California Drought Part Of Dem Attacks On Farmers/Ranchers

Obama Blames California Drought He Caused on Global Warming
February 16, 2014 by Daniel Greenfield

A stream of water trickles on the bottom of the Almaden Reservoir near San Jose

I hear Global Warming was also responsible for ObamaCare, the National Debt and Obama’s poor golf game.

Obama helped cause the drought in California and now he’s going to blame Global Warming and funnel more money to the Green Mafia over a drought that the Green Mafia thinks doesn’t go far enough.

The House will pass legislation next week that would restore the flow of water to farms, homes and businesses in California’s Central Valley, to help victims of what congressional Republicans say is a drought that is being made worse by the Obama administration.

In 2009, the Obama administration upset that agreement by requiring the diversion of water away from farmers and residents to help ensure enough water for salmon and a three-inch fish called the Delta smelt. The Obama administration justified this under the Endangered Species Act (ESA), but California Republicans say this decision led to a government-created drought for regions of California’s Central Valley.

The bill would require California to restore water deliveries to the Central Valley that were made under the 1994 Bay Delta Accord, which the GOP says was a compromise between residents, farms, environmentalists, and the state and federal government.

“Environmentalists have decided that fish are more important than the unemployed,” said House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.). He said the bill “puts families before fish.”

Earlier in the day, the Obama administration said it opposes the bill and Obama would veto it if it made it to his desk.

Obama has a better idea. Of course.

Obama on Friday will travel to California to announce new executive actions to combat the state’s drought and will attribute the growing frequency of such conditions to climate change.

Obama will announce the expediting of $100 million in assistance for livestock producers, $60 million in food-bank funding for families affected by the drought and another $15 million for areas nationwide most severely harmed by dry conditions.

On a broader level, the president will use his trip to Fresno, Calif. to urge leaders to do more to fight climate change. The president will call for a $1 billion “climate resilience fund” in his budget next month, according to the White House.

Just no actual water. But $1 billion for the Green Mafia’s Eco-Hoax that is impoverishing farmers and ranchers.

CA has had water issues since Mark Twain worked in San Francisco and has been attributed to writing: "Whiskey is for drinking; water is for fighting over."

CA farmers are known to waste water. Anyone who has driven 5 through the Central Valley will see massive farms being watered by hoses and large sprinklers in the summer heat. Even homeowners in CA have converted to drip systems, why haven't the owners of these farmers converted? Maybe the OP would address that issue too.

Let's not forget the large farms have nearly drained the once might San Joaquin River, in many areas the only thing able to breed and flourish are mosquitoes in small pools where once the might river roamed.

Blaming Obama again is one more example that Mudwhistle hates the POTUS and compulsively posts threads demeaning him excessively and compulsively. Nothing he posts should be considered credible for he is a notorious liar by both commission and omission.
CA farmers are known to waste water.

that is an issue but who is doing anything about it?....the farmers use something like 80% of the water in the State and waste a lot of it and are subsidized on top of that....while everyone else is told to ration or use it sparingly...watering the crops is one thing but when the water is flowing off the crops into the surrounding area, its being wasted...once again its just some agency that is supposed to oversee all this...not doing their jobs....
its not classified as a Desert....just because it gets hot does not mean its a desert.....down by Bakersfield it is considered Semi-Desert....but as you go north its Mediterranean...

Semi-Desert......that's a good


its another word for Semi-arid climate..... intermediate between desert climates and humid climates....just because you lived here 10 years Mud does not make you an expert on California...going by that logic i must be a Prof of Cal then because i have been here for 47 years.....

Must be the bongwater then.

Obviously you haven't been around like I have.

What part did you live in?

Did you every go to Ft Irwin or Death Valley, travel through the Imperial Valley by car. Did you ever leave the beach. Did you live in SF or L.A. never traveling to San Bernadino?
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Obama Blames California Drought He Caused on Global Warming
February 16, 2014 by Daniel Greenfield

A stream of water trickles on the bottom of the Almaden Reservoir near San Jose

I hear Global Warming was also responsible for ObamaCare, the National Debt and Obama’s poor golf game.

