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Uh…I posted a link proving it. Thanks for playing, little guy.
The RIGHT of the PEOPLE to keep and bear arms could not be more clear.

It doesn’t say “the right of the militia”, it says “the right of the people”. Crystal fucking clear to anyone who isn’t illiterate (which, admittedly, is most on the left)
You still struggle. Can’t copy paste the entire 2@ ? Need help ?
The RIGHT of the PEOPLE to keep and bear arms could not be more clear.

It doesn’t say “the right of the militia”, it says “the right of the people”. Crystal fucking clear to anyone who isn’t illiterate (which, admittedly, is most on the left)
Still can print the whole thing can you dufus ?
Count me, like Dagosa , as another armed, responsible citizen, legally registered to carry. My permit is in my wallet and I will show it to any officer of the law who asks. I — and most of the cops I know too— understand that criminals carrying firearms, often unregistered or unlicensed, and even many ordinary citizens who are mentally unstable or not trained in using weapons, are a danger to themselves and others — including police trying to do already difficult jobs. Those who think “the Constitution is my license” — even after being convicted of felony offenses or after being convicted of domestic abuse or threatening others with their firearms — are talking incredibly irresponsibly.
California liberals hate it when thugs are thwarted by law-abiding citizens.
  1. It proves that every law-abiding citizen should be armed
  2. Which in turn proves we could scale back the police-state
  3. That would result in less government (the fascist left can’t stomach that)

Except that your article from the Blaze completely misrepresented what happened. His conceal carry license was not "revoked", it was suspended, briefly, because of his behaviour towards the police who investigated the incident - 3 days after it happened.

It seems that the Blaze, and the OP both think that the police shouldn't even have interviewed this home owner or questioned him over what happened. And that he was within his rich white guy rights in opening fire in a white residential neighbourhood without so much as explaining to police what happened.
Yup, their police state run by an apartheid gov. Of white minority rule. Notice they don’t give a fk about white European immigrants.

Nobody's suggesting building a wall along the Canadian border, or blocking liberal Canadians from "infesting" the USA with our demands for free healthcare, and cradle to the grave social programs.

Canada brings in 500,000 new immigrants each year. That's like the USA bringing in 5,000,000 new immigrants each year. When I moved out to rural Ontario in 2014, after living in Toronto for 30 years - 55% non-white population, it was whiter than white. I could count on the fingers of one hand how many non-white faces I saw around this town. One of the local pharmacists was from India, but he didn''t live in town - he commutes from his home in Hamilton, which has a large community of emigrees from India.

These days, there are lots of minority faces around town. And unlike the pharmacist, more and more, they're living in town. Unlike Americans, Canadians aren't living in fear of "replacement", or that these people will steal our jobs. Every small business in town has a "help wanted" sign out. We tried to pick up the Tuesday special from KFC this week but they were closed because they have no staff. One of the local grocery stores put in a self checkout lane because they can't hire enough cashiers.

The USA has 11 million open jobs and only 3.5 million unemployed workers. Why aren't you brining in immigrants to fill all these jobs?
Except that your article from the Blaze completely misrepresented what happened. His conceal carry license was not "revoked", it was suspended, briefly, because of his behaviour towards the police who investigated the incident - 3 days after it happened.

It seems that the Blaze, and the OP both think that the police shouldn't even have interviewed this home owner or questioned him over what happened. And that he was within his rich white guy rights in opening fire in a white residential neighbourhood without so much as explaining to police what happened.

Nobody's suggesting building a wall along the Canadian border, or blocking liberal Canadians from "infesting" the USA with our demands for free healthcare, and cradle to the grave social programs.

Canada brings in 500,000 new immigrants each year. That's like the USA bringing in 5,000,000 new immigrants each year. When I moved out to rural Ontario in 2014, after living in Toronto for 30 years - 55% non-white population, it was whiter than white. I could count on the fingers of one hand how many non-white faces I saw around this town. One of the local pharmacists was from India, but he didn''t live in town - he commutes from his home in Hamilton, which has a large community of emigrees from India.

These days, there are lots of minority faces around town. And unlike the pharmacist, more and more, they're living in town. Unlike Americans, Canadians aren't living in fear of "replacement", or that these people will steal our jobs. Every small business in town has a "help wanted" sign out. We tried to pick up the Tuesday special from KFC this week but they were closed because they have no staff. One of the local grocery stores put in a self checkout lane because they can't hire enough cashiers.

The USA has 11 million open jobs and only 3.5 million unemployed workers. Why aren't you brining in immigrants to fill all these jobs?
Yup, and many thousands are engineering and higher educated jobs that not enough Americans qualify for. Companies are begging to increase quotas.
The fat lazy ass uneducated Americans just aren’t doing their job and valuing education. They’re happy being Trump’s fodder.
The RIGHT of the PEOPLE to keep and bear arms could not be more clear.

It doesn’t say “the right of the militia”, it says “the right of the people”. Crystal fucking clear to anyone who isn’t illiterate (which, admittedly, is most on the left)

You are correct, but it's a qualified right: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State". At the time the 2nd Amendment was passed, there was no standing army, and every citizen was aware of the necessity of being prepared to defend their nation.

If the Founders wanted to give the people the absolute right to own and keep any keep any weapon they wanted, they would not have qualified the right at all. There were be no preamble to the statement of that right.

The bald fact is that the Founders would never have allowed the indiscriminate ownership of mass killing weapons, as today's Courts have allowed. The only guns available when the second amendment was passed were single shot weapons which had be hand loaded after firing. The would have likely rescinded the Second Amendment after the Militia Act was passed in 1903, when it became redundant.
The RIGHT of the PEOPLE to keep and bear arms could not be more clear.

It doesn’t say “the right of the militia”, it says “the right of the people”. Crystal ****** clear to anyone who isn’t illiterate (which, admittedly, is most on the left)

Our Founding Fathers wrote the Second Amendment NOT to give citizens protection from each other, but to enable us to take on the government when and if necessary, just as they took on the largest military in the world, Great Britain, and defeated it by a series of miracles.
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