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For the exact same fucking reason I support “the pill”. It’s preventative. 🤦‍♂️
You’re really anti woman aren’t you. Rapes are under reported and victims are advised to wait till they are in a safe position to report them. Maybe if you actually did some research instead of being anti rape victim, you wouldn’t make so many nebulous comments. But that’s your privy.
I sure love my California misery. So much better than Nor carlin or any other southern state.
Fifth largest economy in the world. Something is working.
Only am imbecile would think a state that should be the largest economy in the world by itself is doing something right by being #5.

It’s a massive fuck’n state, on the ocean (means shipping ports/docks, seafood, beachfront property / tourism, etc.) with phenomenal climate (agriculture), endless natural resources (oil, natural gas, etc.), and was even blessed to land a lucrative industry like Hollywood.

If I ran California, it would easily top all other 49 states combined.

Instead, it’s a fuck’n shit-hole with $545 billion in debt.
Ah, in your ignorance, did you ever think that the morning after pill has to be taken…THE MORNING AFTER. Geesus,
No shit, stupid. So a woman is raped, she goes to the hospital - a rape kit is conducted, and then she is given the pill.

Seriously man, how fucking stupid are you? I'm asking that seriously. I've seen garden snails that show more intelligence than you have shown in your entire time on USMB.

You're so desperate to kill babies, you are losing your shit over the realization that it's not necessary in the case of rape.
Rapes are under reported and victims are advised to wait till they are in a safe position to report them.
Because a rapist usually likes to cuddle and watch Johnny Carson with their victim after the rape, then take them to Hawaii for a week?

Seriously snowflake, I've made you my bitch in this thread with simple solutions based on common sense, and it's caused you to become completely unglued. You sound like a babbling retard right now.
Of course you do. You mooch off of the producers, pay no taxes, and contribute nothing to society. Great deal for you.
So much envy from you that I have retired a wealthy man from all my years of labor. So take your arrogance and shove it.
Because a rapist usually likes to cuddle and watch Johnny Carson with their victim after the rape, then take them to Hawaii for a week?

Seriously snowflake, I've made you my bitch in this thread with simple solutions based on common sense, and it's caused you to become completely unglued. You sound like a babbling retard right now.
You are a bitch seeker ? The truth is out. You just came out of the closet. I wouldn't use a political forum to find your bitches.
So your solution is just, the morning after pill ? . Your medical knowledge is underwhelming. Sounds like a Trumper Humper. Do you guys share bitches ?
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No shit, stupid. So a woman is raped, she goes to the hospital - a rape kit is conducted, and then she is given the pill.
The morning after right. A rape kit is “ conducted “ ?
You live in a dream world.
Hahahaha! So you admit voter fraud exists and yet you fight against it. Very telling.
Fraud by republicans. Guess what ? They were caught. That’s what’s telling dude. . That seemed to get by you. You're very sharp. Seems lIke you didn't even know it happened.
Then why aren’t you fighting to have more secure elections?
You obviously can’t read. They are already effectively secure. We caught the republican effort. The people faced huge fines and years in jail. How uninformed can you be.
Yes, dill-hole. That is literally how it works. :laugh:
You’re a confused puppy. A “rape kit” is an object. You conduct examinations and activities. Using a “rape kit” is slang for some of the elements used in the examine Try again to make sense. It’s not happening now.
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