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I see you are still confused about the US Constitution, how your government functions, Executive Orders, the “Global Warming” scam, and even basic rules of the English language.

But being that you’re a child…I guess that is to be expected.
The only scam is the cult of idiots gathering together to make up another line to follow. Still no answer on who’s paying the entire world to make up fraudulent shit about AGW. Soro’s your Jewish whipping boy must be running out of money by now.
I hate to break it to you, but I absolutely have a “right” to quote you (just did it again there - see?). I never cease to marvel at how many basic things you don’t know.
” I never cease to marvel…”
You’re right, you’re so fking naive.
Dufus, I was talking about the flights he did NOT CONTROL IDIOT. Try to stay current. You’re embarrassing
The entire USMB community is fascinated by your made up nonsense. We would like you to expand more on your desperate comment here.

Which flights exactly did Donald Trump “control” and which one’s did he have no control over? And what is the criteria for deciding which flights Trump magically had control over and which one’s he didn’t? Is it like, broken down by airline (Trump controls American Airlines but not Delta)? Or is it broken down by airport (Trump controls all flights in and out of JFK but not LaGuardia)?

Be specific here. The entire community is captivated.
The only scam is the cult of idiots gathering together to make up another line to follow.
Remember when you though Executive Orders were issued for “national emergencies” and that they granted unlimited, dictatorial power?

And then I had to educate you. Like, you seriously had no idea whatsoever that not only has every President in US history issued them, but almost all Presidents have issued many hundreds each.
Still no answer on who’s paying the entire world to make up fraudulent shit about AGW.
Oh I’ve answered that about a dozen times now. In typical leftist fashion, you believe if you ignore reality, it somehow alters reality.

Still no response on the “scientists” laughing in emails at how easy it is to dupe people such as yourself?
Soro’s your Jewish whipping boy must be running out of money by now.
  1. You don’t “run out of money” when you’re a billionaire (you’ll understand this better once you’ve graduated from high school)
  2. The people who pay for this shit are the rubes such as yourself who actually believe the scam 😂
Ignorance. The executive branch is the ceo. Congress has no authority. The treasury under the admin writes the checks. Your stupid remarks about Peloci are idiotic.
OMG…I missed this one somehow. You actually thought that President controls the purse stings because you’ve never even had a basic civics class

😂 😂 😂 🤣🤣🤣💀💀💀

I’m DEAD! Absolutely dead. I cannot stop laughing.

Remember when you though Executive Orders were issued for “national emergencies” and that they granted unlimited, dictatorial power?

And then I had to educate you. Like, you seriously had no idea whatsoever that not only has every President in US history issued them, but almost all Presidents have issued many hundreds each.

Oh I’ve answered that about a dozen times now. In typical leftist fashion, you believe if you ignore reality, it somehow alters reality.

Still no response on the “scientists” laughing in emails at how easy it is to dupe people such as yourself?

  1. You don’t “run out of money” when you’re a billionaire (you’ll understand this better once you’ve graduated from high school)
  2. The people who pay for this shit are the rubes such as yourself who actually believe the scam 😂

Rambling made up shit.

OMG…I missed this one somehow. You actually thought that President controls the purse stings because you’ve never even had a basic civics class

😂 😂 😂 🤣🤣🤣💀💀💀

I’m DEAD! Absolutely dead. I cannot stop laughing.

View attachment 822322
So the republican controlled congress is in charge of this year’s budget, is that what you’re saying ?
The MAGA crowd is holding the purse strings, right ? That’s what your saying.
You don’t “run out of money” when you’re a billionaire (you’ll understand this better once you’ve graduated from high school)
So Soros is paying off every climate research facility, right, all 30,000 of them.
Remember when you though Executive Orders were issued for “national emergencies” and that they granted unlimited, dictatorial power?

And then I had to educate you. Like, you seriously had no idea whatsoever that not only has every President in US history issued them, but almost all Presidents have issued many hundreds each.

Oh I’ve answered that about a dozen times now. In typical leftist fashion, you believe if you ignore reality, it somehow alters reality.

Still no response on the “scientists” laughing in emails at how easy it is to dupe people such as yourself?

  1. You don’t “run out of money” when you’re a billionaire (you’ll understand this better once you’ve graduated from high school)
  2. The people who pay for this shit are the rubes such as yourself who actually believe the scam 😂
The entire USMB community is fascinated by your made up nonsense. We would like you to expand more on your desperate comment here.

Which flights exactly did Donald Trump “control” and which one’s did he have no control over? And what is the criteria for deciding which flights Trump magically had control over and which one’s he didn’t? Is it like, broken down by airline (Trump controls American Airlines but not Delta)? Or is it broken down by airport (Trump controls all flights in and out of JFK but not LaGuardia)?

Be specific here. The entire community is captivated.
Never said the president does’re a liar
I replied to your post - so it’s quoted right there for all to see. That’s exactly what you said and now you’re embarrassed (as you should be).

Come back after you graduate high school, kid.
So Soros is paying off every climate research facility, right, all 30,000 of them.
No. Governments throw a ton of money at them as well. Which of course incentivizes them to make up false data. Because if they come back with “no problem here” then they aren’t needed for anything further, all funding is pulled, and they are out of job.

You’ll understand one day, when you’re no longer 14.
Very sad. Decent people cannot live wherever Democrats are in charge because Democrats collapse nations, states, and cities - turning them into third-world shit-holes.
It’s gone from tragic to inexcusable to truly fall-down hilarious at this point. Left-wing policy is so inept, the shit-hole state of California can’t even keep the electricity on or the water running 😂
This is what happens when you “defund the police”, install George Soros DA’s who promise not to prosecute criminals, and have government pass out heroin needles to dirt-bag addicts…
Democrats have done to California what they want to do to the nation, created a one party state of misery
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