Obama helped cause the drought in California and now he’s going to blame Global Warming and funnel more money to the Green Mafia over a drought that the Green Mafia thinks doesn’t go far enough.

The House will pass legislation next week that would restore the flow of water to farms, homes and businesses in California’s Central Valley, to help victims of what congressional Republicans say is a drought that is being made worse by the Obama administration.

In 2009, the Obama administration upset that agreement by requiring the diversion of water away from farmers and residents to help ensure enough water for salmon and a three-inch fish called the Delta smelt. The Obama administration justified this under the Endangered Species Act (ESA), but California Republicans say this decision led to a government-created drought for regions of California’s Central Valley.

The bill would require California to restore water deliveries to the Central Valley that were made under the 1994 Bay Delta Accord, which the GOP says was a compromise between residents, farms, environmentalists, and the state and federal government.

“Environmentalists have decided that fish are more important than the unemployed,” said House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.). He said the bill “puts families before fish.”

Earlier in the day, the Obama administration said it opposes the bill and Obama would veto it if it made it to his desk.

Obama has a better idea. Of course.

Obama on Friday will travel to California to announce new executive actions to combat the state’s drought and will attribute the growing frequency of such conditions to climate change.

Obama will announce the expediting of $100 million in assistance for livestock producers, $60 million in food-bank funding for families affected by the drought and another $15 million for areas nationwide most severely harmed by dry conditions.

On a broader level, the president will use his trip to Fresno, Calif. to urge leaders to do more to fight climate change. The president will call for a $1 billion “climate resilience fund” in his budget next month, according to the White House.

Just no actual water. But $1 billion for the Green Mafia’s Eco-Hoax that is impoverishing farmers and ranchers.

CA has had water issues since Mark Twain worked in San Francisco and has been attributed to writing: "Whiskey is for drinking; water is for fighting over."

CA farmers are known to waste water. Anyone who has driven 5 through the Central Valley will see massive farms being watered by hoses and large sprinklers in the summer heat. Even homeowners in CA have converted to drip systems, why haven't the owners of these farmers converted? Maybe the OP would address that issue too.

Let's not forget the large farms have nearly drained the once might San Joaquin River, in many areas the only thing able to breed and flourish are mosquitoes in small pools where once the might river roamed.

Blaming Obama again is one more example that Mudwhistle hates the POTUS and compulsively posts threads demeaning him excessively and compulsively. Nothing he posts should be considered credible for he is a notorious liar by both commission and omission.
CA farmers are known to waste water.

that is an issue but who is doing anything about it?....the farmers use something like 80% of the water in the State and waste a lot of it and are subsidized on top of that....while everyone else is told to ration or use it sparingly...watering the crops is one thing but when the water is flowing off the crops into the surrounding area, its being wasted...once again its just some agency that is supposed to oversee all this...not doing their jobs....

God Damn!!!!

A idiot born every day!!!!

How do you suppose we control water totally?

Use stillsuits like in Dune?

Perhaps we could change everything to hydroponics.

Wonder what that would cost.
Obama Blames California Drought He Caused on Global Warming
February 16, 2014 by Daniel Greenfield

A stream of water trickles on the bottom of the Almaden Reservoir near San Jose

I hear Global Warming was also responsible for ObamaCare, the National Debt and Obama’s poor golf game.

Obama helped cause the drought in California and now he’s going to blame Global Warming and funnel more money to the Green Mafia over a drought that the Green Mafia thinks doesn’t go far enough.

The House will pass legislation next week that would restore the flow of water to farms, homes and businesses in California’s Central Valley, to help victims of what congressional Republicans say is a drought that is being made worse by the Obama administration.

In 2009, the Obama administration upset that agreement by requiring the diversion of water away from farmers and residents to help ensure enough water for salmon and a three-inch fish called the Delta smelt. The Obama administration justified this under the Endangered Species Act (ESA), but California Republicans say this decision led to a government-created drought for regions of California’s Central Valley.

The bill would require California to restore water deliveries to the Central Valley that were made under the 1994 Bay Delta Accord, which the GOP says was a compromise between residents, farms, environmentalists, and the state and federal government.

“Environmentalists have decided that fish are more important than the unemployed,” said House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.). He said the bill “puts families before fish.”

