do okay. Most good productive workers live paycheck to paycheck. Not really a dream. Thats a myth for 99 percent of people. Not saying its bad its just the way it is.
One has to understand that for every good employer there are 3 bad ones to avoid. All the hard work in the world will put the worker in reverse staying with those employers.
Not to be unkind, but "young people" tend to admire those who stir things up. Unfortunately, this applies even when the "stirrer" is a vacuous twit with nothing cogent to say.

In a few short months, Cortez has shown herself to be incredibly shallow, ignorant about history and law, self absorbed, and to use a hackneyed expression, "much too big for her britches." She is this "generation's" Occupy Movement: a lot of smoke but no fire.

She is the Flavor of the Week, and in a very short period of time, her "followers" will shift to the Flavor of Next Week, as they realize that she is a big pile of nothing.

We on the Right wish her the best, as the more she is quoted in the Media, the more ridiculous she - and her posse - appears.
If I didn't know any better, I'd have sworn you were talking about ze Trumpenführer.

And the real world in america consists of working ones butt off just to barely and i mean barely scrape by. And many don' understand this. They still buy into the so called american dream stuff. It's only a dream for a few. The rest not so much. But one has to suck it up and deal with it.

Many have created their own meanings for what the “American Dream” is.
The American Dream is not a given entitlement...It’s about OPPORTUNITY, equal rights, liberty and justice. Somehow, someway bottom feeders have twisted it into “If I work 40 hours a week and breathe oxygen on U.S. soil I should drive a Ferrari and live in Beverly Hills.”
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Avoid bad employers. I walked off of 3 jobs in my younger days right into a better one. Three great days of my working days. Empowering to feel the results of always looking for better.
Avoid bad employers. I walked off of 3 jobs in my younger days right into a better one. Three great days of my working days. Empowering to feel the results of always looking for better.
You wouldn't believe how many bad transmission shops I had to leave. That was why I opened my own shop, the criminals are everywhere. One guy I worked for was a petty two bit thief and stole the dolly the soft drink vendor left by mistake. Cheated many people on car repairs.

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