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Tell us again how every university in the world, every govt and every major related corporation is involved in this hoax about CC. Tell us again how that works. ,

Surprise, surprise, but money, indoctrination, power, heard mentality and peer pressure to conform have a huge influence on people. News flash, scientists are people and they are NOT immune, particularly to the $$$$ required to continue their “research” and not wanting to be ostracized by their peers.

The skeptism revolves around the utter hypocrisy of many of the elites that support this agenda, the numerous failed predictions that continue to come and go but serve to scare people into buying into the “science” as well as many anomalies in the climate “science” and the terminology that changes as needed to ensure that the “science” appears to be legit. (warming vs cooling). All of this should be enlightening, but it isn’t to those that have been taught to follow the heard their entire lives. The elites know this and why they push this agenda. It provides them with more power and more money as the sheep blindly follow along as instructed.
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“Gossip” 😂

It’s the indisputable evidence showing how the “scientists” lie about their data. Don’t you find it interesting how much liberals hate evidence?

They love any evidence that appears to support their pre-conceived outcomes, but despise evidence that may put those outcomes in question. This is only applies for “science” that is tied to a political ideology. Real science outside of the political realm still exists, but $$$ and politics take precedence over actual science when necessary.
Surprise, surprise, but money, indoctrination, power, heard mentality and peer pressure to conform have a huge influence on people. News flash, scientists are people and they are NOT immune, particularly to the $$$$ required to continue their “research” and not wanting to be ostracized by their peers.

The skeptism revolves around the utter hypocrisy of many of the elites that support this agenda, the numerous failed predictions that continue to come and go but serve to scare people into buying into the “science” as well as many anomalies in the climate “science” and the terminology that changes as needed to ensure that the “science” appears to be legit. (warming vs cooling). All of this should be enlightening, but it isn’t to those that have been taught to follow the heard their entire lives. The elites know this and why they push this agenda. It provides them with more power and more money as the sheep blindly follow along as instructed.
Keep talking. We want to know how the thousands of workers in gov and research facilities were paid off. Tell us.
Thats bribery and fraud. Where are all the charges.
why haven’t republicans PROSECUTED these frauds. According to you guys, they should be easy to find.
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Surprise, surprise, but money, indoctrination, power, heard mentality and peer pressure to conform have a huge influence on people. News flash, scientists are people and they are NOT immune, particularly to the $$$$ required to continue their “research” and not wanting to be ostracized by their peers.

The skeptism revolves around the utter hypocrisy of many of the elites that support this agenda, the numerous failed predictions that continue to come and go but serve to scare people into buying into the “science” as well as many anomalies in the climate “science” and the terminology that changes as needed to ensure that the “science” appears to be legit. (warming vs cooling). All of this should be enlightening, but it isn’t to those that have been taught to follow the heard their entire lives. The elites know this and why they push this agenda. It provides them with more power and more money as the sheep blindly follow along as instructed.
Oh, the elites ? So the trailer trash non elites are all smarter ? Explain who the elites are. The military, everyone who works in every govt of all the 195 countries, like Uganda are frauds ? Explain..
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They love any evidence that appears to support their pre-conceived outcomes, but despise evidence that may put those outcomes in question. This is only applies for “science” that is tied to a political ideology. Real science outside of the political realm still exists, but $$$ and politics take precedence over actual science when necessary.
So, every one of the 25 k universities and research facilities PRACTICES fraud.
None of the graduates of any college is ligit because THEY ALL PRACTICE FRAUD right ?
The entire military is practicing fraud…..correct ?
Well I’ve added like 90 links to this thread alone, while you’ve added like 2. So the irony here is off the charts.

I gave full names, institutions, and direct quotes. Even an imbecile can verify the info on Google. Ask a trusted adult for help!
Lies. You have not…no links.
Surprise, surprise, but money, indoctrination, power, heard mentality and peer pressure to conform have a huge influence on people. News flash, scientists are people and they are NOT immune, particularly to the $$$$ required to continue their “research” and not wanting to be ostracized by their peers.

The skeptism revolves around the utter hypocrisy of many of the elites that support this agenda, the numerous failed predictions that continue to come and go but serve to scare people into buying into the “science” as well as many anomalies in the climate “science” and the terminology that changes as needed to ensure that the “science” appears to be legit. (warming vs cooling). All of this should be enlightening, but it isn’t to those that have been taught to follow the heard their entire lives. The elites know this and why they push this agenda. It provides them with more power and more money as the sheep blindly follow along as instructed.
And you have proof and the gop has lodged an investigation in congress in the house oversight committee.
This is huge, world wide. Where is the investigation by the gop controlled house .
Surprise, surprise, but money, indoctrination, power, heard mentality and peer pressure to conform have a huge influence on people. News flash, scientists are people and they are NOT immune, particularly to the $$$$ required to continue their “research” and not wanting to be ostracized by their peers.

