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“Email bull shit” 😂

I’m not sure what is funnier - the fact that you can’t even spell the word “bullshit” or the fact that you scream about “Global Warming” yet didn’t even know about Climategate.
Climate Gate, that’s two words. Watergate is a place, that’s one word. Bull shit is two words dufus. Bullshit is also one word. So, you’re full of shit.
Dagosa: “A President has unlimited, full authoritarian powers in an emergency”

Also Dagosa: “Trump as so stupid about international flights - thank goodness the courts reversed his order stopping flights from China”

You can’t make this stuff up! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
It’s not a claim. I provided the actual emails (what was said, by who, and with what organization they were a part of)

Oh wow…I apologize. I did not realize the extend of your literacy. Here, I will circle the organizations for you. Then take your device to a trusted device and ask them to read it to you, ok sweetie?

View attachment 818092
You still have a problem dufus. You’re still stupid.
“Phil Jones” is not a country. Neither is Phil Jones a university. Neither is the other guy.
All you’re doing is reciting the names of people.
Do you need help. 195/countries, are not people
4300 universities, are not peole
25k universities, are not people
I‘l, wait while we let that sink in.

All you have to do to resolve your idiocy, is to admit, that no facility buys up your bullshit. No country, buys your bullshit. .
Dagosa: “A President has unlimited, full authoritarian powers in an emergency”

Also Dagosa: “Trump as so stupid about international flights - thank goodness the courts reversed his order stopping flights from China”

You can’t make this stuff up! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
You are a fraud. You just made up two quotes and a fixed my handle to them. Your a liar.
Dagosa: “A President has unlimited, full authoritarian powers in an emergency”

Also Dagosa: “Trump as so stupid about international flights - thank goodness the courts reversed his order stopping flights from China”

You can’t make this stuff up! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
So this is the epitome of making up shit. You now make up quotes and put peoples names in them.
It’s not a claim. I provided the actual emails (what was said, by who, and with what organization they were a part of)

Oh wow…I apologize. I did not realize the extend of your literacy. Here, I will circle the organizations for you. Then take your device to a trusted device and ask them to read it to you, ok sweetie?

View attachment 818092
Still waiting for 195 countries and 25 k institutes of higher learning dumbo. Just one.
It’s not a claim. I provided the actual emails (what was said, by who, and with what organization they were a part of)

Oh wow…I apologize. I did not realize the extend of your literacy. Here, I will circle the organizations for you. Then take your device to a trusted device and ask them to read it to you, ok sweetie?

View attachment 818092
You still have trouble telling the difference between a country and a person. A university and a person, a gov agency and a person….do you need help ?
It’s not a claim. I provided the actual emails (what was said, by who, and with what organization they were a part of)
Now that you’re a confirmed fraud and liar, you’ll have to present a link. We know nothing about the emails other than, they were written or posted by people, like you, who have no backing by any science based institution in the entire world.
None of the 25;k institutions of 195/countries have anything to do with you.
“Phil Jones” is not a country.
Correct. He’s a climate “scientist” who laughs at how easy it is to dupe people like you.
Neither is Phil Jones a university.
Correct. He’s a climate “scientist” who laughs at how easy it is to dupe people like you.
Neither is the other guy.
Correct. The other guy is also not an inanimate object with no ability to communicate. Instead, he’s a climate “scientist” who laughs at how easy it is to dupe people like you.
All you’re doing is reciting the names of people.
That’s because only people can study climate and give opinions about it, sweetie. Land and buildings have no such ability.
All you have to do to resolve your idiocy, is to admit, that no facility buys up your bullshit.
Sweetie, that’s because a facility cannot “buy” (nor reject) anything. I realize that in the cartoons you watch - inanimate objects come to life, talk, think, etc. But that’s just not the case in the real world.

You should come back when you’re a little bit older, when your brain is a little more developed, and you’re able to grasp this stuff.
No country, buys your bullshit. .
Sweetie, that’s because a country cannot “buy” (nor reject) anything. I realize that in the cartoons you watch - inanimate objects come to life, talk, think, etc. But that’s just not the case in the real world.

You should come back when you’re a little bit older, when your brain is a little more developed, and you’re able to grasp this stuff.
You are a fraud. You just made up two quotes and a fixed my handle to them. You’re a liar.
It’s all there for everyone to see. You claimed that a President is the “CEO” of the nation (not true at all) and that he has unlimited powers during an “emergency” - and you said that while celebrating the fact that the courts overruled Trump’s order to prevent travel from China during the pandemic, proving that a President has no such powers in an “emergency”.