Earlier in the day, the Obama administration said it opposes the bill and Obama would veto it if it made it to his desk.

Obama has a better idea. Of course.

Obama on Friday will travel to California to announce new executive actions to combat the state’s drought and will attribute the growing frequency of such conditions to climate change.

Obama will announce the expediting of $100 million in assistance for livestock producers, $60 million in food-bank funding for families affected by the drought and another $15 million for areas nationwide most severely harmed by dry conditions.

On a broader level, the president will use his trip to Fresno, Calif. to urge leaders to do more to fight climate change. The president will call for a $1 billion “climate resilience fund” in his budget next month, according to the White House.

Just no actual water. But $1 billion for the Green Mafia’s Eco-Hoax that is impoverishing farmers and ranchers.

CA has had water issues since Mark Twain worked in San Francisco and has been attributed to writing: "Whiskey is for drinking; water is for fighting over."

CA farmers are known to waste water. Anyone who has driven 5 through the Central Valley will see massive farms being watered by hoses and large sprinklers in the summer heat. Even homeowners in CA have converted to drip systems, why haven't the owners of these farmers converted? Maybe the OP would address that issue too.

Let's not forget the large farms have nearly drained the once might San Joaquin River, in many areas the only thing able to breed and flourish are mosquitoes in small pools where once the might river roamed.

Blaming Obama again is one more example that Mudwhistle hates the POTUS and compulsively posts threads demeaning him excessively and compulsively. Nothing he posts should be considered credible for he is a notorious liar by both commission and omission.
CA farmers are known to waste water.

that is an issue but who is doing anything about it?....the farmers use something like 80% of the water in the State and waste a lot of it and are subsidized on top of that....while everyone else is told to ration or use it sparingly...watering the crops is one thing but when the water is flowing off the crops into the surrounding area, its being wasted...once again its just some agency that is supposed to oversee all this...not doing their jobs....

One factor we need to be reminded of is that the Central Valley is not composed of a collection of family farmers. Mega farms with the rights of individuals (a tip of the middle finger to Scalia and his pals) can frame the debate with lobbyists and allow campaign donations and media blitzes, composed of lies, half-truths and putting the blame on others, to get their way.

The H. of Rep. can't get the idea through their ideological head that for "want of a nail the house will be lost". Future generations will pay $ billions to repair, replace and renew our nations natural and man made infrastructure.
Here's a link which might be rejected by the willfully ignorant. For the rest of us it is thought provoking, especially for those who love their beer.


"Clean water is essential to great-tasting beer. Even more, it's critical for public health and the health of a wide range of industries. That's why the Natural Resources Defense Council is teaming up with craft brewing companies to stand up for clean water and to enforce the Clean Water Act."

See: NRDC: Documents
Sometimes I think muddy lives in the twilight zone.

But how did Obama cause the drought?

This ought to be good.

i think hes using obama to personify liberalism and their policies of diverting water to faux wetlands and other means for endangered species, which has nomally gone to farming and combined with low rainfall has made the droubt much worse than it should have been

Oh, my goodness, Buckeye. Had the desire to prosper endangered species ever been earnest and sincere, a proposal to eliminate unsightly and deadly wind farms would have been prompted immediately.

But it wasn't, so doubtless endangering raptors is receiving tacit administration approbation lately to sate the greenfolk. *sigh*

Windmills kill an insignificant number of birds compared to communication towers, which kill hundreds of millions of birds each year.
And billions of birds die each year worldwide from crashing into windows. Funny how conservatives aren't speaking out against energy saving windows.
i think hes using obama to personify liberalism and their policies of diverting water to faux wetlands and other means for endangered species, which has nomally gone to farming and combined with low rainfall has made the droubt much worse than it should have been

Oh, my goodness, Buckeye. Had the desire to prosper endangered species ever been earnest and sincere, a proposal to eliminate unsightly and deadly wind farms would have been prompted immediately.

But it wasn't, so doubtless endangering raptors is receiving tacit administration approbation lately to sate the greenfolk. *sigh*

Windmills kill an insignificant number of birds compared to communication towers, which kill hundreds of millions of birds each year.

So do powerlines.