The skeptism revolves around the utter hypocrisy of many of the elites that support this agenda, the numerous failed predictions that continue to come and go but serve to scare people into buying into the “science” as well as many anomalies in the climate “science” and the terminology that changes as needed to ensure that the “science” appears to be legit. (warming vs cooling). All of this should be enlightening, but it isn’t to those that have been taught to follow the heard their entire lives. The elites know this and why they push this agenda. It provides them with more power and more money as the sheep blindly follow along as instructed.
No sources, just accusations.
Yeah - in each instance there I was quoting you (“CEO”, “emergency”, etc.) 🤦‍♂️

Damn man, you not only cannot follow a conversation, you don’t even understand how quotations work.

Maybe an educator will have you all squared away on proper English by the time you graduate. I really hope so anyway. Keep working at it! I’m here to help as well.
You’re a proven fraud. All you have to do is copy my statements. No, you made them up you fraud.
Let’s see…you hilariously stated that the President wielded unlimited power in an “emergency”. But now you’re saying the courts can override the President.

You say stupid shit, I point out how it’s stupid/wrong, then you backpedal and say more stupid shit. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

You need to leave USMB until you’re an adult. Your brain isn’t fully developed yet and it shows.
You idiot. Of course the courts can override a presidential EO. Stupid, niether Peloci nor Shummer are “ the courts”
And stop making up shit about what I’ve said. You are a fraud and liar.
Yeah - in each instance there I was quoting you (“CEO”, “emergency”, etc.) 🤦‍♂️

Damn man, you not only cannot follow a conversation, you don’t even understand how quotations work.

Maybe an educator will have you all squared away on proper English by the time you graduate. I really hope so anyway. Keep working at it! I’m here to help as well.
You don’t have a fking right to quote me. All you can do is copy and paste a post I’ve made…that’s it you fraud. They have a “ reply” button and we can teach you idiots the proper way to do it, fraud.
This is only applies for “science” that is tied to a political ideology.
So that’s why you make up shit about climate change science and not medical science in general. Dufus, you Just explained why you’re FOS.
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You morons still haven’t figured out the demographics in red states. Those sucking red states dry are the Democrats. There happens to be enough Republicans in these states to elect Republican politicians, but not enough money to overcome the drag of the economy by the Democrats. You should check out the average income from the red and blue counties in these states and you will see exactly what is going on.

If you live in a nice neighborhood in the South, the chances of you being a Republican are VERY high. If you live on the “other side of the tracks”, the chances of you being a Democrat are equally high. Successful working folks in the South don’t generally vote for Democrats unless they have some social agenda item that is their #1 priority.(LGBTQ+, etc.)
Damn man, you not only cannot follow a conversation, you don’t even understand how quotations work.
……quote marks are suppose to ACCURATELY SHOW what some one says verbatim. It’s not made up shit by you mutants who have a cult dependency on ignorance.
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Let’s see…you hilariously stated that the President wielded unlimited power in an “emergency”. But now you’re saying the courts can override the President.

You say stupid shit, I point out how it’s stupid/wrong, then you backpedal and say more stupid shit. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

You need to leave USMB until you’re an adult. Your brain isn’t fully developed yet and it shows.
Still confused between courts and congress aren’t you….
Lies. You have not…no links.
Isn’t weird how you have to resort to lying every time you speak? It’s says a lot about who you are as a person and how you’re wrong (and know you’re wrong).

Just in this thread alone over just the past 24 hours, I have added four links:
  • Post #3108 has a link to
  • Post #3117 has a link to
  • Post #3120 has a link to
  • Post #3137 has a link to
Two links to official government websites, one link to a university, and one link to a think tank. Very credible sources.
You’re a proven fraud. All you have to do is copy my statements. No, you made them up you fraud.
I did post your statements. You backed yourself into a corner with lies. You have 0 credibility left.

Maybe you should come back once you’ve finished puberty and your brain has fully developed? Just a thought.
You idiot. Of course the courts can override a presidential EO.
Bwahahaha!! You called the President “the CEO” and insisted they can do anything with an Executive Order (which your very dumb ass thought are only issued during “national emergencies” 😂 )

Every time I educate you, you backpedal and pretend like you knew what you didn’t know at all.
Still confused between courts and congress aren’t you….
I see you are still confused about the US Constitution, how your government functions, Executive Orders, the “Global Warming” scam, and even basic rules of the English language.

But being that you’re a child…I guess that is to be expected.
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