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Now I also see from you about HOW WE give criminals guns...More Pravda BS
Obvious. By law, every manufactured firearm must be sold new through a licensed firearm dealer. So they literally, all are. Gee that only leaves the legal owners left who sell them on the open market to and breathing humanoid. That’s you
AIDS is no longer a "deadly virus", and is just another treatable illness.
Wow. Imagine how bat-shit crazy a person has to be to call a deadly virus - with currently no known cure - “just another treatable illness”

DL is so committed to the failed ideology known as leftism, she will declare things intentionally spreading AIDS to be “no big deal”.
Based on your post, infecting someone with syphillis should be a charged as a felony, because syphillis was a deadly disease before the discovery of anti-biotics. It killed Al Capone, Oscar Wilde, and Henri Toulousse-Latrec.
I realize you are uneducated and unintelligent, so I will cut you some slack on this one. See, here’s the thing little low-IQ leftist: syphilis is literally curable. It goes away. Actually goes away.

AIDS doesn’t.

You’re an absolute embarrassment to Canada and the perfect illustration as to why the US is so superior to our neighbors to the north.
Armed people are more likely to be shot.
Once again, immature Dagosa just makes shit up, completely out of thin air! 🤦‍♂️

Uneducated people like Dagosa are more likely to say something really stupid. The evidence is anecdotal at this time, but very strong thanks to the constant stupidity of DragonLady and her husband Dagosa!
Exactly, stupid. Which is why they see murders drop, rapes drop, armed robbery drop, and even simple assaults drop. Because the thugs have no idea who is armed and who isn’t.
Wrong…..Averaging more than 40,000 deaths from firearms annually, the United States is the only high-income country to report such a high death toll from gun violence.
Violent crime Criminals are not all physical cowards….
Good Lord, imbecile. Cowardice is not a physical state. It is a mental state. Fear doesn’t exist in a muscle, it exists in the mind.

Just when I think you can’t possibly say anything dumber, you find a way to raise the bar 🤦‍♂️
Boot-licker Dagos views government employees as super hero’s like Batman 😂

Lord have mercy, the simpletons that make up the left are just something else 🤦‍♂️
Babble….How many have you arrested chicken shit ?
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Good Lord, imbecile. Cowardice is not a physical state. It is a mental state. Fear doesn’t exist in a muscle, it exists in the mind.

Just when I think you can’t possibly say anything dumber, you find a way to raise the bar 🤦‍♂️
Hilarious, you can’t read can you ?
Obvious. By law, every manufactured firearm must be sold new through a licensed firearm dealer. So they literally, all are. Gee that only leaves the legal owners left who sell them on the open market to and breathing humanoid. That’s you
I dont sell guns idiot. I know your purpose and refer to Shall Not Be Infringed.
Wrong…..Averaging more than 40,000 deaths from firearms annually, the United States is the only high-income country to report such a high death toll from gun violence.
  1. How many of those deaths were someone who was unarmed? Spoiler alert: more than 90%. You literally provide a statistic that doesn’t even support your position. Why? Becuase you’re 14 and lack critical thinking. Your prefrontal cortex isn’t even developed yet.
  2. 500,000 to 3 million Americans per year, prevent a crime with their firearm. Your paltry 40,000 pales in comparison to the lives saved and crimes prevented
Thanks for playing, clown. You lose as always.
We arm criminals….
Yes, we know the left arms criminals. And you also refuse to prosecute them. And you also scream “defund the police”
We have more gun deaths then any modern nation and we have the highest rates of ownership.
Just because you own a firearm doesn’t mean you’re carrying it when a crime occurs 🤦‍♂️

You’re not old enough for this content. You’re brain isn’t developed so you can’t even see the flaws in all of your nonsense.
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