We need to get rid of all of the powerlines.
Semi-Desert......that's a good


its another word for Semi-arid climate..... intermediate between desert climates and humid climates....just because you lived here 10 years Mud does not make you an expert on California...going by that logic i must be a Prof of Cal then because i have been here for 47 years.....

Must be the bongwater then.

Obviously you haven't been around like I have.

What part did you live in?

Did you every go to Ft Irwin or Death Valley, travel through the Imperial Valley by car. Did you ever leave the beach. Did you live in SF or L.A. never traveling to San Bernadino?

what the fuck does that have to do with how the climate up there is classified scientifically?...because you were a fucking tourist you are saying the classification is wrong?....and i have been all over the fucking what?....
CA has had water issues since Mark Twain worked in San Francisco and has been attributed to writing: "Whiskey is for drinking; water is for fighting over."

CA farmers are known to waste water. Anyone who has driven 5 through the Central Valley will see massive farms being watered by hoses and large sprinklers in the summer heat. Even homeowners in CA have converted to drip systems, why haven't the owners of these farmers converted? Maybe the OP would address that issue too.

Let's not forget the large farms have nearly drained the once might San Joaquin River, in many areas the only thing able to breed and flourish are mosquitoes in small pools where once the might river roamed.

Blaming Obama again is one more example that Mudwhistle hates the POTUS and compulsively posts threads demeaning him excessively and compulsively. Nothing he posts should be considered credible for he is a notorious liar by both commission and omission.
CA farmers are known to waste water.

that is an issue but who is doing anything about it?....the farmers use something like 80% of the water in the State and waste a lot of it and are subsidized on top of that....while everyone else is told to ration or use it sparingly...watering the crops is one thing but when the water is flowing off the crops into the surrounding area, its being wasted...once again its just some agency that is supposed to oversee all this...not doing their jobs....

God Damn!!!!

A idiot born every day!!!!

How do you suppose we control water totally?

Use stillsuits like in Dune?

Perhaps we could change everything to hydroponics.

Wonder what that would cost.
lets see the farmers are over watering so there is can we prevent that? that is a tough fucking question.....geezus....Dean was right about you guys.....
its another word for Semi-arid climate..... intermediate between desert climates and humid climates....just because you lived here 10 years Mud does not make you an expert on California...going by that logic i must be a Prof of Cal then because i have been here for 47 years.....

Must be the bongwater then.

Obviously you haven't been around like I have.

What part did you live in?

Did you every go to Ft Irwin or Death Valley, travel through the Imperial Valley by car. Did you ever leave the beach. Did you live in SF or L.A. never traveling to San Bernadino?

what the fuck does that have to do with how the climate up there is classified scientifically?...because you were a fucking tourist you are saying the classification is wrong?....and i have been all over the fucking what?....

A tourist walks around eating snow-cones and riding bikes.

I had to live off of the land in the sandbox. I spent nearly a fucken month 10 miles from Death Valley hiding from OPFOR. I drove through the state and saw all of the farms that before the Hoover Dam was built couldn't be possible. Most of the state South of Ventura is classified ether as dry grasslands or outright desert.

So, go fuck yourself numb-nuts.
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Gee, let's look at one part of the problems with water in the Central Valley:

NRDC: Restoring the San Joaquin River


We were talking about the Imperial Valley, which was the cause of most of the dispute.

But drive on.

were the hell do you think that river flows through?....

Probably up your ass.

I was talking about the El Centro area. Sorry I wasn't specific enough to suit a puss-bucket like yourself.

Fucken tool.
Must be the bongwater then.

Obviously you haven't been around like I have.

What part did you live in?

Did you every go to Ft Irwin or Death Valley, travel through the Imperial Valley by car. Did you ever leave the beach. Did you live in SF or L.A. never traveling to San Bernadino?

what the fuck does that have to do with how the climate up there is classified scientifically?...because you were a fucking tourist you are saying the classification is wrong?....and i have been all over the fucking what?....

A tourist walks around eating snow-cones and riding bikes.

I had to live off of the land in the sandbox. I spent nearly a fucken month 10 miles from Death Valley hiding from OPFOR. I drove through the state and saw all of the farms that before the Hoover Dam was built couldn't be possible. Most of the state South of Ventura is classified ether as dry grasslands or outright desert.