Do you know why you contradicted yourself like that?
  1. You’re a child. The prefrontal cortex is not developed in children - so your brain isn’t fully functional yet.
  2. You’re unfamiliar with all of this content. You thought you could get by making stuff up as you go because you’re used to dealing with other children, but you’re on a forum with adults
You still have trouble telling the difference between a country and a person. A university and a person, a gov agency and a person….do you need help ?
You still having trouble understanding that neither a country nor a university nor an institution is capable of studying science or communicating finds?

Inanimate objects don’t speak or think sweetie - no matter how many times they do in your cartoons.
Correct. He’s a climate “scientist” who laughs at how easy it is to dupe people like you.

Correct. He’s a climate “scientist” who laughs at how easy it is to dupe people like you.

Correct. The other guy is also not an inanimate object with no ability to communicate. Instead, he’s a climate “scientist” who laughs at how easy it is to dupe people like you.

That’s because only people can study climate and give opinions about it, sweetie. Land and buildings have no such ability.

Sweetie, that’s because a facility cannot “buy” (nor reject) anything. I realize that in the cartoons you watch - inanimate objects come to life, talk, think, etc. But that’s just not the case in the real world.

You should come back when you’re a little bit older, when your brain is a little more developed, and you’re able to grasp this stuff.

Sweetie, that’s because a country cannot “buy” (nor reject) anything. I realize that in the cartoons you watch - inanimate objects come to life, talk, think, etc. But that’s just not the case in the real world.

You should come back when you’re a little bit older, when your brain is a little more developed, and you’re able to grasp this stuff.
Of course, none of your posts prove anything without a link. Just like you can’t show any stipulated institute that agrees with you without a link, you can’t produce a generated quote from a known fabricator like you without a link. It’s all made up shit otherwise. Still, you have 25 k and 195 countries that don’t agree with you.
…..just show one.,
It’s all there for everyone to see. You claimed that a President is the “CEO” of the nation (not true at all) and that he has unlimited powers during an “emergency” - and you said that while celebrating the fact that the courts overruled Trump’s order to prevent travel from China during the pandemic, proving that a President has no such powers in an “emergency”.

Do you know why you contradicted yourself like that?
  1. You’re a child. The prefrontal cortex is not developed in children - so your brain isn’t fully functional yet.
  2. You’re unfamiliar with all of this content. You thought you could get by making stuff up as you go because you’re used to dealing with other children, but you’re on a forum with adults
You need an English lesson. Quote marks mean something, that you don’t have a clue of.
You still having trouble understanding that neither a country nor a university nor an institution is capable of studying science or communicating finds?
What a science illiterate thing to say. They are all the most reliable source of proper science and reliable communication. You‘re such a nimrod when it comes to science. We know why you bow to cults and the charlatans that manage them and not established science based institutions.
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Of course, none of your posts prove anything without a link.
Well I’ve added like 90 links to this thread alone, while you’ve added like 2. So the irony here is off the charts.

I gave full names, institutions, and direct quotes. Even an imbecile can verify the info on Google. Ask a trusted adult for help!
Lets see, you’ve gone from lying to confusing the courts with congress.
Let’s see…you hilariously stated that the President wielded unlimited power in an “emergency”. But now you’re saying the courts can override the President.

You say stupid shit, I point out how it’s stupid/wrong, then you backpedal and say more stupid shit. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

You need to leave USMB until you’re an adult. Your brain isn’t fully developed yet and it shows.
You need an English lesson. Quote marks mean something, that you don’t have a clue of.
Yeah - in each instance there I was quoting you (“CEO”, “emergency”, etc.) 🤦‍♂️

Damn man, you not only cannot follow a conversation, you don’t even understand how quotations work.

Maybe an educator will have you all squared away on proper English by the time you graduate. I really hope so anyway. Keep working at it! I’m here to help as well.
The majority of red states are third world shit holes sucking off the tit of federal aid paid for by mostly blue states. Red stares lead the nation in poverty, crime, illiteracy , sexual deviancy and out right stupidity.

You morons still haven’t figured out the demographics in red states. Those sucking red states dry are the Democrats. There happens to be enough Republicans in these states to elect Republican politicians, but not enough money to overcome the drag of the economy by the Democrats. You should check out the average income from the red and blue counties in these states and you will see exactly what is going on.

If you live in a nice neighborhood in the South, the chances of you being a Republican are VERY high. If you live on the “other side of the tracks”, the chances of you being a Democrat are equally high. Successful working folks in the South don’t generally vote for Democrats unless they have some social agenda item that is their #1 priority.(LGBTQ+, etc.)
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