So, go fuck yourself numb-nuts.

geezus talk about the bong water....learn some geography before you show everyone how stupid you are....Ventura is south of the Central valley.....yea anything south of that is different .....and Death Valley?....geezus christ and you say you know the State?....oh thats right you drove through it.....Dean was right about you are a dumbass....
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what the fuck does that have to do with how the climate up there is classified scientifically?...because you were a fucking tourist you are saying the classification is wrong?....and i have been all over the fucking what?....

A tourist walks around eating snow-cones and riding bikes.

I had to live off of the land in the sandbox. I spent nearly a fucken month 10 miles from Death Valley hiding from OPFOR. I drove through the state and saw all of the farms that before the Hoover Dam was built couldn't be possible. Most of the state South of Ventura is classified ether as dry grasslands or outright desert.

So, go fuck yourself numb-nuts.

geezus talk about the bong water....learn some geography before you show everyone how stupid you are....Ventura is south of the Central valley.....yea anything south of that is different .....and Death Valley?....geezus christ and you say you know the State?....oh thats right drove through it.....Dean was right about you are a dumbass....

I know where Ventura is. I also know where El Centro is, because I've been through there enough times. Besides, I can read a fucken map.

Guess you've never heard of Ft Irwin. The Sandbox, NTC.

If you think Dean is smart then you really are a dumb-ass.

Your problem is you're confusing what somebody else said with what I said. We were talking about the Southern California and all of the sudden somebody start harping about the San Jaquin river. I was talking about the Colorado river project coming out of Nevada.
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Fucken ingrate bastard. Begone.....

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A tourist walks around eating snow-cones and riding bikes.

I had to live off of the land in the sandbox. I spent nearly a fucken month 10 miles from Death Valley hiding from OPFOR. I drove through the state and saw all of the farms that before the Hoover Dam was built couldn't be possible. Most of the state South of Ventura is classified ether as dry grasslands or outright desert.

So, go fuck yourself numb-nuts.

geezus talk about the bong water....learn some geography before you show everyone how stupid you are....Ventura is south of the Central valley.....yea anything south of that is different .....and Death Valley?....geezus christ and you say you know the State?....oh thats right drove through it.....Dean was right about you are a dumbass....

I know where Ventura is. I also know where El Centro is, because I've been through there enough times. Besides, I can read a fucken map.

Guess you've never heard of Ft Irwin. The Sandbox, NTC.

If you think Dean is smart then you really are a dumb-ass.

Your problem is you're confusing what somebody else said with what I said. We were talking about the Southern California and all of the sudden somebody start harping about the San Jaquin river. I was talking about the Colorado river project coming out of Nevada.

you started this thread ....and it was about the Central where in what you posted was S.Cal and the Imperial Valley mentioned.....and as the thread progressed the talk was centered on the Central Valley....not Imperial.....
geezus talk about the bong water....learn some geography before you show everyone how stupid you are....Ventura is south of the Central valley.....yea anything south of that is different .....and Death Valley?....geezus christ and you say you know the State?....oh thats right drove through it.....Dean was right about you are a dumbass....

I know where Ventura is. I also know where El Centro is, because I've been through there enough times. Besides, I can read a fucken map.

Guess you've never heard of Ft Irwin. The Sandbox, NTC.

If you think Dean is smart then you really are a dumb-ass.

Your problem is you're confusing what somebody else said with what I said. We were talking about the Southern California and all of the sudden somebody start harping about the San Jaquin river. I was talking about the Colorado river project coming out of Nevada.

you started this thread ....and it was about the Central where in what you posted was S.Cal and the Imperial Valley mentioned.....and as the thread progressed the talk was centered on the Central Valley....not Imperial.....

California is a pretty big state, but when you popped in I was talking about the El Centro area and NTC.

If you go way back I was talking about Lake Mead, Hoover Dam. etc. This feeds into Southern California.

Then Wry started talking about another river that he wants to divert back to some kind of pristine natural state and cut off the farmers, thus raising food prices to help some fish. The San Juaquin river.

Obama was up in Fresno trying to tell everyone he had nothing to do with all of the water being cut off from farmers.

So fuck off.
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